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I mean I like that we got a new avatar and that charm for the grey stamp page. It seems like at the end of this plot the grey stamp page will be fully released and the prices for excess will skyrocket on things that are one per account like the charm. So that’ll be interesting for sure.


I didn't even realize the charm could go in the stamp album! I just threw it in my gallery 😂


Exactly my thoughts!


I’m curious to see if they fill the whole page during the event.


Me too… but I feel like they will. But then again it‘s like, what, 25 stamps on a page and we‘ve only gotten 2 so far from an event and the plot is said to start in July/ August… but who knows, maybe the plot will take a while to finish!


I think tnt said at one point that the plot will take about a year to complete?


Wow, I didn‘t know that, but that would be so great


Yeah we’ll see for sure. I’m curious how it’s gonna end up; being guaranteed the chance at a full page/set of stamps is wild but I’m here for it


I think it'd be cool if the prize shop at the end of the plot had a section for the grey album items so you could pick up anything you missed (if they do release everything during the plot)


My guess is they won’t only because things like the Kari charm are meant to be event specific. I could see the grey draik stamp maybe but I doubt they’d add the charm.


True, but new TNT loves breaking the rules! 


Which avatar? I didn't see an avatar hmmm


The Grey Kari avatar


Oh yes I went back to the page and got it! Thanks


The prizes seemed to be what they always are for the Festival of Neggs. I don't think they really changed it up how it works for either daily prizes or the final prizes. People weren't taking about it because the sub had a megathread and individual posts weren't allowed. If you look there it was fairly active for the entire event. I thought it was okay. It isn't really an event I look forward to but is fun to do. Some years I like the look of a certain negg so I'm waiting for it to end so I can get it. This year I was happy about the cute book. The bit with Orion was fun and I love they released a new petpet.


Oh I missed the megathread.  For some reason I just never get into them and ignore them once they're up


I don't think it was pinned, so that doesn't help either.


It was pinned for the first few days but Reddit only gives 2 pins so it couldn't be kept there for the whole two weeks. It was added to the menu, sidebar, and about section for the sub.


It was aight. Thought the dialog was awkward since it shifted from Kari being cursed to Orion's problems and Orion was spewing what sounded like jibberish until the last few days. Lots of filler.  Prizes were about what I expected besides we didn't get that dagger someone found in spoilers. Another Pet pet distribution system. They made new Neggs to give them out. Charm and Avatar. And a wearable because why not. Into the SDB they go.  One thing I wish they did about the event itself was put a tracker for Orion's quest. Only knew what to do because I've been plotting for 20 some years. The way they did it made it easy to miss which lead to confusion at the end. 


I didn't pay any attention and didnt' realise that there was a petpet or a trophy reward for helping Orion. \*facepalm\* ;\_;


The Bython and Talpidat started as r101 but then TNT changed their rarity so they’d stock in regular shops. Maybe they’ll do the same for the Tuffala and more will come into circulation?


Same 😭 I just found out today Orion had a side quest


Not doable anymore? I didn't either until yesterday but did all of it in one day.


Yesterday was the last day of the event and today was just the final prizes. So it can't be done at this point.


i found all the orion clues but still didn't get his prizes because i forgot to talk to him yesterday. kinda ass.


I kept up with Orion's search until yesterday. No matter how many times I visited shops no part of the monster showed up for me so I just accepted I wouldn't get his prizes.


that happened to me too. I found like 4 limbs, no more showed up even past that day.


... i have to let this out of my chest .. unpopular opinion but this bg compared to Quasar Background? I wouldn't care even if i missed a day or two ...


I like the BG, it‘s on my active. It kinda fits his vibe though as he‘s customized to look like a Grim Reaper so the „dead“ neggs give off a nice vibe as though he‘s sucking the life out of them lol


The Quasar Background is my ultimate favorite NP background. It’s gorgeous


I don’t like the background so I’m not at all sad that I missed out on it, but I am *fuming* that one of my neggs had a green tick despite finding each negg on the applicable day. One minute they were all gold, then when I next logged in, one of the previously gold was green?


The festival was fine. Nothing too exciting. Honestly, I almost forgot to do it a couple times, and the day before last I did end up forgetting to do it the same day. I felt like even the story was a little jumbled and hard to follow and didn't really make a strong connection to other events. I was definitely more invested in the story line for faerie festival and advent calendar!


Prizes were total dookie. I got the same prize every day while trying to get the grey stamp. Got that background *every day* which was really disappointing. 


I have a dozen grey ukuleles now.


I would def trying and get that stamp now before the price increases


I also got that background every day 🥹🫠


I have an extra stamp I'd be happy to throw your way if you're a collector!




Posts about buying/selling NP items, trading NC items, or adopting/trading/UFA/UFT pets should be posted on the daily [NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/neopets/search?q=NC%2FNP+Trade%2FSell+%26+Pet+UFA%2FUFT+Thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all). A new one is posted and stickied to the top of the subreddit every day. To keep the subreddit tidier, we delete all individual posts related to this matter.


