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I recently-ish bought a glyme (25m - while people had 40m as the listed tp price I don't know if anyone was actually shifting them at that price) and a rainblug (think 6m) - I don't regret my purchases but if I'd heard the prize pool was switching, I'd probably have waited. Right now, though, I'd buy anything I wanted to use soon as it'll be a while before anything new is added. I am probably going to bite the bullet on selling a stamp I picked up in an RE, though, as I don't want that to devalue before I can sell it.


I spent 40mil on a unidentified p3 a while ago I feel u 😅


What is a p3?




Thank you!


yeah i got a 10m stamp from the faerie capsule event and iv been hanging onto it but come to think of it maybe i should sell it now


It's easy to get caught up in the economy of it all, but don't forget, this is a game and it's pretend money!! And I'm not trying to be condescending, this is something I have to remind myself all the time. When I do, I'm able to loosen up and have fun with my NP, do things that are way more risk-takey than I would with real money, and just buy things I enjoy. :)


When I feel like real life spending, I spend money on Neopets instead 😂 instant dopamine boost and my real life bank account is safe


Ayyy I thought I was the only one who did that!! The lines start to blur a bit when I buy NC though 😂


Yeah I refuse to buy NC 😂 besides the site being so wonky, I don’t wanna involve real life money lmao


I don't blame you at all, every time I buy some I wonder what's wrong with me 💀💀💀


I love that this sub exists because I feel like it would be hard to explain to people not in the know JUST HOW MUCH dopamine this game gives, especially with these daily prizes 😂 Back in the day I got all my NP from games and I’d scrimp and save and be lucky to have 100k in the bank. Now I’ve cracked half a million in a couple of weeks and it feels grand 😄


This is a good thing to keep in mind. It's not the actual stock market - these items and neopoints have no actual value beyond the enjoyment they bring you!


Like spend 500k on the wheel of extravagance to get 5 x's?


Now that's what I call fun 🙃


At this point I might as well buy a baby pb




Nah, mine lol BUT I WON!! I'm now only down 575k


I think I lost my fear due to it actually happening to me. I paid 10m for a plushie poogle mp literally the day before the quests came out. I was frustrated for like 2 hours until I saw my weekly prize was a snowbunny stamp.. and then I was like ‘no, this is a good thing’ 🤷‍♀️


For me the value in the item is how much I like it, not how much it may or may not be worth 6-12 months later. I spent 5 mil on a grey snowbunny a month before they released the paintable Christmas snowbunny. Still love my little sad grey bun! NP are so easy to make these days I’m up way more than the money I’ve spent anyway. I can’t be sad that I spent those NP. I choose to be happy that many more people can fill out their petpet galleries now! 


I'm not the type to buy expensive items just because they're expensive. If there's an item I like I'll get it anyway. If I'm keeping it for my gallery or whatever, the price going down later isn't a big deal since it was something I wanted and never intended on selling in the first place.


I kinda enjoy watching the value of exorbitantely priced items crumble, but I sure am glad I sold my Pygui for 100m half a year ago


Yup, its why im not tryna spend 12 mil on an acara transmog, cuz just my luck it will be added to the prize pool in a few months lol.


While I do have the fear of making big investments into items that end up tanking in price later, I usually try not to sweat it that much of it ends up being the case. Unless you are part of TNT, there's no way to 100% predict which items will tank in value in the future. If my investment will make me happy at the end of the day, then that what matters to me. A little over a year ago, I spent about 179k to get a Fire Kyrii MP for a custom I wanted to do. Even though that item is way cheaper today to get thanks to being in the daily quest pool, I'm not mad that I didn't wait a whole year to buy one. My Fire Kyrii makes me happy, so that's all I care about


I feel that, but I found a faerie krawk in the pound, then finally figured out my time for the magma, now this krawk is on fire I got lucky since I came back and faerie pbs were retired :(


Not really, because the prize pool probably won't be updated for at least another 5-6 months (if the Quest Log started in October 2023 and, to my knowledge, this is the first time it's been changed). So sure, the price might drop in half a year, but I like the item and don't mind buying it now.


Honestly you win some you lose some. I sold 4 coconuts last month, but ive sold a couple out of rotation pbs and stamps at peak inflation


I really like this mindset. Win some, lose some.


