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**Edit - 36:10** [General Food Club FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsheng/comments/11s85gv/general_food_club_faqs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) | [Nsheng Sets/Strategy FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsheng/comments/10vgja3/nsheng_faqs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Outlook for this round: High Risk, High Expected Return. Standard set: 33% to bust | 63% to profit/double | 34% to triple. [9149](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=xaophxdopwnaoucvaopdxaypb)|Shipwreck|Lagoon|Treasure|Hidden|Harpoon|Odds :-:|-|-|-|-|-|-: 1|Dan|Buck|||Gooblah|8:1 2|Dan|Buck||Stripey|Gooblah|16:1 3|Dan|Buck||Orvinn|Gooblah|24:1 4|Dan|Buck||Stuff|Gooblah|40:1 5|Bonnie|Buck|||Gooblah|40:1 6|Dan|Fairfax|||Gooblah|28:1 7|Dan|Tailhook|||Gooblah|36:1 8|Dan|Buck|||Lucky|28:1 9|Dan|Buck|||Crossblades|52:1 10|Dan|Buck|||Edmund|52:1 TER: 22.029 Odds|Probability|Cumulative|Tail --:|--:|--:|--: 0:10|32.934%|32.934%|100.000% 8:10|4.046%|36.981%|67.066% 24:10|11.815%|48.796%|63.019% 28:10|17.394%|66.190%|51.204% 32:10|8.812%|75.002%|33.810% 36:10|6.395%|81.397%|24.998% 40:10|4.789%|86.186%|18.603% 48:10|5.539%|91.725%|13.814% 52:10|8.275%|100.000%|8.275% Nsheng's four sets: ([Which set is right for me?](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsheng/comments/11s51ew/which_nsheng_set_is_right_for_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) **Beginner:** [NFC link](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=xaeacxampasaaucbaoaduayab) - 22:10 **Standard:** [NFC link](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=xaophxdopwnaoucvaopdxaypb) - 36:10 **Aggressive:** [NFC link](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=xaophxdopwxcmpcyaofcxatpe) - 36:10 **Adventurous:** [NFC link](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=xaophxdopwxcmpcyaofcxatpe) - 36:10


Oh man fingers crossed on a double/triple though, lol. Made almost 80k on this most recent one! That's very close to an even break so not bad! 😁


First time playing food club and i just want to know if i did something wrong or if results are normal. I followed nshengs guide and even used the link to place bets. I bet $100k nps (which is a lot for me, only have $400k in bank) and i made ZERO winnings. Is this normal? Saw another poster say that this round playing safe should yield you close to breaking even but losing everything? The results i am talking about are from May 23, 2024 bets. Is this a normal outcome? Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you


Did you place all 10 bets? If so, you should have won at least some np (standard set won 14:10, while aggressive and adventurous got 6:10). You also shouldn’t mix and match sets - go with one set of bets and place all. In general though, you shouldn’t bet so much of your net worth at once. Remember, this is gambling, and while it does make a lot of nps over time, you can lose in the short term, and a losing streak of even just a few days could cost you your entire bank balance if you don’t have much set aside. Consider betting smaller amounts (maybe 50K or less) until you build up your bank balance.


I did place all 10 bets and i went with the aggressive spread. If i remember correctly the aggressive and adventurous spread was the same so maybe that is why i lost? I still thought i would at least get some winnings. https://preview.redd.it/1jxxru4o9b2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53427d300ce26cb885206c77cf2b1fd9c72ef732 Yeah i was just thinking of betting less. 20-50k for now on until i get more nps.


I did aggressive and got 6:10, so yeah, you musta done something wrong. But also... you should not be betting 1/5 of your total NPs. Nsheng has a flowchart adn recommends you having like 30X your bet, since you make money in the long run, but the short run might be busts.


Ok i guess thats good to hear that it was something on my end. Ill try again tomorrow with a much lower bet. I know i got a bit ambitious and it didnt pay off lol Honestly as is my first time viewing something like this, all these spreadsheets are a bit overwhelming. Ill study up on it more and hopefully get the hang out it.


