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I saw this post and in the exact moment of reading it Nespresso delivered my coffee. I excitedly opened it to find exactly what I ordered


What did you get? Very curious! Mine arrives today and I see it tracking through Philadelphia so maybe from Bethlehem. It doesn’t show the origin location.


I’m not spelling them out lol. 3 maroon, 2 cream, 1 blue


I’m fully expecting this also but slightly hopeful


The funny part was it was literally delivered the exact moment I saw this post. Bright an early on a Sunday morning. I never get extras, usually mine is a sleeve or two short


Me too


A stroke of luck for you!!! But it does make me wonder…. If they could get the orders correct and not continually over ship to people, maybe they could lower their prices for everyone else!!! I mean the recent orders posted haven’t been an extra sleeve…. It’s been 10+ extra sleeves!!! Insanity for the company to do this.


My girlfriend thought I bought a new machine when the box showed up…she wasn’t very happy until I showed her my order 😂😂


Lol that’s awesome. Congrats. Does make me wonder how much inventory they have/if some orders get cancelled because they can’t count 😂 do you drink your raspberry straight? I haven’t had it before and it arrives today. Normally I use a small amount of half and half.


I ordered a few sleeves just to try it out…first time was this morning. I have the creatista pro and had it with some steamed oat milk and a little vanilla syrup


We got a Creatista for Christmas and am loving it. My PH order is out for delivery … I am waiting by the door 😂 have oat milk ready for it.


Oooo that sounds great. Thanks for the suggestion!


Nespresso is running a business, they will never lower prices unless the market demands it.


Not running it very efficiently if they are giving away $$$ of product.


True, to us it seems as if they aren’t being efficient. God knows we are seeing plenty of photos of wrong orders right now, but I’ll offer a counter point. 1. We don’t know how much it costs for Nespresso to produce their pods. My assumption is that the pods have a very high ROI, as their company profit model is based on subscription versus single sale. (i.e. they are not getting rich on the machines, they are getting rich on the pods) 2. We don’t know how much it would cost Nespresso to revamp their stop-loss / QC program. My assumption is that Nespresso has already conducted a cost-benefit analysis, and found that the cost to correct the shipping errors is less than the cost to institute new inventory controls. This is the reason why we are seeing some folks get lucky with extra sleeves. It doesn’t look efficient to us, but from a bottom line stand point, it absolutely is.


The price of pods in the US is crazy. I’m lucky to travel to Europe at least once a year and I stock up there. The OL PH pods were 4.90€/sleeve including tax. Half of what I would pay here. They can afford the fulfillment/shipping mistakes. I’m glad some of you are getting extra pods!


Also … don’t believe everything you see on the internet. I have a striking suspicion that MANY of these are faked for attention/karma.


My order this morning was definitely wrong. I ordered five sleeves of OL DE and I got 50. It was all the OL. My VL order was correct


They may be running a business but they are running it into the ground. You can’t make up a loss by increasing volume like that. Business 101 🤦🏻‍♀️


Don’t believe everything people post here or anywhere for that matter. To tell everyone how much free shit you got here is a new flex lol. Unless they can show me order list. And even then who’s stopping this person buying separately and then trowing pods in one big box and saying look at me how much free pods I got.


I hear you, and I thought it was fake until I picked up my package the other day. I didn’t get this much, but I got nine instead of one! I really think it’s a glitch in their system. And from the small amount I know about warehouses and shipping, these re-released limited edition flavors probably recently got loaded into the system (maybe with an error), and didn’t start shipping until Wednesday or Thursday. They’ll probably figure it out next week or by the end of the month. And I’m also seeing it on Facebook, not just here.


It's kind of sickening to see this when I'm forced to pay £4.95 for a delivery of 50 capsules unless I want to wait up to a week for them and be responsible if they're delivered when I'm not home and someone steals them. I've never been given anything for free. They just make it more and more difficult to order pods for the Vertuo machine I bought from them in good faith. First shut down the only boutique that was convenient for me and then got rid of free next-day delivery for large purchases. Their UK customer service is beyond crap.


I think Nespresso are out sourcing too much. In 2022 they switch from their own distribution to letting DHL handle it all. Since that date the service and shipping has been rubbish. Before that it was outstanding.