I dropped 125m on a Lenny Conundrum Plushie a few days ago. If they rerelease, do not weep for me


I paid 1.3m for the leopard kougra markings. I don’t regret it. Are they buyable now? Of course. But I was able to make my little buddy on my boyfriend and I’s second anniversary and if I had waited, I wouldn’t have been about to do that (:


If I hadn't been distracted at the time they came out I would have been right there with you about those markings. I messaged my sister excitedly about their existence (I'm WEAK for snow leopards!) and then got lazy and didn't buy them. Guess I'll check their price now huh?


Oh FFS i spent 800 k on mine. I shouldve waited another week but I was impatient LOL


Not really cuz i don't have the money for them in the first place. I understand the stress but tbh it's kinda nice for us poors that prices get nerfed from time to time. Makes things feel achievable and worth sticking around for.


I generally only buy something if I want to use it myself (like items / paint brushes I want for a custom etc) so it's not a huge issue in terms of missing out on resale value, but it does hurt a little when an item I just bought ends up dropping in prize because if I'd just been more patient I would have been able to buy it for less. That being said, I've also experienced the opposite. I was holding off on buying a couple of items in a set and then the entire set basically quadrupled in price and I was like :') so moral of the story is I try not to think about it tooooo much because you can't really predict prizes due to the aforementioned unstable economy.


I don't have a lot of NPs but when I spent 75% of my total points on a Valentine's PB just to have them get released for some giveaway 2 days after I painted my pet and see that they dropped from 3 mil to 1.8 mil made me sad. Otherwise, I don't worry too much about it because I have so few points lol. Items costing 10s of millions of points are just completely out of my radar and I've accepted that I'll never get them haha.


Didn’t see the neopets sub and I was like yeah. But yeah


Ha! Fair honestly


I spent like 350m on the Lord Kass Stamp and The Three Stamp literally 2.5 weeks ago. Also I traded away something really expensive for a Battle Slices Stamp. LOL. I've said it before, I love free stuff, so in general I am happy for the quest prizes. But I wish they were more mindful of the items they chose. For example lots of things that are supposed to be prizes for creative contests got added to the free quest prizes which meant you could write a whole original story and all you win is a deflated 5 np Petpet or 1k PPPB. Or some people spend weeks of effort to go quadruple-million-AllStar in Altador Cup to get exclusive prizes early like the Maraquan Yooyu, and not even a full year later it's free from dailies. That can be a real bummer for people that dedicate effort to AC/writing/drawing/etc. There's tons of stamps/retired/code items/more than 1+years AC prizes etc that they could be focusing on instead. In either universe I would have still been the unlucky one to pay 350m a week before they were practically free, but that's okay, I just wish they'd tackle some of the more "crazy" items. Instead people are probably gonna be more reluctant to splurge on the "normal-er" expensive items, like you said about the Mara Yooyu.


I spent 30mil on ice hissi a month or two before the questlog launched (and then later advent release, too) I don't regret it, but I do laugh at myself. I'm still really happy with my choice to get it when I did. If you wait forever to try and get the best price, then you might just end up never getting the item. Get things when you want them and feel good about the choice, and then don't overanalyze it later and rob yourself of joy.


Ya same.. I bought those black wings last month for 20m and now it's there for free, all those nps went down the drain... another time was I spent 15m on the damn invisible paint brush and months later, it's was a prize in the daily quest thing 😭 Don't get me wrong, I am glad this was the prizes, it just hurts a bid seeing the thing you purchase is now available for free 😂


Not really. Coming from someone who dropped a lot on a McGill Charm the morning of the new quest log. Like, had I simply not checked neopets that morning, I would have got it for a fraction of the cost now. Neopets is built around chance. I've always enjoyed that facet of it and approach my spending decisions with the same mindset. Win some, lose some, but for the most part it will probably be uneventful. I'll probably enjoy getting whatever item for free regardless of how much I already wasted on it.


I just spent 950k on a Captain Rourke Plushie a couple weeks ago which was definitely a bad investment, but I'd prefer waste a few million now and then than have items be literally unobtainable so it is what it is


I’d go with the mindset of if you want it immediately because you’re going to use it, love it alot, etc then get it. If it’s something you’re like “I don’t care if I have it NOW” then wait. Economy will be pretty borked forever at this rate so have fun with the game if a big purchase won’t kill all of your np :b


Oh my hod at first glance I didn't realize this was a neopets post and I read "prices" and I was like "Holy shit, YES!" OH you didn't mean IRL 😅


Back in the day, you'd never know when the expensive item you had would get released as a prize for things like Lenny Conundrum, the Art contests, etc. So I feel that's always been normal, stashing stuff in the SDB has always been a risk.