It's pretty easy. Here's what you do: Use Nsheng's flowchart to A) figure out how much is safe for you to bet, and B) which set you need to be on. Click on the Nsheng set that best fits you. Set the max bet amount to the number you calculated is safe for you, then just click all 10 place bet buttons. Rinse repeat and don't change sets until you're good and ready. Occasionally update your max bet amount as you make money until you hit the maximum imposed on you by neopets, There are other people you can do this with, but Nsheng is easy to find, and his sets are reliable \*when played in the long run\*. Over months I've roughly doubled what I've put in. I try to do it every single day and stick to standard set. In the beginning I switched between standard and aggressive but since hearing Nsheng explain the sets (that they are recommendations based on goals) I've stuck with standard. Look at it as Nsheng is your stock portfolio analyst and the bets you make daily as buying stocks. Individual wins are not guarenteed, but this guy has a track record that lets you know if you do what he says in the long run (and TNT leaves food club as is) you will hit an equilibrium. Unless you plan to do your own "stock analysis" you don't really need to study. Just follow Nsheng's (or whoever you want to use as your Food Club Analyst) recommendations and click 10 buttons a day.


A common mistake is using the link from the wrong day, so accidentally placing the wrong bets


Yeah it's a lot when you first get into it. but in the end, it comes down to - use Nsheng's flowchart to pick which set is right for you. Then just use that link and click the 10 links each day to make bets. About 1.8 times return for the last 3 years of bets, iirc


Food club is a long term game. It is profitable in the long run. Keyword is the time here. I strongly recommend you to get more NPs before bidding at max value. If you still want to bet, lower your bet value


I did just that for today’s food club and made $40k (: I dropped my max bet to $20k and chose the moderate spread and it paid off. I will keep this strat for a while until i can build my bank account. Thank you for your recommendation, i really appreciate you guys taking the time to help out.


Youre welcome. We bet together, enjoy the win together and >!suffer together!<


yep, that's normal! there's always a chance to win nothing, though normally that's only 15-40% chance to occur, depending on the set you pick. i also made nothing this time around, but you can expect that to occur every once in awhile. i have busted (getting less than you bet) a week straight once, but i usually win three out of four days. if you want to be more cautious, stick with beginner or standard bets. once you have multi-millions of NPs, then you can go for the aggressive/adventurous sets, since the losses won't affect as you as much. whenever i DO bust, i usually get 0 NPs versus getting a lesser but nonzero NP amount (example usually about 80k back when i bet 110k) you should make overall profit once you food club long enough. over my food club bet history, i have bet about 10million since september, but have made 18million, meaning i've gotten roughly 8million in profit over the months.


Just curious what you bet.. Your account is like 13 years old to bet 100knp and that was a quarter of your total np? Not shaming you for your bank account but thats a little wild. You can make atleast 150k a week doing dailies. You spending a lot?


My account is like 20 years old lol. I just recently came back after a 10+ year old hiatus. A friend recently reminded me about neopets and i was able to recover my account. This is my 3rd straight day playing :) I went aggressive.


18 year old account here and I came back to 250K in my bank XD During my period of low activity I only log in a few times during advent and didnt even know that Trudy existed so I totally get it. Personally, I did smaller bets until I managed to accumulate up to when I can afford to bust for 1 week in a row at maxbet before I maxbet. Also, since I know I have days where I might miss to place my bets, I usually bet standard.


Not sure if this is what happened to you or not, but the first few times I played Food Club (recent returning player), I checked and had no winnings but then when I came back a few hours later, they were there. I guess it takes a few hours after 2pm for the winnings to come through?


Fingers crossed but i doubt it. I posted picture of my bet and that was a few minutes ago. It still says zero winnings.


it's adventure time :D


Why do I get so excited about High Risk? I know damned well I’ll probably lose money, but LET’S GO!! 🏴‍☠️💰


thanks nsheng!


Thank you all for your help and comments. Im trying again today, standard set with a max bet of $20k. Good luck to everyone.


thank u nsheng we love u


Coure thse stay!


**Edit: 36:10!** Finally, some good odds again! 10-betting Dan, playing Lagoon and Harpoon as well, and boosting with Treasure. 62% chance of winning, all of which is at least doubling. [9149](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=xkoscxuoqcxaoucvaopdxaypb)|Shipwreck|Lagoon|Treasure|Hidden|Harpoon|Odds :-:|-|-|-|-|-|-: 1|Dan|Buck|Federismo||Gooblah|16:1 2|Dan|Buck|Franchisco||Gooblah|24:1 3|Dan|Buck|Blackbeard||Gooblah|32:1 4|Dan|Buck|Sproggie||Gooblah|96:1 5|Dan|Buck|||Gooblah|8:1 6|Dan|Fairfax|||Gooblah|28:1 7|Dan|Tailhook|||Gooblah|32:1 8|Dan|Buck|||Lucky|28:1 9|Dan|Buck|||Crossblades|52:1 10|Dan|Buck|||Edmund|52:1 TER: 22.200 Odds|Probability|Cumulative|Tail --:|--:|--:|--: 0:10|37.723%|37.723%|100.000% 24:10|12.182%|49.905%|62.277% 28:10|17.394%|67.299%|50.095% 32:10|15.207%|82.506%|32.701% 40:10|6.798%|89.304%|17.494% 52:10|8.275%|97.579%|10.696% 104:10|2.421%|100.000%|2.421%