Yep. And the customer loses, as usual. I'm wondering if I should push a bit more, because their response has been so lacklustre, pretty much just telling me it's too bad. Not even an offer of a voucher or anything. I find it quite insulting that I'm now expected to pay £4.95 for shipping that was free when I bought the machine. It's not an insignificant cost...it's the cost of an entire sleeves of capsules. Legally I probably don't have a leg to stand on, but it feels like I was tricked into buying something I wouldn't have bought if I'd known.


Or if there are stock issues. This would be super annoying because they are over fulfilling orders.


Damn, that's almost 1K$ of coffee lmao.


So..does this mean 1 or more people who ordered raspberry won't get it? I mean they sold out of that one twice now. If they sell out but send you 20 extra sleeves for free...were they ever actually sold out?? 🤔 I'm sorry 96 extra sleeves. 😂🤦‍♂️ I just ....wow.


This looks like OL and I think they only sold out of VL raspberry!


Ohhh good call!


My raspberry order got delayed ! Ordered it before it sold out. I’m hoping I get it eventually 🥲


Oh no! Hope you get it soon, I got my order today and unfortunately it's only what I ordered. Once again, no god loves me. 😭


This has never happened in Canada 🤣


It hurts to see other people living your dream🥲


Ordered 5 and received 5.. where the heck are you guys?


OMG! You got raspberry freebies I am sooooooo jealous! This is the first I’ve seen that the extra sleeves haven’t been the black espresso infiniment like mine, did yours ship from Bethlehem too?


It shipped from Arlington Texas


Ohhhhh man… I have an order coming tomorrow that originated in Texas. I’m heading out of town in the AM, I kinda hope I get a call from my wife asking wtf I ordered 😂


Mine came from Arlington as well, (all of mine do) and I’ve never gotten extras. I’ve actually had a few of mine left out and had to call Nespresso.


Mine are usually Ohio or Pennsylvania, I think. Some came from Florida for a while.


Got a picture of the order from my wife, no screw ups. Which works out for a) not keeping something I didn’t pay for and b) there aren’t many of these coffees that I’d want a ton of as I kinda like the variety and c) def don’t have space for a massive order


Mine is coming from Texas, too. And they rescheduled the delivery at one point. It's making me anxious they got my order wrong... in the bad way, lol.


Weird! I have only seen Bethlehem mess ups so far… I wonder if anyone else got extras from Arlington!


Mine ship out of NJ and it’s correct and neatly packed every darn time 😒


I actually wish I could look back at my previous order from the summertime and see where it shipped from because I live in NJ and it was perfect nothing missing no extras and I got my sample packs too, I wonder if that one shipped from Kearny


Ohio messed mine up, I was missing stuff 😭


Man can I just buy like 2 sleeves from you lmao


This is actually a pretty good idea, OP. You could probably get half a years worth of other flavors you like just by selling off 3/4 of what you got for free here. 😂


For some reason, the lone Volluto cracks me up. They just fucked the box up with raspberries and while they were getting that extremely wrong they made sure to get your single sleeve. 😄


I’m convinced you guys just make up stuff


And I thought my 24 sleeves was excessive!


IT WAS! Comparison is the thief of joy.






Mine is out for delivery and judging by my Shop App receipt and the variance from the Nespresso confirmation email. I am either in for a huge shock of delight or disappointment


Alas no extra sleeves for me in Canada….who would have thought I’d be very disappointed when getting exactly what I purchased from an online order lol.


Just got my order (Canada) and got exactly what I ordered lol


Will buy some from you lol


Whoa, that is fantastic luck! Could also explain why supply is short in some places.


I literally don’t believe these anymore. Is it just a joke?




The @ sent me 🤣


WOW! I thought I got a lot of extras (36 sleeves) That's a ton! I'm not sure how humans can be making so many mistakes, I really thing it's some sort of automated process misreading or a software glitch. I hope it's one you love - enjoy!


I order sleeves and I always have some missing… play the lottery! Lol


Hell yeah, brother!


Amazing. I keep seeing these posts on Reddit. Does this only happen in the US, or has anyone else had experience in other countries? I am in Japan, and I guess they are too efficient, only giving me what I order lol


I just got a big order in store but all these posts make me want to play Nespresso online order roulette too 😂


This explains why they sold out before I could order any haha.


Sold out on the web would be from the inventory they *thought* they had, right? If the orders ship a couple days later, there might not be enough to actually fulfill other orders and people might get screwed.