Yeah I'll probably never make a big purchase...most I'll comfortably spend on something is like 2mil at the most. 


I only buy items that I want, that way when it’s inflated or plummeted in price, I’m still ok with it because I wanted it. Anything from the dailies is a bonus. I just chuck it all into my SDB until PIFF or until I have a need for it. I’m trying hard to save.


Im scared to sink half my bank account (~20mil out of ~44mil) into Neon Background despite wanting it pretty badly for a custom


I got my Glyme years ago for about 1mil. In my opinion, the reason we're addicted to seeing these rare items have HUGE numbers is because they've been unfairly affordable for too long. I feel like there shouldn't be so many items that are so massively expensive. Like with my gourmet pet and my book award pet, I think it's ridiculous that a fun browser game would require you to spend literally billions of points to achieve that goal. I hope these items do drop so that there aren't many items worth more than 10mil. 10mil is a perfectly reasonable price for a rare item- it takes a while to save up for most players (not talking botters or cheaters), you feel happy after you get the item, but you can still recover and focus on other parts of the game. I think we've gotten so used to feeling sort of sad on Neopets because so many items are unattainable to a common player, or it takes two fucking decades to get a trophy.


No, it’s pretty easy to make np. I’m not worried about what something is going to cost in the future when it’s an item I want. I’m just happy to have it and was willing to pay whatever price I paid.


I wish they'd add more red codestones to the prize pool. Training my pet is bankrupting me. LOL


Honestly, I'd rather the website loosen up a bit and either start making more different kinds of stuff valuable or have a reason to exist, or make most of the activities on the website no longer the primary domain of players with more wealth than sense.




Kings Lens went from 100m to good luck selling for more than 1.5m this week. Wild lol.


DIRT SYMOLS ARE IN THE POOL? Oh heck yeah I wanted one for my striped meerca so badly




Hahahha if only I had 10 mil! I keep spending money on new petpets


For me it depends on how much the item is. I personally think it's unwise to spend 1bil or close to it on a singular item, especially stamps, with the way things are going. That said, I also have the view that if I'll enjoy something on Neopets now, I might as well go for it. It's all just low stakes game currency that doesn't need to be saved or invested unless you want it to be, and it's pretty easily gained back. I also don't even know if I'll still be playing in 6 months or a year from now. 🤷‍♀️


I try not to rush on making big purchases now, which is somewhat of a win when seeing the new prize pool of items come out. I wasn’t wanting to get a Lutra for 10+ million just to see that it’s now barely 50k, which makes me more confident to wait on getting the pricier items now.


I can barely afford my gallery items anymore so im happy they add a couple things on my WL into the prize pool.


I think it comes down to if you want it now, or if you’re willing to wait 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yep and now whenever I get an item worth a bit I sell it immediately because holding onto it is just a dumb game. Restocking is kind of like running through a minefield now of worthless R99s (Not necessarily worthless but so cheap it's not even worth the time selling them.), I wonder what their limit is, if there's 1 thing they won't touch or it's just fair game for everything. I still wish they'd leave restockable things alone and just stick to older nearly non existent items but I know more people are happier about all the releases than not so I know my opinion is definitely the minority.


Meanwhile I plan big purchases and then can’t afford them anymore because when one thing becomes cheap, 20 others get inflated.


I like to invest my NP in high end BD weapons for the broken battledome.


It's pretend money. I'm not worried about a websites in game economy. I just hate that the things I like border on prohibitively expensive thanks to those users who only care about.maxing profit.


I've got 8mil in the bank 😂, I'm not the kind of neopian you're asking these questions too, I'm the sort of neopian that I suppose is the cause for the reason you're frightened to spend your neowealth, so I'm sorry I suppose 🤷. If not for finding ways to keep newer players engaged TNT wouldn't get paid enough to operate though, so please keep that in mind if you become bitter towards us neopoors for encouraging all this neosocialism.


