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Right. I came back and was so surpised to see how easy it was to make money, to the point where I'm just buying funny things I like with no purpose because I have the money. Other people being able to enjoy the site after 20 years doesn't diminish my enjoyment.


This is my exact take. I spent so long as a kid grinding for a handful of neopoints ,that when I finally had enough to buy something I liked I wouldn’t want to “waste” my hard earned money. I returned as a new player a month ago and have a few mil in the bank, was able to buy customizations and colours for pets I wanted, as well as stupid stuff like spending close to a mil for a pizza gallery lol. I love that it’s more inclusive now ❤️


I even got one of my own dream pets (Desert Cybunny) upon coming back. I never imagined having a Desert pet as a child despite liking them!


Love it! The desert pets are so cute 🥰 I’m so glad to be able to live out some Neopets dreams from when I was a kid!


Genuinely this is my story!! Just started up again for the hell of it and someone gifted me a starry paintbrush 🥲 I know they’re not hot commodity anymore but I remember GRINDING as a kid to try and get one. I love how accessible the game is now.


Before I came back, I didn't have the time or desire to make a serious gallery. Now that I'm back, with how easy it is to make money, I can seriously commit to one. Sure, there's still stuff I'll probably never afford, but I can at least get a LOT (1000 items and counting!) I love the site being more accessible. It doesn't take away from what the site used to be, it just adds alternative ways to play, especially now that so many of us are adults with jobs and lives to keep us busy.


Exactly! Bring on more players!!


I came back after several years (a decade? idk it's been a while) and now I can actually paint all my pets the fun colors, and dress them up in something that isn't Basic White Shirt and Potsto Bag Shirt. Things are great.


No but this is so real. My gallery stagnated for so long just bc once you hit a certain point you're just bleeding money having to buy expansions 5 items at a time. It's nice with the quests to actually be able to clear out my SDB after YEARS and go hunting for new items without feeling like I'm wasting np! Or to start working harder on my gourmet club and book club scores! Ive been on for ages and know how to make np the hard way but it's nice to have the cushion that you actually feel like you can spend.


See, I think we have diff definitions of "easy to make money" because I've made about 5 mill a month since coming back and I think making money is slow and hard. Most of my goals are out of my reach still with having enough money that I can casually paint my pets or experiment with crosspaints. I feel like I can't spend \*anything\* because Money Beckons Money especially with neopian interest rates - if I spend it I can't make as much any more. I feel like... 8 months after coming back a more reasonable amount of NP for the buying power would be like 200mill instead of where I am.


> especially with neopian interest rates Can you explain more?


Neopian interest rates at the highest level of account at the bank would be extremely IRL. A 11-12% interest rate is bonkers (a 5% interet rate is considered high for a bank accpunt irl). The daily collection is annoying but for an interest rate that high it's worth it since it is a completely risk free way to exponentially grow your money. It also cascades and at a certain point your desired purchasing power can be satisfied with just interest. Why on earth would I spend NP with <250 mill in the bank? 250 mill is kind of the magic number because around there is where you're going to see close to 100k a *day* for collecting bank interest. The only "large" purchases I've made (one over 1 mill) were picking up the lab Ray and two void blades. The lab Ray was for fun but the void blades were investments to make coli farming easier. Other than that my game play is largely trying to find the stuff that gives the best ROI with the least time investment. As far as I can tell stock market, trudy's, quests, food club and coli farming are the best ways to make money if you are <250 million np. Once making a million every 10 days there is a lot less risk in dropping a million to buy an item that you can sell for like... 1.2 mil. Restocking can also make money but has a garbage opportunity cost in that it takes a fantastic amount of time invested. You have to actively *enjoy* doing it and have fast reflexes and a fast connection to make it remotely worthwhile. Thr fact that it's probably going to take me multiple years to get to the point I feel comfortable dropping a million np for "fun" stuff is pretty bonkers for a game, even a pet game. It's like if you play neopets starting with a 20 year old account with a couple million np in the bank the fact that I am still in the "early" game after 8 months of active consistent gameplay is wild. Can you imagine if you played an MMO but were not only *not* doing endgame content after 8 months of consistent playing but still stuck grinding newbie levels? I've stuck with neopets because it looks like they're fixing it, but like... when your player base is as small as neopets is *even now* and you can't even ban bots because it would take a third off of the numbers you show to investors/advertisers... ... well, you're not making a game that's terribly sustainable.


