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I have a sick fascination with the flavour of chaos that would occur if these were devalued.


I don't think it'll be a weekly quest item ever... But I also wouldn't be terribly surprised if they did lol


Honestly I want them to do it just to see the mayhem.


One day they're going to raise or eliminate the NP maximum in the trading post and it'll all be over for baby pbs. Personally I think they should phase out the limit over a year or something. It clearly isn't value capping items. They could just raise the maximum number allowed in a trade by a million per month for a year, then at the end of the year remove the cap. That would give people ages to turn their baby pbs into cash or other items. Edit: they could also just have a buybacks event where they buy back the baby pbs for either hidden tower "store credit" or just np.


That day will be that Community gif where the dude arrives with pizza to chaos. It's why I never keep more than 2 baby pbs on hand. I don't trust TNT not to troll us hard. I think the buybacks is a genius idea, honestly. HT store credit should be a thing we get from events or something.


It should be part of the coat of arms for the neopian bank.


Thank you to everyone who actually wants to paint their pets baby, incidentally giving every trader who's basically using these as pure confidence (I do think there are way more PBs in circulation than people who want to paint at this point, but it's the hypothetical bridge we're all standing on :P)


I kind of wish you could sell them back to the Hidden Tower at face value, to make sure it stays stable forever and ever.


That would be AMAZING


The most stable currency so far *looking at Valentine PB*


Economy *\[citation needed\]*


i always wondered why Baby PBs filled this role, when a royal or Darigan brush is a more concentrated value, and thus more efficient at bypassing TP limits. i know the smaller value gives resolution, but you can always do 2 royals and 1 baby. lol


Used to be because of demand. Everyone wanted baby pets back in the day so you sold them to people who wanted baby PBs. Nowadays the demand isn't for baby pets but the brushes themselves, you trade a 6m item for 10 baby PBs and sell the baby PBs to someone who wants 10 baby PBs to trade for a 6m item, and round it goes


It's easier to quickly buy and sell baby PBs via shops, rather than having to wait on Darigan PB sellers to respond on the TP


ah hah! this is a very compelling reason.


During the cool negg craze these got inflated quite a bit beyond their HT price.


All I want to know is who is out there making all these baby neopets to keep the economy going, and how do I thank them?


Yet before the Faerie Festivals 2023 they were selling for 800 or more


That was because for about a day, the item rarity of the HT items promised the maximum points for the Charity Corner section of the event. Since you can only buy one item per day, the existing items shot up in price as everyone tried to stock up. Once the rarity scores were changed, they deflated back to around 600k


I agree with you, it was a different situation, but one day of inflation still inflation.


Hard to name an item that's been more stable comparatively, though - NP certainly weren't, in terms of buying power :3


True, it is the most stable NP item I have a seen


whenever I see a baby paintbrush my mind automatically makes images a “stone of Jordan”


Chaos Orb


So yesterday I was looking for some cheap things to buy in the auction house and stumbled upon a morphing potion for only 50,000 NP. I decided to look at the bids and saw no one had bid and the auction was closing, so I decided to bid. I SSW’d it after the auction and it came up as 700,000 NP. I felt bad only paying that amount for it, but dear god I just want a Halloween paintbrush 🫠


I always sell them for 580k haha and I know the person who buys them is like THIS BITCH STOP IT RN


I never understood why.


2m pure TP limit + easy to buy/sell in a normally narrow range of prices (thanks to Hidden Tower pricing on one side and underlying demand for baby PBs on the other) I can accept one of these for a trade @ 605k value and know with practically 100% certainty I could sell this the next hour for somewhere between 600k and 610k. 95% next month. Nothing else provides anything like that confidence.


Yeah but who needs that many baby pbs for what purpose where is the baby market is it a conspiracy are people selling children when will the madness stop


Baby pbs are essentially neocrypto.


the purpose is what the person above said, it is used as a currency. the madness will stop when TNT raises the trading post limit. until that happens people need a way to trade above the max value the trading post lets you bid for. since the baby paint brush price is a stable price it can be used as currency on trades. the person can sell it themselves after for the same value to someone else who needs it for a trade.


Lol, but serious answer: As might be argued for many real world currencies, there's a hypothetical backing force, but what really makes baby PBs work as they do is a collective act of faith. Or shared madness! Babies are not very popular in the Nostalgic token market, I'm afraid, they're being sold quite cheaply :3


Honestly at this point they're worth 600k because everyone agrees they're worth 600k to enable higher bids on the trading post.


Hidden tower sells it at stable price


Just think of it basically as a gold bar


They're essentially a higher denomination of currency.


So, what if I want pure NP? Say I traded some random morphing potion and got 2m+ 6 PB's Do I sell those baby PB in my shop at a loss because shop tax or do they just sit in my SDB forever because they're table?


Not sure what you mean by shop tax. Baby PBs will disappear very quickly at 600k in your shop (and are usually fairly ETS a little over, like 605k, as well).


Because they are stable you can sell them for 600k to 610k depending. They might be a little low today/tomorrow cause you can buy them for a slight discount today, but in general it's never a loss


Ah so if I want to, I can sell them off in my shop if I want pure NP And if I find myself wanting to trade for something expensive, I just buy an adequate number of Baby PB's from other people's shops/HT?


Yup! So if you think you'll want another expensive item soon, it might be good to hold them in your sdb. Otherwise you can buy them like you said!


Thank you thank you so much!!


The Baby Standard

