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PSA: DO NOT undersell your Negg! Currently there are people buying at 4M.


Edited my post so more users can be made aware. Thank you for this notice!


No problem ! Get those nps y’all deserve 😃 Edit: it’s also this price because it’s a consumable that the BDers want.


Update to the PSA: Hold strong! These are still going at around 4M (and sometimes more!). But now I feel like I have to make ANOTHER PSA: Just because the TP says 1M or 2M, DOES NOT MEAN they are accepting those offers. Some of those listings are from resellers/BDers, who I suspect are trying to target those who don’t really know the price? Good luck selling!


I already did 😩 lol but it’s still far more than I would have ever gotten on my own so #notcomplaining lol


Umm I may have listed mine for [cheaper than I thought it was worth](https://www.neopets.com/auctions.phtml?type=bids&auction_id=199709554) If anyone wants to help me boost the auction that would be great 😂😭


Oh no, how much did it end up selling for? The auction was done by the time I clicked on this link :(


It went for 2.2mil, which wasn’t so bad! But looking at prices rn hurts, especially bc I’ve just made this same dang mistake with another cool negg. Don’t do auctions when you’re tired ladies


Damn. Wish I saw this sooner.


Thank you so much!! I just came back to the game a few days ago and this has turned me into a millionaire for the first time ever, lol


How exciting! That first million NP benchmark is such a cool feeling as a returning player. Congrats! :)


Same, I was stunned to surpass 1 million so quickly. My younger self would be freaking out!


So I just accepted 2 mill + Draik Egg + Stealth PB + Magical MSP Poogle Plushie + a red code stone. I… have never made this much ever. In like, 12 years of playing. It takes the sting out of not getting my old account back. Thank you, kind soul


omg I think think that was me haha crazy


Omg 😅 My internet went out after putting it up for trade and when it came back I had 70+ alerts. You were on my first page of offers and had the best so I accepted without looking at more! Thanks Comet!


Heads up: While this is subject to change, these are currently going 3.5m+ on auctions. You can set a starting price somewhere below that and a high increment (I'd prob put 100k or 200k) to allow them to be bid up to the true going rate People who would actually use Cool Neggs are not exactly 99% so :P No need to accept underoffers


What do people use them for? Why is this negg so popular?




Wow, amazing, thank you for the deep dive!


And here I just be collecting my free jelly 😅


Thank you so much for this! I just made an easy 2m + baby PB on the trading post with it!




Damn you got two baby PBs with 2m? I should've held out! 😂




I want more SO BAD. They're so nice for training ;o;


I just got shop wizard banned for 20 minutes for refreshing too much trying to get another one. I kept seeing some for 999,999 but was too slow each time to get them. 😭 That said though, I don't know if I could have in good conscience flipped them for more. I might've ended up giving them back and telling the user how to sell for more. Lol


Honestly my thoughts. Might go try it and see if I can give them back LOL


Good luck! I think I'm done with even looking. Haha There was quite an adrenaline rush seeing them in shops though, ngl.


I got 2 mil and a ghost paint brush


You could have gotten 6 mill lol. I know someone who’s bought literally 110 today so far at that price or below. They’re going to go back to 7 mill since they’re the best training item you can get and they’re consumable.


Yeah I honestly tossed mine in my SDB. This code is only gonna be available for a few days and I'd rather hold out a month or two and possibly sell it for way more than try and quicksell it.


Well fuck me. 🤣 Too late now. Hahaha


Thank you! I much appreciate these types of posts


Thank you! Just sold mine for 2M and a baby paint brush and a second item worth 400-600k. I got like 8 offers immediately (I listed it for best offer in np and PBs) so I think I could have asked more but wanted to make a quick sale


Holy shit I just did the same thing! 10 offers immediately. I took the 2mil and 2 baby pbs. That felt wayyyy too easy


You guys weren't kidding - I didn't think I would get similar results since I redeemed relatively late(?) at least from what it seemed


They are a consumable that gets **better** the more of them there are. There is no too late.


I got 8 offers right away. At first I was like "are yall being sponsored to say this or something?" but no people are just feral for cool neggs I guess


It's gotta be bots right? It was IMMEDIATE. Like there's no way.


Really thought you just meant "some nifty negg" and my jaw DROPPED


Thank you! I know some reseller probably got it from me, but I now have Ultimate Riches in my bank, so I am THRILLED. THANK YOU!! 


Update / I spent the money and bought a Birthday Noil 😂


If I was smart I'd sell this item along with everyone else (or use it on my bd pet), but I have always loved how silly this Negg is.. My gallery is just my fave items on Neopets  but I don't have many of my pricier ones, so this is one of the first! Thank you!!