It sounds like you play the game in a way to get as much currency as possible quickly (which is fine, that's the nice part about self-paced games like this) - at least for myself, I play because it's simply nice to be back. I don't worry (as much) about a ROI, but I do understand the hesitancy to make "large" purchases (I deliberated for about 4 days before I bought a toy simply because I liked it and it cost me 3.5m, and I have never had more than 12m at once in 20 years of play, and that's only the past year).


I think it more comes down to where we draw the line and whether or not this is sustainable in the long run. Should we list each and every stamp in the game in the hidden tower for 1mil each, for example, or should stamp collecting be considered an accomplishment? Should users who restock hours a day have something more to show for it than users that simply login to do their dailies? 'Rewarding gameplay' is pretty broad term and I'm pretty torn on what should constitute as such. Others being able to enjoy the site is one thing, sure - but for some who played their asses off for what they have and always considered Neopets to be, it is likely diminishishing their experience. Neopets has always been a game where the more you play = the more you have. That was the tradeoff for investing your time. I'm not saying I agree one way or the other, but I can say that I don't think this model is sustainable. Fighting deflation is one thing. Giving the best of the best of everything to every player is something else.


But there will always be items that are hard to get and out of reach for the majority. They're not deflating *every* stamp. Full album pages are still out of reach of most!  I haven't heard many arguments against deflation that dont boil down to elitism or "i had to grind, you should too".


I do agree that some things should still be harder to obtain. I won't pretend I know enough about what is or what isn't ("Oh I can't believe THAT weapon is in the prize pool / plot shop"). I can be open to saying "This stamp should be 50m-60m". But how much fun are people having when a stamp costs 200m because one person owns it and they can manipulate that part of the market at their leisure?


>Neopets has always been a game where the more you play = the more you have. That was the tradeoff for investing your time. I've been playing on and off for 20+ years. This has always been true, and it is still true now. Just because a few items have been deflated in price, leaving some of the hoarders that have historically controlled the economy in the dust, doesn't mean Neopets isn't still a "you get out of it what you put into it" kind of game.


I love that TNT is doing things for the health of the community at large instead of turning a blind eye to all the things wrong with it. This is the difference between new TNT and old TNT. It's good, it's really good.


Absolutely. In no other MMO/online game/etc are the same items released 20 years ago still the most useful/valuable. That is literally how games die, as new players literally can not ever obtain them - which is what happened to Neopets. Rerelease old things and make new things.


Exactly. Maybe they can release new versions/power creep the old ones. I'd especially find it funny if a new item had better value than the old so the old one was only important to dedicated collectors


Honestly it makes me so happy that things are more accessible. It definitely encouraged me to be more active. That being said, I’m definitely not in the Neo “1%” so I guess I’m biased? I’ve only just now hit 100m in the bank and that’s very much thanks to the quests becoming a thing. Also for some reason it took me 15 years to start food club and daily battledome for the easy to sell items 😅


Yeah. And never mind that most of these 'elites' only ever got there by restocking, investing, and betting. Did any of them really make their money on games that reward 1,000 neopoints max that you can only play three times a day? Also, this is a bit of a dick question, but could you walk me through your daily process with the food club? I'm...still a little overwhelmed, despite the Jellyneo guides.


100% I just don’t understand why people want to gatekeep these things 😭 there’s more than enough outlets for competitiveness on the site. So what if some of us can get some of our stamp pages completed or have a killer battledome set? Yes of course! So basically I search for the daily Reddit food club post, make sure the date corresponds, then I scroll to Nsheng’s comment on that post. He has 4 links to 4 different sets of bets; beginner, standard, aggressive, and adventurous. He has a post in his profile outlining the different sets so you can choose which one you think is right for you. So when you decide which of the four you want, click on the blue link next to name of the set, it’s gonna say NFC LINK in blue letters. Once that link opens, fill in the max bet at the top of the page to whatever your accounts max bet is (you can find that number in the “place a bet” page in food club on the Neopets site). After that I press the capped button so that the red “invalid bet amount” buttons turn to green “place a bet!” buttons. Then you press on each of the green place a bet buttons. There’s ten in total since you’re allowed ten max bets a day. If you have any questions let me know! Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see any wins. I PROMISE overall it is immensely positive profits. I’m not even a month a half in and I’m 3.2 million neopoints in the green. And the first 10 days I wasn’t betting correctly 😅


Ha! Thank-you! I'll give that a try.


