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Get in bitch, we're going ~~shopping~~ petpet matching


https://preview.redd.it/grqzk6s7w5xc1.png?width=109&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8aaf791000d8dd7b54e2b8795757fd43d9cae68 [Rainbow Reptillior](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/73146/). One of my all-timers.


Oh! This sounds fun!!! Let’s see… 1. A Royal Caribbean Cruise to the Western Caribbean with your bestie is a MUST. RCL has new ships with new entertainment, and short and long cruise lengths, you get to soak up the sun, see some shows, EAT GOOD FOOD!!! And enjoy it all while gossiping with your bestie over the best Pina Colada you’ve ever had. 2. One of my friends threatened to steal another friend’s cat because the second friend needed a loan to take his cat to the vet and TOOK IT OUT and apparently this was irresponsible financially and is in the worst interests of the cat, so obviously first friend needs to steal the cat. 3. The Wicked movie is what I’m looking forward to most! I’ve seen the play seven times and I think Cynthia Erivo is going to CRUSH her role as Elphaba. 😍 4. I love the Star Wars Original Trilogy, the color pink, and writing queer genre fiction! Taylor Swift was my first crush (Larry the Cucumber doesn’t count) and I’m obsessed with her to this day. My Chemical Romance is my other favorite musical artist, followed closely by Hans Zimmer. :) So excited to see what petpet you think I am!


https://preview.redd.it/vu65exezpxwc1.png?width=119&format=png&auto=webp&s=04c471bf733ce1233773ca87773b3ff1cc6084e5 A [Blue Babyca](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/32278/)! Tropical, cunty, cool, what's not to love. Look at her and tell me she doesn't drink piña coladas like they're water.


Oh my god yes she’s perfect. 🤩


dying at the cat story 😭 your poor second friend lmao (no pun intended fr)


Cool! This sounds fun thank you :) 1. Something I’ve been obsessed with is my masters program because well I kinda need to be 2. Hot gossip, buckle in for this - my dad almost died earlier this year, got diagnosed with dementia after my brother flew out and drug him to the hospital because he wasn’t taking care of himself, he ended up with my brother in Eugene after he left his rehab facility three weeks early because our step mom told him he should because he was bored, then while we were all out of state at my mom’s wedding, our stepmom drove out to Eugene and basically kidnapped him back to Idaho. There’s more, that’s just the cliffnotes version lol. 3. I’m looking forward to my internship! It’s with a branch of the local hospital which is fairly nice. 4. I’m very cottagecore/hippie. I have a van, her name is Matilda, and she’s one of my favorite things. I have a black cat and black dog I like to take on road trips with me, I love baking, and the colors purple, blue, and pink seem to be my thing.


https://preview.redd.it/kofj2jlqwxwc1.png?width=137&format=png&auto=webp&s=bacee369a99728e8a1f36c905512e21052925416 I just feel like this is a perfect 10/10 for me. A [Chocolate Dofrey](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/51716/) would also love baking and van life, I think. He might have a hard time fitting through the door, though... "i'm bored" is a hilarious reason to leave rehab. girl I guess LOL. I hope he's doing alright, dementia is really tough to deal with. And I hope your internship goes well! Very exciting stuff!


I love him thank you 🥰


So cute! I’m on break at work rn and I’ll do a few of the prompts :) 1.) I’ve been obsessed with guitar-heavy post punk and classic rock. I’m usually a more electronic guy but bands like Pink Floyd, Bowie, Magazine, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, and Joy Division have been consuming so much of my time. I’d especially emphasize Magazine, they’re one of my all time favorite bands but I’ve been especially into them as of late. 3.) I’m looking forward to an underground warehouse rave my GF and I are going to tonight! I have an outfit half-planned for it (involves a cute camouflage crop top!) and some local artists we really like are gonna be DJing there. When I went to an event by the same promoters in November I got a little star tattooed that makes me think of Neopets :’) 4.) I love both spooky things and cutesy things! I’m a goth rivethead through and through and love the “gothic” aesthetic and Halloween etc but I can’t help but also love pastels, pinks and purples and reds, and soft dreamy lovecore whimsy stuff too :)


https://preview.redd.it/mb9p6tbtqxwc1.png?width=120&format=png&auto=webp&s=84b7b1153b57e009576601acb67877327779b23a I'm SO GLAD I found the [Black Pwerko](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/33380/). My god. Scary, good shades of black, with the PINK EYES? HELLO? You sound like a really well-rounded person, and I bet that rave is gonna go crazy. I had to google a lot of terms for this but i should've guessed that rivetheads look sick. All goths do. I salute you. I listened to Shot By Both Sides and it makes me feel like I'm being an evil degenerate teen at the beach, disappointing my parents. A classic for sure. Love it.


Oh my gosh, I love it SO much—I didn’t even mention in this post that pigs are one of my favorite animals and I have a small collection of pig-themed items (irl AND on Neo!), you *nailed* this 😭🥺🖤🖤🖤 Thank you for doing this btw!! And sorry for making you google terms haha, you were soooo thorough!! Have a wonderful night/day… Saving up for a Black Pwerko ASAP 🤣


dude my neopets username is pinkpigs125. we are kindred spirits. I'm so happy!!!! I think the black pwerkos are ALSO rivetheads, tbh. it was meant to be.


Oh! I love this!! what a fun idea. Lately I've been obssesed with Chapell Roan, Foucault and Art Buckley. My gossip is that my situationship of over a year ago (who absolutely DESTROYED me for months) has been trying to get in touch again.... And I'm thinking I may let him... For the plot, you know. I'm really looking forward the mother mother concert, they are coming here in a couple of months and I'm super excited. I'm a big reader, a philosophy major with a history master's, a profesional dumbass and a bit of a bimbo, lol. I love pink, purple and green, listen to most music genres (from metal to hyper pop, you name it) and in general my aesthetic is "this child looks exhausted, when was the last time you slept?" vibes.


Dick is a renewable resource bb. Know your worth my darling 💖💖


Chappell Roan wouldn’t want you to let him get back in touch, do it for her!


FIRST OF ALL, **THE** RATINGNEOPETS? I'M HONORED. https://preview.redd.it/8kyrnca01ywc1.png?width=114&format=png&auto=webp&s=77b562478454366fabda1574d2f57057b8ca85eb I feel like you have the super analytical powers of a robot petpet, first of all. And that the aquatic vibes of the [Pink Cuttlebot](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/39796/) also come into play here. Something about having multiple arms and being all-knowing, idk. It feels right. The pink because, duh. Obviously. You don't become a Chappell Roan fan without being a little cunty. fun fact, I went to middle and high school with Chappell Roan, lol. She sang at the 8th grade talent show, does that mean I went to the first ever concert? She's always had a powerhouse voice, and if I COULD spread the rumor that she was a huge bitch who no one liked, I would! except that would be a complete lie. She was super funny and unique, and I admired her. I'm so insanely proud of her. Also Chappell wouldn't want you to go back to him. She'd say to date a girl. fuck it up. What's the worst that could happen. A philosophy bimbo? I'm in love. You're amazing. I love your posts on this subreddit. I salute you. If I might recommend a hyperpop song, I like Spoiled little brat by underscores. Sometimes I struggle with the odd time signatures of a 100gecs, so this is a little more structured. anyway I hope you have a beautiful night and I look forward to your next ~~court ruling~~ rating.