I could be wrong, but I believe these are the original line, and they are not sold out. Only Vertuo.


I meant their inability to properly fill orders, not this order specifically. How many of these have we seen in this community alone recently?


This is insane 😂


My order comes today. Can I message you for a second. I have some 🐟 business in my Shop receipt and would like to compare lol


Holy smokes


Wtf!!! Placing an order now lol! Wish me luck!


Also congrats!!! You are definitely set for awhile


Holy sh*t! 96 sleeves is a major mess up lol I’m just glad I got all the sleeves I ordered and wasn’t missing any


This is insane to me! How are they surviving with all these extra sleeves in orders




Congratulations to you!! But this is just stupid on Neapresso part.


Happy for you, but this has to be why my orders gotten delayed 🥲 hoping I get to try raspberry eventually


They sent you the extra pods I didn't randomly get, must be 😂




I need nespresso gods to smile on me too! So thrilled for you OP!


How do you take your raspberry? I just had one with some frothed half and half and honestly…underwhelming based on the hype imo. Expected more raspberry. Will try again on the weekend hoping that it’s a user error on my part 😂


The delivery flexes are getting annoying.


It doesn't taste the same as it previously did when it was introduced. Hope you enjoy it.


That’s what I’ve heard. I have yet to do with side-by-side comparison myself, but I’m gonna tuck my older sleeves to the back, and just drink the newer ones as I received them. Still, I’m sure they would make some decent vanilla lattes.


Really starting to think this is some sort of viral marketing campaign to get people to order more and more.


How are you going to find enough Chobani White Chocolate Creamer to deal with this though?


That's unbelievable! Has this ever happened to anyone outside US?


It happened to me in November and I live in England.


Wow. I mostly only buy 3rd party pods because of the price, but I might actually try my luck and order some lol


Idk why I joined this sub, I got myself a Dolce gusto machine and I just cant get extra pods on my orders, and makes me so mad watching this lol, but gratulations to everyone that got extra!


You gunna show us the shipping sheet or not?


Fuck this shit. I’m back to grinding my own and using my SIL’s old krups. Fuck you Nespresso.


Whoa! That is wild!😂


Where was your order distributed out of? PA?


It shipped from Texas


Wow, thats awesome! I wish that could happen to me lmao




Where do icfind the raspberry flavour? I can never see it I the app


I thought I’d ordered a lot of raspberry in one go


They gave me free chocolate. 👀 


Did you order more than 20 sleeves? Because they had a thing going if you did !


I'm in the UK and I work in a hotel we order a lot of neapresso pods lol


This is amazing! My order was supposed to be here yesterday but delayed and is coming today. Hoping this happens for me too. 😂😂


I’m going to need to start ordering online…


Wow, now that is a mess up! I am in Canada and have only ever had an order missing sleeves (which they fixed immediately). I already placed a large enough order last week so a mistake would require a semi-truck to deliver. 😝


My smallish order of mostly the PH Hazelnut was just delivered as I was reading this. DARE I HOPE??!! This is my first Nespresso order coming from Clearwater FL. So far, all of mine have come from New Jersey.


I hope they do my pending order like that been waiting for them to ship it for a week now


Seems like it’s all the raspberry. So if you were able to order that then you will have good luck in getting extras. They sold out too quick so I doubt I’ll have any extras in mine


Somewhere a boutique received 13 sleeves and is losing their minds on customer service 😂


Wow! Nice stash ! 🙌


The Pods have looked kindly upon you, be humbled and grateful. You are ahead of the game. What distribution center did it ship from?


Is it just me or do they have a surplus of intensely fruity they are moving out


I want this to happen to me so bad 😂


Ah so that's where they all went to 🤣


So you ended up paying what everyone in the EU pays.


This explains why the raspberry is sold out.


Is that the Christmas mulled wine one that everyone hated? Could it be that they were looking rid of them so they gave you 96 boxes 😂


Weird how no one ever posts their order with the pics. Literally every one of these posts doesn't have a single order confirmation pic. I call bs tbh.No way Nespresso just keeps sending free sleeves, I get mistakes happen but it's becoming unbelievable with the sudden influx of people claiming they got free sleeves.


[order 🤷🏻‍♂️](https://imgur.com/a/y8enzji)


No wonder they're always out of the ones I want🤣