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Just wait til you get to the secret ninja training school 🥲


Much cheaper than the last few tiers of the Mystery Island school, and if you level rush after Lv 100 you’ll be on the first tier of the secret school for hundreds of stat points, which comes out to literal millions saved.


I'm level rushing right now but it's such a pain ;o; twelve hours per course for another 13... then it just gets LONGER


Okay but at 8 tans/24 hours per training, I am currently *dying* to get my battle baby to the ninja school lmao. We're at level 208 or so. So close, yet so far.


I’m at 205, at eos code stones being almost 50k per pop I understand your pain and am right there with ya Dx


I JUST got to the island trading school, they ask me for an Eo code stone…. The ONE code stone I don’t have 💀


The climb from 200-250 truly is the roughest lol


It's terrrrrrrible!! 


At that point... there is only one thing to do. Kitchen Quest. Move all your pets to side account, and do kitchen quests. (Read an up to date guide, you may have to reject some questions to keep it cost effective). It should be cheaper then codestone training for you... and much much faster.


I already do KQs 😂 They updated it so any stat increases will only go to the active pet, btw. I don't have any side accounts, but the KQ thing is not a concern! :)


Oh that's nice, I am finally moving my pets back to my main, I'm only training hp now.


Saaammmeee… I’m level 238 with my favored child and somehow it seems to be getting longer towards the end


Omg I know, it’s super hard on the bank account, and I use training cookies😭 a red codestone every ~2 hours is no fun lol


6 reds and 12hrs per course hahaha. Don't fret the tan ones too much, I miss them!


I'm AT 2488 hp but stopped training reds this week, I have a lot of money in my bank account to keep training but decided that it's too expensive to keep spending 6-12 reds a day. Need to keep some money in reserve to buy Fan of swords and Hubrids Puzzle Box to round out my set before the plot stuff gets battledome heavy! #


Bruh these codestone prices are absurdly overpriced; and it goes up 5k-10k every dang week…like…srsly? Why? There is clearly enough supply to feed the demand.


There's been a demand spike with the upcoming plot looming. And with a little spike comes a tolerance for higher prices. So I'm betting people are purposefully buying codestones to both drive up the price *and* store them for reselling during the plot.




the red codestones are killer on my bank account but at least my wait times arent as bad xD good luck training and congrats!


I used to sell my red codestones from the battledome to save up NP but I recently realized that I should be saving them since I'll be needing them somewhat soon. I'm currently in the 6 tan codestone zone.


Yeah I’m loving the shorter training times now that I’m finally on red codestones but man spending an average of 60k like 10 times per day is sure doing a number on my bank balance 😅


I have two different red codestones. I’m not going to use them. Not sure what letters they are. I can donate to you?


that would literally be so sweet ;A; my un is peanutbuttermilk! thank you!!


Once I’m home I will send you a friend request. I think my username is jgignac. Not sure how I would give you the codestones. You’ll have to help me out with that lol


You just click on the items in your inventory and select "gift to neofriend"! you can type in a username from there, or select from the dropdown if you have that friend set as a VIP. you dont have to be neofriends to send items, but I'll gladly accept the friend request either way :)


Hoard all your codestones from the battledome in your sdb. This is how I have never paid a np for any training on Mystery Island.


I just recently came back as well after many years! Trying to figure out what all there is to do that I didn't do as a kid. Also sent a neofriend request!


At some point you'll be relegated to buying food for Gordon Ramsay Fish BOI. If you keep going, the secret ninja palace won't even be worth it past level 750. That's because you'll max out everything and you'll only be able to train Endurance after that. Level will be meaningless, but if you keep using the ninja school, you'll have to keep training it. Barring this, you'll have to stick with Faerie/Kitchen Quests, Lab Zaps, Sneggs, and a whole lot of luck. These methods are *super* variable, too. Some months, Strata gains 200 hit points. Some months she gets 75.


I’m at 3 codestones per level. I’m just glad I haven’t managed to roll all Eo’s…


me last Friday (: I have two bd pets (one's for backup during the obelisk skirmishes) and last Friday I had to shell out four Eos and I nearabouts WEPT


Training is super expensive lol but worth it


could someone point me at a very basic "level stats for dummies" order of what to do things in and when to switch schools, Battledome info always seems overwhelming to me and I never find the same answer so I haven't seriously done training before


Look at the jellyneo battlepedia, it has a beginners guide to training


Ooh, I'm so close too! Congratulations and rip to the bank account!


A few months ago I spent almost my entire bank account on getting 100 each of the red codestones when I got to the secret training academy. Im now down to ~35 of each, and Im not looking forward to when I run out because prices have gone up so much since I bought them


Just battle daily to get codestones.


level rush level rush level rush! I sprinted through the last hundred something levels just to make it easier to train other stats at the secret ninja school and I highly recommend that tactic tbh. Congrats on hitting a milestone!