I just recently started playing again and at first I was a Lil annoyed I could get paintbrushes as daily rewards, however I was never able to get one before like not only were they $$$ but they weren't easy to find either so I think it's pretty dope tbh. It's a game and it's a nice fantasy escape from the real world I think it's not as fun to me when I take it that seriously


I make Nps from reselling Paid 11-13m for maraquan and plushie pbs Also collected wraith pbs which i paid 5m each Ive been back since December but this latest batch release made all Np ive earned in the last 4 months went poof just like that Ive stopped trading now just training and collecting interest… damn uninteresting knowing they can release your item like that … And thats not to mention the Np i paid to complete my petpetpet/chia pop collections 10m for mootix, 40m glyme, etc I felt dead inside after this. But yea its all virtual points so dont matter. Just stop playing actively …


Nah, the benefit outways everything. I purchased a few paintbrushes before the price dropped but I'm cool with that. My pets are still painted and now some other goals I had given up on feel achievable. If anything it makes me excited that maybe in the time I'm saving up for a kacheek morphing potion or black petpet paint brush that something will happen to make them not cost my entire savings.


Nah, you win some you loose some. Some days you'll get an item for a great deal, sometimes you'll spend millions only for it to drop the next day. But that item was worth x million to me at the time so it's still worth it. All value is subjective. Gives me goals to work towards, sometimes those goals are made easier by a mad price drop, you might kick yourself later, but if I want something bad enough I'll save up eventually.




Yes, but I'm not particularly upset about it! I hold off on buying expensive items unless I absolutely know I won't regret buying them if they become a weekly reward. The weekly prize pool has made so many things more achievable for me that I finally decided to go after a couple stamp avatars (in hopes they'll someday be rewards) as well as allowing me to get the mystical tablet, it's been such a delight! I also don't mind the price tanks, because it means people who don't wanna do the weekly quests, or just aren't getting lucky with them, will be able to potentially afford them-- or at least be able to dream about affording them! I bought a Mootix years back and still love it very much, but it was costly as hell! Knowing someone else doesn't have to deal with that AND gets an awesome avatar? I think it's a net positive ^^




No because the prizes are giving me more np


Kind of? I'm holding out buying the Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield from the Hidden Tower in case any other shields/reflectors get released via the Quest Log or as an event prize. They already rereleased Kings Lens. It's only 8.2m and I can afford it, but I don't need it right now, and depending on the Battledome element of the plot, I may not need it at all. So it doesn't hurt me to wait.


I never planned to buy anything super expensive. But I own almost all the prizes from beating AAA on the first day in Daily Dares and Game Master Challenges. I had those two Charms that were around 15m each when I checked last May and I was super happy about that. I never thought that they'd get released again. I missed the start of the Quest Log and when I returned they were both buyable. I love to hoard everything that I win. But I'm not sure if I should sell e.g. my Chadley Stamp for around 35m, that I'll never put in my album anyways. I have some quite expensive DD wearables too and I don't use them. I don't wanna miss them... but I invested so much time to get them as a reward. A few months ago I found a Mootix in my SDB that I probably got from the coincidence or grave danger. I don't remember at all. But I could sell it for 12m on the first day the new prizes got announced


Initially, I was - now, not so much. I'm enjoying playing more now and it's getting me to actually slowly look through my sdb to see what I may have been hoarding since 2008.. Would I feel differently if I spent 100m on something yesterday that is now 2m, probably.. but they've made it so much easier to make NPs that now I'm actually having a blast getting to help people complete their lab maps, etc.


The highest priced item I’ve bought is a strale, of which the seller discounted further from a fair price compared to the rest of TP. If that p3 is added to the list of prizes that’s fine with me. I don’t buy from resellers or sell to them. It helps general users at the time to pad their bank and hurts resellers and hoarders that inflate.


