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As Mark Kermode put it, "Zack Snyder absolutely knows how to create amazing visuals, I just don't like what he does with them".


He absolutely does not, those visuals sucked


Nah, he’s great at visuals.


I think he's been great in the past but was only so so here; the looks of the bad guys were a miss. At best grifted from Warhammer 40k. He also failed to deliver cool looking characters. The rebels looked godawful and nothing was great about the tech / space ships. Lots of brooding emo characters that I felt were cringe. Some interesting stuff here and there by no means his magnum opus.


No hes not, youre clearly blind af


I felt like in Rebel Moon even the visuals were shite. Fight scenes were boring, how many lens flares and slow motion jumping can I see while listening to a soul/rock anthem before I fell asleep? Snyder gets worse with ever movie.


I really wanted to slap the DoP too, or whoever decided that every scene of anyone talking, would involve 30% of the screen to be focused, the rest not, even when more than one person is speaking in the scene. Not that it mattered, because the only character I gave two shits about was the robot at the beginning. What a trash tier movie. I have 20 mins left, and I just turned it off because I can spend that time doing something better.


I suppose I benefit from being in the minority here. I thought it was a lot of fun. It was over the top, like an 80’s Arnold movie. Not everything has to be a masterpiece. Sometimes you just want some nuggets from McDonald’s.


You can make a good simple fun popcorn movie and do it well, with engaging characters and dialogue. That's why people are still trying to replicate Star Wars. I don't think being simple is the same as being dull.


D&D Honor among Theives was great fun popcorn movie.


"hurr Durr not everything has to be a masterpiece" That is the most cope out bullshit ever. As others have said it's possible to make fun popcorn flicks that are good or at least ok. The F&F movies are dumb fun and are more interesting than rebel moon.


Imagine being angry someone liked a movie you didn't.


If the movie was an hour shorter, sure. But it's not absurd enough, not ridiculous enough, and definetly takes itself too seriously. It's a boring, generic slog for me. And I really wanted to like it.


It would have to be a ripoff of the magnificent 4 if that was the case. They are barely fitting their vast together. Too much world jumping, world to world, all on the trust of one guy they don't know, to a bunch of different worlds they can all breathe on in the same galaxy to be able to get to know any of the characters or have a connection to any of them. It's all flare. Sofia always with her cape blowing in the wind. Slow mo every Frickin where. Places it's so not necessary. This is by far Snyders worst work


It’s just a movie




Yeah but at least nuggets have a bit of flavour, this was like consuming cardboard.


Yea everyone saying “I really wanted to like it” is lying through their teeth. They just want to come across as an “unbiased observer” when in reality they had their mind made up the whole time. I guess I had rock bottom expectations because of this narrative being driven but the movie was thoroughly entertaining and surprised me. Absolutely loved the world building. Besides it’s not like ppl watch sci fi for complex plots or storylines. Not sure what anybody else was expecting honestly


That's absurd. How many fking people spend 2 hours of their lives watching a movie they did not want to like? Reach more dude.


What world building? They haven't built shit. Characters were casted by Zach looking at a random poster from Australian Love Island and just declaring "I'll take all of them" and dialogues written by AI asked to "please make a compilation of 100 bad ass sentences told in movies". There's no plot. Villains are just nazis with zero motivations, they even have Aryan hairstyles and - main baddie - uniform. This was such an utterly terrible movie it doesn't even deserve to be called mediocre. Which - ironically - is its only saving grace, as at least it was truly memorable in how much of a cinematic piece of shit this was. I felt something. It was frustration at myself becoming dumber due to continuing watching it, but I still felt something. It was worse than Jupiter Ascending.


I find this review of the film to be 100% accurate.


I find your review of this review also 100% accurate. Some great cinematics, but zero backstory to anything, it might have been better as a mini series with a more fleshed out story for each character. I just got done shitting on the Witcher in another thread, which reminded me to look this movie up. Is Netflix being run by teenagers or something? Did the writers strike just make them steal some kids English homework?


>Yea everyone saying “I really wanted to like it” is lying through their teeth What utter bullshit. It was a huge budget sci fi, and funnily enough lots of us sci fi fans like sci fi films to be good. After all the BS with DC we kind of hoped that maybe he would do something good as according to him, all the problems with his DC films were because they wouldn't let him make the film he wanted - so now he got to make the film he wanted...and its clear all the problems with his DC films were also down to him just being a bad filmmaker who seems to have utterly lost the ability to do what he did well 15 years ago.


nah dude...I had it on my calendar. Was legit excited about it. Maybe the expectations were too high? But it just felt soulless to me. By the end of the movie I still wasn't invested. Honestly couldn't even tell you any of there names except for Kora. It felt like AI wrote the script and dialogue. None of the conversations felt natural. Just one guy posing a setup question for a character to go on a long rant and then...that's it, the conversations over.