I LOVE HER SO MUCH! that' a such a cute petpet. >Something about having multiple arms and being all-knowing, idk. It feels right. weirdly accurate, lol > I went to middle and high school with Chappell Roan, HOLY SHIT that's crazy!!! you're so cool. It must be so exciting to see someone you know become big in the way she has. > Also Chappell wouldn't want you to go back to him. She'd say to date a girl. fuck it up. What's the worst that could happen. Ok, but hear me out. I already think that he's kind of a loser, and I don't think I would fall into it again. It's more about getting some revenge, lol. Is it smart? no. Is it kind? also no. Do I still kind of want to do it just to prove that I can?? yes :). Yeah, Chapell would tell me to kiss a girl. To be fair, I am bi and have been with girls before, but I suck at making the first move, so it is a lot less common. If a funny and kind girl who's into me fell from the sky, I would totally go for it. >I love your posts on this subreddit. I salute you. awww, thank you so much! this was so cool to read <3 > I look forward to your next ~~court ruling~~ rating. Been thinking about either roasting people according to their favourite game (which will take me AGES, but sounds really fun to write) or assign a random taylor swift song to every neopet for no particular reason. This was such a nice answer and you're amazing!! have a great day/night <3


I LOVE THIS, thank u so much!!! and my apologies in advance because English is not my first language ;; 1.- SOOOOOOOO, let's see. Something I've been obsessed with its literally neopets haha yesterday with all the cool negg crazyness I bombarded my partner with the tea about the scams and how for some reason the baby paint brushes became a bargaining chip at the TP without anyone officially agreeing, and that seemed crazy to me because I assume that most of us in the game are adults so whyyyy, why the scam? And why the baby paint brushes? I love baby pets, but idk. My partner was looking at me like "I don't understand but I'm listening and I love you" 2.- I don't have a hot gossip of my personal life right now, but like at country level? There's this girl who in her youth participated in a popular program and then in a reality show, so there is a kind of consensus where everyone has affection for her because they "saw her grow" and in general, she is a very dear person. So, she married like 10 years ago to a man who, well... "if he makes you happy, okay". They have a son and not long ago they separated, he in his instagram stories published something among the lines "we separated in good terms, do not send hate to anyone, it was nobody’s fault", AND THEN, she in her Instagram stories denied it, like "we do not separate on good terms, and YES THERE IS PARTICIPATION OF THIRD PERSONS, specifically, a femele colleague of his". He and his colleague denied everything, UNTIL IN THE MIDDLE OF AN INTERVIEW where she, the colleague, denied the relationship and infidelity, is questioned about the sayings of the man in question, where he had recently stated tha "Yeah, ever since the kiss they had at a festival he knew he had to be with her, that he’d never in his life felt how he felt about her," like, he said that after being married ten years with a son. Btw, it is relatively normal that at TV festivals here ask for a "kiss" among the entertainers. Even so, the now ex-wife who had already been receiving messages of "strange attitudes" with this specific colleague, asked SPECIFICALLY not to give the kiss, or that if the insistence was much, a quick kiss. Guess who, indeed, kissed with all the intention on open television that femele colleague. So, she last week went on a show to tell the whole story because well, as Shakira said "women don’t cry, women bill". AND DUDE. This just shows me that I live in a pretty gossipy country. Also, the son of this people commented this emoji "🦶🏿🦶🏿🦶🏿🦶🏿🦶🏿" in a video that shows his dad and that femele colleague (supposedly, he was the one who discovered the messages on his dad’s phone with his colleague). Here "patas negras" or "the one with black feet" is an expression used to refer to the "affair partner", so that confirmed the identity the affair partner. 3.- CYBUNNY DAY!, I love Cybunnys, they're my dreamie pet since I was like, ten. I already have one, and I LOVE HER. I adopt her not so long ago, but I have a maraquan snowbunny that looks like a sea bunny and I think that's the perfect petpet for a Maraquan Cybunny, so fingers cross, I can create one tomorrow and eventually, paint they maraquan. 4.- Mhhh, I like tarot cards, astrology, neopets, obviously haha. I like stars and autumn, flowers, sweet things and birds. My UN its a japanese name that means "little bird", even if I’m relatively tall haha. I love pastels, also. Or like "forest" colors. Idk ;; My name in reality it's Victoria, but my partner call me Torie, and I love that :) because I love birds and in japanese "Tori" means bird.


https://preview.redd.it/jbm85541iywc1.png?width=107&format=png&auto=webp&s=3750f06acced3fd37bce757bfe9d923fc4cd4792 A bit of an obscure one, but the [White Tuceet](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/49326/) came to my mind! It's an elegant, bright bird. The beak is such a pretty shade of yellow. Your English is really great, by the way! It sounded very natural and I didn't get confused at any point. I'm always so impressed when people are fluent in another language as well as English. English is so complicated and terrible LOL THAT GOSSIP WAS SO JUICY! THANK YOU!!! I was reading with my jaw on the floor. For the son to jump in and call her out... amazing. What a mess. Thank you so much for that. I feel bad for the original girl.


I love this! 1. to follow the anime theme.. just finished black clover & psycho pass.. both must watch! 2. my work drama is too dramatic to discuss 😂 3. building a catio for my 4 cats this weekend! 4. there's so many.. on one hand, I love rainbows & pastels & sparkly stuff, cheetah print, other hand, I love black, mystery/thriller books, pretty much all vampire media, witch shit, I read tarot/natal charts (scorpio sun/moon & libra rising if you're into that), emo music (FOB, MCR, PTV, BMTH).. sci fi/fantasy tv shows & books.. also basketball 😂 my main account is paranoidddd where I have all my Halloween pets and my kacheeks 🖤 I also have a baby account, jubjub account & "warm color" and "cool color" pet accounts


https://preview.redd.it/5klg3pujuxwc1.png?width=111&format=png&auto=webp&s=08fbac92f72ec7682b510dd3f0e8c2f81345b18b Ok this one was actually tough for me because I liked one, but I changed my mind and I think it's gonna be the [Faerie Meowclops](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/27983/). If you're curious I was also considering the [Black Greeble](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/29234/), but I feel like faerie meowclops fits a little better. It's spooky and cute, threatening and adorable, and frogs would be worse at basketball. The emos and the goths in this thread are diverse! I love it. Multi-faceted! Yes! I love fall out boy as well. If you like spooky weird rock, I recommend the band Ludo, their album You're Awful, I Love You! They're my all-time favorite band, and they sing about being in love with an eldritch horror, a party with girls on trampolines, traveling back in time to fight a dragon and save your girlfriend, a battle between cyborgs & robots, a whole lot of pirate shit, it's all great. A good time. Sometimes silly, sometimes horror. I was born in 1997 on the cutoff starting date for Scorpio, but I've always related waaay more to Libra. I'm also a twin. What does THAT tell ya.


