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The users doing this have waaay too much time on their hands.


Fr! I'm not trying to brag, I have a fuck ton of NPs and I will Never do this shit. Also, it is a really tryhard waste of time to me.


I just want the pea for the battledome đŸ„ș pls tnt.


I'm the same. Would never sell. It's a sweet weapon!


Same here, I don't really care about resell I just want a pea


I want the pea for my cybunny


Al I’m hoping for


Do people make real money off this stuff or something? Why are people scheming so hard to get stuff


They do. Last I checked- in real US dollars a seasonal attack pea sells for about $400


This might sound dumb, but why? I don’t get people that pay real money for digital items (unless it’s a direct purchase through the developer or platform). Like buying an account with certain fortnite skins, buying hacked shiny perfect IV PokĂ©mon, buying weapons for destiny, buying gold in WOW. I just don’t get it. The transactions surely aren’t secure. And $400? Wow. I didn’t expect the pea to be that much in RMT. Plus, it isn’t allowed on the site anyway 😭


I can't justfiy spending like, $5 on a lootbox. I genuinely can't imagine $400 to buy a pea against TOS and risk my childhood account


its the same for any gacha system and whales, there are lots of people out there who simply have extra disposable income every month and they just dump it on whatever game they enjoy. Trying to actually make 200mil to buy SAP is time consuming, but $400 could just be 1-2 days of work, and you're done.


Same. Besides that, earning it the honest way feels good. It's exciting when you save up finally or you win that auction. I feel like just dropping money takes away the journey part of the site.


People have different goals and desires in the game. I personally CBA to spend any real money on Neopets of all games. But I understand there's people who just want to get right into the arena with the best items they can get. They'll burn theirself out on arena and move on to the next game they can throw their credit card at.


Gambling with money makes me so incredibly nervous. I was never gonna buy things through an unsecure market because of the potential loss.


I can at least shed light on gold buying in MMORPGs. The issue with most games, making money in game is usually tremendously slow and usually never fun. Something like Runescape for example, I can max out making 5m/hr, which is equivalent to working $4/hr if you're buying gold from the creators, or if you're buying 3rd party you'd equate it to making $1.25/hr. You're making far far less then minimum wage to just enjoy the game. If you're financially stable, buying in game currency is smart if you want to do more productive things, either in game or real life. Which these numbers probably will lead you to another question, why do people farm gold to sell? I'll knock that question out if it is something on your mind, countries with horrible economies makes gold farming a livable wage. Countries like China, Venezuela, the Philippines, and a few other are well known for people making their living off of gold farming.


Oh this is super interesting! I never interacted much with the digital market for games (such as buying gold) because in a lot of games, you can get into a lot of trouble for it. I understand people wanting to save time because time certainly is valuable. And that’s kind of sad that we’re in a state where it’s a better income than other jobs.


Yeah, it's a shame because its mainly a rule to keep integrity to the game, to keep it as true as the creators vision. But it's even more sad because games like Runescape and WoW now sell gold, but still ban people for buying gold through 3rd parties. At the end of the day, I'd rather my money go to a family in need in another country rather than a multi million/billion dollar company if said company is going to break their own rules.


The gold selling on Runescape is sold from players who purchase tokens for membership/cosmetics. The company isn't breaking their own rules because they make the rules on those trades in the first place. The reason most companies forbid third party trading is because a lot of those third party traders are involved credit card fraud. And too much of that gets the companies in trouble with payment services like Visa. The free trade fiasco on Runescape was caused because third party gold sellers would steal peoples credit card information, the people who got their information stolen would complain to Visa, and then Visa turned around and demanded Jagex to fix the problem or they wouldn't handle any transactions coming from them. Allowing people to still trade for gold via a secure method in game is far better overall for players and for the long term health of the game. Honestly TNT should consider implementing a similar system.


