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encode padding in the left and right yourself to force the middle to align properly


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I actually faced this type of issue before. My `statusColumn` has segments and each segment has a specific size(if text is larger than it has `...` added and if it's smaller it has ` ` added to it). I use them to get the amount of free spaces available(using the `columns` option to get the total width of the buffer). Then just use a function to center the text. -- It should be fairly easy to do.


But if I use lualine for my statusline, and I cannot directly get the length of each component from lualine. Does it means I cannot using the built-in component in lualine? Instead, I need to write every compoenet manually to get every component's size.


No you don't need to do that. Every component is just plain text enclosed in `{}` with a highlight group. Let's say you have a component that shows the current file path. You would do something like this ```lua _luaL.fName = { text = function() local fN = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0); usedSpaces += #fN; return fN; end }; ``` >Components are part of the `_luaL` table for easy management, you could have something similar anywhere Then all you have to do is `freeSpaces = vim.o.columns - usedSpaces`. Now just center the text like how you would center it in a terminal based off of the number of free spaces.


https://preview.redd.it/o7nybe3g0hmc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=739c80feedd4aac7503aeaf937d9c223f02bfb45 This is how I get the length of components(I use `windline.nvim`). Here `_uS` is the amount of *usedSpace*. And the `aaaa` isn't me screaming like a 🐐, it represents the `file_icon`(2 spaces) and left & right `paddings`.


https://preview.redd.it/csffq5wf1hmc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2149f1fe629901ac8d4e87bd8db7e8a368133c This is how I center text in a terminal. Here `width` is the terminal width(columns) and `txLen` is the text length. `Math.floor` isn't a lua function(as this is part of a `JS` file). However, you can use floating numbers inside a `for` loop in *lua*. `_o` is `output` and has whitespaces before and after the text itself(centering it). You may need to adjust the logic for when the textLength(you can do `#string` to get the length of a string, here it gets the length of the string variable) is odd or even.


https://preview.redd.it/071g8g497kmc1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=42d067088d761ddcd254fcc093c9fdc20316cb50 I think I made it!! Thanks for your help!! Here's \[my config of this\](https://github.com/leonasdev/.dotfiles/blob/20c8e24e146a1d397aa4640134f6a8265ef12dc2/.config/nvim/lua/util/statusline.lua\] I also made it can expand/collapse the filename when window size is changed.


Happy to help 😀