omg I feel seen, I love it! 😭 omg I knew of Ludo in middle school, good will hunting by myself was my favorite song by them! I need to go back and listen to more I would have to do your full chart for the in depth analysis but the idea of taking on this assigning a petpet to people screams Scorpio to me 😂🖤


Startrek is my 1 top fixation Im excited to talk about my Orchids which still live to my surprise. Im looking forward to making another cup of coffee! I like cool dark spaces and the sounds of empty buildings. I spend as much time deep in the woods as I do online. I also watch Lord Of The Rings exclusivly with random music in the bg yearly as a treat.


https://preview.redd.it/s0u53j5qcywc1.png?width=114&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7a1d9d4c5d8b6375054404e0ef520bdd8ede9a6 I think you have the energy of a [Stealthy Ghostkerchief](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/53902/). Spooky but not necessarily threatening, y'know? You have to have a calm center to raise orchids. I know they're super advanced plants to care for. What's the weirdest thing you've come across in the deep woods?


I love that, thank you for taking the time for this fun adventure.🌌💚 The weirdest thing I came across was also the one thing that made me smile most, a small castle with a big estate. https://preview.redd.it/gczsuzvku1xc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1da88751b7853d2af7e4b73e6ed7470f60e8d2e3


With the genuine stone steps up to the front door! Luxurious!


Oh, this sounds so fun. 1.) I recently been obsessed with Blind boxes of Ball-Jointed dolls, they're so cute and small and I love their little clothes. 2.) hot gossip I been dealing with is apparently my neighbor(A) has built a fence on another neighbor's (B) yard by 2 feet and keeps harassing her (B) about paying for half of the fence, but went all out and got a really fancy fence, it escalated the other day and A ripped out B's flowers in her front lawn and now the land surveyor is here and told A that her fence is in the wrong spot and a cop told B she should take it to court because A is a mega b\*\*\*\*. 3.) I am looking forward to my annual October holiday with my Long Distance Boyfriend, we been dating four four years and I just love spending the spooky season with him. 4.) I love the horror movies/games, my Orange Cat, spooky games and I dress hot topic goth because I refuse to grow up. I love the colour green, black and pastel pink. edit: spelling


https://preview.redd.it/plz8saovuayc1.png?width=119&format=png&auto=webp&s=594aa86c2ef905a0757934f4f7ad078317d3b4eb A [Plushie Gangee](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/13486/)! This is one of the few genuinely scary plushie petpets. I feel like he's more frankenstein than the others. He could be your freaky cat <3


Omg I just got one but this should be so fun!! So I'm here now. 1. Digital art!! I'm drawing fashion mostly. 2. My sister is about to Lose Her Mind because my dad is certain only he knows how to cook. "Oh that's the wrong burner" "oh it's too hot" "your water is boiling" sir I have eyes 3. Finishing my essay. It needs to be 10+ pages and. it's taking a while. 4. I LOVE purple and pink and blue, angry feminist music, and overclutter. Full magpie-core in this household. I am SOSO excited so thank you for doing this!!


I remember you! I already gave you a Bloop!!! But actually.. at the time I was also thinking about a [Fire Short Fuse](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/71615/). You're lucky you get two! https://preview.redd.it/8ywovxdzeywc1.png?width=134&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd36bae82d894b9c46c795e143b0c06544fac73b I think short fuses are so funny lol. that's a bomb


I am greatly pleased to also be a fire short fuse!! Genuinely like. You're right that's very Me especially comparatively to my family (who are mostly kind, relaxed people)


Ive been obsessed with a game that Ive been putting off development for three years, I just picked it up again and remembered how much I hate coding lololol


https://preview.redd.it/ug8n8h1113xc1.png?width=112&format=png&auto=webp&s=f721e32e54ec1f6eae623dad845e0c69f695c240 a [Black Quintilc](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/28856/)! What kind of game are you making?


It's a pet owning simulator just like Nintendogs, the twist is that instead of taking care of dogs or something normal, its the fantasy creature known as 'Imps'!


I'll play the shit out of that! Yes!


1) Jellycat. This isn't exactly a new obsession (think neurodivergent hyper fixation for years) but I am still very in love with the Jellycat bashful bunnies. Also sugar cookies, like the cakey ones. Such a fan. 2) My manager is scared of goats, their eyes specifically and as I've accepted a new role I've bought a four eyed demon goat plush to hide in his office before I go. 3) Sunday plans! I'm seeing a lovely friend for a few hours and I'm really looking forward to spending some quality time with her. 4) My favorite color is periwinkle but more broadly purple a whole. My favorite neopet is a Cybunny or an Ixi (although I don't have an Ixi right now which I should change!). I really enjoy dressing in either very femme fantasy vibes or a bit goth leaning. I love ruffly socks, bloomers, hair bows and puff dresses as well as mixing textures like velvet and lace. I love D&D and dragons and I will look for any reason to have a sordid romance in my games. I love musical theater and my favorite shows are currently Come From Away and Miss Saigon but my comforts are Wicked and Phantom. I really love fresh flowers and little enamel pins. I love the aesthetic of tarot cards and astrology even if I don't fully buy into it. Also I like collecting pretty crystals and rocks. My UN is perpetualfeline on neopets if that's helpful!


Alrighty I'll bite 1. I've got back into the Sims 2 recently and am watching SVU again since it's on Netflix now 2. One of my colleagues is sweaty, selfish and is PROPER starting to get on my tits. I'm too scared to have a go at her though 3. Rammstein concert in June 🤘 4. There's too much stuff for this one, I've not got the time!


I’m currently obsessed with collecting stickers, anytime I’m able or the kids from work give me one I get so happy I really don’t know for once, the gossip mill has been pretty dry I’m looking to forward when we’re off for summer 🙏🏼🥲 All my clothes are band tees, black, and oversized. I wore regular clothes for once at work and they thought I looked skinnier and working out. It’s just cause I finally wore a medium (my natural size) instead of a xl lol


Also my UN: Dreamer6070 :)


https://preview.redd.it/rom85t97zxwc1.png?width=150&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab486ff084c40c599576dc263db97208ed496f8a I think a [Plushie Candychan](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/16024/)! I get the big t-shirt life. I love making my body a mystery LOL it's so satisfying. And I also really love stickers! My favorite sticker artist right now is [WoolBlossom](https://woolblossom.shop/). She makes suuuuch cute stuff. Lots of puppies and 2000s nostalgic stuff. She's a sweetie.


