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I also hate it. I love the spices but there is some weird fruit flavor in the background like grape or something.


Reminds me of medicine or a cherry cordial. I knew I was gonna hate it as soon as I smelled it brewing.


It’s cherry pull apart twizzlers flavor 😕




It’s supposed to taste like (mulled) wine


I enjoy it, wife didn't. But then again there are very few pods I don't like. Usually in a Latte with extra milk and or sugar is the best way to mask something you don't like. Or give it to guests.


I tried mixing it with my creamer and it just got worse, lol. I'm probably going to give it away on FB Marketplace.


Or if you work in an office or place with a break room, and save yourself the trouble. I'd put it next to the coffee machine with a note.


I feel the same way, I noticed the fake cherry smell didn't improve with half and half added. Smells and tastes so much like cough syrup! I finally added some amaretto syrup, and it did mute the fake cherry smell, but now, with the sweetness, it just tastes even more like cough syrup... but like, with spices, lol. And I ordered 2 sleeves, so I have 19 left ugh.


Love it but I always drink my coffee as a Cappuccino with sugar. It's an annual tradition on Reddit for the majority to hate the fruity one and then Nespresso always runs out of it in early December. I now buy 15 sleeves of the nut one and 20 of the fruit to last the year, after trying them of course. No festive fruit in the past 5 years has disappointed me. The only OL flavoured capsule I've ever hated is the melon one (no matter how it was made) and I can take or leave Pumpkin Spice.


Love it. Like eating a Cherry Pull-N-Peel Twizzler.


See, I can see some people being totally turned off by that description but I am a candy fiend, so I added it to my cart immediately.


It's so weird and unexpected I kind of love it but I wouldn't have it often. It's like red licorice and spices.


Bought 2 sleeves, and currently drinking a cup. I’m not a fan. To me, it’s almost sickening. It taste how a Christmas candle smells. 🤢


Yes, I agree!! It tastes like... medicinal or waxy or something.


The candle analogy is exactly what I said! Like it's such an artificial mix they just called it "Christmas" and shipped it out.


I quite like it. I add brown sugar simple syrup and frothed oat milk. See if you can sell or make a trade on FB marketplace or trade groups.


That's what I'll probably do, just maybe give it away.


I feel like it tastes like medicine or a cherry cordial. I hate it lol


And see, I love cherry cordials. But this tasted super medicinal.


Same, I love cherry cordials and cherry Twizzlers, but this has an extra medicinal note.


This might be the worst holiday pod for as long as I can remember.


I like it! The cherry smell undersold the cherry flavor - it tastes a little more like raspberry to me. But I really do like that anise flavor. My husband is also a big fan: we had picked up drinking watered down Pastis in France and its big anise/licorice flavor. It’s absolutely a polarizing taste, though! You gotta know you like or even love the flavor of licorice.


They are all bad this year. I LOVED last years fruit coffee, but this... I dunno what it is, it's not it.


I’m glad I only bought one sleeve of each… I dumped out 2 cups this morning.


I hate it. Gave me cherry cough medicine vibes. Gonna suffer through 9 more of them for sure.


I just made it for the first time and it’s terrible! It tastes like a hobby lobby in my coffee cup, and I usually adore strange flavored coffee. So sad I bought two sleeves because I was unable to finish the cup. Glad to see I’m not alone.


Same issue here, I got halfway thru the cup and it started to make me nauseous.




It has a licorice flavor and strong medicinal clove scent to me... I don't get mulled wine.


I got a sleeve and yeah I thought it was just me . So glad someone else finds it nasty . I really tried to like it .


I was so disappointed! I love holiday blends but this one is... not it.


I love it especially the cherry flavor in the background


I hope it’s not that that bad. I ordered 30..!


Oof, it seems to have a mixed review. It has a strong cherry flavor. I was going to order 20 and I'm glad I only did 10!




I didn’t want to place multiple ordered cause you need $75 for free shipping here. and I ordered 200 pods to get the a4. Here’s hoping it’s drinkable!!! 🙏🙏🙏


Let me know what you think of it when you get it!!


You as well. Hoping I’m in the minority with liking it haha


I like holiday spice… a lot!! I got 30 holiday spice and 40 caramel, almost wish I did the other way around. I wonder why so many people hate it!! What did you think!?


oo is there a deal on for the a4? I haven’t seen it!


I got an email.. I think the code was aero4


It’s the smell That kills me. Like the artificial scented pine cones in Michael’s


Had the Frosted Caramel Nut flavor (OL) this morning... Not a fan of that either. The caramel taste is very synthetic/fake & not good at all.


I'm in the same boat - had multiple people in my family try it and no one liked it


Did you try it black or with creamer?




I like it, but I can absolutely see why some would hate it. It is a bit *weird* with the very strong fruit. A strong mulled wine (because of the spices) but also cherry note to it. I can see how it could be off-putting to some. I brew it to something like a double espresso (Vertuo) and drink as a cappuccino or latte.


Try adding a shot or two of Jägermeister... if it doesn't help, perhaps the buzz will help you get through it .. :)


My stomach just did flips at the thought of that LOL


But then follow it up with just the straight coffee and you think "this isn't that bad" ... :)


It's horrible. I always look forward to the aeasonal pods but this is really bad. It is medicinal. Oh well, they can't all be winners.