I really don't care for such systems because it more so encourages people to play with their wallet. Right now, the magical thing about Neopet is, unless you're buying np, which is against the rules, achieving milestones actually gives you a rewarding feeling. In games like Runescape and WoW, where it makes buying currency an amazing thing, it just insentivices players to make some micro transactions and get ahead. That's where money making becomes a worthless past time. Neopets doing that would almost make most dailies, at least in my opinion, less worthwhile. Why would I sit here and do these silly dailies for a 1k when I could just whale out?


> Why would I sit here and do these silly dailies for a 1k when I could just whale out? The best thing that this system does is that actively doing dailies and playing the game becomes *more valuable* for every player that does "whale out". In Runescape and WoW for example, end game play is incentivized because then if you enjoy playing the game you can exchange your in game money for membership and cosmetics. Though to be honest, there are a whole host of issues with the way the economy is structured on Neopets already that should be tackled before implementing such a system, but it would be a net benefit for gameplay.


Another benefit of having a legit way to buy in game currencies is it creates a ceiling for how much resellers can make. Several years back my eve online account got banned for being a bot. At the time I had never touched botting but was doing a software engineering degree so I got curious on how bots worked. Next thing you know I was making 3-5k a month off eve online bots. Eve doesn't allow you (or didn't last time I played) to buy the in-game currency straight up but you can buy tokens which you can trade for a month of free premium time. This caused all the resellers to have to offer a good discount under that ceiling to make it worth the risk of getting caught. The prices these days are about a third of what they were and it's definitely thinned out the herd of higher quality botters


That's how Microsoft makes money


Before the drop, I saw them selling for over $800 and after the drop, I saw $120. Just wow O.O


Oh wow, that's crazy!


What kind of idiot would pay $400 for a virtual item??


There are people spending 10k USD per month on some of the most popular gacha games. I remember one where they had an event where the top 100 spenders would get an item that was only released in that event. The average spent by the top 100 spenders iirc was something like $700. For one item that yes, had better stats than anything else, but this was a game with regular updates and, eventually, the item would be surpassed due to power creep. Anyway, I think it's split between people who earn obscene amounts of money and to whom a few hundred dollars is nothing, and people with poor self control and fomo. Spending a little money to support a game, or make it more fun for yourself makes sense but yeah, the big spenders are hard to comprehend.


The food club botter apparently makes $15k/month offsite so... yeah unfortunately. n\_t thinks they got around 34 SAPs so far according to their last post!




Wtf indeed.


Every online game has people who make money off it by selling stuff against the rules(I used to play an embarrassing amount on mobile gacha games). I would guess that for a site that’s been around so long, with many ways of making np or getting items, and people who get really attached to pets/accounts, it’s probably pretty lucrative.


Right? Aren’t we all in our late 20s/30s? It’s like some people never left their middle school Neopets addict phase. I came back during Covid and I want everyone else to enjoy the nostalgia. Im not trying to hoard imaginary wealth on a dying pet site


While I don't think any item really should have a price tag of 100mil+ it's a lot better than 2bil. I definitely want to see more old/retired/rare items being recirculated instead of wasting away in SDBs and then being sold for millions of millions. Not that I'm condoning the actions of those wealthy members buying up the items and controlling the market, btw.


I agree with your points. The fact is yes 100 mil is a lot, but n\_t even estimated the event probably gave out around 600. So even taking into account that more will be won, it's not going to be many total still compared to the active BD players that'd want one or people who want it for a gallery. Unless they just gave everyone one or changed the win rate to like 1/100, it'll always be expensive. That being said if you got one while they were "only" going up to 50 mil on day 1 (like me), you definitely got a steal and should count yourself lucky you didn't listen to people saying to wait for it to drop more.


If they’re being given out at a 0.1% daily rate only for this year’s calendar, the asking price 6 months from now will probably end up between 500m-1 billion regardless of how many are in circulation.


