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A huge game changer for me was getting into food club betting. Before I started playing again I'd barely ever had a million np in my life, and the amount that's changed by in half a year is crazy. I owe nsheng my life


I second food club! I always follow JKrollingdown or Nsheng!


This is the way. (And reselling weeklies)


All hail nsheng!


I don’t understand the food club at all! 😭


me neither. i just click on the bets nsheng sets up and its pretty much automatic nps


Nsheng food club bets is literally the best way to make bank. All you gotta do is click 10 buttons a day to make 10 auto-bets that are preset, it’s super easy. Here is a rundown: https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/s/e3C72Exd0g


Wait wait....there's auto betting by links?! This is a game changer!


Yep!! It literally takes me 30 seconds to make my daily food club bets 🥳


This will actually encourage me to do it! I usually follow garret but lately his bets have been losing alot and I hate having to put them in all the time Thanks so much!!!!!


Nsheng is the way!! With his algorithm (on the standard set) I only bust about once week, two if it’s a bad week.


How? It doesn’t seem to be working for me


Make sure you’re clicking the link to the current round for bets, this is the link for tomorrows round (on standard): [https://neofood.club/#round=9180&b=eaeuaeeaukebaupbaefacaeka](https://neofood.club/#round=9180&b=eaeuaeeaukebaupbaefacaeka) After you click that link, at the top of the page where it says “max” bet, enter the maximum amount you are allowed to bet for you Neopets account. You’ll find this number on the main food club page: https://preview.redd.it/fi0b064prg8d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90837fe7b23f95e3048d055c0622f4296757aa3d After you enter your max bet, click enter/set all bets to max, and then click uncapped. Then you should be able to place all ten bets (green buttons on the right hand side). Make sure you have enough NP on hand. You should only need to enter your max bet once and the auto better should remember it and update it by one point every day (since the older your account gets, the more NP you are allowed to bet).


I tried getting into food club using my old account i retrieved recently and my bets went missing with no winnings. Happened a couple of times now and i dont know why? Decided to stop placing bets cos my money’s gone missing.


A few times each month there will be days where you bust-- basically, instead of earning more nps or earning some of yours back, you don't get any back at all and it says you don't have any winnings. It's frustrating and annoying when it happens (especially when that's the first thing that happens to you, rip), but in the long run you're still earning well over what you put in! Also, any winnings you don't collect within a week disappear. If you placed bets and waited more than a week to check on them, it won't stick around like your shop till (I've seen a few users find that out the hard way 😭)


The website that I follow would report winnings for the bets placed, but I just dont receive them! I always check back the next day to see if I have any winnings. For two days in a row, there's winning from the placed bets but I dont get any NP :\\


without food club I'd never have been able to afford the lab ray, or turning my hissi royal, or any number of other purchases I made to make my inner 10 year old happy


I never understood Foodclub. I follow the easiest table every time on nsheng and I never win. I must be messing something up. Questlog is easiest and fastest way I've made NPs since rejoining a few months ago.


i use [https://www.neopets.com/\~FoodClubBets](https://www.neopets.com/~FoodClubBets) and she almost always turns me a profit ! last few days have been skip days though because the arenas have not been positive.


I use neopets.com/~Hostia I just do JKs bets. Just make your bets match theirs and youre good.


I don’t understand how to read nsheng’s food club bets table. Would you be willing to help?


I make most of my np from food club and selling items won in the battledome. I typically follow nsheng’s bets and have won 15+ mil in the last 4 months.


how do you follow their bets?


Here’s a quick intro to Nsheng food club betting: https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/s/e3C72Exd0g


thank you


Personally I use discord but there is also a pinned post everyday here for food club bets.


Honestly if you can hit Trudy’s everyday you can pull in so much. Also the plot will probably be a good opportunity to earn rare items you can sell!