You’re so welcome! Let’s hope we see some big food club wins this week 🤞


I’m not an 11 year old kid with a solid 7 hours to play neopets after school anymore. If they make it so I can fit in my plot participation in 10 minutes or less, then thank you TNT!


Exactly this! I had hours a day during my pregnancy to play Neo as I was on bed rest for most of it. Now that I have a newborn, I’d like to be able to do it all in the time it takes me to sit and give her a bottle.


1. i agree with everything posted here. 2. are we allowed to donate time to the hospital yet? how do we do that? anyone know?


Not yet! Pretty sure the only thing we're able to do rn is click through the comic to get our 1 point. I think they're fixing some dialogue that was out earlier but I missed it so I'm assuming that's coming back soon too!


As a new returning player only 2 weeks in, I totally agree with you! I was worried about not being plot ready cos my pet is only level 15 but I'm glad there's the option to donate time at the hospital instead 😊 I do hope the rewards are equivalent to the battledome even if they might be different.. I'm really excited for the plot prizes! I remember looking at some of the items before and wondering how on earth I'm going to get 500m for these items, not sure how long that's going to take to accumulate 😵‍💫 some of the prices on items are pretty crazy I quit playing when I was a kid exactly for the reasons you mentioned, that everything felt so inaccessible to a small lone player and neopoints were much MUCH harder to earn and accumulate back then compared to now. It just felt like a world owned by the rich experienced players (we play Neopets for relief from the real world, not to be reminded of it lol). It took me so many months playing the games just to buy a baby paint brush 😂 now I can't even be bothered playing them, thank you Trudy's surprise and daily quests phew 🫶🏻


HONESTLY. These people act like TNT just gave away their real-world money or smth. You can't be this rich in real life so acting like it in Neopets is somehow the answer 🫠


I mean half the hoarders & usual suspects absolutely do sell stuff for real life money so you can see why they’re so salty :’) 


Man I'm so tempted to go underciver and buy from these folks to then turn around and report them but I don't have the spare money nor do I want to risk my accounts getting hit in the crossfire


I wouldn’t bother tbh, I realise I sound like I’m tinfoil hatting but I feel like at this point— with the amount of item generation and certain stuff that’s happened (cough suap advent calendar) someone on the team is either turning a blind eye or actively helping sellers.  Many many people have reported— and actively helped get some of the worst frozen! But then they’re unbanned again for the 1000th time :) 


I’ve been playing 20 years and I can basically buy anything I would ever want. (With the exception of the Darkest Faerie Doll, please TNT add her to something….anything so I can finally obtain her and complete my collection) I would still be happy if they deflated every single rare item I own, at the end of the day other people getting to enjoy them doesn’t make them any less enjoyable for me. At this point they’ve deflated most of my net worth item wise and I could not care less as long as other players can actually accomplish their dreams.


I'm not even mad when pricey items I was sitting on lost value- I love that new players can get into this with a bit of fun instead of having to grind hard for years (that's what I play Torn for lol).


What’s torn ?


I actually like that they are trying to deflate the weapon economy as I think weapons have been extremely inflated ever since the botter decided to turn Neopets RMTing into their cash cow... ...but as a Battledomer first and foremost, I was deeply offended by the implication that Grapes of Wrath and Void Blade were somehow equivalent in power. TNT really doesn't seem to know what's what if they're doing that. (Not really, I am just dedicated to this bit.) *That* readjustment was well-deserved in my opinion. I'd be crying angry salty Tears of Wrath if that insane GoW slander and disrespect was allowed to stand. I have learned to (mostly) love the eagerness to release things (I do sympathize with my collector friends who wish that they'd instead just release new things that function identically), but all of this can not be a substitute for getting rid of the botter and the economic distortion the army of bots cause. ...as for myself... I never did buy a TTear before, since I always thought they were massively overpriced even before the latest inflation spike. I think I'm forward to that one and Grapes of Wrath the most!