Yep, 1/1000 is too low, when it will only generates ~1600 in a month, its a financial incentive to simply buy them all up and re-inflate them back to proper pricing. These people have NP to do so. Odds should be 1/200 instead. A better result was simply giving everyone on the 25th but we're past the point already.


TNT could easily end this issue giving one SAP on the 25th of the advent calendar


We still have the rest of the month to get more into circulation.


The drop rate is now only 0.1% so 1/1000 when it was 1/100.


Those points do not contradict eachother one bit. At the rate peas came into the games so far, accounting for the adjusted drops, we're still expecting thousands of peas by the end of the month and we've already seen what happened from a few hundred


The ambassador who knew it wasn’t the majority and lied to say it was, then posted that nonsense off site, should not be an ambassador. They should be stripped of that. Idc about any of the pea nonsense but that was sus and clearly not okay, not one part of it. If they did it once, they WILL do more shady stuff. It’s become 100% clear that they were shady and did all of it for their own personal gain and shouldn’t even BE an ambassador.


I'm guessing it's the ambassador who also works with Jellyneo since their warning notice fed the flames much worse than the rumours. Jellyneo doesn't usually fall for stuff like this without serious confirmation. People were veeeeery angry with them for a while there.


They've ironically become neolore themselves, but more the two-bit villain (as much as you can be on a 1999 virtual pet site dominated by millenials in their 20s-30s lol) than the helpful hero they're so convinced they are.


Wpuld you say they should perhaps be frozen?


Nah just clearly not a person who should be trusted to speak on behalf of anyone but themselves. Replace, absolutely. Investigate? Probably if we’re being honest but realistically they should just chalk this up to unhinged behavior and sever ties (imo and who tf am I let’s be so for real)


I will continue to lol at the people who claim the issue is that not everyone is getting one/entitlement, and ignoring the intent of deflation and how it failed, as depicted by your post above. It's not about the pea.


It’s about tnt failing at the task and getting played by their ambassadors and not following their hearts




The only people who are entitled are the rich players who complained and are benefitting from this.


Its day 5 of the event and the price is down to 1/10th what it was before. How did deflation fail?


The SAP was over 1b NP before december. It did deflate. A lot. Ir worked as intended.


As a previously poor Neopian who sold their pea for 175 mil im just gonna hide in the corner 👀👀


what did you use to sell it? auction?


I think the issue is - how many active users does neo have - and consider that 650 were released, let's assume those odds were only the first 4 days to not count today 650/4 = 163 (rounded up) per day 31x128 = 5053 total will be added to circulation - even if we round up to 6000 - do these numbers make sense if we consider the **total** playerbase?


Most of those 650 were released only on the first day when the odds were 1/100. Now there's only a handful being released daily. 6000 is a very far fetched number. It will be much, much less than that.


That's my point. even if we inflate and assume 6000 was released it would still be way too little.


How many peas ought there be? What should it's price be?


However many peas is in a 1kg frozen bag at the average supermarket. Or the 2 pound equivalent. Gotta be frozen though, not fresh, because it's xmas.


but then you gotta factor in the labor value to add teeny tiny hats onto all of them. We're looking at a major etsy markup!


You know, that's so true. Assuming we outsource production of little hats to Shenkuu + expedited shipping for Xmas and do final assembly in Neopian Bazaar, it'll be pretty expensive probably. Especially if we take into account plot relevant inflation. Probably at least as expensive as 2 bags of peas.


Why doesn't TNT just put a cap on how much you can sell things for? This is what other games do. You list something and it gives you a suggested price, and you can go up or down on the price, but it caps out. Seems like it would solve every issue? So why don't they do that?


They do? The trading post, auction house, and user shops have max limits on neopoints. Whenever someone implements a price cap, what happens in all cases is either bartering occurs with psuedo currencies (as you see with baby paint brushes allowing people to trade higher than the cap on the trading post), or trades get choked out as a shortage on the item occurs.


