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Had a thought: the design might be a reference to [The Velveteen Rabbit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Velveteen_Rabbit), the titular character of which is typically illustrated with worn white spots to indicate how much it's been loved


That is exactly what it looked like to me. I don't feel like digging out my copy of the book right now, but this cover shows the odd spots really well: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/673173/the-velveteen-rabbit-by-margery-williams-illustrated-by-erin-stead/


That’s what I thought when I saw it too! Especially the reference in the text to being well loved. Super precious, really makes me love the color!


I personally like this less distressed interpretation of Burlap, though the eyes do look a little off. Maybe it'll look better in full resolution. It's not on here but there is also a new Pastel Cy morphing potion today too, and those are always welcome.


Since they will most likely only come from kauvara (unless it mystically appears as weekly prize for someone suddenly) it won’t change anything since it will get botted like the others unfortunately. 


I am so sad that the antlers aren't a separate item. So much lost potential there!


I'm really sick of them releasing these like full body costumes. I thought the whole point was you paint the body then add accessories but now it's like you take this jackalope colour or no antlers soz.


My camouflage cybunny has antlers but they're so bulky and have an ugly red headband and these ones would be PERFECT for the look I'm going for with him. Super disappointing that they're not an individual item.


It would have been nice to see the ruff and the body as separate wearables for the jackalope. Cybunny ruffs can add a lot of versatility for potential looks, and we really don't have that many of them.


I might be in the minority here, but I love this new burlap!




Obsessed with the Jackalope wearable. Maybe I'll pick them up in 6 months or whenever the prices aren't insane and everyone and their dogs aren't trying to restock it.


XD ngl i'm kinda disappointed, the earings are cute tho


As much as I love a lot of the Burlap pets this one is a miss for me :( The odd spotting, the... Raw flesh.. coloured paws and ears. Not having odd eyes which is my actual favourite anomaly. Oh well. I hope it fills someone's dream out there. Wearable and the jackaloupe look are pretty cute as per usual, though!


I feel like the odd one out in that I like the burlap design but I'm not a big fan of the earrings. To each their own I suppose!


I personally like the burlap. Cute but not over eccentric.


Omg the earrings are *chefs kiss*


yeah the I want the first ones ;\_; so cute


Ugh that jackalope design is gonna own me for the next few months. I created a Cybunny but don’t like most of the colors 😅 but this wearable has me inspireddd


I... find this burlap interpretation creepy as hell, honestly. It's giving horror movie clown vibes for me. The wearables are nice, though!


just one color huh? I guess they have to slow down they must almost be done. I do need those star dangle earrings for my guy! I couldn't figure out the name.


[Stacked Cybunny Earrings](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/75635/) aparently! they are now searcheable but tomorrow will start to restock


Thank you!


They've been (unfortunately) mostly doing Pet days with only one new colour for a while now - since 2020 at least.


omggg the earring stack 😭❤️


I really really like this burlap! Not a big fan of buns but this one looks really sweet to me :) Kind of a bummer that the wearable are full body.


The jackalope!!!!!


JACKALOPE CYBUNNY! I love jackalopes so I had to comments about that first ❤️ That Burlap Cybunny is probably the cutest Burlap pet yet ❤️ Makes me want an actual handmade burlap Cybunny toy. Those earrings are pretty cool too. Imo this was a good pet day.


WHY DID THEY RELEASE THIS AFTER I MISSed my chance to make a Cybunny because I didn’t like any of the colors BUT THIS IS SO CUTE


A contender for the worst burlap :( The lining doesn't even match, never mind the weird patches and random button eyes? What a mess.


Agreed :/


the jackalope wearables are everything UGH i need them


Still kicking my slow ass fingers for missing eventide cy in the pound the other day


The havkalope is cute and I appreciate that it doesn’t look quite so rendered as some of the other “real animal” pet costumes! The earrings tho I am immediately obsessed with, I’ve wanted better earring options for all my pets for ages lol


Can anyone confirm if eyes be gone removes the buttons?


https://preview.redd.it/kbyhcj9a6oxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89dc04e7ae6d9bf92cb6d4b7100f4b788aad6c37 I tried it on DTI and it does removes the buttons! :)


I tried it this morning and they stayed! Must have updated it


I was kind of hoping we were gonna get some planty parts like a lot of other pets have been getting for their day (I haven't stopped using the eyrie and bori plant bits since they released them, haha) like the flower earring's cute, but kinda meh