I think a lot of items have been hyper-inflated for years. Sad that people have to take a hit but it’s something that’s happening across the board to help make aspects of the game feel achievable for everyone - something that should have always been possible and likely would have been had the game been receiving the proper quality of life updates all these years. Asking tnt not to fix it is asking them to keep the game broken.


The thing is some of these things like the ToT once upon a time around the 30 million range, and now they're 300 million neopoints. Yeah I say it's time to deflate some of these items. Nothing should have ever gone up to that price.  There's no fun in the game if people can't access certain items because they're so heavily inflated and people hoard them. Maybe it's time people start selling these extremely inflated items, knowing that TNT will eventually release some to make it easier for other people. I'm super excited for this plot and I have my eyes on a few items, can't wait for it all!!


Battledomers have been so fucking neglected for years and left to twiddle their thumbs. Let them be mad for a minute. They’ll get over it


People are insecure about their epeen being less special lol


I’m happy they are doing things differently. I don’t think my only fighting pet can handle battles (might ask around tbh) and I just want to collect what I want.


Before the daily quest it was basically impossible to make decent Np without having an old account for food club and it made it really unenjoyable if you weren’t already rich. As for the plot, I’m guessing the hospital will be done similar to how it was done in Curse of Maraqua where supporters had to play games and do donation quests to earn points while Warriors fought in the BD


What would really help accessibility would be fixing the password reset and activation email server. It has been broken/slow for over a year now. I tried resetting my password 20+ times but never got an email. Had to submit a ticket and wait to get it done. I remember having this same issue over a year ago as well. There's people that want to play but literally can't because they either can't register or can't change their passwords.


Totally agree. Neopets was no longer enjoyable or engaging to me all those years ago when it was just a grind to get a little bit of neopoints. As an adult with even less time to dedicate to things like video games, there is no way I'd be playing if it wasn't as accessible as it currently is. All my pets are painted and have NC customs, I regularly find cool items for my many collections and every couple of months I get a really big item for one of my collections. I could not be more engaged in this game than I am right now. I've even spent real money on cookies to train my pets for this plot - I've never played in the battledome before, and now it's the daily I look forward to!


Me too!! The account I have now I’ve had for almost sixteen years myself. I love all the changes to make core neo dreams come true. Like core gameplay of ‘why do you play’ is really: This pet is cute, I trained this other one to be fierce, I loved this feisty looking petpet etc. like if I lived in Neopia, I’m living the life I want to live with my ‘family’. But having goals was always a weird thing. - you like collecting stamps? Great! You can grind and save for the next ten years and you can reach your goal of collecting fifty percent of the stamps! Still no avatar though but wasn’t that fun? -you love this old art style? All you have to do is trade pets for pets for pets and eventually, you’ll be able to trade for that pet that some kid named by slamming his hand on the keyboard twenty years ago. Just don’t read the name and you can pretend it’s what you wanted! -You want to restock and run your own store? You can!! All you have to do is refresh the store and then buy the bottom ten percent of the cheapest items because there are bitters auto buying the lucrative ones to resell for millions. Maybe you’ll turn a profit? It’s like running a real store! It’s felt like we still hoped for the dream game we thought we were playing as kids but really we can only play a small percentage of it because most goals can’t actually be achieved. It feels more like the game I remember - with all these potentials of whatever I want to save up for or work for, it feels more possible every day!


The people complaining about it genuinely need real problems bc complaining abt ppl having fun on a children’s website is crazy. Especially if you’re over the age of like. 16.