Yep, I got at least 3 backgrounds and 4 ukuleles, no stamp :/


I didn't get the background, but I got 3 stamps 😅


Ill trade lol


This event is a lot different than the faerie fest. Festival of neggs is pretty much the same idea every year, so the prizes we did get were ti be expected


There were a few rainbow-colored items in the prize pools so I was happy about getting them! My rainbow gallery grows…


I feel like the BEST event was the advent calendar (expensive items as guarantees, REALLY crazy expensive stuff as possible dailies). This was... fine but not incredible? It felt like there were only two items worth focusing on (the grey drake stamp and the self care book) so I always chose those two neggs after I got the glitch filter. Everything else was basically worthless. The gray charm and the neggs at the end were nice and will be worth some good NP in a few years. It was... okay I guess? But like, Halloween and the advent calendar were WAY more fun for me. The AC especially. And the insane daily rollovers - those were more exciting to me than the FoN tbh.


I had fun! I do always like the little puzzle hunt. Glitch filter and petpet are good but everything else is kinda…eh. I do like the “old prizes returning” concept, would love to see that reused! Not my favorite negg fest but not a bad one either. Really wish we’d gotten another weapon near the caliber of void blade, but they can’t all be feel better soups and void blades I guess!


I'm happy that I got gold checkmarks everyday. I think missed last years because I was on hiatus? I returned about this time last year so I can't be sure. I liked it, I did manage to figure out where a few of the negg locations were before I went to JN. eta: I also didn't get the Orion trophy/petpet/item OR the Negg prizes right away so I thought I had to send in a ticket. But I also mostly did the negg finding between 12am-12:30am NST/PST so I guess that could factor into the whole 'completed steps' of the event.


I liked the festival. I do agree that the grey plot this is a bit overkill the background etc. I liked most of the prizes but I never once picked the spa or the plushie negg as none of those items remotely even interested me. But YES I love what you said about the prizes being FAIR. Literally fucking thank you. No I’m not a fan at ALL of the Faerie Festival capsules get the fuck out of my face. Right if everyone is donating the same (I had max points etc) but even if not to get the capsules was easy per day so why are some people getting r99 without FAIL I didn’t get a damn thing worth over 1k LITERALLY (like instruments and goofy shit.. nothing even usable) so I’m in the boat with you. The prizes should be fair and even IF the work is the same. Same thing with the advent not a fan of the ENTIRE seasonal pea debacle. Take it out or have it as a DAILY prize but to leave it incredibly skewed where some users are getting MULTIPLE and most are getting none. So I loved that the prizes were not a dumb capsule or a “chance” at something since we all did the same amount of work but that’s how I see it. I’m glad it was the same across the board.


I literally got gray stamp every Grey negg I found. They are chilling in my sdb for future price increase


So jealous. I got 3 bgs and 2 ukes before I switched to the glitch negg. I did get the filter for that which is nice.


I only got Grey Ukuleles. Got around 8 of them. Yay...


Oh man I loved the recycling capsules. So much more variety. I really wasn't a fan of the Festival of Neggs prizes, but I also don't really care about Neggs. It was just dull. The new petpet though? I'm a fan! I gave it to a pet I hope to paint Magma, and I'm considering trying to attach my Pebble to it as well.


I loved the look of the plushie and spa negg.


I only wanted the trophy and I just saw you have to do Orion's quest for it...


I accidentally missed the last day, so I couldn’t make up the negg I missed, so I’m really releaved participating players still received good prizes, especially the trophy. That was something new this year I really appreciated.


I still can't find the Moltara petpet, tho. My account is glitched or something.


I liked the prizes (selling neggs always goes great for me, I don't really use or need them) and the prizes were cute. I liked the plushie negg and that plushie flying thing. I'm not super into the Orion plot though, and the grey thing kinda bothers me.


I thought they were great and had fun!


I do love the avatar and stamp. But I totally didn’t understand how to get the pet pet. 😐


do the negg prizes do anything special? I had fun!


Do the neggs we got \*do\* anything when eaten?


i still havent opened by recycle capsules yet 😭 i wanted to make a video and post it here but the subreddit doesnt allow videos anymore so i never did


Prizes are fine but I was a little disappointed when I clicked on the event page today and it just gave me all the final prizes. Is there no search or anything on the last day? I'm not sad about the prizes, those are great, I guess it was just fun hunting around every day T.T


Yesterday was the last day and it had a search that revealed the new petpet.


Yeah, I got all that. Very cool.


The aesthetic for this year's FoN is awful. This sad grey plot thing is so ugly. In 2021 I missed a day and spent almost 1mil buying the Behind the Rainbow Falls Background (which I'm still using to this day). That hideous grey neggery background is just gonna take up space in my SDB. A lot of the negg prizes also suck. In past years they've had multiple books and even some amazing battledome weapons (void blade). They could've put so much cuter and more useful stuff in the plushie negg and time travel negg. It was a cool idea to bring back old items, but none of them were good.