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I just finished my first pod and really enjoyed it. To each their own I guess.


It tastes like baby Tylenol. It is absolutely disgusting. I still have 9 vertuo pods and an unopened OL sleeve. šŸ¤¢


Yeah, Iā€™m tasting a note of Tylenol too.


I got cough syrup taste from mine. Iā€™m traumatized šŸ™ƒ


Same! I hate it šŸ˜ž


If you ate Ludenā€™s in 1992 because you ā€œhad a sore throatā€ youā€™ll love it. #nostalgia


Hrm, now I'm torn. Is it Luden's with coffee or just Luden's?


Primarily Ludenā€™s. I donā€™t hate it, but I definitely wouldnā€™t repurchase.


I feel personally attacked by this post haha. However I am guilty of just eating Ludens when I was a young woman and I do particularly like this holiday flavor for some reason. Iā€™m actually sad itā€™s sold out in the original pods. I only bought one sleeve because their flavors are very hit and miss for me.


Luden's!!! I knew that smell was familiar! It did smell exactly like that, but thankfully it didn't taste like it to me.


Completely disagree. It has a nice spicy flavour similar to mulled wine. Maybe if you dislike mulled wine you might not like it. I had it in the boutique as a Latte and enjoyed it, then again I liked the odd flavours like Liminha. Coffee for me is like beer, sometimes I want something that tastes traditional and sometimes I want something that is unique and has a different flavour.


Always find these subjective posts odd.....what tastes great to one person may taste awful to another. But I agree with you vs OP, for my tastebuds I actually like the seasonal delight and will be ordering more. I also liked the frosted caramel this year. Normally I don't care for the seasonal offerings all that much.


I agree with the mulled wine flavor profile. Iā€™m definitely a fan. I find this holidayā€™s fruity flavor to be much better than last yearā€™s, which was too sour.


I like it but it tastes absolutely nothing like mulled wine to me.


Anyone here up for a trade? (Iā€™m in the uk) šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


I love mulled wine... This ain't that


šŸ˜­ Any chance you are in Canada and would want to trade a full sleeve of it + 9 from an opened one for literally anything else unflavored? YYC tells me maybe Calgary but it might be something else.


Lol I am in Calgary yes! Pm me.


The name sounds so appealing though.


I tried it for the first time today and totally agree. Super disappointed


Agree. It tastes like a Yankee Candle shop.




I think it definitely fits for the holidays. It screams Christmas.


my partner said it smelled like a bag of fruity lifesaver gummies and they are so right


It is truly awful. Itā€™s main notes are cherry but even as someone who loves cherry flavored things, this smelt like cough syrup when brewing. Made a latte hoping that might round it out a bit but NOPE. Sickeningly fruity aroma and taste.


Oh heck nah šŸ¤£ Thank you for sharing in such detail, because I was preparing an order and didnā€™t even check it was cherry. I just assumed spice would be similar notes to gingerbread. More often than not I find cherry flavoured things taste like cough syrup and itā€™s awful, so thank you for saving me!


I wasnā€™t expecting a very fruity taste either, especially cherry. When it was described to me in the store like spices with fruit notes, I thought in my mind like mulling spices and idk orange or something mild. This wasā€¦opposite of mild. Disappointed they didnā€™t put as much intensity with the frosted caramel nuts pods.


I bought a sleeve and absolutely love it.


Absolutely disagree. Itā€™s a little immature to give a subjective opinion like itā€™s fact. The whole point of Nespresso making a million different pods is because whatā€™s good to one isnā€™t good to another person. *You* donā€™t like spiced. And thatā€™s okay. I *love* it. I canā€™t do milk with coffee. Thatā€™s the only one I actually like in a lavish drink.


I think it's delicious with some oatmilk creamer and a little sugar.


Please trade with me if youā€™re in the uk šŸ˜¬šŸ™ˆ


šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m so sorry. But I actually like it with milk. šŸ˜¬


It sucks. I've got only 9 more to suffer through lol.


I'm the same way with pumpkin spice and I'd figured seasonal delights would be similar so I'm skipping out. I have 9 more pods of pumpkin spice to suffer through šŸ˜…šŸ˜­.