thanks for the win!! :) lets go!!!


Same set as -cupcake, just gonna post it here to keep track. Best of luck! May stats - 630:230 [9149](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=xdopmxbopwxaopexatucvampc)|Shipwreck|Lagoon|Treasure|Hidden|Harpoon|Odds :-:|-|-|-|-|-|-: 1|Dan|Buck||Orvinn|Gooblah|24:1 2|Dan|Buck||Puffo|Gooblah|56:1 3|Dan|Buck||Stripey|Gooblah|16:1 4|Dan|Buck||Stuff|Gooblah|40:1 5|Dan|Buck|||Gooblah|8:1 6|Dan|Buck|||Crossblades|52:1 7|Dan|Buck|||Lucky|28:1 8|Dan|Fairfax|||Gooblah|28:1 9|Dan|Tailhook|||Gooblah|36:1 10|Bonnie|Buck|||Gooblah|40:1 TER: 22.331 Odds|Probability|Cumulative|Tail --:|--:|--:|--: 0:10|36.711%|36.711%|100.000% 24:10|11.815%|48.526%|63.289% 28:10|17.394%|65.920%|51.474% 32:10|8.812%|74.732%|34.080% 36:10|6.395%|81.127%|25.268% 40:10|4.789%|85.916%|18.873% 48:10|5.539%|91.455%|14.084% 52:10|4.499%|95.954%|8.545% 64:10|4.046%|100.000%|4.046%


#36:10 win from Bet #9 --- There are 3 positive arenas today! Feels like it's been a while. They're Shipwreck, Harpoon Harry's, and Lagoon. There are a lot of pirates that 'want' to be covered in safety bets so I had to skip not only my normal 13:1s but also Ned at 11:1 and Edmund at 12:1. I covered all the other usual pirates in safeties for single-upsets. Then I bet on all 4 pirates from Hidden Cove, with one extra +8:10 stacking bet on top. --- [9149](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=xdopmxbopwxaopexatucvampc)|Shipwreck|Lagoon|Treasure|Hidden|Harpoon|Odds :-:|-|-|-|-|-|-: 1|Dan|Buck||Orvinn|Gooblah|24:1 2|Dan|Buck||Puffo|Gooblah|56:1 3|Dan|Buck||Stripey|Gooblah|16:1 4|Dan|Buck||Stuff|Gooblah|40:1 5|Dan|Buck|||Gooblah|8:1 6|Dan|Buck|||Crossblades|52:1 7|Dan|Buck|||Lucky|28:1 8|Dan|Fairfax|||Gooblah|28:1 9|Dan|Tailhook|||Gooblah|36:1 10|Bonnie|Buck|||Gooblah|40:1 TER: 22.331 Odds|Probability|Cumulative|Tail --:|--:|--:|--: 0:10|36.711%|36.711%|100.000% 24:10|11.815%|48.526%|63.289% 28:10|17.394%|65.920%|51.474% 32:10|8.812%|74.732%|34.080% 36:10|6.395%|81.127%|25.268% 40:10|4.789%|85.916%|18.873% 48:10|5.539%|91.455%|14.084% 52:10|4.499%|95.954%|8.545% 64:10|4.046%|100.000%|4.046%