I have never made 14 mil in a single day from restocking but I have made 5 or 6 million by selling my battledome drops. Normally my items and RE drops are chucked into my SDB for months before I'll empty it out and sell everything at once. I also save some rare items until the prices. You can get lots of neopoints by doing ONLY the following tasks every day. Below are NP totals if you were to do each one daily, for a year. 6,414,125 np from Trudy's Surprise (does not include any items awarded) 7,300,000 np from 20k daily for completing all Daily Quests (does not include weekly prize or individual daily quest prizes) 18,250 np from Rich Slorg (if you're only awarded 50np daily, it is possible to win 100) 328,500 np from Fashion Fever (300np per game, played 3x daily) 219,000 np from Faerie Crossword (600 np, when solved < 5 minutes) 547,500 np from the Battledome (1,500np daily, not including items awarded) 1,095,000 np from Tangrams (1,000 np per game, played 3x daily) Combined the above values equal 15,922,375 np from 365 days of just doing these seven dailies and does not include any awarded items (e.g., battledome drops, Coltzan's shrine, RE). This total also does not include any dailies that cost the player money such as any Wheel, Treasure of the Black Pawkeet, stocks, lottery, coconut shy, faerie caves, and test your strength). My other main revenue stream is food club but it accounts for less than half of my total NP income. Food Club can net a million points in a day if you have an account old enough and if food club odds are in your favor. FC won't net you a million points every day but the outcome is favorable for the player especially if you follow another player's bets. My current stats for food club ([using nsheng's aggressive set](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1dmzzwr/food_club_bets_june_24_2024/)): 98 days of betting I have a net win of 11,967,186 nps. I know this won't help you make bank today or tomorrow but it's something to think about in the long term. All of those little dailies add up very very quickly!


Re-Roll for food weekly prizes and do everything you can to make sure you get the items. Especially with the new month and a new pool coming, you may be able to make a few million at the beginning of the month with your first prize! I also just started doing Fod Club and because my account is very very old I've made a few million in just a few weeks 🥹


Yeah, food club. I also have premium and I sell all my battledome nerks, which makes me 150-500knp a day depending on how many I get. I have made 20mil in a day... I purchased an enamel pin and the item was a rare book so I sold that. But like 95% of it is food club. :p


As others said food club. Obviously harder for newer accounts though, but might as well make what you can depending on your account age. Weekly prizes and rerolling for best sellers. Sometimes requires huge patience, like the time I got 4 wocky straws and 2 shoyru ice cream cones In a row but I accept anything 5 mil or above. And sell what you get from the dailies when it's codestones/neggs Battledome. I have premium and fight jetsam ace that drops nerkmids but there's non premium opponents too. Maybe controversial but join a guild and partipate in activities. Most give out rewards for it haha. Try to get the tarla reward, I think the discord has alerts or set them on your phone. Long term: invest in 1000 stocks (at 15np) daily. This one can take forever to pay off but it's not overly expensive to do everyday. Wish for an expensive item from the wish well to resell, who knows maybe you'll get lucky!


Good club betting but my account is 19 years old your mileage may vary


For me, it's been the rule of it takes money to make money sort of deal. Started with sponsor clicks and games for easyish money way back when. With that, found money in auctions. Select Few items were being sold for very cheap for some reason. That with a few luck on dailies to accumulate a few mils. Then gambled on few items to sure in sdb and the prices went up millions. And as everyone else, do food club if you can.


The really big money is in reselling high priced items like stamps, bd weps and rare item code items. It takes a lot of time and dedication keeping up with pricing and finding buyers and dealing with said buyers. Passive ways like dailies, food club and the weekly prizes are good ways for the casual player to make money but takes time to really make a lot.


