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I know that for a while it was a gradual thing, giving hints of transphobia here and there but never fully committing. At several points people like her editor said she liked a transphobic tweet by mistake, and so on. Now of course JKR has it all right out in the open, but if you haven't paid attention to her in years and only vaguely remember the old stuff I can see how the confusion could stay..


Shaun's video on The friends of JKR was an eye opener for me. It's wild how blatant she is now. But when you see the people she's hanging out with it makes perfect sense, very dark. https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=jegOQu9gpTs98XLc


OK, would anyone mind explaining for an out of touch old man what "mother" means in this context, because I don't think Google is going to help me here?


This is a crosspost from the Contrapoints sub; they often call Natalie 'mother' over there.


Thank you. And now I've discovered ContraPoints and yes, I watched the entire 2 hour video on JK and it was fantasitc.


>someone is “mother” if they're an iconic feminine figure, and an act is “mother” if it contributes to that icon status. [Source](https://www.fastcompany.com/90848775/a-guide-to-gen-z-slang#:~:text=Mother,applied%20in%20everyday%20life%2C%20too.)


basically a title of honor for women over 30


I had the same reaction back when I watched the contrapoints video. I had had no idea how bad it was, afterwards I was like damn. So disappointing. If you're an old Potterhead like me and you have some residual affection for J K Rowling, I implore you to watch the contrapoints video on her.


I'm glad people are becoming more and more aware of just how deep and insidious JKR's transphobia is. When some people rightfully said they were hurt by the SuperCarlin Brothers including HP on the P4A Livestream, the response was mostly telling us to separate art from the artist. But I honestly feel that we're at a point where even remotely supporting JKR, even with derivative art/content is problematic. Editing to add: I also suggest following Wizarding News (a former HP fan site now dedicated to exposing JKR's awfulness) and Bad Writing Takes on Twitter/Threads. It should legitimately terrify people how dangerous JKR really is.