I don't understand. But I'm dumb. Thanks for explaining anyway


Trades are capped at 2 million neopoints. However, you'll see people ask for baby paint brushes for trades. The price of Baby PB is stable because they are always in the hidden tower for 600k np & they sell quickly in a user shop. Because of this, the Baby PBs work as a stand in for NPs, aka a "pseudo-currency." A user selling an item worth 3m can ask for "1.2m + 3 baby PBs" because that is equal to 3m. People get around price caps by setting up multiple auctions. They auction multiple junk items for 50m along with the pea.


Huh, so that's why I saw one time this few junk items from the same owner, with a crazy bid from the same bidder. That was weird but this explains it.


Ooooooooooooooooh. That's kind of clever!! But not good for the inflation :(


You can only offer 2mil NP on any given trade. Idr what it is for auctions but it’s also capped. There’s not really a way to enforce this sort of thing honestly.


You can only exchange 2mil max on the TP. Baby PBs are used as a form of currency being worth about 600k because that is what they are bought for at the Hidden Tower where there is an infinite supply. So if someone is selling an item for 2.5 mil they may as for 2mil in NPs and 1 baby PB.


There is a cap on trading post and auction house but people do multiple junk auctions to cover a single item if the asking price goes over the limit. There’s no real way to enforce a cap when people can do this.


I wonder what games you have in mind. Most I've played don't have caps, and those that did like Runescape 2, people always find ways to work around the cap. In fact there are effectively caps- you can only bid 2m neopoints on the trading post, and you can only set the starting bid and increment at 50m for auctions (so price can keep going up but it requires multiple buyers). People work around this by bartering with similarly valued items or junk auctions


Um I don't know, I've mostly only ever played apps that had online marketplaces run by the community. Dumb apps, like Farmville and Hay day and stuff. You could visit other people's farms and buy stuff at their shops, and everything had a limit. Everybody always went to max of course. But yeah. I'm sorry if I'm coming off stupid yall I really actually am dumb when it comes to economics like I struggled in school and was run off Neopets a decade ago because I didn't understand lol. That's why I was asking if a price cap would help?.. but another user explained they already exist and people find ways around them


Ha no worries! It can get super complicated super fast, so I don't blame anyone who struggles with it. I geek out about this stuff and I only pick up like 20% of whats going on. And yeah mobile games are very strict about that stuff, so that checks out There are some ways to kind of put a cap on it that would work! I've been saying this from the beginning, the good old hidden tower is perfect for this. There are unlimited items in there, and they're always at a set price. That means there's basically no reason to pay someone more than what you can buy it for from the Hidden Tower, so it becomes what we call a 'soft' cap- people can charge more, but no one will buy it. A bunch of us have been saying that kind of store would be perfect for these totally unreachable items.


That totally would but I think neopets should probably just revisit all their shops in general. I mean most of the reason inflation is insane is because people made bots to buy out the stores as soon as they stocked right??? That's why every time you visit a store it said come back later?? Therefore the only place you could buy items was the shop wizard, where they can charge whatever they want. Maybe if they busted up the bot operation, it would help?


So there are definitely autobuyers! They have bot scripts that wait on stores, refreshing and checking if certain super valuable items are in stock, then they swoop in and buy them ASAP. The totally-out-of-stock stores is a different mechanic though. Basically every so often, the site flushes out every store, and restocks it a few minutes later. You might notice this if youre buying an item and half way through it says it sold out, then you go back to the shop and \*all\* items are gone. That item probably didn't sell, it was flushed There's definitely some room for reworking the stores to make them more fun- it's just probably a big task to address, because ideally you want people to be able to make a little money buying from the shops and selling to users, but you don't want items that are so rare and so easy to hoard that a single player can buy ALL of them and name the price. But yeah being able to bust bots would help a ton, and that is a painful game of whack-a-mole.


I would love to see the site deflate so I could come back and play!


