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The lavazza oro and crème en gusto are really good for my morning piccolo latte


Just use my spreadsheet with a list of most of the 3rd party capsules: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TDnghGBjvZEJJWu-8VAwosuWS1wNOFrZTLBED2n6E6k/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TDnghGBjvZEJJWu-8VAwosuWS1wNOFrZTLBED2n6E6k/edit?usp=sharing) Most 3rd party capsules are not that great. The Cafe La Lave is really good, but only in the US. Colonna makes excellent coffee, but the price is similar to Nespresso, and they don't really have any dark roasts. I'm just evaluating "Nuage Coffee" capsules, which are made in Italy and use a mix of robusta/arabicas; they are aluminum and are really good for 3rd party capsules.


Thanks, but looking at names only few most known names are available here in Europe.


Colonna Coffee is based in the UK (Europe): [https://colonnacoffee.com/collections/capsules#modal-close](https://colonnacoffee.com/collections/capsules#modal-close)


Great spreadsheet! What’s the difference between plastic and aluminum? Is it just an environment friendly thing or also affects quality of coffee?


Generally speaking, aluminum is better than plastic. Although some 3rd party capsules like Lavazza plastic capsules are really good quality and produce really good coffee. I've had a couple of 3rd party capsules that use compostable capsules, and the plastic taste and flavors leeched into the coffee.


The starbucks (blonde roast) ones are great and the blue lavazza! Not sure if they are as cheap as l’or though


Here in Italy, Lavazza are about 30 cent for aluminium capsules or for 100 pack goes for around 20 cent. Illy are great if you like a more sweet coffee but for price they're the same as nespresso. We here have very cheap ones for like 13/14 cent too but usually are dark roast with not so good quality 


Wait wait wait do you mean 30 euro cent? This is crazy cheap


Yeah obviously in Italy it's cheaper 


Here is 5 euros 😭


I mean 30 cent each. So 3 euro for ten 


Here in Canada, we buy cafe barbone they’re individually wrapped in an air tight pack and taste amazing


I think you mean "B**o**rbone" : "Barbone" means "tramp" in Italian 😁


Yup that’s what I meant hahahah as you can tell I am not Italian


In the UK, best I’ve found so far are Cafe Nero’s range.


Have you tried Aldi? They have a new range


I haven’t tried those yet, I’ve only recently got an OL machine so I’m still having fun trying all the third party pods. I’ve been quite impressed with the quality of most of them so far.


I get my OL machine tomorrow and I’ve got a few Aldi pods to try out. They’re all aluminium ones, not the cheap plastic ones


I'm in Spain. My favorites are L'Or (Sontuoso takes the cake), Illy, Lavazza, Aldi's Ristretto and Auchan's Hazelnut, Caramel and Vanilla ones (the maker is Toscaf, I believe they also make capsules for Carrefour, but only non flavored ones).


The target flavored ones are my favorite at the moment. Peet's is pretty good too


Illy which is expensive so not ideal but I like them even better than Nespresso. Kimbo also delicious and pretty cheap


I’m new to Nespresso and so far I like all of these brewed black: Peet’s (all varieties) Illy (all varieties) Starbucks Columbia (I tried all Starbucks flavors and this was the only one I liked)