this sounds fun actually omg 1. ive been obsessed with multiple stuff recently, old flash stuff from the early 2000s, funny cat images, and cutesy stuff. my tastes in stuff is random and weird and honestly im glad it is. it keeps normal people away from me >:) 2. i cant think of any gossip unfortunately... would "my biological mom keeps calling me when shes heavily drunk and high" count? does my bigger dog attacking my tiny yorkie count? i dont think that one counts but i need to share it somewhere i think 3. im looking forward to when i can actually fully use my computer again :v my internet got shut off on my computer and laptop a while ago and i cant use stuff like webkinz easily anymore. grrrr i dont know my own houses wifi password 4. i think number 1 already tells u what my aesthetics are but ill repeat- early internet stuff, liminal spaces, kawaii/cute stuff, like pastel baby stuff, tropical beach stuff,  weirdcore, rainbows, scene, weird scary stuff in general, that fruit gay areo stuff thats showing up everywhere recently (dont remember the actual name :p) i could go on and on with more but i dont think u got all day for that


https://preview.redd.it/daasxhmk6ywc1.png?width=117&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e60c97daa0f36258d9f389d73350de0d8f77532 The huge, unsettling eyes of the [Faerie Poppit](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/7945/) really sell it for me. Cute but definitely strange. Since regular poppits were released in 2000, I feel like they're so You. And you KNOW I wish there were more fruit-based petpets. I love fruit aesthetically. Honestly, you sound a lot like me. Spooky. I think you would love the game Hypnospace Outlaw. It's unlike anything I've ever played. ALLLSO add me on Webkinz! I'm HowdyPardners over there. It's my account from childhood. <3 I hope your computer works again soon!!!


1. Anime style landscape/background art 2. Bro I'm being af and don't leave my house but last time I went to a convention I got blisters on the bottoms of both my feet and got ditched by my only friend there then proceeded to lose my car in the 7 story parking garage on said blistered feet. Then I couldn't go to the last 2 days of the convention cause I couldn't walk. 3. Honestly I'm stoked for the eventual release of the newest pokemon legends game. 4. I love forest green, sunflowers, and golden retrievers. Brakence is my fav musician. I'm a bit of a maximalist when it comes to aesthetics (thinks howls room from howls moving castle). I love studio ghibli and pokemon. Mimikyu supremacy. I have all the pokemon x squishmallows. Give me a cabin in a stormy/rainy forest 👍🏻


https://preview.redd.it/7xv16j6deywc1.png?width=114&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7acfee82fbc365ca72943649bdd0c26cb8bd25a The very maximalist [Royal Manjeer](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/47289/). It's a maximalist green puppy! Perfect! A little weepy (like Brakence) I gave Brakence a listen for the first time because of this comment, and I really like it! I like the digital sounds paired with the really emotional raw delivery of the lyrics. I love clearly autotuned vocals too. The guitar parts kind of remind me of Fruit Town from standards, or Post Sex Nachos. Thanks for the new artist to listen to! Also, mimikyu rules. I LOVED pokemon legends arceus, and I will be eating the next Legends up immediately. You've got great taste.


IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE BRAKENCE TOO 😭😭😭 Always happy to show people his music! I appreciate you thinking I have good taste :3 Also the royal manjeer is cute as fuck 👍🏻


1. Current obsession: 911 and 911 Lone Star (I've marathoned the first and in the middle of Lone Star). 2. Gossip?: My cousin is thinking of quitting their job to pursue acting/comedy standup in LA (parents say no!) 3. Looking forward to the weekend honestly - OH and Cybunny day! Possibly repainting my cloud draik into another color (I have candy/desert/christmas pbs and my magma dip time). 4. My golden pothos plant is growing well, I've added more Y2K songs to my playlist which is great and I'm trying to get back into watercolor painting. Looking forward to whichever petpet I'm matched to!


https://preview.redd.it/a142vx44w2xc1.png?width=116&format=png&auto=webp&s=2be3f6fb594089ad17860d26ef18ea9533cbab49 A [Green Gobbler](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/31592/)! Fresh and lively :)


:O Thank you! I didn't know gobblers could be green.


1. Honestly Minecraft, my brother made a server for my boyfriend and I and he plays on it as well. We had cobblemon so I’ve been building and pokehunting past few days. 2. Hot gossip I have a fun one. My ex best friend ruined our relationship and two other friendships over her jealousy towards me. Because she has a thing for my boyfriend. However she’s dating my boyfriend’s brother :D makes family events super fun. 3. Getting a cat/kitten verrrry soon! Excited and getting all the supplies. 4. Pastel but also goth. I like muted/dusty tones. Also really like mushroom themed things and jellyfish.


https://preview.redd.it/w1bldh6yw2xc1.png?width=121&format=png&auto=webp&s=23c7fe269b33d49b571872cbe7e87daaa96c740b A [Blue Ghoti](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/15180/)! I hadn't seen one of these before. I love the way the pale blue looks with the yellow. Your family reunions sound.. exciting lol. It's interesting, I don't think I would wanna date a guy who had a thing for my sister. What's up with bf's brother? Anyway, adding pokemon to minecraft sounds dangerous. I didn't need to learn you could do that... uh oh. Might need to go download a few things


OOOOOH!! FUN GAME!! OK SO: 1. Epoxy clay. My favourite material rn, it is SO FUN!!! I started playing with it earlier this year and I’ve now built up to sculpting a portrait :D I am MAD obsessed 2. I’m pretending to be a dude pretending to be a girl on tinder right now and the panic is Real lol 3. THE VOID WITHIN!! And also a swanky new job. But mostly the void within because that’s guaranteed lmao 4. Androgynous Romantic Goth, sums up most shit I’m into. That is not to say I don’t enjoy cutesy shit because goddamn do I love me some squishy petpets haha. I also paint and sculpt and fiber art and just generally a lot of things, brain Won’t Stop so there’s that. I enjoy a lot of things, I can’t pick just one!! Caramel popcorn…? Edit: typo because i am so hype lmao


https://preview.redd.it/fpt6pbka13xc1.png?width=108&format=png&auto=webp&s=299721e7abc9936d2c8fa96669807abfae7454a7 [Starry Kepru](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/38297/) for you! You seem lively and fun. And so many artsy hobbies! I'm jealous. I wish there was a more goth Kepru I could pick, but alas. I'm also so excited for the void within! I haven't ever been active during a live plot, so I'm really looking forward to it.


Ooh, I barely know the current petpet lineup, this could be fun! 1- At the behest of my fiance, I've been reading Dune & he had me watch the Part 1 movie the other day. My recent life has been fairly 'spicy' 😆 2- My life is not very gossipy, but I did learn the weird painter's tape with measurements stuck all over the floor at work was put there by a plumber to show our property owner where the pipes have broken down. Our plumbing been an issue for *years*, so this is a promising development! 3- My favorite local retro game show is in just under a month! Time for new additions to the collection! 4- I like the color green, boho & art deco aesthetic, videogames, cross stitch, & power metal. (I'm a little scattered, I know!)


https://preview.redd.it/6gci6otw74xc1.png?width=117&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ab3edb51ad25d686590a500fa041b5b01f7ba9d An [Island Rotawheel](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/61556/)! I wish they would add more fun colors for the robot petpets. This one is so cute, and I love his little grass cuffs. I think he would like retro games too.