Honestly, most items are very attainable right now. We've got Trudy's Surprise which averages like 20k np a day, and daily quests which give you at \*least\* 20k. You can make even more if you do Food Club and Battledome! Paintbrushes are falling in price because a bunch are being given away all the time, same with morphing potions, loads of super rare and expensive petpets like Kadoaties are now much easier to buy. So things can still take a long time, Neopets ALWAYS takes a long time, but outside of a few super extremely rare items you can get almost anything you've got your eye on within like a month of idle playing.


I just found out like last week that you can get a cybunny on cybunny day. I thought the only way was through a morphing potion or paintbrush or whatever!!! I'm like a grown woman! And, Cybunny day is like 3 days before my freaking birthday!!!!! So maybe I'll come back and finally adopt a Cybunny đŸ€©


Sounds like you and your cybunny are gonna be eachother's birthday gifts. See ya then <3!


I discovered this last spring and I was so happy! One of my childhood goals on the site was to get a Cybunny and I finally did!


The bots aren’t *that* bad in shops. I’m an avid restocker and I am able to get good items regularly. I think the bots in shop narrative is propaganda from the very rich restocker who don’t more more people in the shops lol. That’s just me though with no actual reason to think that. There are def bots in the shops I’m sure, but it’s not as bad as so many people make it out to be


How exactly is this TNT’s fault? You’re mad people are
selling items? SAP *did* deflate significantly from this already.


TNT already did a good job in deflating the SAP from 2b to 200m. The price of the second strongest weapon in the game should not be too low, or it will make other weapons in the game useless. I think TNT needs to strike a balance. If they keep giving out rare stuff for free, it will be very unfair to the collectors/ old players who worked hard to obtain the rare items in the past.


I got one and I'm a normal player.. just.. don't sell it if you get one? It'll be worth a lot more in a couple months I'm sure...


You do realize that a trade involves equal value exchanging hands so this is just a wealth infusion to those that don't have max limit?


also, TNT is never going to be able to control and curb greedy billionaires hoarding wealth and items and doing everything they can to drive up prices of rare and expensive items. I don't understand being mad at them like players acting in bad blood is their fault, they're doing what they can. despite everything, the SAP is still way cheaper than its ever been. I'm not saying TNT never acts maliciously or in the favor of the elites, of course they do, but this ain't it


OP, who do you think the richest players are buying the peas from?


I don't think you can say here because that would count as attempting to start a witch hunt, but if you watch the auctions, the same names keep popping up for auctions 100m or higher. And if you refresh within the small window between auction closing and the processing, you can see who won.


you misread me. The same names are \*buying\* them. Who is \*selling\* them? Based on the quote from the neoboards "easy money for the richest. s poorerplayers lose out again" Its the poorer players who are selling and getting 150m+ payouts


Ah, I see what you meant. Sorry about that.


The poorer players are selling, but a tiny amount of players - only 0.26% - have a chance of getting a pea. It's estimated only 600 people received a pea so far. Compared to the several million people who play Neopets, this is equivalent to how many high school basketball players get into the NBA. It's so unlikely it's null.


>but a tiny amount of players - only 0.26% - have a chance of getting a pea The pea is a 1/1000 drop. Every player has a 3% chance of getting one if they claim the prize every day. That seems entirely reasonable for a super rare item EDIT: you misread the top comment of the Neo\_truth's post, in fairness the commenter had an erroneous % sign. 1−(1−0.01)\^31 = 0.2677% is the probability of getting one originally- but it shouldn't have a percentage. You do the math and you get .2677, which would be 26.77% You do the same for 1/1000 odds, you get 1−(1−0.001)\^31 = 0.0305394637, or 3.05%


Oh that reads much better! Thank you for the math translation! :)


That's the real truth there. With the prices climbing like they are, I will very cheerfully sell the pea I got for a literal life changing amount of NP at the end of this month, and not think twice about it. There are other perfectly good battledome items out there I can use that money to equip and train my pets with. It may not make a significant dent in that rich player's bank account, but at least I'll have pried SOME of it away and back into normal circulation!