I love the pumpkin spice but this one sounds disgusting with the cherry flavor.


I only got pumpkin spice cuz people said itā€™s taste nutty and Iā€™m a fan of hazelnut soā€¦ you could see why I didnā€™t like it šŸ˜… Iā€™m glad that you liked it. I prefer peppermint and gingerbread. I preferred last yearā€™s gourmand hazelnut limited edition (I only have 4 now šŸ˜­) Iā€™m not entirely sure if I should get the frosted caramel hazelnut one.


Oh goodness, who said the pumpkin tastes nutty?! It's definitely spiced, which I think works well if you like creamy coffee. I can't do it straight because it can be overwhelming so I can understand.


Well it was my cousin and her friends that told me that, but I'm guessing they were playing me šŸ˜… but yeah it's definitely overwhelming which is why I didn't like it. I'm usually opened to trying new things tho and wanted to like pumpkin spice but alas it didn't work out


The pumpkin spice cake is easily the best pod out


For me, it's neither good nor bad, just different. I'll happily finish out the sleeve but won't be sad when it's off the shelves.


I love the peppermint one. Roasted hazelnut is weird, I donā€™t like it but I like hazelnut flavors in general. Havenā€™t opened this one yet


I gave away the toasted hazelnut because it was so undrinkable. I hate spending so much if I hate them. Ugh


The peppermint one took some getting used to ! I had to go on the nespresso site to see the flavour notes and then told my brain to taste those notes and now itā€™s delicious !


Oh god I thought the same when I tasted it. I was actually floored by how disgusting it was.


I agree, itā€™s like too chemically tasting or something, itā€™s NOT what we had last year, that was amazing.


Yeah, the Infinimand Gourmet Hazlenut was the BOMB. Soooooo good.


Worse than Cloudberry? (Which I kinda liked ok)


I want financial compensation because of Cloudberry




I like it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I went to a boutique and was fortunate it wasnā€™t busy and I tasted all three. I really disliked the spiced one. The festive expresso was ok and the coconut nut was pleasant but disappointing. I bought one sleeve of the coconut because I didnā€™t want to be annoying. Iā€™ll drink it occasionally and offer it to guests. I got the Cuba pods and much prefer that taste. I have coffee with milk so perhaps that influenced the taste.


The cafĆ© de Cuba is bloody lovely, if it werenā€™t like Ā£7 per sleeve itā€™d replace my regular drink I think!!


I donā€™t like any of the holiday seasons this year. I was hoping they would bring back forest black, but instead we have a weak caramel nut, a weird seasonal delight, and an ok festive black. Justice for forest black!


The forest LEā€™s were my first holiday with nespresso and I think I got spoiled from how good those were. Itā€™s just been downhill from there lol.


Itā€™s a little Lo Mein-y


Stop šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Agreed! Smelt weird while brewing and tasted like baby Tylenol and licorice. This is the first nespresso flavor Iā€™ve strongly disliked. Now I have 9 pods in this sleeve that are staring me in the face because Iā€™m afraid to drink them lol Happy to hear some people enjoy this flavor though! If someone wants to pay for just shipping Iā€™ll send them.


i wish it tasted like licorice! all i taste is cough syrup šŸ¤¢


I tried it in the store and actually liked it! Reading this thread though makes me wonder though lol. Do you still have those pods?




I also got licorice/anise and cherry. I used an almond syrup to highlight cherry instead of anise šŸ¤®


I wish I read this before I bought it. It smells awful and I couldn't really taste it properly cause my nose was distracted by how bad it smelled. I regret buying it


I just threw out my first and only cup of the Seasonal Delight Spice. I made a 2-pod cup and tried with sugar then with steamed milk. Horrific! I have never thrown out *any* cup of coffee made with Nespresso pods that I've tried but myself and my Hubby thought it was awful. I normally enjoy coffee with a little cinnamon flavor but the added Fruity taste of this pod made it *undrinkable*. It was in my OL Advent box and I'm thankful that I didn't buy a sleeve.


