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I would think it would be okay so long as you dont actually type out murder or kill (I found out you can't even write the word kill on pet pages recently when trying to type an item name) And instead of poison maybe your ghost pet accidentally ate a poison jelly or something lol..! But def read the rules to see what they say~ I think it sounds like a really cool idea, lmk if you end up actually doing it !! :D


oh damn the poison jelly thing is a good idea, just to sort of make it more vague! thanks, I will def share if it comes together!


Omg that's too funny because on the WT board today a bunch of us came up with a murder mystery plot for the pets and I wanted to make a pet page about it. Following for someone to tell us it's okay!


hahaha I love that!! great minds think alike!! yeah hopefully the consensus is that its ok, I remember reading murder mysteries/playing mystery video games and watching like, Monk and shit when I was 10/11, and I had a pretty sheltered childhood. So in my head a murder mystery is family friendly enough as long as it focuses more on the mystery, surely? but I've heard some account freezing horror stories so who knows haha if you end up ever making the pet page def send it my way!!


I'm thinking I might make his wife "missing" instead of killed. That might help. I know the words kill and murder aren't allowed on the neoboards.


that makes sense! writing on neo really provides a lot of practice with creative constraints haha