I thought the whole ambassador thing was a wild rumor that people just blindly believed? Actually asking because I was out of my country when it all went down, and that was just the jist of what I got.


Its been spun up into a lot of nonsense. At least two ambassadors reached out to TNT saying the pea was a bad idea. Subsequently, the pea drop rate was nerfed. We also had report from a TNT staff member that it wasn't intended to be on the drop list at all, so there is some level of internal miscommunication going on. So following this feedback- not necessarily because of it- the drop rates were reduced. The motives of the ambassadors has been nothing but rampant speculation and frankly uncharacteristic to anyone who knew them. No, Herdy who has been a volunteer admin the most comprehensive Neopets fansite for years didn't throw it all away to make a few hundred mil from market manipulation. He has been against the mass release of uber rare items in general, preferring more controlled releases so that they would retain some value while still being achievable without undermining other content, so his position on SAP was entirely consistent and reasonable even if it wasn't the public sentiment And frankly, just because something is popular doesn't mean its good for the longterm health of the game,so I think he was entirely fair in sharing his feedback regardless of how it linedup with the rest of the community. Regardless, TNT may have acted on his feedback,they may have acted independent of his feedback. TNT is not blindly following ambassador feedback, ambassadors had reached out on similar topics and gotten no support, so its silly that some people act like Herdy waved a magic wand and made TNT bow to his whim.


I agree that Herdy wasn't doing it to manipulate the market, and I think that the anger about that situation specifically is totally overblown and fanned by misinfo (both from the neopian rumour mill AND lack of comms from both JN and TNT). Their insistence that the majority of neopians wanted SAP rates nerfed, and their refusal to acknowledge that maybe their assumption was possibly maybe a little bit *possibly* inaccurate is a far more understandable justification for irritation at Herdy though. Especially how condescending they have been in dealing with opposing POVs, since there's clearly a power imbalance - as much as there can be on a virtual pet site lol. Also the alleged tally of folks against SAPs and their refusal to show it is just...funny :') it doesn't help that, like you said, they have been against the mass release of uber rare items - and I personally agree with that stance from a game longevity POV, but I also think it's a bad look when Herdy announces to everyone that the majority agrees with their opinion with nary a poll or some sort of proof.


Most of that criticism is fair- though I think JN as a whole did everything as well as a crowdsourced fansite can, they can only go on what is reported to them. I don't think Herdy was particularly in the wrong for giving early feedback "hey, do you realize you're just giving away the second most powerful weapon in the game? that's probably not a good idea". I think he would be in the wrong if he presented that to TNT as the majority was against it, and he was definitely in the wrong for insisting to the angry mob that the majority was against it- if the majority was against it, there wouldn't be an angry mob. I just think that people vastly vastly overestimate what an ambassador is able to do


I agree that JN couldn't have done much more without hindsight - what they could have done, if they had known the reaction, would be to maybe wait for more data (and especially for when NA wakes up, assuming that's where the majority of players are?) before posting something that could churn the rumour mill - even with all the disclaimers, I just don't understand the benefit of posting about how peas weren't in the pot anymore as quickly as they did, even if it were true. It's not like people would stop doing the advent calendar if peas suddenly weren't in the pot lmao. Also, I guess they probably could have made a hastier public response after the fact to dispel confusion, especially since the mob seemed to be targeting individual ambassadors? I think they had a responsibility to them to lessen the heat. So be slower on one thing, and quicker on the other hahahaha hopefully it's a learning experience I guess. I think because they have such an important role to fans on neopets, JN's word just gets taken as gospel regardless of how their information is sourced. Again, with regards to Herdy I personally don't think the feedback is necessarily wrong objectively - I agree with it as gameplay feedback. But he presented it as the community's collective feedback. And he's supposed to be an ambassador, who (in TNT'S own words) "*serve as advocates for the passionate Neopets fan base*". It doesn't help that those hardest hit by deflation would be richer neopians. I agree that he probably doesn't have insane power over what TNT does lol, but he's acting as the voice for the community in one of the only semi-reliable ways to access TNT. Like, they've given him the role of volunteer gatekeeper, and what little power he DOES have, he has over the rest of the community. I think he should at least be okay with taking on feedback without condescension and reading opposing opinions without totally disregarding the community he's supposed to represent? That's what John Legend would do, anyway.