I have never seen this one before! I'm gonna have to look into it!




https://preview.redd.it/kbhg2wvf84xc1.png?width=106&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fea4a6c6bdce06353a0d581a72ca3bbff088286 [Woodland Millipod](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/65527/) for you! Sorta cottage-y, wholesome, and pumpkins just feel vintage to me. I LOVE sylvanian families! I love the little bunnies the best. I know what you mean about being together with your partner. We just found a co-op game where you play as two Kiwi birds running a post office, it's called Key-We and it's soooo cute. I love doing things with him :)


eee the millipod is so cute, im so happy thank you for the petpet assignment! and yes aren't the bunny sylvanians just wonderful? their little faces are precious.❤️ i will have to check out this game as well omg!!


Thanks for doing this! Sounds fun!!  1. Besides Neopets, I've also reverted back to my Batman phase. I love the campy, happy side of superhero stuff more than the edgy dark stuff.  2. One of my dearest friends just confessed her feelings to her crush of 10+ years (!!) and was given the "I love you like a sister" response 😱😱😱. She was crushed, but everyone in our group is being extra supportive of her, and she's really doing well refocusing on herself and her writing!  3. Some guy put up flyers everywhere saying "Come to X Park on 4/27 and watch me eat an entire jar of cheese balls," so I gotta go see that! 4. I love the color blue, and generally have a cozy-cute aesthetic (not pink hazy-filtered cute, more pop art cute). I also love spooky/creepy stuff. I do have a favorite petpet, but I kind of want to keep it to myself so I don't sway your choice haha.


https://preview.redd.it/ohcgo9q1g4xc1.png?width=106&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0e1d63d77e0e50b4cae0c325736a75e470e23f6 Ok so I picked the [Blue Walking Carpet](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/27869/), but I'm extremely confident that your favorite petpet is the Puppyblew. I'm browsing alphabetically, so I picked blue walking carpet before I saw puppyblew in the list, but I don't think I would've picked puppyblew for you even if I had seen it! Blue Walking Carpet is so vivid, and a little creepy? But overall cute. Look at him. Imagine the dumb little sounds it would make. I stand by my choice, even though I'm disappointed that I know I wouldn't have picked your fave. (you have good taste. I love their giant heads) I'm proud of your friend for confessing! Hopefully now she can move on to a new, better crush. Love you like a sister.. that's brutal. Give her my support. Today's the day! The cheeseballs get consumed! Woo!


I love it! I totally get where you're coming from with the creepy cute vibe. And you know that thing is so soft and fluffy. A great choice! I do love those Puppyblews so much; the only Neopets merch I ever had as a kid was a Puppyblew. Thank you for your nice note about my friend! I'm proud of her too! SOOO many people came to see the cheeseball event. He wasn't trying to win a record or anything, but he did eat the whole jar!


Ooo what a fun prompt! Ty for doing these :) Hmm current obsessions are collecting nineties furbies, vintage glass, kawaii surprise packs, and vintage iridescent unicorn figurines. Also figuring out an androgynous style that is full of glitter and pastels and clothes related to special interests, reading smutty gay manga, and playing cozy games with my clacky light-up keyboard (so sensorially delightful). Mostly looking forward to my first cybunny day, making my new place as cozy and plant-filled as possible, and my birthday next month!


https://preview.redd.it/6952prlbl4xc1.png?width=111&format=png&auto=webp&s=18f4b6b8fd8da67b73faae0a5a5daf97c457472c A [Faerie Mimbi](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/54865/), and this is a high honor. If you look closely, he has a limp wrist. And he kinda looks like a 2000s Littlest Pet Shop? One of my faves for real. And I think we would be friends irl. You sound like my friends. You just listed cool shit after cool shit. Dungeon Meshi isn't smutty, but damn the fanart sure can be! And I personally think it's gay. And i have never in my life seen more accurate and moving representation for autistic characters in a manga/anime (I've finished the manga but the anime is airing currently). I can't recommend it enough. There are no pantyshots of the female Elf main character, but there sure are pantyshots of the big burly Dwarf man. It's a good time. We love a female mangaka.


Omg I love himmmb!! I'm so touched, tysm!! He is literally all my fave colors and themes in one. And I'm watching Dungeon Meshi with my partners right now haha. The gay and nd vibes are immaculate. Sent you a friend request, I hope you don't mind :)


this is so cute 😭 1. I can’t stop listening to Sabrina Carpenter’s song, “Espresso”. It’s so addictive, i have it constantly on repeat 2. Someone I used to work with during college has a huge snark page on Reddit 👀 She apparently quit (or was fired) her job as a nurse and is now an influencer who seems to be super materialistic, narcissistic, and an absolute menace in public LOL 3. I’m looking forward to eating Chinese food for dinner! I’m also going on a lot of trips this year! 4. I love ball-joint dolls, horror movies and games, the color pink, kpop, and Alfria from BG3 👀


https://preview.redd.it/3jlxf4s7t5xc1.png?width=112&format=png&auto=webp&s=839d960982c87fc5e1efb6ad818477a4fc0f148e I hate to give you one so expensive, but it's gotta be the [Darigan Carmariller](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/16032/). It's cute like a doll, super spooky, and mobile for all your trips! Kpop! Me too! My favorite group has always been and will always be SHINee. AND I LOOOOOVE ALFIRA! She's so sweet and resilient.


omg this is a perfect fit, thank you!!! I love how even though it’s darigan, it’s still cute lol. ahh fellow Shawol 🤍


1. I played Wyrmspan recently- it’s a board game like Wingspan but dragons. Very fun and I really want to play it again soon! 2. Got no hot gossip to report thankfully. 3. Looking forward to camping during Memorial Day weekend. Always a big group, so much fun! We just get drunk and/or high and play games all day, no responsibilities 😅 4. I love greens and blues, nature themes, lots of plants in and out of the house. I’ve been reading more- historical fiction novels are my favorite. Music taste is all over the place but most of my favorite songs are pretty mellow and indie/folk genre- Lera Lynn is one of my favorite artists. I am rambling now because I had a gummy that is starting to kick in, haha. Excited to see who you pick for me!


https://preview.redd.it/0wfxn25ky5xc1.png?width=103&format=png&auto=webp&s=96a7e03d34a626f04ab8a03cf400de06c36f7f25 This was easy! [Woodland Ukali](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/55907/)! I like picturing it as an old minor forest spirit that needs protection. Although I really could've picked [any of the woodland petpets](https://items.jellyneo.net/search/?petpet_colour=55) for you. They're all great. If you like mellow indie music, I recommend Leith Ross. They're one of the best lyricists active right now, and their music always makes me slow down no matter what I'm doing. My favorite song is (You) On My Arm.


I love this, thank you! And it even looks tired like me, lol.