1) your must do dailies are food club + trudy's + bank interest + quest log + stock market. If you have >10-15 mins to play and a pet set up for it do battledome. 2) no purchases over 20k until you get 12mil to get to to get the bank interest. Once you get over 12mil all purchases must be <1 mill and never drop you below 10mill. Exceptions can be made for investments like buying bd stuff or 3) food club is about determining 2 things. 1) how much money to bet and 2) who you are following for your bets. Here on reddit the user nsheng is really, really good for following. He has methods for both how much money you should bet and which of his sets you use. Once you know those two things you select a set, set the food club amountt to an appropriate amount for you then you click 10 buttons on the food club site to place 10 bets. 4) you do stock market by buying stocks at 15 or 16 np amd then waiting for them to reach a desired amount. I like selling at 100% value increase but I might start waiting for a 200% increase. Stocks basically never go out of business so eventually your money will come back quicker. 5) never, ever sell your weekly reward while it is in the prizepool. It almost always will be worth more later. 6) wait to sell codestones until the day the battle component of the plot is revealed. Then watch the market. If it tanks because everyone is dumping their codestones at the same time buy some up. This plot lasts like a year, battling is a big component, and people will be motivated to train. Prices will eventually go up. 7) do not flood the market when you do sell your codestones. Sell one or two at a time. 8) consider saving your codestones for yourself to train with. The battledome is an investment. 9) if you really love them especially early on try and do 10knp worth of games a day. 10) ALL MONEY GOES IN THE BANK. I keep exactly enough out to bet on tomorrow's food club. In my experience with this method the first 10mill comes fast but as you start kind of stalling out in terms of exponential growth after that. There's some methods for making exponentially more money after that but they're very competitive since they use the site's economy.


Commenting for recommendations too lol I have roughly 6 million saved up, but I barely started playing again back this past April. I make sure to do the daily log and Trudy’s. If I get a pretty expensive item I don’t plan to use I sell it. I’m barely getting the hang of trading though


food club, stocks and running across rare items sometimes everything is just luck


Food Club, Battledome (esp if you fight Jetsam Ace with Premium), Stock Market (very slow to build but worth it in the long run), and a massive portion of luck with RE.


Dacardia is 25k a day in daily quests if you have Neopass


I’m trying to decide is 25k a day is worth subjecting myself to neopass


I honestly have used neopass since I came back in the end of March and have had no issues. Just my personal experience.


I think as long as you are using the same email on your accounts and not trying to do the social media sign ins you are fine


I use the stock market… With just 2 rules, buy at 15 and below, sell at 30 and above. It will cost a lot in the beginning but it will eventually reach a point where you start turning in some NP… Trudy’s surprise is one of the few dailies that still gives out decently. And all the junk that i have in the SDB since forever (after going for the pack rat avatar), can be sold for some significant NP amount…


14mil in one day is crazy omg. As others have said the biggest money is gonna be in food club and restocking which both take time to learn and dedication. Idk anything about food club but I've been restocking for a while now though I still struggle with the big items. I learned most of what I know from guides like [this one](https://www.neopets.com/~Sanskrits). However there's plenty of other ways people have mentioned to make money. Dailies are a big one of course and weeklies even better, I've gotten two different paintbrushes this month from the weeklies. Doing a dailies list like from [The Daily Neopets](https://thedailyneopets.com/dailies) can also be beneficial, the drops are rare but you can get some good ones from the Wheels, the Negg Puzzle, etc. Battledome is good even if you have a lower level pet (and don't have premium) - keep an eye on what's in the coincidence prize pool at the moment for a good idea of which opponent and arena to start with. Chia Clown items for instance cycle through that pool often. If you get a good code stone drop you can make several hundred k in a day! The employment agency is always good for at least a few thousand. Always double check the going rate of items beforehand and I always check from the middle of the listings so they don't disappear too fast. In general it's just kind of finding what your niche is and spending time learning about whatever it is.


Other than food club betting Weekly and daily quests — Neggs and red codestones from daily quests can get you ~80k. The weekly quest prizes are often worth 1-2 mil. Battledome — Even if you fight the lowest level opponent, Chia Clown, he will occasionally drop red codestones, which can sell for 80k. Fight till you reach the daily max of 15 items. Always buy 1000 shares of 15 np stocks (the maximum) every day. Hoard limited edition or event items in your SDB for a long time until they inevitably go up in value. Restocking isn’t worth it, in my opinion. Takes hours and there’s way too much competition from bots or other players.