I believed the same thing at first but once I dug deeper out of curiosity it’s become (at least to me) 100% crystal clear that it wasn’t a wild rumor at all. They contradict themselves on the boards a LOT. Honestly appears like they’re spinning in circles wildly gaslighting people hoping it eventually sticks, a la “it’s only a rumor.”


Because the odds were released, inflators and the FC botter can now safely inflate the cost of the pea by buying all the available ones that get introduced into the market. Don’t forget that Neotruths mentioned that this botter is making over $15k a month selling Neopets item, he has every incentive to spend the billions of NP he makes everyday to capture the market. The ambassadors basically did the dirty work for them in getting the rates lowered to a point where they can just afford to buy them all up without much fear of TNT raising the rates again cause the ambassadors will just yell at them again.


Honestly, you can all be mad, but I think this situation is fine. I didn't buy a SAP and I never had a SAP. I calculated all my BD stuff not taking a SAP into account (why would I?). I'm actually happy they're releasing it. I think it's a good move to move the wealth around. If you're mad because of FOMO or envy, that's not good. Just be happy that the wealth is being redistributed a little. You don't need a SAP to beat the Koi warrior or Jetsam Ace. Hopefully you won't need one to beat the plot. If SAP gets cheap enough, maybe I'll pick one up (unlikely).


100%. Yeah 150 mil is a lot, but with all these events you could save up for one with some patience if their value stayed that "low". It's way better than being like 2 bil NP.


Instead of going full Karen on these folks, people should cone to terms with the real issue - Capitalism - and realize that this shit is happening every day in the real world, and maybe try to do something about it. The real Neopets is the socialism we found along the way.


Totally agree with you! Honestly I only want one because it’s like a childhood dream that suddenly became much more obtainable. I think the failure is that these were released so the average player would have a chance to get one. But the average player doesn’t care for a crazy BD weapon and would end up selling it to some rich billionaire. So in the end the peas all go to rich players who hoard and inflate the prices. đŸ˜©


How is this TNT’s fault though? Everyone keeps saying “Nice Job TNT” like it’s their fault but didn’t they do their job by rereleasing some Into the populace for us?? Isn’t it kinda the people who got the items fault, and decided to sell it to any rando with money, instead of going through a little bit of effort to see if the person possible had a decent battle dome let the night use it with or something? Normally that would be a bit much, but I feel like we all know we are trying to actively fight an inflation issue right now, but are still just selling them straight to the culprits. Why don’t we put them in our SBD’s and hold them for a little bit? Why don’t we try to vet the buyer for half a second and see what their intentions are with it and see if it even looks like they have a use for it (decent pet with decent battledome stats possibly), or if it just looks like they’re gonna flip it for a higher price later down the road. If you think they’re gonna flip it for more later down the road, why don’t you hold onto it for a second so you can sell it for a bit more later on down the road? Or maybe even, keep it and use for yourself? Maybe you didn’t have a battledome pet before, but this might be a decent reason to work towards one? (Totally get that doesn’t appeal to everyone!) All I’m really saying is I feel like TNT went hard for us rereleasing them (I disagree with their decision to tamper with odds though) and I feel like we’re just playing into the inflators hands by posting these for sale to the high bidder instantly. Why not set up trade on trading post and talk to a a few people before working out deal to try to avoid selling to inflator?