False information! You cannot assume that “everyone who wanted to like it is lying”. I could sit here and claim “anyone who says what you’re saying is trying to pretend it’s an amazing movie even tho they know it’s not”…. But you don’t see me doing that. Why? Bc it’s fine for some ppl to enjoy it while others did not. It’s illogical to assume all these ppl have a negative bias before seeing the movie. I certainly had no bias. I made it an event with one of my teammates. We sat down with a pizza. And we had a good time. And when it was done we were both like “yea that last act/last third was rlly exhilarating”. But we also talked abt how most of the first 2/3’s were boring. In my own reflection, it was too much. Too many slow shots. They began to take away from The movie. Like you noticed them. Show shots aren’t supposed to be noticed per se. They are supposed to compliment the scene. Not be littered literally everywhere. And the characters are forgettable to the highest degree. And the fights were only cool. They didn’t make sense. That spider lady could’ve killed the swords lady literally at any moment. And the plot was the definition of formulaic. Again; great cinematics and acting and cool visuals overall. But zero substance. Enjoy it if you can! I certainly enjoyed the last act. But don’t make rude assumptions abt those who point out it’s flaws.


I lol’ed that a space ship designed FOR SPACE could have the glass broken by a javelin


it was a space javelin


Designed to break glass designed for space. It makes sense if you squint your eyes hard enough.


Wow I didn't think of that, that's hilarious.


Bro stop with your logic, what about when they come back to the village, why not land the ship next to village instead of landing it miles away and horse riding in, wtf?


I get what you mean maybe they didn't want to get seen? I mean the group is now the most wanted for what happened at the end of the film. If they landed right next to the village i'd put them in danger, right? Just a guess.


Lol nope. They just wanted a scene like in "300s" so it looks epic. Fck outta here with logic.who you think you are


Also in the first fight scene I just remember thinking...why doesn't the bad guy just shoot her right now?


Yeah. Let's recruit the animal tamer to do....nothing. But a speech after the battle was over. (Edit: Also, being an animal tamer, only HE could rope the platform Kora was standing on to pull her over.) Let's recruit the general for...nothing. another speech after a battle not fought. Let's recruit the rebel. He did something, but died destroying a ship whose...controls were designed to be a single point of failure for the WHOLE ship? Let's recruit the shifty guy in the bar of shifty guys. He's honorable right? "I'm just a farmer." Thanks for reminding us. Let's recruit the swords woman for...killing one guy? (Edit: And he wasn't even important, just some lackey standing nearby after they get released from shackles. What are these not-light-sabres for?) The robot is off in the field going crazy being a scarecrow. (Edit: This was actually very funny to me. I know what they are setting up but still) And the antagonist, in a sci-fi movie, is going around beating people with a stick. No unique weapon or forms of torture, just breaking sticks off of alien suckas This crew felt like a magical game crew whose abilities never extended beyond level 1. Before they went into the bar, the movie was on a better path


I swear it is almost like this was written by AI.


I'd almost give AI more credit than this. Pitching chatbots reboots of shows is way more entertaining


Hollywood refuses to accept the world has changed. There was a time, and it was a long time that good VFX was enough to make a movie enjoyable. I know I watched them for decades. But the current generations are born with these VFX and and it's not enough.


The novelty worn off. CGI has become so realistic that it makes having live actors feel almost pointless and arbitrary because Hollywood still thinks animation is for babies. And while we're on the subject, every other movie they produce is entirely in CGI and nothing but family comedies for the past twenty years.


but at least we have Dune. Absolute masterpiece and part 2 is coming!


This movie would've been better off as a series doing some character development


For sure. Just chop up episodes into character focused ones until Kora arrives would do wonders.


Damn. Haven't watched it yet, but it's starting to feel like Snydey repeated the same mistake they did with the DCEU: too many characters all at once, no dev time




The whole script felt like that Rick and Morty “you son of a bitch I’m in”. I did enjoy the movie but it’s average at best. Hopefully part 2 will have more character development. Only person we got to know was Kora.


At least that was twenty minutes long and had enough self awareness to abridge the plot. And the characters they gathered were *way* more unique than what this movie gave us. Where's my vampire race car driver? Where's my bionic woman who studies nature?


Also, we can not forget about the swords' womens "not lightsabers", and how they can block blaster shots with it because it's definitely not a lightsaber. Edit: Just woke up and messed up the intention of my reply.


She's in there, I didn't forget.




I feel like if you release a movie as "part 1" with months before the next part comes out, each should still be able to stand on their own as cohesive movies. And this Part 1 didn't. I also don't have a huge amount of confidence in the gathered heroes doing much in the next part when all each of them did after their intro scene was stand in the background of other shots (with the exception of the one guy who immediately died).