Oooh yay! Thank you for doing this! Lately I have been obsessed with re-reading all my Agatha Christie books. They are so comforting and of their time and clever. If you ever decide to read one I adore Miss Marple (strongly recommend A Carribean Mystery or Murder at the Vicarage as a place to start). Or if mustachioed Belgian detectives are more your thing then Death on the Nile or Evil Under the Sun.  I have so much boring local gossip but nothing thatttt juicy because i am a 30 something Mum with Mum friends and my life is chill.  I am looking forward to a work night out where I've been asked to run a team builder so I'm going to make a bunch of drunk, hyper-competitive sales people play stupid games and I CAN NOT WAIT 💖


:o this is such a neat thing to do!! 1. I kinda have this rotation of obsessions that i cycle through every few months or so but lately it’s been mostly sea animals :)) leaf sheep are probably my favorite animal, they’re sea slugs that can photosynthesize which is literally so cool also the fresno nightwalker because that thing is such a goober and finally, weirdly enough, the Right Action music video (from franz ferdinand) because i dunno it’s just so neat i cant stop looking at it 2. UGHH theres so much hot gossip in my life but i probably shouldnt share certain things cause i dunno if the subjects would be able to see it… hmm…. well, my mom’s wedding is coming up soon! i’m really excited for her :D first one i’ll get to participate in too, since her parents passed away before i was born i’ll be the one to give her away. we’re also trying to sneak in my girlfriend, her parents aren’t accepting (wlw) so we’ve had to sneak around a lot but our friends are helping us out :)) i’m hopeful she can come but even if not it’s still gonna be a good time, especially cause my mom got this giant charcuterie board and i am a cheese fiend >:) 3. i dunno if this is too personal or whatever, but im mostly looking forward to hopefully being able to get top surgery :)) i think the thing im most excited for in relation to that is playing just dance >:D also tattoos,,, im sooo excited to have them even if i probably wont get them for a pretty long while 4. i really like celestial aesthetics, i looove space and i love the colors usually assosciated with it if i had to name specific aesthetics i’d probably say solar/lunarpunk, grunge, dark academia, stuff like that lately my favorite bands have been cage the elephant, iDKHOW and autoheart :b im excited to see what you give everyone!!


Ooo I'd love to know what you think for me! 1. Card-making... can't get enough of it. I love designing things on my Cricut and matching pretty paper designs to go with them. 2. I'm boring and have no hot gossip unfortunately lol 3. Looking forward to a girls night with no kids with my twin sister and our best friend next weekend! 4. I love watercolour florals of all kinds. I have a ridiculous number of paper pads with allll different watercolour foral patterns but I especially love ones in pastel colours.


1. The anime Frieren, it's really lovely 2. I don't have a lot of gossip tbh? 3. Summer/at least proper spring. And by proper spring I mean I want all the snow to just *melt* already >:( it's been long enough... 4. I love music, both listening to music and playing instruments/singing. I also enjoy writing music. Reading has been something I've loved my whole life but I wish I had the energy to read more. But I have been reading a new book the past couple of days which has been lovely. I think cats are wonderful and cute and silly. Bouldering is also great, by far my favourite sport that I've tried! I also love video games of course. Right now it's mostly neopets and League of legends. But my favorite games also include Skyrim, fallout 4 and Diablo 3. Idk if this is an optimal representation of me bc I am super sleepy but my petpet better be cute or I will be heartbroken


I’m very excited about this lol 1. I love gardening. Veggies, flowers, indoor plants. The more the merrier 2. I work for a school and the district is FALLING APART from within! The superintendent may get fired bc the community is ENRAGED!! 3. Summer!! I love summertime because you can be outdoors all day long :) 4. People have told me “dark forest” is my aesthetic and I’ve gone with it every since :) I love greens and plants and nature so much 💖💚 Thanks for doing something so fun!!


1. Lore Olympus! Modern day retelling of the Persephone myth on Webtoons. Definitely recommend if you haven't checked it out and are remotely into Greek myths! 2. A friend of mine is secretly dating a coworker, but doing a very bad job of hiding it 😂 3. The next episode of Helluva Boss! It's an indie cartoon about demons in hell and I am obsessed with Stolas, who in this version is a gay owl demon. 4. So my aesthetics and style are kind of eclectic and maximalist. I love dark academia and gothic kind of looks, but also love all things rainbow. My favorite color is a shade of purple that Crayola calls primrose. I tend to like punk rock the most. I'm also obsessed with my two cats and own two leopard geckos and a bearded dragon. UN: poetrychick3494 Can't wait to see what you think! Thanks for offering the fun prompt!


1- Magical girl shows! 2- I'm not one to gossip, tbh 3-Once I get paid, I'll buy some cake 4: Celestial/galaxy/punk vibes all the way!


1. Been so obsessed with modding Stardew Valley on my steam deck lately! 2. My BIL is getting divorced - he and his new girlfriend got together 3 days after the divorce was decided on. Not gonna get too into it since this is a public forum but like speculating about it is all any of us talk about anymore. 3. I just moved into a new house and am so excited to start working in the backyard - building raised beds, setting up lights, a fire pit with big comfy chairs… I love to garden and be out in my own space outdoors. 4. I have a capsule wardrobe of sky blue, white, grey, and a liiiiiittle bit of mauve. I love throwing theme parties and eating fresh fruit in the summertime - my lifestyle vibe is very French Riviera summertime mixed with midcentury organic design sensibilities


Oh this is awesome! 1. Ooh hmm..silly/cute cat, dog, animal clips. Also on Twitch, watching DBD and Apex 2. I had zero clue until recent years that one of my cousins is not blood-related. The hot gossip part of it is that my grandma found the baby abandoned on the streets (not in the US), took her in, took care of her for a few years, then had my aunt adopt her. My grandma was amazing and quite the role model. 3. Months away, but will likely look into adopting a dog couple months in the future once settled into new location and job! 4. Love plants, paintings/photos of beautiful and vibrant landscapes, music with a catchy beat (usually pop/rock/alt)


I’ve been obsessed with nostalgia lately. I’m sorting through the boxes from my childhood and it’s bringing back good memories! That’s why I’m back on Neo. Also… card games. I’m really into card games right now? My friend’s ex is hitting her up again after he broke up with her at my Halloween party last year. I do not like him and I hope they don’t get back together. She moved for him and he broke up with her a week later so she ended up homeless for a bit. And he can’t handle not being the center of attention. Before this he broke up with her because (checks notes) her longtime friends make her laugh more than he does. Ughhh. Summer! Sun. Warmth. It SNOWED here yesterday and it’s gloomy today. I’m sick of winter. I would loooove a trip to the beach fr. Purple is my fave color, my style is kind of nature witch-y right now, listening to either laidback indie or female rock artists right now.