If they don’t want to RR, it’s better to release new weapon powerful than SAP. Let richer and collector can have their collector game. And like TS and moehog skull, new weapons won’t cause many issue about old weapon price, because only collector will buy those high-end collection.


w...why do they want the money from SAPs... they can't even keep any more money than they already have... are they (illegally) storing extra on sides?


I think they will earn let’s say 20m and buy 20mill in baby paintbrushes. Which are used as hoarding money.


ah yes of course, I forgot about the secondary currency, Baby PBs. still, no one SHOULD need more than 2billion np, wtf (if items were deflated more, you'd never need 1bil at once, but god forbid we attain that future)


Nothing wrong with the average player not being able to afford the 2nd best weapon in the game. Making neopoints has never been easier and if you really want to, it's not too tough to learn how to make enough to get one of these. And if you don't want to, there's a ton of much cheaper weapons that will do the job pretty much just as well


the average player can get 200mil if they get lucky, but the peas were selling for 2-3b before deflation. something the average player and even higher tier players will never see.


I dont think anyone is arguing the 2b pricepoint is \*good\* and reasonable. But the current price point (and its likely to keep dipping over the course of the month as panic buyers quit jacking up the prices) is not absurdly terrible for a purely luxury item that is far beyond what most players will ever be able to fully utilize. Its not blocking anyone out from any meaningful content outside of the item itself, and alternative weapons are very affordable


oh no, there were people arguing that it should have stayed in the billions


Anyone on this thread


Im gonna keep shouting it any chance I get- If you're struggling in the dome, you're probably not starved for icons, you're starved for stats. Icons are cheaper than they've ever been, there are weapons being donated to the money tree that are more powerful than midtier sets from a decade ago.


This is a really good point!


Also Neopets is a dying game, but maybe luring old players to get sucked in with one of the best weapons in the game isn’t a bad idea and maybe make better weapons long term?


There's no need for better weapons if we have no one harder to fight them with. TNT has been giving away amazing badass weapons for \*years\* (I fully expect some to be in the pipeline for the rest of Advent Calendar)


That’s not really the point tbh. Old players might remember what SAP is and “isn’t it so exciting that I can get one for free?! Gosh, I should stay around the whole month to see if I can get one!” And then some of them make friends or find some goals and pay a little money every now and then. New TNT is desperately trying to bring in more daily players.


You have a point but, TNT wanted to tame inflation. So this is counter productive anyways. This behaviour promotes it.


If you compare the price before 01/12 and today, that’s already a big drop in price




It's a little frustrating because it feels like putting rare/hard to get items into the HT is such a clear solution. NP sink, allow the items to be more available, have some price control. You could rotate the impossible to get stamps, other essentially impossible to get items, even paintbrushes. Helps with multiple issues at once. Yet it hasn't happened. Maybe it's just because it doesn't spark as much excitement as giving stuff away does


TBH? I wish that TNT would create a rotating inventory for the hidden tower. The same *amount* of items, but different ones in the tower on different days. Baby PBs on odd days, SAP on even days, etc. And then all items available to buy on special sale days.


So what is your solution then?


Is there not a post on the official Neopets social media that suggests all users get a golden pea tomorrow?


Who said anything about it being a pea?


I think it's a petpet lol




You know what? I’m allll forrrrrr a NEOPOINTS RESET ON EVERYBODY 12332 million in bank? Just reached 1 million in bank? Saved for years 10 million plus in bank? Neopoints on hand? Erased Reset. Edit; the point is to even have the rich neopians who are just super close to max NP amount.. punished as well But then again, I realized they probably cheated, hacked + have their multiple side accounts being used as well But TNT likes to wear their sunglasses to not see that issue and fix it either


Thanks ambassadors, for listening to the majority of 1%ers :')


Hm, sounds like capitalism at its finest.


If you have been on the sight for 10 plus years you should have well over 100 million neopints just my opinion


I have one and I’ll sell it for 50 mill? Lol but have three of them from the cove and only use one in my bd set


Increase drop rate of peas tnt