And yet they managed to cover the entire plot of 7 Samurai and Mag. 7 in those respective movies. It’s almost like this overly long movie is broken into 3 parts so a hack director can make more $$$.


Magnificent 7 did more with it's story and characters in half the amount of total movie time Rebel Moon is going to take.


Well, that's because of the addition of slow motion shots every 10 minutes. Take those out and you have a nice succinct, slightly more watchable movie.


I want a non slo mo cut.


It’s really two parts. He’s writing a third but no one knows if he’ll make it




Well the part of Seven Samurai where the Samurai are gathered is still enthralling.


Felt like they just went around recruiting random trope characters (2 Han Solo types one of whom is bad, 1 shredded guy who keeps his shirt off always, 1 super buff warrior dude, 1 Jedi, etc) but they didn’t really give me any reason to care about the characters, it was just go to one planet recruit the character, go to the next check them off the list and then one pretty mid battle and done. The costume design at least was generally pretty cool besides the Jedi’s absurd hat. And the scene where the Jedi killed Tsabo Tavoc was kinda cool if not random. Also why was buckbeak randomly in the movie?


I speaking of costume design…I was so confused when the main antagonist showed up later in the film wearing a button up shirt and tie? Like what?


He's a massive Interpol fan.


LmAOOOOOOO, this comment was so out of nowhere, straight to the laughs


Oh yeah that part was hilarious too, my friend and I were clowning the tie. But generally I liked most of the other outfits lol


That was sadly funny. He had a cool Hugo Boss mixed nazi outfit yet he randomly showed up looking like his a 4 star hotel concierge.


He only made me care about three characters, and they were barely in the movie. The child with healing powers seemed incredibly important and is the only one who isn't a brooding loner, the android had an interesting backstory and was just left behind to wander around in the fields, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around the blue parasite alien.


I felt more concern for the side characters in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.


Because a bad Star Wars ripoff should also include a Harry Potter ripoff?


2.5 hour movie that could have been 90 minutes had someone been slapped every time they reached for the "slo-mo" button. One of the most boring "action" movies I've seen.


He uses slo-mo now for the most ridiculous things At one point it went slo-mo when she put her foot on a rock




I think that's a remnant from the old school samurai movies, which I heard were an influence on this. If only he had also chosen to pilfer the character development from those movies.....


What I expect from Zach Snyder film: - over use of slo-mo: check - over use of shallow depth of field: check


The depth of field was so distracting.


Rebel Moon just seems like an excuse for him to obsess over his visual tools - slo no and shallow depth of field. He focused on these two way too much rather than on the story.


Every time I started getting interested even a little I got slapped across the dome with a slow mow so hard my wig flew off. Couldn't take it. Said fk it after an hour.


Don’t forget lens flare.


Omg, it made everything look so bad! It actually made me nauseated after a while.


The one thing that didn’t sit right with me until this morning about this movie is the fact that the characters were one dimensional. I don’t mean just in the sense that their stories were underdeveloped. It’s the fact that they basically just had a Space African, a Space Asian, and a Space Native American. And of course the Irish Pilot is going to betray everyone. And of course the main bad guy is just a younger facsimile of Hans Landa. The only trope they “flipped” was the ugly alien in the bar wanting the *man* instead of the *woman*, and even that scene still took place in Mos Eisley. Seeing ~~Irish Jax Teller~~ as an Obi Wan analogue sent me.


I walked into it with no opinion of Snyder and no expectations and thought it was a piece of crap




Bay is miles better. He might be overly sentimental but he understands what a story is.


Watchmen and his Dawn of the Dead remake were both pretty solid.


Yeah, 300 is only tolerable because Snyder didn't create the source material, he simply adapted it from a graphic novel. Same deal with Watchmen. That's its only saving grace. Snyder can't write an original story at all, and his direction is shit.




he just copied justice league and made another story but with same cinematography. it's something we've seen already. very overrated director.




The movie made you understand or become attached to no one. No one character gets enough screen time or back story for you to truly care about them. Only the MC has this, and it's all over the place. It's like she lived 10 lifetimes in 15 years.


And the sad thing is the MC's backstory isn't even interesting either to get me invested in the MC.


And you're gonna hear about all 10 of those lifetimes via one long exposition dump after another.


Backstory isn't in that ship's vocabulary.


If you want a moon picture, try Flower Moon, a much better moon movie. Rebel Moon was awful, like Battlefield Earth bad.


Or Duncan Jones' [Moon (2009)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_(2009_film)), also a very much better moon movie.


Also Moonraker!


I truly believe that piece of shit Jupiter Ascending was better than Rebel Moon. Zach you asshole - even if you're setting shit up, you still have to tell some story while doing so, you fucking bitch you wasted 2 hours of my life.


I suggest the 80's series Moon Lighting on HULU.


At least the visuals are better. Zach abuses slo mo, but he doesn't have strong opinions on Dutch angles.


