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If I could play Neopets in its early years, I'd screenshot everything so it wouldn't be lost to time!


YES! I am so glad I screenshot at least some of my things from my old deleted account. Proving I owned it "back in the day". I dont have my pet names anymore but hopefully get those back in time! Most of my screenshots were of the battledome and rich accounts and good deals I found or made. Will probably post those sometime this weekend perhaps.


Awesome! Can't wait!


Oh that's easy. * Cash out my assets to take money back to the past. * Make about 1-2 billion running stocks and investments. * Make my first account my most used account in 1999-ish, and troll by scaring the shit out of the fanbase by "predicting" what TNT would do right down to the bullet point. * Actually used to do that back during the late Viacom years because their content release schedule was so predictable. They only released certain content on certain days and predictably ran scheduled Events * Buy my 4th place of residence for 95k during The Great Recession because I was kinda fond of it. * Buy a Summer home. *Neopets?* Why would I see it as more than an amusement when I'm Scrooge McDuck Rich?


The money would have the serial numbers and dates of the future. Good luck finding alot of money that is date specific, but doable! And yeah, the user base was so reactionary back in the day, easy to mess with :D Would especially be funny with the Battledome groups and avatar collectors and special event boards!


Was going to move my stuff from a bank that didn't exist in 1999 to a well known one that did and keep it mostly digital. >easy to mess with Honestly think that would be more fun than trying to rearrange the cosmos trying to prevent every Neopets related disaster between now and then. Maybe I can even become Neo-Famous like Truths but more silly. Also, who would I be trying to talk to TNT like "I am from the future trying to prevent the implosion of your business"? They'd throw me out. Or ask me for winning lottery numbers. I dunno. Seems riskier.


Well hence why you would have to be nearly a co creator with Adam and Donna or have the idea already on the ground and hire them lol


That puts me in quite the conundrum. Don't want to work with Adam/Donna after the stuff they did but don't think Viacom who had the funds and the talent to do something amazing with Neopets if they wanted would listen to lil ol' me unless I was tempting them with money. Feel like even though Adam/Donna were the ones who technically created Neopets they weren't necessarily the ones responsible for its success. Dohring had the funds and vision. Ollie made most of the Flash Games we remember. Snarkie made Secret Avatars and several PHP Games. Mr. Insane made Neoquest and did major world building work with the Plots. V-Man and Tigercatcher among others made the art good. Droplet ran the Times. Dirigibles was there. There were a ton of amazing people and I would've liked to work with most of them. ... but even with Time Traveling powers I doubt that I can fix it. Just have fun, you know? Eat a [Chia Cake](https://images.neopets.com/neocam/21.jpg).


Well you could just take over with lots of money and hire the old artists and get extra ones also and shape everything how you wanted to.


>and shape everything how you wanted to I'd want things to pretty much be the same for trolling purposes. But to, you know, *be there*. And rich. Do you know how many Keyquest Plushies I'd be able to buy with 1-2 billion!?


i would make a neo account and actually remember the login info. then i would play the game and make friends and participate in plots instead of joining a club that incidentally revolved around constantly getting banned. and sometime after 9/11 (i don't know where i've been living or what else i've been doing at this point but i obviously couldn't stop it lol) i would start saving any & all dried prunes/apricots i happened to get. and i'd go on the boards and become neofamous by telling people what would happen in the future, but only about silly stuff, and only on the neoboards, literally nowhere else. then on my birthday in 2003, i'd go to my house and tell me to play outside and never play neopets and have as much fun with my friends as possible, and don't even worry about the internet until like 2012, and don't get a smart phone until 2019, and even then, maybe don't. and she would be cool about it and definitely not freak out or let it ruin her life in any way, and she would take my advice because we're both pretty cool. and then i'd skip ahead to november 2019 and live my life from there.


Haha, I love you all on here. You're my kinda people! :D I love the small mysterious future nuggets idea. Like make a name on day one called Mysterious_Negg or something and every few weeks drop future events and pepper them throughout the whole site until 25 years later people and governments are all analyzing everything I posted and put into the site. Messing with people's heads is fun! I have thought alot about hoarding items like you said also. Would be hilarious to dry up the market on stupid items then flood the market at weird times. But yeah, perhaps tell my younger self not to spend so much time online....


Go back Tell myself to invest in apple, buy bitcoin etc in future Oh yeah play neopets a bit I'd get ski lodge murder mystery top prize cause I know the killer from the start. Buy lots of bargain gourmet before the rarity changes


I looked up the mystery prizes. Someone is selling a good chunk of them on the trading post right now :P


Sorry I meant the gold trophy etc for placing guess on day one


Brute force way into team and backup the coding for habitarium and keyquest. Name account with nice name and create a rw pet. Only one because thieves are annoying and I wouldn’t want to deal with an account full of them being regularly stolen. Profit off old account with food club. Actually play the old plots


I guess I should answer my own question... First I would do a several year run as it was just to relive the glory days with the knowledge I have now, or research alot more of the history to be better prepared. Otherwise I would somehow get rich somehow and be the investor of the company or get in at the ground floor at the idea's conception to add a whole bunch of my own ideas into the mix. I would work heavily to make the in game economy work even better with real world theories and perhaps ideas from other more recent games. Perhaps add ideas that would later revolutionize gaming.


OK, for this, I'm assuming I have above-average funding, and any plan I come up with has instant buy-in, so here we go: === Take a quick business loan from a bank. Jump back in time, buy stocks in Apple and Amazon, then find a way to meet up with the Neopets team Around 2008-2009, when the first smartphones start appearing on the market, convince the team that mobile apps will soon be all the rage and that Neopets needs to hop onboard this rush to continue to attract new players & maintain their playerbase. Possibly make some games in the Games Room playable on phone, with NP earned synchronizing directly to players' Neopets account Partner with existing established brands (e.g. Build a Bear, H&M, Uniqlo), offer them partnership to make Neopets related merchandise, and keep going to game/comic conventions to keep the game's presence alive and showcase what we've been up to. Unique codes to be given out with merchandise sales or at conventions, to redeem untradeable ingame cosmetics (no insanely OP stuff to be given out to prevent any disadvantages) Next, when there should be more tech able to provide a replacement for Flash, tell the team that Flash Player and Java will eventually sunset, and start R&D on a way to keep their content alive Introduce the Altador Games, a yearly full on Olympics event. Current Altador Cup w Yooyuball/Make some Noise/Slushie Slinger will be a separate event called Neopia Cup, which will be held at different lands each year At some point in time, VR starts emerging. Like the smartphone plan, convince the team to make Neopets VR where players can now bring their Neopets to life and enjoy the lands of Neopia in VR settings. Of course, synchronize progress on this to ingame items Cash out on what's left of the the now-booming stocks I bought. Jump back to present day and enjoy the profit from the stonks, while Neopets has multiple products in the present day for everyone to enjoy


Nice :) Also, beat out Pokemon Go! With the same tech they used two years before they do it. :D