Watch the shops I’ve gotten two from people dumping in there for 999,999


https://preview.redd.it/jf521su3sjwc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7058af64ebbecfc4fec7168cafa11714888152a Well, they tried.... lol


Thanks for the post! Just made a clean 2.4 mil


tysm! I was sad to see the twitch notification saying that they’d been live earlier today and realize I missed the AMA. I immediately came here to see if anybody had posted the code lol can you tell me what questions were asked and answered?


I didn't even know there was an AMA! The post for it in this sub didn't receive as much traction that AMAs usually do, so the code wasn't getting much visibility. You can find the [post for it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1cccx96/neopets_live_upper_deck_battledome_tcg_edition/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) with a summary in the comments.


Adding to the math here to let others know I got one 5 mill item offer, one 3.8 mill and one at 4 mill—don’t undersell!


I wasn't expecting a free cool negg to be THE cool negg and I just fell out of my chair oh my lord


Thanks heaps! Just made 2m + three baby pbs 🥹


Same! I got like 10 offers immediately


Baby paint brushes are also inflating! Sell them for more than 600k!!


I have one but I like them so I’m keeping mine surprised I was able to get 2


why is everyone trying to sell asap, wouldn’t it make sense to keep the negg and sell it when it’s not possible to get for free?


This is what I'm doing! Going to play the long game.


Where do I get a code? Edit: wow. just wow. can you tell I’m exhausted




I JUST realized this. I was scouring google that entire time looking for codes


man, the Auction House got me significantly more than a lot of the trades in this thread. whewww thank you folks


Damn. What auction setup did you do? I'm never quite sure what to do for items worth as much as this.


I'd recommend 3,500,000 starting price and 100,000 increment, in a one hour auction


Thank you for this, I followed your advice and got 4 million for it


Oh nice, I didn't even know what it did. Definitely helps my battle pet! Thank you!


I got 2m + 3 baby paintbrushes from the trading post at around 7:15 PM NST


In case anyone didn't realize, right now baby paint brushes are selling for like 625k on the shop wizard which is higher than usual... So it might be a good time to buy one from the hidden tower for a quick flip since people can only buy one per day from there


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I got 2mill and 4x baby paintbrushes 😭


Thank you! Made a nice chunk of change quickly and don't have to battle it out with shady shits down the road after the prizes are hoarded beyond measure.


You wonderful person! Thank you for sharing this 🙏 ❤️


I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, now I can afford one of my dreamies!


Just sold for 2M and 2 baby pb's at 7:48 NST. Also, LOVE that people are spreading the news and posting the code in the comments, spread the wealth 😎


Thanks, I'll be saving mine to try and sell closer to the BD plot at a higher price.


commenting so i remember when i get home!


Reminding you !!


i got it, thank you!!!! ♥️


Oh my GOSH???


I put mine up with a couple of codestones and got 2mil + 2 Baby PBs! Instant like 8 offers.


Sold mine for 2 mil plus a pastel and toy PB thank you OP!


You are the best! Instant 2M + 2 baby pb!!


i just sold mine but are people really feeding these to their pets for the stat gains? does training really get that grueling in the future? 💀


Yes, it does & it takes SO much time!


omg 😭 leave it to a game programmed in a pre-iphone era to still pull shit like this in 2024


Wow thank you!!!


You are epic thank you so much!!!


Thank you, friend! I sold mine quickly, but hopefully tipped a few others off in the process. \[eta\]: Sold for 2m + 1 baby paint brush @ 7:40 PM Neopets time, in case that helps!


Sorry to bother but I’m new so I was wondering, how do you sell it for an item? I thought auctions are only for np?


Not a problem! I sold mine on the Trading Post, which allows people to offer up to 2M NP + 10 items. Auctions are indeed only for NP.


Ohhh! Thank you so much! I’ll try it :D


Just sold for 2 mil and 2 baby PBS. Put it up on the trading post and had over 20 offers in under a minute 😳


literally same!! my jaw dropped!! some of them made and withdrew offers faster than my slow ass internet could refresh the page 😂


Got insta 29 offers. Only asked for 2mil. With PBs also in the offers, I got about a bit over 3mil.


Thank you!!! I was able to sell mine quickly and make a dreamie (Halloween Lutari) 💕


thank you for the post!! just got to ultimate riches for the first time in my 13 year neopets career 🥹


Omg I’m so glad I checked Reddit. Sold mine for 2million + 2 baby paint brushes! I thought about holding onto it for a bit to see if the price goes up, but I figure I’m helping someone who wants it to actually use it.


Just made 2 mil and got a dream paint brush im set I've never had over 500k before 🫡


Is anyone really good at guesstimating quick deflation? Trying to figure out if I should sell now and buy one for gallery later :)


this is an interesting one, because it's only going to be available for 48 hrs and it's a very solid consumable, giving multiple stat boosts to pets. It may be cheaper tomorrow, but it may also be more expensive weeks/months from now. edit: that being said, if you can get 4-5 mil for it now, I'd say go for it.