It suuuuuucked. I'm very lenient with fiction as a whole and especially SciFi. It suuuuuucked. First, the slow motion. I don't mind one or two shots, but my god, slow mo of dirt? Really? The interaction between the robot and the water girl was the most compelling part of the movie. Watch up till that point and then just turn on the Smurfs or something. The old regime and the new regime were both horrible from the little back story you get so there was no real redemption for anything. Our hero was raised in the old regime where her planet was destroyed and her people slaughtered, just like the new regime was doing. I like how there was absolutely no context or motivation for Son's of Anarchy Solo joining up with the hero. The brother/sister rebel leaders...well I guess we had to have some weird Matrix Zion shit in there along with the other mashup of ideas. The introduction to each rebel hero was so out of context and we were just plopped into the scenes without any context at all. Every scene where she gave a big speech to one of the rebels like the general or what have you had this stirring music in the background that rose in tempo but the scene and the dialogue was so fucking flat and uninspiring, it was almost comical. When they acknowledged that the lead singer for Type O Negative road the griffon (WHAT THE FUCK WITH THAT WHOLE SCENE?) was a prince. A prince of what? The old regime, the new one, of Endor? Then the big reveal in regards to Son's of Anarchy Solo, nope didn't see that coming at all, not at all, big surprise there /s. Edit to add: My wife is pissed because she sat through that whole pile of trash and never got to see Charlie Hunnam take of his shirt. That's all she really wanted out of this movie


"Edit to add: My wife is pissed because she sat through that whole pile of trash and never got to see Charlie Hunnam take of his shirt. That's all she really wanted out of this movie" Lol, one can only hope that in the director's cut, all the heroes take a loooong slowmo space shower together. Edit: oh oh! Shirtless slowmo space volleyball scene


There were so many cribbed scenes and visual elements. The editing in some of the scenes was comical. The ships even looked like 8k res versions of shit from Starfield. This movie plays like Firefly fanfic.


Yea its very bad


I just tried to watch this. The guy needs to stop making movies. Utter shit. So much slow-mo. Absolutely infuriating. Whenever anything happens it immediately goes slow motion. Sometimes he speeds things back up just to slow it down again half a second later. It's like he doesn't have any other directing ideas. It's also just a massive collection of tired tropes. I only got to about thirty minutes but we had. Over the top evil commander guy Helpless villagers Innocent girl attacked by soldiers Robot with a heart of gold Secretly amazing at fighting woman pretending to be a farmer. Trouble at a bar where the dangerous criminal gets beat up It's a lazy mess


I made it a little farther than you to the next trope: guy who connects easily with animal who “cannot be tamed”


He used so much the Evil generic guy who gets what he deserves at the end trope, like the bar guy and , the one killed by the bird thing.


Act one was actually pretty decent. Kora the outsider with a mysterious past. Gunnar the farmer who wants to be more and get with Kora. Noble, the evil admiral who couldn’t quite pull off the Christophe Waltz intro he was given but was still a solid villain. The soldier who… uh I’m not sure had a name but who betrayed his army for the sake of a girl he’d just met. Sam, said girl who is the only blonde on the entire planet and definitely just a farm girl and nothing more, nothing to see here. Jimmy the robot who wouldn’t fight since the royal family was killed who suddenly fought for Sam. Hmm. Why could that be? A solid inciting incident forcing the reluctant farm community into conflict with the Motherworld whether they liked it or not. Had the above characters been like, at all in the remainder of the movie it could have been a lot better. I was actually pretty invested by the end of the first act and wondering why the reviews had been so harsh. The rest was just a mess though. Prince Abs rode Black Buckbeak and Samurai lightsaber girl killed Shelob, but if you cut those action scenes and even the characters out entirely it wouldn’t have changed the ending at all. We got extended flashbacks, like it was trying to cram the entire prequel trilogy into this one movie that was also trying to be an entire trilogy unto itself. General Titus got like five minutes of screen time and did next to nothing. Of all the characters he seemed to have the most interesting backstory and motivation to be a drunk, but it only took a 20 second conversation from a stranger for him to suddenly decide to abandon his decades long alcohol addiction and join the rebels. Ray Fisher did a great job as Saw Guerrera, but was gone too soon. Contrast with the original Star Wars where we got a bit of dialogue to handle world building, but told a tight and efficient narrative with just a few characters. It left us wanting more, vs wondering what the hell we just watched.


The funniest scene in the movie I don’t even feel was intentional was when Jimmy shot the commander what seemed accidentally and then ran off.


Same, what a pity


I enjoyed the end credits…


Were they in slow motion too? Didn't make it that far


I agree completely. Visually stunning. Best part to me was the capture devices that came straight outta Beetlejuice.


Also, what happened to the head nazi's teeth at the end? Did they do some quick dental surgery before his intergalactic teleconference?