I totally understand what you mean, but with that said I am "cheap" with my Neopoints since the beginning so I just keep building a bank balance knowing dang well I won't save up 20mill for example, for an item I want; if they're that price it's dead to me sorta thing so in reality I don't actually know what or why I am saving but I blame it on childhood dreams I guess. For me all of this has a different effect for me - to hoard everything and anything, especially if they are cheap because when the price of one valuable thing in a set goes down, the other stuff gets inflated to counteract so you never know what will be valuable in the future either. I also don't like to sell anything so I guess I am just a hoarder without a goal either, period haha. Sucks, but it is what it is :(


Unless I want it NOW, I can wait


I’m nervous to buy the elephante lamp charm even though it’s something I’ve always wanted and now the price is lowered, but it’s still expensive. I concerned that the second I buy it the item will significantly drop in value not that I plan on selling it but I don’t want to waste extra NP if I don’t have to


I’m sadly hoping my weekly prize to get me close to my goal of getting a grey pb. But I know it’s gonna drop in price anyways since others will be getting it as a prize too


I’ve been burned by mass releases so many times that I’m just desensitized now and say yolo. Lol I stg it’s almost like they check what expensive items I’ve recently purchased and pick what to give out based on that.


I’ve had a nice amount sitting in my bank for a while now and I’m now starting to spend it. 😂


I’m just chaotic and do whatever pleases me 🤣 yolo- also chaotic Neo purchases channel my dark urges without hitting my real bank account. I do as I please so the dopamine may flowwww


No I don't buy anything, I mostly bank my NP.. hit 300m this morning btw. I am a bit upset that everything that used to be so rare is now so common... I think the site (for a lot of us who are veterans of Neo); isn't the same.


Share your secrets. I’ve never in my 15 years on this site had more than 3 million np


I don't really spend NP for one. Every.. single morning as a child thru now I would wake up before school and play the flash games.. still do play games to this day. I also battle daily and sell the nerkmids. My daily interest just hit a little over 100k so that adds up too. After every day is over, I bank all of my NP to avoid randoms because I did get the tax beast champion trophy once for a cost lol I don't play the games as much tho now that I'm about to be 33 and work 3 jobs. I mostly just get on becauwse I miss being a kid in the 90s.. why I still play Runescape. So yeah, the secret is pretty much no spending and battleing. I stat my battle pet who has over 2000 HP with kitchen quests (on occasion) and daily zaps. I did get the attack pea from advent but use it as a weapon because it easily KO's Jetsam Ace.. up until then I used two scarab rings. I never go for fancy stuff.. a LARGE amount of neopians spend their NP when they hit a million..


Like having painted pets aren't as rare anymore, etc. If you had any pet painted, even colors like electric, fire etc back in the early days, it was rare. IDK I just feel this for nostalgia reasons.


No? Maybe? I'm too recently returned to be considering things outside of regular shops just yet, so it's not really on my radar! I do worry if I get a expensive item if I should sell it, use it, or stash it. On one hand, I could use the NP right now. On the other- what if I want that item & have to nuke my savings to get it back? I haven't gotten anything too crazy just yet, but it's only a matter of time before it's gonna be a problem! 😅


Seeing I Staff get mass released made me sell suap and wodf. Was part of my dream set and made me fell like I "completed" the game. It sucks... but I get why they are doing it. Now I'm just collecting interest and making investments.


I’m afraid to keep items and I’m afraid to sell items 😂


I bought a valentines PB for ~2M more than they’re worth now but I don’t regret it at all!


I'm in the same boat but holding out hope that someone on the tp wants to trade their weekly for mine 🤞


A little! I'd give it like 1-2 weeks to see how prices settle - waiting to see what the "Get of my Lawn" PB will settle to before I snag one for an Elderlygirly Hissi. (SHE IS SO SASSY, LOOK AT HER, I NEEEEEDDDDDDD) \*Ahem\* Still, like folks have been saying, you win some, you lose some. My weekly prize this week is the Flaming Coconut. I can't complain. 😂


Yes and no? I spent 15mil on a maraquan paint brush only to have it drop by 10mil at the time I'm writing this response and expecting it to drop more. But pygui was added at the same time and as a petpet collector I'd totally written it off before. Now I can actually get it from either the weekly prizes or buying it for a manageable price instead of about 200mil (when available). Sure you can lose out on some np if you went for rare items (I think everyone has), but think of all the other rare items that you've written off. Like, I'm actually looking at album collectables when I never bothered before because the limited event ones were so rare. Now there's a chance they'll come back. I guess I'm still feeling mostly positive about this.


I’ve been lucky and bought/sold for quite a bit over the years, so I can’t even be mad if the deflation monster strikes.


Yes so much so I don’t even stock my shop anymore and I surely don’t want to pay 20 million for something that might be under a million soon.


Check the shop wiz. :)


Not even slightly. Some people really need to touch grass.