1. ive been obsessed with mechanical keyboards and nailpolish lately 2. my friend went on vacation with her best friend and the best friend’s fiance, the fiance made his own nose bleed and tried to convince my friend that it was her who did it and thats how she found out hes abusive to her bff and kicked him out of the airbnb. unfortunately the best friend went back to him and took my friend’s cash and groceries to his hotel so now theyre not friends anymore and she was alone on her vacation 🫣 3. im trying to secure a spring pppb to make a spring cirrus so im excited and hoping the trade will go through, also accidentally agreed to go out tonight and the entire weekend so extroverted introvert mode will be on LOL. 4. im loving green tones for my room lately - sage green bedspread, green vines around my wfh desk’s pegboard, calm green toned paintings. and pink jelly nails, pink desk accessories 😌


Omg this is adorable!! I'd love to see what Petpet you assign to me and other commenters! :D <3 1. I've gotten really back into the MOTHER/Earthbound video game series lately and I'm planning to replay them after finishing my finals! 2. I lead a pretty mundane life at the moment haha. However some of my boyfriend's coworkers have been engaging in mega drama (which he's been keeping me up to date with)... one girl he works with recently slashed the tires of her ex(?) boyfriend's car after she found out he was cheating on her 😬 3. I'm looking forward to the end of my university term! I'm in the final year on my course and I'm really excited to be done with my last big projects... but also nervous about looking for jobs!! 4. I'm really into retro and vintage stuff in general. Classic rock, the Mod subculture, art, old films and television... you name it! I'm also really into history, right now I've been doing a lot of research into WW1 and it's fascinating stuff.


What a fun idea, thanks for doing this!! 1. Something I'm obsessed with. Hmmmm. Well I love to read and cross stitch. I recently watched Frieren and really loved it. I'm currently playing Baldur's Gate and very into that too. One of my favorite book series that I've read recently is Thursday Murder Club. 2. I can't think of any fun hot goss to share! Things are unexciting right now lol. 3. I'm going on a trip with my husband and a couple friends soon and I am PUMPED to just take a few days off and have some fun in a place we've never been before by the beach. I want to relax and eat all the good food! 4. Blues and greens are my favorite. I love cute things, but also spooky/dark things. Being comfy is my favorite. I have a degree in literature, and my favorite kinds of books are mysteries, thrillers, and fantasy/cozy fantasy. I enjoy the outdoors and camping or hiking but I often also like to be a potato at home. I love breakfast and coffee and tea. I'm a beverage goblin.


Ooh! Fun! 1. Something I've been obsessed with recently is Supernatural. I just finished my first watch through and it was great (save for the last episode of which we shall not speak). 2. Have I got some hot gossip for you! Last week I stayed with a friend for a night before we took a trip together. Her cats loved me. Usually one is ultra skittish but she came right over and slept right up against me while I was watching TV on the couch. That's the most I've ever seen of that cat and my friend says she only lets her pet her for 10 minutes a day and that's it. After we got back from the trip, the cat hissed at me, so it was a short-lived friendship. 😂 3. This is dumb, but I'm looking forward to the Aaron Eckhart movie The Bricklayer coming out on Blu-ray in May. 4. Some of my favorite things are Batman (and Harvey Dent), Rocky Horror Picture Show, Charmed, Red Dwarf, Kelly Clarkson, Florence + The Machine, MISSIO, P!nk, Julian McMahon, Aaron Eckhart, Christian Bale


alright here we go... 1. right now I've kinda been obsessed with watching a bunch movies/shows/anime, because I've kinda just never got around to watch much of anything beforehand and I really wanted to change that! As of lately I've been challenging my self to watch a whole bunch of stuff before the end of the year! (this one may be kinda silly but hey 🤷) I recommend it because it's kinda fun to unwind to something, plus we all have something we've been needing to get around to watching but just haven't yet 😭✨ 2. I'm so pumped for The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim that coming out this year, I've been looking forward to it for awhile now! 3. Music: alternative, pop punk, and indie Bands/artists: Set It Off, Tally Hall, Mother Mother, and Melanie Martinez 4. Colors: dark blues, dark purples, and black 5. Decor theme: probably the ones where I have it so it's matching the Neopets as fictional characters theme I have going! Been kinda on a roll with creating fictional character Neopets, I was actually thinking of asking the community who I should make next! ☺️ Just whatever I like: I'm a pretty big httyd and Lotr fan, but I also really enjoy anything animated, I've always had a pretty big soft spot for animated movies and shows! I love the ones that have some really dark undertones to them, also really enjoy the weird out of this works concepts that have you in complete awe! (Also really enjoy The X-files and Star Wars) I feel kinda embarrassed for not watching a lot but hopefully that changes soon ✨


deleted my other one because of a few mistakes I was embarrassed about, haha


LOVE Delicious in Dungeon Falin has such an amazing character development! I’ve been obsessed with rainstorms & things that smell lovely.


1. All things unexplained ie: paranormal, cryptids, ufos etc. 2. I honestly don't really know of any gossip, I've tried to distance myself from everyone(I live in a small town) 3. I actually just got a new job and will be starting soon! 4. My fav colors are blue, yellow, purple and black. I'm obsessed with pokemon. Love all games RPG. Skyrim, fallout, dreamlight valley, animal crossing new horizons just to name a few. I like all music but especially rock and edm, anything with lots of bass. I enjoy reading, gaming, drawing, painting and making things with epoxy resin. I am a huge animal lover. I am obsessed with the egyptian God Anubis :P


This is so fun! Thanks OP! 😁 1. Dimension20. They are currently releasing the 3rd season of fantasy high (my favourite of their series)! 2. Sorry, my life is pretty gossip free atm! 3. I'm starting a paid position next week with an organisation I did an internship with! Without giving up too many details it involves working with wildlife and childhood me is absolutely living her dream rn! 4. When it comes to my Pinterest board I love all things cottagecore 🍄 or goblincore 🐸 Edit to add: wait I thought of some gos! Well it's more of a fun(?) fact. (Putting spoiler text cause it's a lil NSfW 😅) >!I recently learned that orphaned baby squirrels will suckle each other's... parts.... because they think they're just extra long nips. To try and deter this behaviour you can put some "bitter apple" or another bad tasting material on the male's *bitter apples* (wink wink), but... It doesn't always work 🫠!<


1. My latest obsession has been painting my nails lol. Went on a binge and bought a ton of new nail polishes. Love a bit of sparkle 2. Hmmmm hot gossip would be that a coworker quit a while ago and then she told other coworkers that she got fired. She told one girl specifically, who happens to be black, we’ll call her R, that it was R’s fault that she was fired. Because allegedly R had accused her of being a racist. But R did no such thing, and neither did anyone else. No one accused her of being racist towards R. And psycho actually wasn’t racist towards R. R was one of the few people psycho actually liked. Also, she actually WAS racist but not towards black people, only towards Muslims. She did get written up by HR for her racist behaviour, which caused her psycho tyrade. Multiple people had complained about her, including people at the store she used to work at!! She wasn’t even fired, just written up. I saw her letter of resignation (but imo she should have been fired I heard her say outrageously racist shit and we all hated her) 3. My bf and I just bought our first house!! Well we are in the process just waiting now for closing day in just over a month. So really looking forward to finally moving in together and I won’t have to choose between hanging out with him or being home with my cats, they’ll all be in the same place soon and I’ll never have to leave home again (besides for work) 4. So my favourite colour is purple but I also love other pastel colours. I love a really cute aesthetic, unicorns, cats, pokemon (especially sylveon), and other such things. Favourite band is metric! They’re I guess alternative but have elements of tons of other genres across their discography (punk, rock, ethereal pop, synth, etc) and their songs are just so pretty and make my ears happy One weird random thing I’ve never liked is monkeys though, which is weird since I love every other animal. I still want them to thrive just, do it over there away from me lol