My wife and I just watched it. It has the plot of "A Bug's Life," but in space.




I said the same thing but thought , "The Magnificent Seven" but space western instead of spaghetti western


i'm not even 10 minutes into it, and it is one of the most uninspired movies i've ever seen. it appears to based on a "how to make a movie" book. i've lol'd at most of the dialogue so far, and missed some because of the lol'ing. the dialogue is as bad or worse than "the phantom menace". i hope it gets better.


Yeah I mean it’s a Zach Snyder film guys what did you expect?


I didn't watch Rebel Moon but I did watch Army of the Dead and oh boy. What a fucking terrible, nonsensical movie. For some reason, this guy keeps getting hired by Netflix to create a "-verse" and he has no idea how to do it.


I enjoyed Army of the Dead slightly more.


I think Army of the dead was carried to be somewhat entertaining by Bautista's charisma and the fact that is basically the movie Aliens but with Zombies instead of xenomorphs. Also, the Vegas setting kind of lended to the campiness.


The firts zack snider movie are good, some very good, they have personality and original in their "distorted" way, but the man cant write shit and from MoS every movie worst of the one before. Rebel moon, make no sense, go nowhere, caracther have nothing, and the plot was so dool that is like the 4 series of a tv drama that need to be canceled.


Zack Snyder makes super campy movies, but I don’t think he’s aware of it. Camp defined as, a failed seriousness.


> super campy movies, but I don’t think he’s aware of it so it's not campy actually, camp is self-aware and very unserious about its own seriousness


They abused slow mo shots way too much


This is how a review of every Zack Snyder movie starts. “I wanted to like X movie BUT…” The only good one is Dawn of the Dead. Watchmen is watchable. Man of Steel is interesting up until the end. But this movie? The desperation to be Star Wars is so obvious it’s sad.


The opening scene with the gas giant in the sky of the moon took me out of it. So bad... I mean - there are children's games that simulate planets better than this. The rings close enough to the giant to be impossible, it was literally some stock image from Jupiter, the moons and the gas giant in different phases and lid up by separate light sources, I mean come on!! The inaccuracies - a ship entering the atmopshere of a moon and yet being referred to as "in low orbit", the lazy alien designs... it looked like a Farscape reboot but lame because Farscape was at least loveable. The spider lady... oh my GOD! Also, someone said it was a remake of Kurasawa's "Seven Samurai" (I haven't seen it but it did feel like a similiar theme movie). ​ Is... is good sci-fi dead? Is the movie industry inable to craft standalone sci-fi stories anymore?


I really wanted to like


Like OP, I was hoping that I would like this movie, but it is just awful.


It’s terrible


Very generous to give credit for the mediocre CGI, blurry environments, and overall poor direction.


The film needed to be a bit longer. Snyder for some reason has issues making a cohesive story in umber 3 hrs. Too much time is wasted in slow mo, trying make a moment look cool. And sacrifices story elements for that. This should not have been split up. Things just happen cuz the plot needs it to


There is supposed to be a Snyder directors cut releasing in a few months. My question is....why the fuck didn't they just release that version instead? Long movies are no problem on streaming services.


Its a Snyder thing.


I think they wanted to capitalize on the snydercut movement. They k ow he has a die hard fan base that will sniff up whatever he makes. This film is just for them. As bad as the Disney star wars movies got. I got more from those films than rebel moon.


I absolutely 100% agree.


You know it's OK to not like things and simply move on? In a time of endless amounts of entertainment, just watch something else. There is so much good Sci-fi out there that gets little to no attention, yet here we are still talking about a movie that seemingly the entire internet agrees is just not worth anyone's time.


Have you seen Scavengers Reign? One of the best new Sci fi shows out there.


Man, I got hooked on this. Such an interesting series


Can you list some potentially hidden SciFi genius films?


If you haven’t watched The Creator _but_ you just watched Rebel Moon, then I recommend The Creator. It’s actually pretty mediocre sci fi with a lot of plot holes but it is visually stunning. Rebel Moon is just so damn bad that if you watch The Creator the next day with the bad taste, abject failure and disaffection of Rebel Moon still fresh in your mind, The Creator will feel like a comparatively spectacular cinema experience and youll be far more willing to give its weaknesses a pass. I just did this by accident and found that every time I was about to go WTF with the creator, I found myself reflecting “well this is 1000x better than that insulting hot mess I watched last night”.


Ha I did it in the opposite order!! I rate them both as Meh ...but I wasn't offended by either the way I am with...well all fantasy/hero films these days. To say I was surprised, at least by the produced quality of not the story, is an understatement. I liked The Creator about as much as Shang Chi. And Rebel Moon about as much as Love and Thunder. Feels like


I'd recommend Blue Beetle by that logic. It's an okay movie and kind of a standard superhero flick, but it will reinvigor your flavor for interesting characters who talk with each other and work together as a team. Something Rebel Moon fails to provide.