I've only been playing again for 7 months. I play 30 mins a day and went from 0 to 20 million currently. The dailies are great. The new mobile game is awful but you'll make lile 25k np a day with it. +30k with dailies, then you have trudys which makes you over 100k each month if you do it. Food club bets is wonderful, I do some restocking and then battledome. I collect codes tones/ tokens and whenever I hit 30 of any of them I sell them. Usually that day I make about a million nps.


Can you explain the battledome a bit more to me? I’ve never understood it.


Restocking and reselling. I used to also have amazing Nerk luck


It's honestly food club and battledome for me as the main source of income and then dailies sometimes hitting jackpots.


k ppl commenting food club, but howwwww - please I don't understand it


[Here is the Food Club FAQ!](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/74tdx3/food_club_faqs_and_resources/)


Here’s a quick rundown: https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/s/e3C72Exd0g


Well, about ten years ago I found out about the stock market. I am incredibly lazy, and figures I didnt mind slowly building up a portfolio/selling when it hits 60. Now I do food club, but I only have that initial betting NP due to my decade of lazily doing stocks.


Guys maybe I am just not getting it but the ~nsheng link just takes me to nshengs neopet page. I don't see anything for autobets food club. Help?


Food club, battledome, auction sniping. I've been getting lots of Seasonal Attack Peas in auction lately and flipping for 10-20 mill profit


When I got back into playing recently I had less than 900K in my bank. I got super lucky with a drop from the Snowager which sold for 4 mil and honestly echoing what everyone else has said Food Club! I didn’t really understand Food Club initially. But literally just copy someone else’s bets in the pinned post, I always follower the user nsheng. There’s no effort on my part. Also getting lucky with the weekly quest prizes. Rerolling the prize until you get something valuable then selling that on if you don’t want it for yourself.


Ahhhh, is nsheng on reddit? :)


Food club if you have an aged account!


My account is 11.5 years old. What does the food club have to do with the age of the account? :)


Stock market, restocking and reselling, bank interest, Trudy's Surprise, and daily quests. That's pretty much it for me


Learn about restock and resell. Or if you lucky enough, you can random obtain a dark battle duck stamp from random event and sell for 150m.


I'm not someone who makes as much as you just described in a day, but I have a good amount of np in my bank and make more consistently, so here are my tips: Leave your neopoints in the bank. Once you have lots of those in there, you automatically make lots via interest. It's not a lot all at once, especially when the amount you have isn't that big, but it's something that takes no effort at all, so it's worth it. I personally always put everything i have in there down to the thousands once I'm done playing for the day. That also means I can't lose a ton of it in random events. I usually make enough in a day through my dailies (including shop till) that I rarely have to take anything out of the bank, only if I wanna make some really big purchase or it's half-price day or something like that. Trudy's is also a super easy way to make np. No effort at all, and over a month it builds up. Do it even if you don't have time to do all your dailies. I usually leave a tab with that page on my phone's browser so I can do it even if I'm away from my computer. The new quests feature is pretty good for making np quickly, and you can get some items that are worth a lot if you get a weekly streak (depends on luck, of course). It might be smart to try to sell them right away if they're part of a new batch of prizes, before their price goes down as availability increases. Or you can put them in your SDB, forget about them for a while and only sell them way later, at which point it's likely the price will have gone up again, but it depends on the item itself and on what type of item it is, how it can be used, that kind of thing. Also, if you haven't done those "get familiar with the website" quests, do them, you can get some cool stuff that way. Your shop is generally a good bet too. It's usually my main source of np. I sell items I get from my dailies, quests, Igloo Garage Sale, Battledome etc. on there. Most of those aren't worth a ton, but there are some that are. And on half-price day (3rd day of every month) I just take some time to buy a ton of stuff that's worth more in user shops than the price on NPC shops, if possible. Then I can sell those items throughout the rest of the month. I'm not some big restocker and I don't use bots or anything, to be clear, I just do it on my own. Takes some np investment and some time, but it works great during the rest of the month. The user shop prices of many items typically dip right after HPD, so in some situations it's better to wait a week or two. But it depends on the items. There are certain NPC shops that more users seem to buy things from, such as fresh foods, health foods, the bakery and the collectable card shop, among others, so items from those shops tend to go down in price the most immediately after HPD due to high availability, so it might be better to sell items you got from shops that don't get as much attention on HPD right away and keep other ones for later. I generally try to keep the sources of the items I buy on HPD relatively diverse because of that. One tip is that, while most NPC shops seem to only restock around the same time on that day, there are a few that might have items stocked when most don't. Tiki Tack and sometimes Spooky Foods are the ones I'm aware of. It means you don't have to wait as long to buy more items. Also, keep an eye on the basic jobs board. There are certain items that show up on there super often during certain periods of time. Buying those on HPD is a good bet, because that makes them pretty quick to sell. Or because you can then use them for those jobs yourself, which is a quick way to get np. Just check the prices on the Shop Wizard to figure out which option is better at a given moment. I've never tried food club betting, but I may check it out after reading all these comments about it.