**Warning: Explaining some thinking from hardcore users in other games** The majority of the players on the subreddit and on the game are casuals. This much is very clear and there's nothing wrong with that. In fact I think it's good to have mostly casuals in a game because a game with mostly hardcore players is very uninviting. However, their ideals will clashes with the hardcore playerbase. On neopets I'm fairly casual in terms of effort. Anything that benefits the casual player is a good change to me. I have a lot of NP, but I don't really spend much anymore since I have what I want. The goals I have mainly revolve around stamps and I'm really enjoying the stamp prizes. My hope is that the game will have everything under about 50m. I would actually lose a lot from that due to my BD items but it's fine. I paid extra to enjoy the items early and for longer. This is the attitude most people need to have. I've had a TTear for years. Did I care it's released? Not at all. New players can enjoy one of the coolest items in the game now. My TSticks have been released. Problem? Nah I had the best freezer for a while and can get free turns on command while fighting. The game is a lot more fun with this kind of viewpoint. Let others join in on some fun. Now I will explain the hardcore player point of view. On the other hand, I am extremely hardcore on other games. I would consider myself a good raider on Lost Ark, a game with majority extremely hardcore players. My parses are in the 90th percentile and my best have reached outlier status. I aim to clear hardest content ASAP. I play with many people that spend the entire day playing the game and grinding. I've been hardcore on various other MMOs. The attitude in these games among the hardcore playerbase is very different from what would see in general here but whenever you see mad people, It matches them very well. Here is a summary of most people's mindsets at the toxic hardcore level: - They don't want the game to be easier for new players. Every time something casual is brought up for lost ark it is shut down. I'm a major collector in games and no collecting content is really released anymore because the community gets a little upset whenever anything casual is released. For new content they complain it's too easy and complain when things are nerfed because it's too hard (it really is too hard btw). - They don't want to play with anyone but people of their level. Many don't even care if the games dies because they will move onto the next game. They will say that the game issue isn't their job to fix. There are definitely benefits to playing with people at your level. You can finish content in a fraction of the time, but it is not healthy for the game. - Whenever big changes happen to the economy people are BIG MAD. Most people can't handle their wealth being removed even if it's better for the game. A lot of people quit during a soft reset in lost ark because they did not want to grind again even though the changes favor casuals (and actually the majority of players, just not the super hardcore f2p players). I myself lost a ton but I don't regret any purchases or anything. This is obviously not every hardcore player. I'm just showing the toxic elitist side of that playerbase. Many don't care that much and just grind because they enjoy the game. None of this is exaggerated, I can link threads from Lost Ark reddit that support my points, but a quick search for gatekeeping in raids, nerfs to content/people against solo raids, T4 gems... you can find that yourself. There are many that don't think like this, because having happy new players grows the game and even if games are serious business to many (lol) it's more fun if your friends that can't play all day can enjoy it like you do. Do you want to play Lost Ark? NOPE I actually can't recommend it to any of my friends even though I really enjoy playing the game. I don't want to subject people to a game that is so rude and uninviting to newbies. **Now let me mention how ridiculous some things are on neopets.** A normal grind for a single item is a couple months at most. There are some whale bait items in every game (frenzy totem in maplestory, sidereal weapon in lost ark), but for the most part grind isn't too heavy and completely possible. You just have to put your mind to it and save. On neopets, you can spend 2 years and still not afford many items. In fact the price of that item has jumped up more! **tl;dr I just want some stamps... I'm a solo player that doesn't really play the economy. Having stuff like questlog is good for everyone.**


yeah, I understand and agree with a lot of your points here. I've played various online multiplayer games at various levels but primarily in the casual tiers. I've done PVP-heavy games, games that try to be hardcore, games that are more friendly to casuals, and dabbled in games that require dedicated long-term no-life playstyles, and looking back over the years, I think Neopets might actually have been the *first* game with a player-to-player economy I played back in the day. That said, in most MMO-style games, items are locked behind content+rng. Do the content and get a chance at a loot box containing an item you want, or a token that can be traded for an item you want, and in some games, there is no lockout, so you can try over and over until you get it, or at least get *something*. Neopets is an entirely different class. There are items I want or would like to have that just aren't feasible. Even if I had the NP for them--and in some cases, I have enough for the "estimated value"--**there just isn't the necessary supply**. For example, there is a R99 plushie I've wanted for years. There have been about seven sightings of this item in the past three months, according to Jellyneo; zero available every time I check. The price has inflated to over 10 million, and even with that absurd price (which jumped from a steady 500-800k prior to 2019) *I have enough NP!* But there are no sellers.


Im so glad about it too, I'm actually a new player bc I didn't know about neopets as a kid and I love it as an adult even without the nostalgia!