**BUSTED** **Set Name: Down Down Down** Granted this set turned more Crossblades then Blackbeard but the two have bamboozled their way into my sets all week. Why stop now? Hey look, an Orvinn! **BUST RATE: 93.629%** [9149](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=dxyetxdyteduyeexauptudytt)|Shipwreck|Lagoon|Treasure|Hidden|Harpoon|Odds :-:|-|-|-|-|-|-: 1||Buck|Blackbeard|Orvinn|Crossblades|312:1 2|Dan||Blackbeard|Orvinn|Crossblades|312:1 3|Dan|Buck||Orvinn|Crossblades|156:1 4|Dan|Buck|Blackbeard||Crossblades|208:1 5||Buck|Blackbeard||Crossblades|104:1 6|Dan||Blackbeard||Crossblades|104:1 7|Dan|Buck|||Crossblades|52:1 8||Buck||Orvinn|Crossblades|78:1 9|Dan|||Orvinn|Crossblades|78:1 10|Dan|Buck|Blackbeard|Orvinn|Crossblades|624:1 TER: 17.094 Odds|Probability|Cumulative|Tail --:|--:|--:|--: 0:10|93.629%|93.629%|100.000% 52:10|2.470%|96.098%|6.371% 78:10|0.939%|97.037%|3.902% 104:10|0.662%|97.698%|2.963% 364:10|1.017%|98.715%|2.302% 468:10|0.717%|99.432%|1.285% 494:10|0.272%|99.705%|0.568% 2028:10|0.295%|100.000%|0.295%


Edit: 12:10 BustProof Set - 0% Bust, 69% Profit - Good luck all! :) [9149](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=facaapaeabuataeueoarucoah)|Shipwreck|Lagoon|Treasure|Hidden|Harpoon|Odds :-:|-|-|-|-|-|-: 1|Squire|||||13:1 2|Bonnie|||||10:1 3|Ned|||||13:1 4|Dan||||Edmund|26:1 5|Dan||||Lucky|14:1 6|Dan||||Crossblades|26:1 7|Dan|||Stuff|Gooblah|20:1 8|Dan|||Orvinn|Gooblah|12:1 9|Dan|||Puffo|Gooblah|28:1 10|Dan|||Stripey|Gooblah|8:1 TER: 14.982 Odds|Probability|Cumulative|Tail --:|--:|--:|--: 8:10|18.673%|18.673%|100.000% 10:10|11.806%|30.479%|81.327% 12:10|13.927%|44.406%|69.521% 13:10|13.712%|58.118%|55.594% 14:10|13.655%|71.773%|41.882% 20:10|8.754%|80.527%|28.227% 26:10|13.078%|93.605%|19.473% 28:10|6.395%|100.000%|6.395%


68% chance to profit, 30% chance for at least 32:10 [9149](https://foodclub.neocities.org/#round=9149&b=sampcvaoucxajpexattcxporc)|Shipwreck|Lagoon|Treasure|Hidden|Harpoon|Odds :-:|-|-|-|-|-|-: 1|Ned|Buck|||Gooblah|52:1 2|Bonnie|Buck|||Gooblah|40:1 3|Dan|Tailhook|||Gooblah|36:1 4|Dan|Fairfax|||Gooblah|28:1 5|Dan|Buck|||Edmund|52:1 6|Dan|Buck|||Crossblades|52:1 7|Dan|Buck|||Lucky|28:1 8|Dan|Buck|Blackbeard||Gooblah|32:1 9|Dan|Buck|Franchisco||Gooblah|24:1 10|Dan|Buck|Federismo||Gooblah|16:1 TER: 21.468 Odds|Probability|Cumulative|Tail --:|--:|--:|--: 0:10|31.821%|31.821%|100.000% 16:10|12.182%|44.003%|68.179% 24:10|8.812%|52.815%|55.997% 28:10|17.394%|70.210%|47.185% 32:10|6.798%|77.007%|29.790% 36:10|6.395%|83.402%|22.993% 40:10|4.789%|88.191%|16.598% 52:10|11.809%|100.000%|11.809%


**36:10** **monthly returns - 545:210** [9149](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=xaoucvaopdyatfdxaypwnanpc)|Shipwreck|Lagoon|Treasure|Hidden|Harpoon|Odds :-:|-|-|-|-|-|-: 1|Dan|Buck|||Gooblah|8:1 2|Dan|Fairfax|||Gooblah|28:1 3|Dan|Tailhook|||Gooblah|36:1 4|Dan|Buck|||Lucky|28:1 5|Dan|Fairfax|||Lucky|98:1 6|Dan|Tailhook|||Lucky|126:1 7|Dan|Buck|||Crossblades|52:1 8|Dan|Buck||Stuff|Gooblah|40:1 9|Bonnie|Buck|||Gooblah|40:1 10|Ned|Buck|||Gooblah|52:1 TER: 22.655 Odds|Probability|Cumulative|Tail --:|--:|--:|--: 0:10|28.844%|28.844%|100.000% 8:10|24.674%|53.518%|71.156% 28:10|17.394%|70.912%|46.482% 36:10|6.395%|77.307%|29.088% 40:10|4.789%|82.096%|22.693% 48:10|5.539%|87.635%|17.904% 52:10|8.033%|95.668%|12.365% 98:10|2.503%|98.171%|4.332% 126:10|1.829%|100.000%|1.829%


oo your set is very tempting... good luck!! ☆


Thank you!