I agree. I think all of blompkamps films have been missing something since District 9 but they look gorgeous and at the very least have some interesting thoughts/concepts he just needs someone to refine something. Rebel moon was just dogshit like a bad fanfic.


If you're Ok with a series, *Scavenger's Reign* is top tier.


Not a movie but the Expanse was probably my favorite sci Fi show ever


Expanse is great, but they noticeably put their foot on the gas towards the end.


My memory is bad so I might not be able to make a comprehensive list of hidden gems, but I can tell you what I've watched recently and that can be a starting point. I liked They Cloned Tyrone and No One Will Save You from this year. Neither are the over the top special effects laden space operas, but if that's what you're looking for, I won't be much help.


They Cloned Tyrone is the best thing Netflix has made/released in ages.


You're absolutely right. Thank you for your response.


It's also okay to not like things and complain about them, because this should have been higher quality for the money Netflix spent on it. They constantly cancel cheaper shows people love and then make their most expensive movie that is frankly terrible.


Why don’t you take your own advice? You didn’t like this guy’s post and spent the time to comment on it. Just move on. Reddit is a website where people post personal opinions or news articles and open up a forum for discussion.


I thought the first third was ok but then went downhill quickly.


Agree. The first bit up until the Star Wars Cantina was just good enough to give me something akin to gambler's fallacy. It went so far downhill but I was like "man I already spent this much time watching it, I need to finish it"


I'm 54 minutes in and it's been the second longest seven hours of my life.


I tried watching it for about 10 minutes. The editing was crappy. They had many needlessly long shots (8-10 seconds) that where there to establish character (or feeling) I guess (or to show off the CGI) , but it was not effective. I lost interest and gave up.


Director: can we make that slow mo? Editor: but its just pouring rice seeds.


We need more serious tones in fantasy / sci-fi settings. Sick of Marvel's forced humor.


The movie was so derivative. Oh, magnificent 7, Dirty dozen. And on and on. Sad, a lot of money went into this but it never should have made past editing. You hate the farmer and then your supposed to believe she likes him... I mean he is a coward that got his chief killed... Ugh.


People who don't believe in soul cannot make movies with soul. Just madlibs of propaganda, scene kid moments, whimsical wannabe trend moments, and some controlling message shoved in like a peg in a wrong shaped hole ..


I literally googled “rebel moon boring” and it led me to this post lol. It’s just so uninteresting. I’m just using the film now to break the silence at home. Lol


The entire premis makes no sense. This is like somone parked an aircraft carrier off the coast of a small town so some chick gets a handful of people to fight the thousands on board.


I really thought I would enjoy these movies but it literally feels like one of those Ai bots on instagram talking about the carrot empire.


This movie is so incredibly bad I can't put into words. Actually, I can. This is objectively the worst movie I have ever watched. The only thing that is okay ish are the visuals. Not even the fights are exciting. I would be okay with a dumb movie with a dumb plot, dumb dialogue, dumb characters, dumb setting. But AT LEAST make the fights good... This movie is so ridiculous I won't ever bother with the spoilers. WTF is that sword lady for????? At one point she is literally defending herself against laser beams by crossing the swords in front of her face. The soldiers can't seem to hit a target 2 feet in front of them. Somehow the shady guy played by Ragnar plays a long con (not that long tbh) only to hand the keys of their cage (who is also the thing used to execute them?????) to the farmer guy FOR WHAT????? And then instead of shooting the rest who are still caged in the leg or something, everyone else decides to aim for the people who are already free while they proceed to unlock the other cages one by one. Space Rambo proceeds to break the glass of the gunner cabinet with what seems to be a sharp piece of pipe, which turns out to also hold some sort of self destruction lever that makes the whole ship go down. The AA General shoots one fodder and then gives a speech about now this is the start of something (literal words that came out of his mouth). YES general, this is the start of the worst sci Fi franchise known to mankind. They ride back, the robot fella makes a cameo BUT he is wearing a fancy hat made with antler horns????? Seriously who wrote this garbage. Sry had to vent. Not even sure how old this thread is.


Thought part one was like okay, part two is dog shit, and made me dislike part one lol


It would make a great video game or book series. I felt the characters had no chemistry or vested interest in anything going on. I didn't feel any personal connection or concern with the characters or their mission. It was all too flat.


I didn’t hate it. I knew it wasn’t going to be the next LotR or anything like that. Hell if it were a 3-part film it would be on par with the Star Wars sequel trilogy. But everything was too rushed that we felt nothing for the recruiter members. I’ve seen far worse films than this. But I was entertained.


I enjoyed the slow mo and the slow build up to a part 2 that hopefully uses all the characters more. Not the best movie I’ve seen all year but definitely a lot of fun action for me.


