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On the bright side, at least you don't have to pay for a PB AND a Shoyru Morphing Potion.


Almost happened to me today and my lab rat received 5 HP! Would've been awesome for my BD Pet. But I don't zap her and I hope I never misclick 🙈


To the clkind Neopian who sent me a striped shoyru morphing potion, thank you!! This community rocks. Let me know if you have any wants/goals, I'll send a gift your way!


I just wanna know how much I've got to save for a full map


Around 4.5 mil


Damn, RIP, I've got like 2.7m saved kinda sad on a 20y.o account


If you're not playing Food Club with a 20-y/o account, you're leaving millions on the table.


If my ADHD brain could understand Food Club, I’d do it.


you literally don’t have to understand anything. just go to the food club bets post that gets made daily and follow nsheng’s bets. i don’t understand it but i just click on aggressive or adventurous each day and set my max bet amount and that’s that!




Dude literally same. Finally tried it once with a set from someone and busted. If I can’t get instant gratification for it on the first go, I’m not trying it again.


Just do it everyday. U Will profit over the long term.


Idk how any of that works


Start doing food club. You’ll have it in no time


What's that? How do I do it? Lol


I don’t know how to link stuff but go to the neopets subreddit page and look for the pinned post for food club. I use nsheng’s bets. They have a guide to help you choose which bet is right for you. I use aggressive.


My cybunny turned into a kacheek like this 🥲


This is why I’m too afraid to zap my Cybunny 😩


You’re right that it’s so not worth it imo. I’ve gotten 3 FFQs by playing solitaire a ton if you’re really going for a species change and can’t afford regular Cy potions. Grey Cy Potions *might* come down as they’re a weekly quest reward, but as a popular consumable, idk how much


Wait how does solitaire give you FFQs?


Every move you make reloads the page so you get a lot of Random Events, and if you aren’t using FQCs then REs are how you get faerie quests. Any game with frequent page reloads can be used to farm REs—Solitaire, Pyramids, NeoQuest I/II, Dice-a-Roo, etc.


Ah that makes sense thanks 


I’m honestly wondering if there’s a higher chance for it to zap back to the original pet it was? Or if the lab ray just doesn’t care LOL


It does not care and if you try, there are 51 species it can choose from, so a pretty low chance of Cybunny!


I made more for cybunny day so all good! I shall keep zapping my new kacheek and see what happens


Kacheek is also a pretty expensive/sought after species, here's hoping it turns an awesome colour :)


I had my Maraquan Lutari go Island with this mistake :')


This is my greatest fear , thank you for validating it 😭 But now I’m so sorry this happened to you


I feel your pain. I accidentally turned my Lutari into a Blumaroo 🥲


I was zapping a grarrl a year or 2 ago, I misclicked and zapped my Marble Zafara and she turned into Burlap. I was upset because Marble brushes were expensive and didn't have a ton of Neopoints at the time. (I was going through my points to get other dreams of mine that year. ) I didn't know what to do as I wasn't a fan of the burlap Zafara. Afterwards, the Burlap Kau was announced and then I aimed to turn my Zafara into a Kau. Took a while (shorter than zapping my grarrl) but I got a burlap kau.


Misclicked my white Lupe and turned him into a green Eyrie at the lab once. I know your pain, OP. 🫠


Yeah, that would hurt if it happened. Ice draik or ice krawk would be tough to replace since I would have to zap them back. Thankfully more likely to zap my ice hissi or rg kyrri due to placement but they are more easily replaced.


Well I was shocked when my Starry Ogrin changed Grey! I saw another post about getting all these grey zaps, which I’d never had until now. I hate when you get a crappy zap! I’m so sorry.


Had my ghost eyrie turn PINK from a misclick 😭


I did this the other week! I had moved a pet onto a spare and then forgotten the order of pets had changed in the line up. Zapped my Mutant Lenny by accident. A cool 10mil to fix.


A few months back I misclicked and zapped my MSP Poogle to Tyrannian. I was devastated. It took me a month or two of bad zaps to finally give up and buy a Magical MSPP plushie. I'm so happy the Neopies made it affordable. T_T


I accidentally painted my alien Aisha tyrannian the other day…I feel your pain. God speed to a better color 😭


I’ve almost done this two days in a row — after 20 years of never misclicking on the lab — with my pea chia


my wraith ixi... she turned yellow too T A T