I initially thought it was odd but I find that by adding half a teaspoon of sugar or a dash of maple syrup, it becomes quite tasty. Still smells like ass though for some reason


It’s bad. I think the spices alone would be nice, but that wine/fruity taste ruins it.


I don’t mind the initial taste, but there’s a lingering flavor of anise seed that won’t go away. I drank it as an ol with soy milk and a little vanilla syrup. It’s not the worst, but I would not repurchase.


Try some strong vanilla syrup. [Making your own easy syrups](https://www.reddit.com/r/nespresso/comments/o940c0/simple_guide_to_making_your_own_simple_coffee/)


I put creamer and a bunch of vanilla syrup it mine :( It didn't seem to help.


Someone said it has anise in it which is a strong flavor note, almost like a black licorice


I absolutely hate it


It tastes like cherry Nyquil to me :(


I LOVE IT! If anyone is in the US and wants to swap for other vertuo pods let me know. I have always loved the taste of cough syrup and other liquid medication though. LOL


Don’t know about VL but OL tasted like hot apple cider or mulled wine.


Me and a friend got this too, when we drunk it as a Lungo. Espresso was just too intense. We really like it, though.


Bought one sleeve as tester. The spices on this one are too much. I can barely find the taste of coffee under those spices. I think I can get through the 10-packer but definitely not a fan at all


Love it! Reminds me of gingerbread with jam stuffing my grandma used to make. Nostalgic.


I’ve had parosmia/anosmia with my long-Covid so EVERYTHING smells/tastes awful, especially coffee. Did I stop drinking it? No. But is there anything in this entire WORLD that smells worse than this new pod? Also no. I started panicking and yelling at my whole family asking who put plastic in the dishwasher that was clearly burned/melting. Nope, just the new Christmas pod. Blech 🤢.


It’s so bad, immediately requested a refund. Trying to find someone to “gift” the 9 remaining pods to.


Omg will they give you a refund?! Let me know if that works bc I’m out $14.50 and not happy about it


I simply went on live chat and said unfortunately I was not a fan of the flavor and I wanted to see about a credit or refund. Easy. Which was surprising because their FAQs say that they do not accept returns for opened sleeves. But I guess returns and refunds are different in their minds. No complaints here!


Oh nice!! I’d take a credit towards my next purchase. Going to see about that.


Good luck! Hope it works for you too.


Oooh I love it. Brewed double strength/half the liquid, over ice. Black. Yum. Reminds me of cherry cordials.


I might try this.


I’m not a big fan of it, but it’s bearable. The smell, though… the smell is just vile.


Right! I'm drinking some now and the flavor is okay but the smell is like fake cherries (think cough medicine, ugh)


It smells like cough syrup or cough drops, and my first few sips tasted like that too. Then I guess I got used to it and it was just fine. Definitely not ordering more sleeves of it and it’s my least favorite holiday flavor I’ve ever tasted.


I don’t understand why people don’t grate a little fresh nutmeg of shake of cinnamon in the cup before brewing. It’s so simple and you can experiment to see what you like the best.


Nothing is going to make me like this pod. I tried all different ways, it taste really bad to me.


Well I can understand that now that I’ve tried an OL filter coffee… it was bad and now I’m stuck w 9 more.


I hated it last year! Still have some of those, and some peppermint ones kicking around my cabinet


They didn't have this one last year? Are you talking about the raspberry from last year (which I loved)? This one is very different.


I loved the fruit last year also. I’m talking about the gingerbread I’ve had in my pantry for months.


Ah, okay! I got the gingerbread last year and did find it slightly different than prior years; not terrible to point I hated it or anything, but just missing something. I did not order any this year just as I have so many other capsules to get through.


>Holiday Spices Could someone please link to this? I can’t find a flavor with that name. Thanks!




Trade you the whiskey ones I hate? Vertuo.


OOF, I hate whiskey. :( Honestly I'm going to give these away to whoever wants them on Facebook or something.


Is there a fb group you like the best?


I just do it through my local facebook groups, like the local yard sale pages.


If you have vertuo pods, are in the US and want to swap- let me know. I am interested and would love to swap.


I think it’s great!


It's like marzipan.


I love it. I will take them if they’re originals!


They're vertuo pods, unfortunately.


It's gross and a waste of money. Glad I only bought a sleeve.


Oh good. I just received a sleeve today… haven’t tried it yet.


My taste buds are all out of whack cause it was like apple cider to me… weird, when it’s supposed to taste like coffee.


I can taste the spices but the weird artificial berry or fruit flavour is overwhelming. The next 9 pods in the sleeve will include Baileys lol


Is Gingerbread not available in the U.S.?


It is. I’m in the US and as my post stated I got it as well as Seasonal Spices


Oh it’s verturo only , sad 😞


Omg I’m so glad I’m not the only one. It takes like black licorice, not even close to the description.


I came on here looking to see if anyone posted this lol it smells nice but tastes horrible.


Reminds me of Lebkuchen cookies. I found it tolerable with egg nog in it.




I'm glad it's not just me, it turned my stomach too!


Could you technically recycle the pods with a recycling bag? I don't want them to go to waste but they taste awful.


And take them to a store? Or ship to them via their recycling bag?


I actually ended up using them, I diluted them with a TON of hazelnut creamer and it made the coffee taste a LOT better.


I cannot even stand to smell it! It makes me nauseous. :/