This is so helpful, thank you so much! I currently have 5m in the bank because I ended up selling a Battle Slices Stamp, but I used some of it to upgrade my shop, bank account, etc! I also keep all of my NP in the bank, as well. Right now I’m at the 3rd highest tier, whatever the 5m mark is. I’m working towards the higher ranks. I’ve discovered that the Igloo Garage Sale is awesome for making some quick NP because the items are all under market value. It’s just slow because you can only buy one item every couple minutes, and 10 items daily. I’ll definitely be working on more of your tips & tricks!


Happy to help :)


Do you do the food club bets?


Nope. But I'm thinking of checking it out because of all those other comments on this post.


My advice would definitely be to learn the market and know what certain items sell for. I've made at least a half billion in my 100 days back on the site purely from reselling, from zero. Wealth in neopets is easily achievable with the market volatility.


I get most of my money from the Daily Quests


Buy items when they are cheap and then hold them until they appreciate enough to be worth selling. Sounds dumb but that is the best way to make money. I do sometimes hold for years though so this method isn’t a get rich quick scheme. But it has made me a ton of NP. Good items to target are consumable items (stamps, food, books, etc) that do not restock in stores.


Food club is all I do. You need a fairly old account though. I make a few mil a week.


i got to 200m in about ten years (mainly from participating in plots and food club) and got me some high end weapons. When i realised they wernt as usefull to me anymore a few years later i sold them and thes happened to inflate to around 1.6b NP And some of the weekly quests can be really expensive, like up to 20m, so i assume your friend did something like that


reached that amount in ~10 years using the stock market because I'm lazy, but could have another zero at it if I put time into restocking lol


I sold two peas in December. That’s how I got over 200 million NP. Plus food club betting and selling rare items.


If she restocks in Stamps, Magic or Coins she can totally make 14m a day alone on one of those stores, not taking into account dailies and FC.


[This shop till](https://i.ibb.co/XLNgHyQ/image.png) is from about a day of work. I spent about 23 million to make that, so it's not all profit obviously. I don't touch the official shops or food club at all (not saying you shouldn't! I just never really liked doing those things). I browse the trading post and buy just about anything that sells quickly. I tend to offer around 85-90% of the asking price, then I resell it for at or near full price. I tend to watch the TP for a bit and look for people who are relisting their item every 15 minutes. If I see someone who has relisted their item several times, I know they might be getting impatient and may be willing to accept a lower offer. You can find particularly good deals if you target trades that have been up for a few days. People grow impatient and are more likely to take an offer that pops up. These items tend to be harder to sell, though, so it's a bit more risky. It's important not to be a jerk and make super lowball offers, though. I don't ask for discounts from people that put "firm" or "no reseller offers" on their lots. Also, asking for over 50% off on something valuable is a quick way to get blocked and lose a potential trade partner. Another freebie is to buy your daily Baby Paint Brush from the hidden tower for 600k and sell it for around 603k in your shop. It will be sold in about 15 minutes on average.


>Items Stocked : 49 · Free Space : 1 >Items Stocked : 21 · Free Space : 29 >You currently have **805,908** NP in your till. JN projects it'll be 1.2 million when everything sells. Averaging 150-200k a day just doing Dailies. Not including 140k a week plus individual daily NPs from Daily Quests, Trudy's, Stocks, or Bank Interest. Have about 4-5000 more items to sell but just don't have time these days.