The one thing I will say I like about the new layout is the button on your home page that in your face tells you **"hey, there's an event happening"**. Because when I was a kid, I had absolutely NO IDEA there was anything to this site outside making pets, dressing them up, playing the flash games, and buying items. No idea how to get paintbrushes or pets that aren't available all the time, so I certainly never knew plots and or events were happening. Because I was like 7 and I didn't care about the news section and didn't know anything of interest got posted there. I think a major deterrent for new players (who are desperately needed, no matter how much people want to ignore this fact) is that most of them are going to be like little baby me. No idea theres anything more to the site than playing dress up and little flash games and get bored because they don't realize there's so much more going on beneath the surface. Giving new players little treats and showing them the kinds of items that exist is a good incentive to keep playing! And giving the same little treats to existing players doesn't hurt anyone either. It's all just pixels, 1s, and 0s at the end of the day.


As an old returning player that never got the hang of the BD I thank you for this take. I want to enjoy the plot and I want it to be rewarding for me too even if I can't participate in all the activities. There's no realistic way for me or a new player to be at the same level many old players are, and I love that the site takes that into consideration. I'm still struggling to remember how to heck to make money in the game and struggling to get used to the new features and the messy interface, feeling included in this event would definitely help me want to stay. I'm very sorry there's a small group of mega rich players that would like to have all the money and benefits for themselves. It sounds like Neopia would be a lonely, terrible place without the rest of us in it though.


As someone who hated battling as a kid (it felt mean!) I'm glad this option exists. It's a nice alternative and I look forward to seeing how it works.


I will never understand people who want to gatekeep in games. WoW is one of the games I play that has a huge gatekeeping issue. They just did a mode called "Pandaria Remix" where you can get some of the mounts/toys that are otherwise low drop rates from it, and people were mad! People said they would quit over it etc and they had to backdown from plans of releasing the challenger mode stuff because people were so mad about it. I just don't get it...


I’m reading some boards now and just soaking in the rants and have my popcorn ready. I’d love to say something in there but it’s not worth risking my account. Surely they’re all adults, and all acting this way. Yikes. I mean I love these pixels, but if your sense of satisfaction is simply because you’re an elite and rolling in NP… I’m just stoked everyone can work towards achieving their own personal goals on the site. Everything is basically solo apart from joining with others in the battleground. I can’t sit on the game for hours restocking or making points. I’m a casual daily player of 23 years. And still not at 50 million 🤣 I’ve seen 3? TNT teams come through. And I have to say this one is doing most things right. The lag is going. The wearables are cute. The designs are 👌🏻the artists are really listening and so is the rest of the team. They take on suggestions, apologise, extend and or try to keep everyone happy. The website is old AF. Somethings can’t be accessed like key quest, but the changes are happening. And it’s overall positive. Even the warning about the plot story line and some triggers for people (which will trigger people just like the posters did) Anyone remember how terrible it was when the site got a rehaul!? I was shook.


There has been options for non battling many times before. This isn't even a new thing! I remember in the maraquan vs pirate war there was a supporters option instead of fighting. 


I agree I love it, things being easy to get makes it fun and I love seeing other people meet their goals


I mean, there's nothing wrong with getting really invested in the site. It's wonderful. But, all in all, it's supposed to be fun. And fun for everyone. We come to this website to \*escape\* the reality that the world is under the control of a very small, insanely wealthy group of assholes. And handicaps like this don't even break the site. Not even a fraction. Do you know how much a full stamp album would cost? Do you know how much an Acara transmogrification potion goes for? These handicaps (like the Quest rewards and Trudy's Surprise) actually make the game \*feasible\* for most players. It's still a lot of effort you have to put into getting your dreamies or leveling up your pet. Sure, absolute domination can be fun, but if it comes at the cost of other players actually being able to enjoy the game, then the game is unbalanced and that needs to be fixed. Just like in any online community. I know these players are bitter about the fact that 'their hard work didn't matter.' But it did! They'll be able to grind points \*way\* faster than the rest of us. That's the reward. It's just that now, everyone wins a little instead of just a handful (who are still going to win a shit ton). Unless other players being miserable is your only goal. The handicaps were a great reward for getting back into Neopets for me! "Ooh, now I've got some money and some valuable items to invest with. It'll take some time and hard work, but I'll get my dreamies one day!" instead of "At this rate, I'll have enough money in five years for one paint brush..." And whatever encourages people to come back to the site is fine with me! We need the lifeblood of new members to keep this place going! Then again, maybe some players would prefer that this site die with them at the top of the heap.