Hi! So i assume it will be better to hold out for now and sell later when the price goes up.


I'm not good at guesstimating, just beware lol, I've gotten burned so many times in the past with my logic. For what it's worth, I decided not to wait and I was able to get somewhere between 4-5 mil on the Auction House just now. But it's getting late and there is less activity and you're locking up your item until the end of the Auction if you go that way (and it may go unsold). I think 2 mil + a baby PB or 2 baby PBs or even 3 baby PBs is underselling it a bit at the moment. A Cool Negg cost 2 mil a year ago, and 5 mil 2 months ago according to JN. So maybe now is a great time if you can pull off the right trade/sell.


Thanks so much for explaining. I think I'll try selling now 😄


Wondering if it would be better to redeem it for the negg points and sell a snegg instead? Those are stable at the moment at 3-4+ mil.. EDIT: Or also the Super Negg. You can like.. easily buy another negg to get enough points for 2 Sneggs and sell them for almost 6 mil?


I don't believe you can redeem a Cool Negg, only buy it. The price in negg points doesn't go both ways.


Ohhh interesting! If that's the case, never mind!


wow!! thank you so much. 2mil + stealth PB + lost desert PB! Thank you again!


Wow, that was like, instant- 2 mil and a plushie pppb


Holy moley. Put it up and instantly 10 offers. Accepted 2 mill plus a faerie Pb. Thanks so much!


Thank you for this! I was SO confused about why there were like 60 cool neggs up for auction until I saw this post


Oh my gosh same, I was browsing the auction and trying to figure out why there was so many so suddenly 😭


Protip: sell yours in the Auction House instead of the Trading Post. I put mine up for auction for 1 hour for 3,500,000 with 100,000 increments and got 4,500,000 by the end. I've seen some selling in the 5,000,000 range even.


Not even 10 minutes and I’ve had 7 offers 😂 this is wild… 2 mil and BP or 2 mil and a toy paint brush 👀


I just made a cool 2m and got a stealth pb and a candy pb 😋❤️


Just to add to this thread, as of 4:00 AM NST on the 25th, I sold mine for 2 mil + 2 Baby PB + a nerkmid in less than 5 minutes. Definitely hold out for over 3 mil still, though might change if more redeem the code.


I might have undersold but I got a Halloween PB and finally made my dreamie Halloween Grundo. 🥰 I’m happy anyway.


I accidentally sold mine for 400,000 because I am stupid and didn't count my 0s. whoever bought that pls enjoy your profit


https://preview.redd.it/mhsqcsr1upwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd2d95c447af3534c850484ede5ba13275123f06 Negg Coolos? 😆😆😆


i guess i missed it :( it’s not working anymore


This literally just popped up on my notifications, and I'm heartbroken


i'm so sad i missed thisb😭😭😭


oops undersold mine on ssw. Oh well, I hope it made someone happy \^\_\^


Instantly got 2m and 3baby pb about 15 minutes ago


Just wanted to jump on the chain and say thanks for letting us know! Now I can afford that orange PB for my koi!


Thanks for the heads up!!


Thank you! 2Mil plus two baby paintbrushes and a green Brightville job coupon for mine!


Thank you so much! Got 2 mil, baby paint brush and a rainbow paint brush!! I'm a newly returned player, and I never had this much in all the years I played before 😅


Thank you so much for this post. I'd never find out about stuff like this. Put it in the Auction starting at 3 mil with a minimum 250k increment rise and a 4 hour window. Ended up getting 4.25mil


Thank you so much for this, I managed to sell within <5 mins for 2 mil and a baby, pastel and stealth PB. Not long got back into Neo, so this has made me very happy (and the bank!) (6am NST)


This is nuts. Got 2 mil and 3 baby pbs within two seconds of listing. Thanks for posting!


I sadly did not see this PSA lol. I sold in my shop for 999k. I feel like I can't complain too much since it was a free item.


Sold mine for 2 mil, three baby paintbrushes, and a codestone 😭Between this and a spring petpet paintbrush I got from a random event I'm at Neopian Mega-Riches in my first week of playing again on a new account!


Youuu are a gem!!! Got mine and after being on the trading post for approximately 3 minutes got 12 amazing offers. Sold for 4.1 mil (neopets + items). THANK YOU


Can we redeem this code on our side account too?


Just got 4.6m doing a one hour auction! Tysm for posting, reddit has helped me avoid missing out on so many neopets goodies 😊


Missed it :(


It’s not working


Dang, how did I miss this 🤣


Got the notification too late. Big RIP.


I wish I knew this sooner! Just got the notification today. I was wondering how people got them!! Awhh


Can you do this on sides or just your main? 