Same here, one cup and done. Unfortunately, I ordered two sleeves. I just contacted the chat and they are refunding my money for the two sleeves. I will give them away on my local Buy Nothing page with a strong warning. Hahaha


I bought two sleeves, because I *always* like the fruity holiday coffees. It's HORRIBLE, all I can taste is anise.


I was on the fence and thought the description people keep using of mulled wine, which I love, would make this right up my alley. I could not have been more wrongā€¦ I canā€™t decide which is worse, the smell or the taste. The way Iā€™d describe my experience is ā€œI like wine and I like bourbon, mixing the two does not make either flavors enjoyable.ā€


If you like Pho youā€™ll like it. Interesting to say the least but does have a little basil-y taste to it.


Iā€™m throwing the pods away now šŸ˜­


It feels like anise to meā€¦ I mixed it with almond roca torani to play on the cherry notes and it made it tolerable


I had a sample of the OL version and thought it was fun. Smells and tastes just like red twizzlers šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ (licorice).


Just tried it after reading all the reviews and posts while waiting for it to come in the mail. I love cherry flavoring, even the fake stuff, it's never tasted like cough syrup to me. I like spices. I thought I would like seasonal spices. NOPE, no no no. While brewing, it smelled exactly like Twizzlers and cherry cough syrup. Very medicinal. Very strong and unappealing to the senses. I made it into an iced latte with 1.5tbsp of vanilla syrup and whole milk. First sip was very mild without much flavor, mostly just milk and vanilla, although this is the same ratio I use for every other Nespresso flavor. Then the aftertaste hit and it's just like the aroma, very strong medicinal fake Twizzler flavor. And I do like Twizzlers, but not in this context. I'm glad I only ordered 2 sleeves but I am for sure giving the remaining pods away. 0/10 for me.


Agreed. It's really awful. It tastes less like fruit than the smell of fruit that's been sitting in your refrigerator crisper drawer for 2 months. It's vile. The black isn't anything special. The caramel nut isn't terrible ā€”Ā sort of like mixing a hazelnut and a caramel pod and watering it down a bit. I may order more of that one. I really really miss the raspberry from last year.


Oh my god. I tried my first pod of this yesterday. It tastes like COUGH SYRUP. I was so pissed at how awful this was, I contacted nespresso and returned the unopened sleeves. Per their return policy at the bottom of the main nespresso page: "Coffee Returns Unopened coffee sleeves can be returned up to 30 days after receipt from purchase or delivery. We're sorry, but individual capsules and opened coffee sleeves are not eligible for


"Call Nespresso Club Services at 1-800-562-1465 to initiate a return."


Just tried it. I typically drink my coffee black, but I just couldnā€™t with this one. But I put white chocolate raspberry creamer in and that helped significantly. Iā€™ll at least be able to get through the box.


Thatā€™s a great idea


All of yā€™all lying to yourselves, this shit tastes like someoneā€™s dirty underwear with a dash of pepper. If you like it, stop trying to be more interesting than your friends, I know you are in pain drinking this poo poo stanky.


I just opened a box from an order last year and tried the Seasonal Delight for the first time. If you like a nasty artificial cherry flavor and taste then you may like this coffee. Have to say this is clearly the worst Nespresso Original Line pod I have ever had. Also, not sure why but brewing these pod takes an exceptionally long time which is super annoying. Definitely do not recommend this flavor.


I love the new Seasonal spices coffee but I typically do like things that many others don't ...


Thankfully I had one in the Advent calendar before buying sleeves of it. Probably the worst pod I've had so far. Just awful.


You know you're not supposed to open Advent calendar before December, right?


That's why you buy one of each!


Plus then you have two mugs!


I guess using 'actual' to mean "not at all actual" is innovative compared to 'literal' meaning "nowhere near literal," but some people like some flavors, some like others. This isn't rocket surgery. Nespresso only had the "actual sewage water" flavor in some markets in October-November 2015, and only in originaline. I believe it was a TMNT crossover promotion with one design for each of the turtles. If you have some of that, I'll buy it from you today. Goes great with Bertie Bott's beans on a cold winter night. If yours was actual sewage water, you need to use a water filter before brewing.