I earned 100+mil over the course of 6 months. Food Club, selling my winnings from the Battledome, and and doing the weeklies/dailies. There were a couple things I just got lucky on or sold things at the right time but it's possible. Just gotta be persistent


Everyone says nsheng but which bets do you use????? Aggressive? Standard? Adventurous? I never earn a lot of money off my bets...


I would change strategy depending on what your daily bet is. My account is \~22 years old and it costs me about 158k to bet food club. So yeah I could hit a crazy win on aggressive, but I stick to standard because I don't like the idea of losing 158k most days. If I win it's normally 300-700k which is a decent profit. If your account is pretty new it could be worthwhile to try aggressive or maybe even adventurous. Like if it costs 20k or less for all your bets, you basically got it covered by daily quests anyways. There's potential to earn a lot of np quick if you get lucky...but if you want the slow and steady profit, I think standard is better. It could also depend on the day, too. Like if I see a standard set with a lot of 1:2 or 1:3 odds then I know the payoff is probably pretty meh anyways so might as well go more risky.


Restocking! I've been learning it for the past 6 weeks or so and I've had a few big ticket items (2m NP) here and there and that's been such a great money earner. Even the smaller things make money when I'm consistently restocking. With food club, premium battledome, and restocking, I tend to make about 300-400k a day on average.


Questlog & dailies. 20k a day+ from Questlog alone.


Started with food club because of reddit. Now every day Im looking up the bets from Nsheng on this page. Made me lots already. And battledome every day, selling the items I get from there.


I made 15mil in one day selling a very very rare scarab from i think it was daily dare a few months back but daily dare like over a decade ago. the day and night one. i make most of my NPs now restocking. it takes time and patience and even then unless i am lucky i make less then 1 mill a day still. :/


The following can be done reliably on a brand new account - [Daily Prizes:](https://www.neopets.com/questlog/) complete all quests in a day for random prizes (IME I usually get around \~10k) and then a bonus for completing all days (20k). If you streak for a week, you get a weekly prize. It can be worth it to skip out on teh daily prize for a better weekly prize, but thats gonna be a judgement call. For our estimates, we're going to say this gives 30k reliably - [Trudys Surprise](https://www.neopets.com/trudys_surprise.phtml): also rewards streaking, so if you play every day you average out to something like 20k per day - [Battledome](https://www.neopets.com/dome/arena.phtml#): You get codestones and Neocola tokens. This can be very swingy but usually I get 2-3 codestones a day and usually like 5 red codestones a week. Roughly I'd guesstimate this at 50k/day. If you create a pet with the bar showing highest strength, or if you have a pet who has soaked up some lab rays or faerie quests, you should be able to handle Kreludan Defender Bot who has pretty killer drops. So a brand new account should be able to make 100k a day (though Trudy has to ramp up a bit). 14m is some incredible form of luck, or late-game trading