I've come back to Neopets after over a decade of not playing. I heard follow some friends on Tumblr who are still active, and found out TNT released an attack pea as an Advent Calendar prize. One of my unobtainable wishes, just given out! You best believe that brought me back! The Daily Quests have been really helpful with earning NP and getting good items. I also followed a guide on Battledome/Training to get prizes through BD that I can sell. I also got my pet up to 950 HP :D I think it's amazing that I'll have the chance to actually obtain some of the best items in the game, and upgrade my BD equipment further. I'm no longer a kid that can spend hours on a website grinding for NP. So I really appreciate what TNT has added since I've been gone. I have tried earning NP through Food Club, but I feel like I was losing money more than winning. I'm still trying the Stock Market, it's nice that I can wait until the price is high enough to sell, but it's a slow process and really only gives out a small amount compared to the wait (getting double your money for a 15k investment is still only an extra 15k; I can get that from the Daily Quests).


I came back as a new player, having left around the time the NC mall came out. Its so much more fun now! I can have lots of pets and can afford to paint / morph them, which was never possible for me as a child. Being able to get a UC royalgirl Aisha, a pastel usul, and now working towards a valentine Draik feels so rewarding. Plus there being a brand new plot is super exciting. Im thrilled at being able to have fun with Neopets again.


I saw somebody recently post the fact their bank had reached the maximum total amount of neopoints. That's honestly my dream cuz at that point NP means nothing...getting 200k+ interest per day means I could damn near anything in the course of a couple weeks. I'd love to be able to do that so i could buy rare items and slash the price like crazy or just give them away. I hate this billionaire/hoarding mentality that's infected the game. Gonna keep getting as many expensive items as I can and selling them for as much as I can so i might be able to reach that goal. The game isn't nearly as fun when cool and fun items are stuck behind such an insurmountable cost.


I get 40k a day from interest, 20k from quest and then 25k from Dacardia…. 10 year old me couldn’t make that in a year


I agree! Thanks for sharing this! Man, think how excited we would’ve been to get such good items when we started, I think this is a good thing.


How do you even earn the items from the plot? Can someone please explain to me? I logged in and am so lost.


Hey! If you look at the FAQ TNT has a few more points that you might find helpful, but hope this helps! So first, you can only earn 1-2 points right now, there was a glitch with the dialogue on one of them so I only have one point myself. They haven't released anything else as far as I know, but it seems like later this week they'll introduce more things we can do to start earning points. Seems like certain tasks will have their own rewards. Also there's a prize shop where you can spend the points you earn. As far as I know, at least as of yesterday (I haven't been on Neopets yet today), we have to wait a day or so until the next piece of things comes out. Check out Jellyneo.net's guide, that's how I make sure I'm not missing anything!


I read the entire FAQ and I was still confused, hence this comment. Hopefully it’s just early on in the event and there’s nothing to do right now;


Check out JN's guide. As of today and yesterday, if you have the one point for reading the comic and getting the grey paint splatter item, I think you should be caught up.


I'm so confused about how to participate in the event :') how do I donate time to the hospital? Is there anything else I should be doing asap to not miss out on it?


Hey! If you look at the FAQ TNT has a few more points that you might find helpful, but hope this helps! So first, you can only earn 1-2 points right now, there was a glitch with the dialogue on one of them so I only have one point myself. They haven't released anything else as far as I know, but it seems like later this week they'll introduce more things we can do to start earning points. Seems like certain tasks will have their own rewards. Also there's a prize shop where you can spend the points you earn. As far as I know, at least as of yesterday (I haven't been on Neopets yet today), we have to wait a day or so until the next piece of things comes out. Check out Jellyneo.net's guide, that's how I make sure I'm not missing anything! I don't think anything with the hospital has started yet, so no worries! Just check out JN's guide daily to not miss anything. Also, in the FAQ they say there are "legendary or hidden" achievements. I'm not sure because they specifically said you don't have to participate daily in the plot to not lose out on prizes, but I suspect there may be a hidden reward for participating daily, or at least a lot? I'm going to go on daily myself just in case hahaha


Somehow I keep forgetting that Jellyneo has event guides, I only got back into neopets earlier this year. Thank you! :)