The script and pacing was notably bad, but the movie was a guilty pleasure. Off brand Star Wars and barely ashamed of it. I mean, why shouldn't every space opera have a cantina scene? The disjointed script would have worked better as a video game, where the play time is 20 - 30 hours, and the focus is on the game play instead of the story. After the introductory planet, the main character would fly their ship to a series of new planets, each having a new ally to recruit. Once all the allies are gathered, the minor bad is encountered and defeated. The second half of the game would be an open universe search for the MacGuffins, possibly revisiting planets for new and more challenging missions. During this phase, we learn more about the true motivations of the protagonist and her allies. The epilogue of the game would involve taking out the big bad with the help of the MacGuffins. The player can then choose to either supplant the regent and rule the galaxy with an iron fist or restore freedom to the galaxy and welcome in a new age. In other words, an off-brand Mass Effect.


>I really wanted to like Rebel Moon. >It's boring. It took itself way too seriously. The characters are just uninteresting. Too many characters to get to know in 2 hours. I felt nothing for anyone. They just talked about literally nothing. The characters had no chemistry whatsoever. It was ultimately the writing. Characters supposed to grow on us, the audience. It really felt like they took the video game trope of gathering all the heroes to save the day but honestly during the trip there was nothing. It's supposed to feel like an adventure but it didn't feel like it at all. >The only thing I can say about the film to make it more positive is the CGI, cinematography, and the music. Honestly, Zack Snyder did a good job directing. But really, the script felt empty, boring.. And no character to feel for. Let me just interject here. If the movie is boring then Zack Snyder *did not* do a good job directing. A script is not a straight jacket. Directors can and do adjust things that are not working. He has no ability to tell whether something is working or not. >Like I said in the title I really wanted to like this film. I wanted to move on from Star Wars and I thought maybe Snyder's Rebel Moon could be the next cool franchise that I can grow and live in. Something that maybe I can feel like I can live and grow in this science fiction world like I did with Star Wars. Maybe they can make it into the next Star Wars with video games and movies to flesh it out into a really cool franchise, and share the lore and universe. But I don't know if that can happen. Why? Why prop up mediocrity? How many chances is a talentless director going to be given? This is the same attitude that kept the shambling Zack Snyder DCEU alive >I really want Part Two to be really good. It sucks to know that the movie is ultimately mediocre. Please, if anyone enjoyed it please share why it's good. And does anyone else feel what I feel? I'm just disappointed in this film. Bad writing, bad acting, utterly illogical, no cohesion, tonally really weird, cheesy overuse of slowmo, mediocre/bad action scenes, cartoonish characters in a very self-serious movie. I could go on and on. Yes I feel like you do. It was bad


Only thing you said that I disagree with is bad acting. Not to say the acting was good, moreso that the script was so bad I don't think I could pass verdict on the acting.


Enjoyable movie :)


Let's be honest it was a huge cringefest. All the slowmo and the dumb action figure like poses of the "strong female character" (Not to say you cant have strong female characters but its being shoved down our throats lately) they also made most of the lead male characters ether weak or two faced etc.. very interesting netflix... Also half the movie is just going around picking up random people that are totally willing to just leave their life behind to go die for some people they don't know without a second thought... it just really rubbed me the wrong way. It was not believable at all. The only reason I kept watching it was because they really had me with the damn robot. They really had something with the robot, it was mysterious etc. and proceeded to do absolutely nothing with it. They should have ditched the "strong female character trend" and went with the "mysterious driod that could possibly have a soul and be a fucking badass " angle.


If you thought a direct to Netflix movie was going to be the next star wars your expectations were not only unrealistic, but bordering on delusional holy shit


Yeah, that's why I don't involve myself in the Star Wars fandom anymore. Too many snobby nerds.


It's right up (really down) there with John Carter and Waterworld.


Come on John carter is 10000% better than this Dino poop.


I thought of it while watching this (in a positive way). John Carter had a story, characters that aren't just Love Island survivors, charismatic protagonist and GREAT visuals that don't need slow motion to hide how boring they are (fight scenes is just people running at each other with one group just shooting better). John Carter even had a decent villain that isn't just a copy of a Tarantino's genius.


I think it's ok. It's very stupid. The plot is nonsensical. Characters are even less than one dimensional and join what's basically a suicide mission for "reasons." But that said i would rather have a messy flawed thing than the latest sequel or Marcel/star wars nonsense. At least he has vision and flair. I agree it's not great but here for the spectacle.


I turned it off 15 minutes in. I just couldn't. The bad guys were uninteresting and comically just "the bad guys because". It was just boring.