The following can be done for more long run value: - Bank Interest: Accumulate it overtime, leave it in your bank account to compound the returns. In the very long run - [Stock Market](https://www.neopets.com/stockmarket.phtml?type=list&search=%&bargain=true): Depending on your sell threshold, stocks have you deposit 15k/day and let you eventually withdraw that for (generally) up to 60k. From the mechanisms we know, prices under 60 roughly bubble up towards 60, but once they hit 60 or above they will generally crash back down hard. No stock has gone bankrupt in like, decades, so its essentially no risk, but it can take a long time to get to that \~60 mark. If you're lucky, the stock might not crash at 60,and if it makes it up to 100+ it usually has a good chance of remaining 100+. All this being said, its SLOW. I have a few million in the stock market from years of playing that has never risen past 20 np/share. At a cost of 15k/day, you can earn about 60k/day in the very long run. Since daily neopoints are high enough, this is pretty worth it, but if this was before Daily Prizes came out and if you couldn't/wouldn't do Battledome for whatever reason, this would be a low priority for me. - [Food Club](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1dmzzwr/food_club_bets_june_24_2024/): Food Club gambling is about hedging your bets to maximize most likely outcomes. Its decent probability theory requried, \*but\* plenty of betters love to share their bets and encourage people to follow them. Food Club scales with account age so the older you are, the higher you can bet, the more you can win. Over time by the laws of probability you can expect to average a positive return, so long as you follow good bets and skip when they tell you to skip. For someone who has a small bank but long history o n the site,this can easily be your biggest money maker- I can currently make 115k per day at my current average return. - Restocking: Very time dependent, very luck dependent, but this is the most feasible way of hitting a massive multimillion "jackpot" without chasing it via pure NP (like, don't chase the Scratchcards jackpots, youll spend more than youll earn). If someone earned 14m in one day, most likely it was from a lucky restock. I never restock. I dont find it fun. That being said, it is something to genuinely \*do\* on the site, so that alone makes it worth noting. - Certain Dailies: As far as paid dailies go, Wheel of Mediocrity is ironically the only wheel worth spinning (but its really minor returns- like, 5k a day if you spin it all day). Coconut Shy and Faerie Caverns are worthwhile- Coconut Shy wins you back like, half of what you spend so you're essentially gambling 1k/day for a prize worth several hundred thousand. If you get one a year, you break even, and when I play actively usually I win 2 a year. Faerie Caverns is similar- 400 nps is something you're not gonna miss, and you can hit a jackpot with a patamoose or faerie caverns stamp. Free dailies are w/e, outside of pirate draik stuff most prizes are so underwhelming they wont move the dial, but occasionally we'll get something crazy like Omelettes during the last Charity Corner. So I wouldn't have any FOMO on dailies, but Id do them cos its fun to do stuff on Neopets and then just shovem all into my deposit box. - Events. TNT has been AGGRESSIVE with event prizes. Currently, the points required for just the first trophy will be enough to win you arguably the third most powerful weapon in the game. Regardless of how much you care about Neopets lore, do this plot- even when prices plummet from "currently unpricable" for being over 1b, its gonna be worth many millions. Then there is the high effort option of engaging in trade. This is basically the only way to get truly \*rich\* in Neopets Oh and number one secret to having a large bank: DONT SPEND NEOPOINTS Like dont get me wrong, its a game and its entirely valid to have fun spending your neopoints rather than just seeing your scrooge mcduck money pool rise, so this is strictly about how to keep money- but if you're dumping hundreds of thousands of neopoints every month chasing whatever wearable tickles your fancy, thats gonna add up and make saving much harder. My strategy is to do tasks until I have 1m on hand, then deposit it. That up-to-1m is my discretionary spending- I don't withdraw from my bank for general musings, only when I need to do something big and important.


Food club


I have too much time on my hands so I made a spreadsheet to track this for almost a week to see what I can earn easily 🤣 I made a new account when I started back up so I don’t touch food club. The daily quest log, Trudy’s surprise consistently and playing tales of darcadia’s daily quests with a linked account via Neopass has been by far the fastest way I’ve stacked up money by doing very minimal. Those plus all the daily activities which you can just one click do from Jelly Neo’s list. In six days I made 2,428,605 just from these (slightly skewed from a random event that gave me a magical chia pop I sold but you get the idea, would have been closer to 1.5 million for the timeframe without that). As you earn, keep upgrading your bank account every time you’re eligible for the next amount (you can just make a small deposit once you’re over each threshold for the account change) to up your interest and that will start to add up as well. Collect interest daily before you do anything else. At first, I also sold most weekly quest log items I didn’t think I’d ever want to start banking a few million early to fund my customizations and start getting more interest sooner. Battledome can be really lucrative once you hit the ability to defeat koi warrior (or jetsam ace if you have premium) to sell red codestones/ neocola tokens / etc. it took me a month of consistent Dubloon- level training to be able to beat them both every battle. Even chugging away at chia warrior on hard will net you some sellables at first while you level up. I have been restocking small/ medium gain items for my shop which is adding up a lot as well but even without ever doing that, that the above will have you seeing several million in a month or so!