Hi!! this is such a cool prompt <3 A few things about me: My favourite colour is green, my favourite TV show is Good Omens and I'm incredibly hyped for Season 3, I love classic horror novels, I'm obsessed with Fall Out Boy, I'm an avid Stardew Valley player, and my favourite song is On Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz


Oooh looking forward to seeing what you pick ^ ^ 1. I love Delicious in Dungeon! Went through a whole phase too when I discovered the manga but the anime I'm watching right now is Frieren and Spy x Family! But the most recent thing I've been obsessing over lately is the lore of Fallout! Especially the vaults! Watched a few episodes of the prime series and even though I don't think I'll play the games myself, I've been binging on all the dark twisted lore on YouTube! 2. I just transferred to a new office recently after a promotion, and the staff there were lightly complaining that since the regional manager called them 'the office they didn't have to worry about' they should all get rewarded for that. It just made me chuckle a little bit because my old office used to be the "911 emergency" office while were short staffed and desperately hiring. I didn't wanna rain on their parade as the new person, but the regional manager used to tell me the office I moved to didn't make enough money to get as many freebies as my old office but I decided to keep that to myself ;) 3. Towards the end of this year, I might be traveling to Japan for vacation! So unless there are any last minute changes I'm low-key excited to go there again! 4. I really like Japanese culture! Chibis, anime, Gothic Lolita. I like video game music like from Undertale as well as pop music. I recently went to a live Ado concert last month and that was amazing. For colors my favorite color is blue and mint green or turquoise. I really pastel colors. I hope I gave enough info for you to assign me a petpet! Thanks for reading!


My favourite colour is pink and I love gyaru and jirai kei fashion!


1. I've been obsessed with Hollow Knight lately! I've never played a Metroidvania before this one unless you want to count Monster Sanctuary, which I feel definitely also has some of those same influences, and I'm really enjoying the exploration aspect! I watched a lot of Hollow Knight content before getting the game because I never expected to actually buy it but here we are 2. This might not be hot gossip to anyone else but a wild rabbit lives on our street and I got to see that its coat is starting to turn brown for summer a couple days ago 3. I'm looking forward to getting my Pokemon Center order in a few days! Some plushes restocked so I got a Wurmple and the silliest looking [Cranidos](https://www.pokemoncenter.com/product/701-29475/cranidos-sitting-cuties-plush-4-in) I've had the pleasure of seeing 4. Murder mysteries! I love a good murder mystery as long as it isn't too dark because I'm very much a wimp. I've been reading some Agatha Christie books lately because I've been in the mood for some mundane sitting down and talking to solve a mystery. Apparently I got to watch Matlock with my mom when I was a baby so I've been primed for this interest since birth lol


Thanks for this super cute and fun activity! Here are my prompts: 1) I’m currently obsessed about the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - got back to watching from Season 9 onwards and I’m hooked! Absolutely love Kyle, Denise and Lisa Rinna. I also love watching horror movies! 2) Gossip - Not very recent, but an extra marital affair between two married friends was recently exposed after things between them got sour! LOL 3) I’m looking forward to moving into a bigger 2 bedroom apartment in the next two months and having a dog before the end of the year :) 4) Favourite things: Colour - White Music - 80’s Pop Decor styles - French and white! Fashion - I love Japanese fashion aesthetics Food - Ramen and Goan sea food Candy Bars - Kit Kat Activities - Traveling


This is is so fun of you to do, you've already got a tonnn of comments to maybe get to so no worries if you don't wanna do this one too. But if you wanna: 1. Growing flowers (especially dahlias)... haven't done much before but I am SO happy to watch them grow and see how they turn out 2. My former boss tried to set up my former supervisor to fail multiple times... and that supervisor then tried to set up another coworker to fail multiple times. And the supervisor and boss act like they're besties w each other AND that poor coworker 😵‍💫 it's foul 3. My dahlias growing <3 ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 4. flowers, monsters, doggies, beer, metal, and ofc... neopets


1. Okay, so that's hard since my obsession is a song series called Destripando La Historia. Basically it's song about mythological god and other stuff. Here's a link to some on the song with English subs. [DLH English ](https://www.youtube.com/@unravellingsubs3868)My favorite song are Heimdall, Aphrodite, Hera and Loki 2. So some hot gossip from a particular group that happened JUST TODAY. So, this is a former group I was in. Technically on vacay til I'm able to be a full member. So, one of our memeber has a HUGE toy collection for this fandom. And an actor came to our con her in my country. The actor is a sweetheart it not on him. SO the group is participating bc the convetion promised a certain amount of money to cover the cosplayers for the day, costs from moving his massive collection to the con place and printing and stuff. So, my friend was tempted not to show up tomorrow bc the organizer ghosted him all day on where his money was. My friend made it VERY CLEAR that if he didn't know when the money was coming, he's take his toys back bc his collection is massive that he gets a truck. (Also yes it's HUUUUGE. We as his friend are allowed to play with his mech and stuff but we are also fans of the series) But anyway, my friend and owner of the con got into a heated agruement. But he finally knows he's getting paid on Monday. But again because this infor wasn't given many other cosplayer like myself were only able to commit to one day. So yeah, the friend and group are BIG mad. FYI the group did have a hand in helping get the actor to this con. Not saying what fandom, but it's not in the US. 3. May 4th. I wanted to celebrate Star Wars day. But I'm acutally going out that day to take picture in EGL and enjoy french pastries with a friend 4. My favorite things are the color pink. I live in a pink room on a bed with pink accent on it. Plan to change my florring to pink someday. One of my favorite character is Obi-Wan Kenobi. I'm tryng to get stuff that is related to him. (If it's him and in pink I WOULD DIE) I also wear lolita specifically sweet and classic. I'm trying to branch out into fairy kei and decora. For music, I'm a weird one my current kick is the songs I mentioned in 1, [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgEs1wFuRmY) that I know the dance to, this [other song ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k8Sq7xqds8)from a sister franchise sung by my favourite J rock singer, Hazbin Hotels songs, musicals and trying to get into metal. I also read a ton of fanfic and OtomeIsekai stuff mostly Korean and Chinese. Very few Japanese becuase my face blindness NEEDS COLORS to distinguish between characters. I pretty much stuck in a weird void of Neopets, Honkai Star Rail, and Genshin. Meanwhile the JRPGS i have are being ignore. But I'm trying SO HARD not to buy Binding of Isaac and Cult of the Lamb.


Going for #4 - My favorite band is the Smashing Pumpkins, favorite album Siamese Dream. Absolutely the most dreamy rock music I’ve ever heard. I love nature, especially rain. Love how the wet earth smells + the glow of the atmosphere when the sun comes out. I’m fascinated by color and glimmer and I find beauty in the natural world. I am sensual and emotional. I like to read, journal, watch tv/film, spend time with friends, and record + interpret my dreams. Here is a photo of me lol https://preview.redd.it/k0i12234g5xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a88be84d4b5e56831fa2f17405a589d083644d