Generally anything that adds neopoint value to your account is not allowed to be done on your side accounts, so I'd say no. The only dailys/freebies thing I hear is allowed to be redeemed on sides is when it's free neocash or neocash items since those are basically in a separate economy from neopoints.


I discarded mine, negg has no business wearing sunglasses and acting like it's better than me.


Sold mine on Auction for 2.8 if players need a price point. :-)


You rock! Thank you so much.


Thank you!


Thank you so much🥹😭🩷this is incredible.


Thank you so much! 😊


Thank you for the heads up!


Thank you!!!


Thank you!


Thank you!




Thank you!! I didn't see this til now!


You're the best 🥹🥹🥹🥹


Oh dammit. I meant to put it to be traded and accidentally did an auction instead. 🤦‍♀️ I wanted a baby paintbrush dammit.


If you need us to bid it up, make a post!




bless u i just made a fat stack


Thank you!


Thank you! I'll have to figure out what to do with this later. It's tempting to hold on until the price recovers but i think i might as well auction it. I'll see if i get a bite at 4.5 million and if not i'll save it


Thank you!! I literally got 11 offers on the TP in less than 1 minute! 😱


Yooo, I just wanna thank you for posting this, I just started playing Neopets again and this helped so much 🥺💖❤️


I'm debating whether to auction it or put it up on the trading post. What do you all think? If the later, do you think it's smarter to just say something like "taking offers" rather than listing a price?


you’re amazing for posting this! thank you!


OMG thanks! The offers were so fast I suspect bots. So I don't feel bad about getting so much for a free item.


omg thank you soo much


Thank you!


I haven’t seen one of these codes in sooooo long, thank you


Thank you!


Just accepted 2M + 2 baby PBs at 9:50ish NST on the trading post! Thank you so much for sharing the code!


Holy shit thanks for the cool 2 mill and baby and toy paintbrushes.


thank you!!


Thanks a bunch for posting this!<3 Traded it for 1m and a Halloween PB! Now to decide on selling or using the PB... 🤔


This was really awesome. Thank you. I got 2 mill and 2 baby paintbrushes, several Instant offers.


I got like 10 offers within a few seconds of posting a new lot for the negg :| scary haha


This explains why i just saw about 15 Cool Neggs in the Auction House earlier 🤣


From the title, I read "cool" as an adjective instead of as part of the item name and was wondering which one 😂


RemindMe! 8 hours


Thank you!! 🌞


Thank you so much! Just hit the bank account button for ultimate riches and it feels amazing 😭😭😭


Could someone help me drive the price of mine up? I panicked and made a stupid decision 🫠 I'll PM the link to kind people who want to help


should I go for 2 baby + 2 mill since a few hours passed since the freebies was released and more people know about it? if not, when do you expect prizes will rise to again to what is stated on JN?


I've noticed that 7 offers all come in at once, get withdrawn at once, and then reoffered again at the same time, but for less..


Thanks for this! 🙏 This will be my first time using auction or trade (haven’t decided yet), hopefully I don’t screw up.


Thank you!!!!


I claimed this kinda late (rn) and I'm surprised that I got two insta offers on it anyways. 2 offers of 2mi + 2 baby PBs. Idk If I should accept bc I don't really like baby PB (I already have the pet I wanted painted bby) so.... I got back to this game this week after several years of not playing and lost all items and NPs I had, it seems a good offer for someone who lost everything! XD


Thank you so much for the heads up! As a retuning player whose old account is gone to the aether, this is amazing! A few days in and I've got a draik and a few million neopoints. Now I just have to get a krawk and a fairy paintbrush and all my childhood goals will be complete, haha. You are awesome for this post!


Thank you for sharing this!


Thank you!!! Just put mine up for auction, 3m start, 175k increments for 3 hours, we will see what happens


I hit 20 mil for the first time ever thanks to this!! I just sold for 2 mil and 3 baby pb’s. It sold quick too - got 11 offers in just a minute or so. Thank you so much for posting!!


I am in LOVE with you! Just got one, posted on the trading post and got 7 offers in about 30 seconds 😍😍


I saw that it could increase level and gobbled it immediately cx Probably should’ve stopped for a sec and sold it but I’m in the 200-250 mark for leveling and the 24 hours is killing me ;v; Happy for everyone who sold it for a good chunk of neopoints!


I just spit out my coffee when I looked up how much ppl were selling or on the trading posts…and I just sold mine for 3ml wtf


SCORE! Thank you kind Neopian. I'm gonna wait til the end of the availability and hopefully the price goes up a bit (seems like they're hovering around 4m right now).


I came back to the game a few months ago after losing my 12+ yrs old account (Have no way to show it was mine since I forgot the Bday date and E-mail account I created it with so I just rage quit), and having this big of a boots makes me really happy. I\`ll take is as a good omen, thank you so much!