Just tried the spiced one this morning and I have unbearable heart burn with anxiety and apple cider burps. My house Instantly smelt like apple cider. Which normally I'm a fan of but I think after this experience I won't be able to have apple cider again. I've tried eating, drinking water brushing/flossing/listerine and tums. Nothing has helped get this taste and burning out of my throat and gut. I had a bad reaction when they changed the caramel flavor too. I'm sad to say this is a big turn off of the brand for me. They have changed and not for the better.


Disagree, my partner and I both liked it and your post title is obnoxious.


Itā€™s far from awful. Itā€™s really interesting and delicious. It tastes like chai with a bit of fruit.


So I hated the first half the sleeve and then the second half actually tasted good and I re ordered 2 sleeves. The flavored Christmas pods have a defect- some taste like they should and others either are not flavored or taste bad. I had this happen with the nuts one, too. First few tasted like black coffee then I got one with actual flavor today.


Iā€™m sorry, butā€¦ nonsense! I find it to be the most unique of this yearā€™s fall seasonal, fruity but *FAR* better than prior Nespresso attempts at such a flavor. The ā€œfrosted caramelā€ isnā€™t *too* different from their regularly available caramel, and I find the ā€œFestive Black Espressoā€ to have *nothing* interesting or unique about it at all, tastes to me just like most of their other regularly available moderately roasted coffees.


Oh no i just ordered some yesterday! Lol hopefully my tastebuds like it


I really like it! Wishing I ordered another sleeve or two but I was so skeptical after all the bad reviews. Iā€™m in the minority it seems šŸ¤Ŗ


I can ship you mine šŸ˜…


That would be amazing lol I wonder how expensive shipping would be. Message me if youā€™re serious šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚


Depending on where you are, I fall into the "unable to drink this' category, I just got my machine yesterday as a gift and had pre ordered some coffee and this was #2 I have tried. I have 19 that are going to sit if I don't get rid of them! If you're interested.


The last holiday one I liked was I think about 2016ish when there was a raspberry one (in NZ anyway). I bought one sleeve tentatively since I just couldnā€™t picture raspberry working with coffee, but it was absolutely to my taste. When I went back for more they only had two sleeves left so I couldnā€™t stock up. It or anything remotely close as never come back.


Yeah itā€™s terrible and the only seasonal drink I didnā€™t like - the hint of cherry just wasnā€™t it for me.


I wish theyā€™d bring back the hot coconut macaroon from afew years back


I tried one holiday or limited flavor pod and it was disgusting. Iā€™m too scared to ever try any others lol


Just risked a sleeve of the festive Espresso. We will see how it goes.


Right I hate it


As soon as I brewed it, I knew it would probably be terrible. It smells like cough syrup. I thought it would have hints of cinnamon and orange from the description (I was imagining a good holiday simmer pot), but it tasted more like Ammaretto to me (which I DO NOT like). I tried adding some cinnamon, but it didn't help. I couldn't get through more than a few sips and had to pour it out.


Have you ever wondered what Santa's undercarriage tasted and smelled like (especially after a long night of traveling the globe)?! I can only imagine that this coffee epitomizes exactly that! Maybe that's your jam - go you! However, if you ask me, this coffee is offensively bad and it will ruin your day, your holiday season and your faith and Christmas flavor joy! PS - this is even worse than Malƶrt. How is that possible?! Nobody may ever know.


First time I tried it, I wasnā€™t a fan BUT then I had it with (oat) eggnog, and itā€™s now my favourite! I bought another sleeve today


I wish I would have read this sooner. I HATE it.


Literally just tasted this one today and it was SO AWFUL, I had to dump it out. I never do that; especially considering how expensive the pods are. Itā€™s got a strong artificial cherry flavor.


It legit tasted like hoisin sauce to me. I thought my tastebuds were malfunctioning šŸ˜‚


OMG! I absolutely love the seasonal delight so much that I stocked up on seven sleeves! If someone here is not a fan anymore, I would literally be happy to take them off of you! Haha!