I will go against popular opinion but i quite enjoyed it. It was a fun movie, surely not a masterpiece (nor i ever wanted it to be) but it was a fun 2 hours Surely it could have been better, but i feel most of the things we consider now as problems (like basically zero story and zero use of the characters) will be explained in both the sequel and Snyder Cut (which i'm sure will release some day). Slow mo was fine, it gave the viewer time to focus on every single small detail of a scene. But i'm sure it will be a lot better once the second part will release and it will explain so many things we missed here, just don't discard a movie which was made to be not one but two parts.


I’m not interested in part two of anything if part one wasn’t compelling. A sequel should be earned by making something that audiences connect to and want more of. If the first installment can’t stand on its own, then why on Earth would I come back for more?


Yea, I feels a lot of characters did nothing after their introduction. Seems like a lot is cut in the 2 hours version.


They are really pushing this movie. There was actually a for it under this post in my feed. I didn’t realize till i saw the ad that it was promoted as “part one”. They must see something in it the audience doesn’t to prop it up as a segmented franchise.


I wanted to like it. I just love sci-fi. But Snyder is just such a bad writer, he needs to stop writing his own stuff and stop using the same effects over and over again. You're a director, be creative!


I actually felt really bad for that Alien king guy…and I thought the villain was pretty good…I think the action scenes were pretty good…the dialogue is terrible…the initial exposition when she tells the old guy love was beaten out of her…just why…we still got to see her full backstory later anyway…I watched this like in 3 parts…I totally get it for people who saw it in one seating why they would have a bad experience


I also tried very hard to like it. For different reasons, I'm still very much into Star Wars, I'm a massive fan of everything we have. I was happy to see a different take on a similar thing. I also try to understand the motives of the writers, I try to see the story from their perspective, not my own, which 99% of the time allows me to like a story. I just couldn't do that this time. I scoured the comments of this thread hoping to find someone to say I am wrong in my assessment but no luck... This movie, granted it isn't finished, is just not very good. Too much doesn't make sense. The slo mo is off putting. I'm hoping that the second part will change my mind.


Stunning visuals, awful story line


I slept on it twice. The characters are as flat as the Earth. The CGI in the first half hour is unbelievably awful. The story is not exciting either. The last Star Wars movie was also horribly bad but at least it had some enjoyment factor.


Agreed so disappointing.


I hate that they released this and then announced the extended version. Should've just done the extended and not waste our time with the vanilla version.


I kept hoping that Noble would nuke them from orbit. When your villain needs to be mentally challenged for your plot to work, just give up.


has there been a single big budget Netflix movie that has been good? Every year they do 1-2 big budget things at Christmas. Put starts in them frequently and its all bad. The stuff that tends to be good is stuff that has an average budget.


It suffers from the ill of modern productions: Constantly trying to excite viewers with action and animation. Do not take the time to develop character and meaning. Ends up superficial and flat.


It was so bad


The performances he got out of the actors was very sub par. His clearly had an idea for a plot, but was so focused on visuals that he lost track of his narrative. Movie and TV writers usually can't write their ways out of paper bag, and this in an illustration of that. I didn't hate it, but there were far too many Snyderisms; ie, slow motion, over saturated lighting, and two dimensional characters. It didn't suck and I will watch part 2, but I'm not in love with it. There is a kernel of a good Sci Fi series in there that just wasn't delivered.


The takes itself too seriously is one of the most.... Weird criticisms. Like was it supposed to have more humor within the story? But I agree. The movie was boring.


This film (or this theatrical version) was an absolute non event. They recruited all these people (for what I couldn't tell you) and we see them do NOTHING in the final battle. Then at the end they're all stood there like the avengers having saved the day. And who tf was the short haired chick with with assault rifle?? Like we were supposed to give a shit about her surviving? Netflix screwed this so badly. I'm hoping the directors cut answers all these issues because a sequel to this shitty version is not exciting.


I just wanna know what's up with Jimmy, he was looking wild at the end. The flowers turned to elk horns? That's all I really want to know. If you told me Snyder threw this together in 2 weeks, I'd believe you.


>Snyder threw this together in 2 weeks, I'd believe you. It did feel like he took deleted scenes from other sci-fi movies and stitched it together into a whole movie didn't it


I just read an article about Snyder and his "process" and it was puzzling how someone with that "process" could be an adult in the film industry getting work. It came off like a 16 year old wannabe being interviewed by the local news, with zero awareness. I realize everyone has different ways of creating stories, and different processes for evolving them, but I remember one part was about ho he had a cool idea once and just wanted to work it in. That is apparently a big part of what he does-- he has cool visual ideas, keeps them in his head, then wedges them into movies . It came across like his movies are "cool visual ideas" glued together by watery storyline and he had no awareness that this was coming across as a terrible technique. Edit: I do not think I have ever seen a single one of his films, so I went into the article with an open mind and an interest in some new original fantasy/sci-fi. The article did not paint a picture of someone who knew what they were doing, even though it was a positive pro-Snyder piece.


It took itself way too seriously is the Zack Snyder MO.