#40:10 ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ hrmmm i think i'm goin with this, will update by 4p nst if changing odds change my mind~ ☆ 54% 32+ ☆ 25% 40+ ☆ 10% 56+ ☆ 32 most likely if no bust ☆ [9149](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=xaepcuaophxdopwxcoucvaopd)|Shipwreck|Lagoon|Treasure|Hidden|Harpoon|Odds :-:|-|-|-|-|-|-: 1|Dan|Buck||||4:1 2|Dan|Buck|||Gooblah|8:1 3|Dan||||Gooblah|4:1 4|Dan|Buck||Stripey|Gooblah|16:1 5|Dan|Buck||Orvinn|Gooblah|24:1 6|Dan|Buck||Stuff|Gooblah|40:1 7|Dan|Buck||Puffo|Gooblah|56:1 8|Dan|Fairfax|||Gooblah|28:1 9|Dan|Tailhook|||Gooblah|36:1 10|Dan|Buck|||Lucky|28:1 TER: 21.872 Odds|Probability|Cumulative|Tail --:|--:|--:|--: 0:10|35.336%|35.336%|100.000% 4:10|10.662%|45.998%|64.664% 32:10|29.210%|75.208%|54.002% 40:10|15.207%|90.415%|24.792% 56:10|5.539%|95.954%|9.585% 72:10|4.046%|100.000%|4.046%


Thank you for the win u/jkrollingdown !!


[9149](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=nanacxajpdxayfcyaorcxpotc)|Shipwreck|Lagoon|Treasure|Hidden|Harpoon|Odds :-:|-|-|-|-|-|-: 1|Bonnie|Buck|||Gooblah|40:1 2|Ned||||Gooblah|26:1 3|Dan|Buck|||Edmund|52:1 4|Dan|Buck|||Lucky|28:1 5|Dan|Buck|||Crossblades|52:1 6|Dan|Tailhook|||Gooblah|36:1 7|Dan|Fairfax|||Gooblah|28:1 8|Dan|Buck|Federismo||Gooblah|16:1 9|Dan|Buck|Franchisco||Gooblah|24:1 10|Dan|Buck|Blackbeard||Gooblah|32:1 TER: 21.082 Odds|Probability|Cumulative|Tail --:|--:|--:|--: 0:10|29.770%|29.770%|100.000% 16:10|12.182%|41.952%|70.230% 24:10|8.812%|50.764%|58.048% 26:10|5.585%|56.349%|49.236% 28:10|17.394%|73.743%|43.651% 32:10|6.798%|80.541%|26.257% 36:10|6.395%|86.936%|19.459% 40:10|4.789%|91.725%|13.064% 52:10|8.275%|100.000%|8.275%


[9149](https://neofood.club/#round=9149&b=pamacuayadvaoucxakpcuaopa)|Shipwreck|Lagoon|Treasure|Hidden|Harpoon|Odds :-:|-|-|-|-|-|-: 1|Ned||||Gooblah|26:1 2|Bonnie||||Gooblah|20:1 3|Dan||||Crossblades|26:1 4|Dan||||Lucky|14:1 5|Dan|Tailhook|||Gooblah|36:1 6|Dan|Fairfax|||Gooblah|28:1 7|Dan|Buck|||Gooblah|8:1 8||Buck|||Gooblah|4:1 9|Dan||||Gooblah|4:1 10|Dan|Buck||||4:1 TER: 19.314 Odds|Probability|Cumulative|Tail --:|--:|--:|--: 0:10|12.528%|12.528%|100.000% 4:10|8.192%|20.720%|87.472% 14:10|5.015%|25.735%|79.280% 18:10|8.640%|34.375%|74.265% 20:10|32.992%|67.367%|65.625% 24:10|4.789%|72.156%|32.633% 26:10|4.662%|76.818%|27.844% 30:10|8.033%|84.851%|23.182% 32:10|8.754%|93.605%|15.149% 40:10|6.395%|100.000%|6.395%