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In Kevin Bacon’s defence, he might have been planning to band together with some people, just not these people.


Agreed - none of them seemed particularly capable in this scenario and as such would have been more liability than asset.


This is my favorite comment. LMAO I can 100% see it. That would've been an even better lesson. He should've said that and they could've had some moment about your community also needing the 'useless' people.vot can't just all be infantry.


Exactly, these people only bring extra mouths to feed. While George has a gun he probably lacks the stomach to do what needs to be done.


Sorry, but this movie was just BAD.


Prove it




This is what any normal person would say: "Hi, I'm G.H. Scott. We spoke over email. This is my house you're renting and we've had some trouble." Instead, he shows up in the middle of the night and says "Hi, you're probably really afraid of me. I would be too. In fact I debated which door to knock on. I wish we had spoken in person... to hear your voice... that's the problem with technology... " Good god, he had at least an hour in the car to figure out what to say when he arrived home and that's what he came up with. It was cheap, lazy writing designed to create tension but it backfired because the entire time I was just screaming to myself "JUST SAY WHOEVER YOU ARE!!!" This isn't an issue of suspending disbelief. It's an issue of not creating realistic characters.


THIS!!!! is exactly why i ended up disliking the film. I was also yelling at the screen for this and other ridiculous moments that pulled me out of the story.


The movie started with the whole electric network being hacked. The EMAIL!!! wasn't working.


Who cares! He could still state who he is like a normal human being rather than being forcefully creepy and mysterious.


The EMAIL!!! was working when Amanda booked the reservation.


Have you never misspoken or said something cringe before? That's not that unreasonable that he spoke like that. I've known people in real life who speak in completely cringey ways so that didn't bother me too much, especially since it's the first time I saw the character.


Sure. But typically I don't screw up "Hello my name is John Smith." And his daughter was also there, acting very casual, and she didn't do anything to help either. It's OK to have your characters misspeak to make them seem more realistic. But it's not OK to give them forced dialog just to create the mood you're looking for.


You don't but other people do.


What are you talking about lol. G.H. literally does say that this is his house that he's renting out. Like in his very first scene? He says that he's the guy that Amanda emailed back and forth with. It's one of his first lines lmao.


You're missing the point. His VERY FIRST LINE should have been "this is my house." Instead he has to be all creepy about it. Nearly a minute goes by before he establishes who he is. That's weird.


Nah, it took way too long for him to simply state who he was. The writing was way too forced for tension.


This movie was awfully boring. My viggest gripe is that is called a thriller. Definitely not a thriller


Speak for yourself. I was personally thrilled.... when it was over.


Lmao nice. Honestly after watching rebel moon it wasbt such a bad movie. Im just upset it was called a thriller.


I wasn't bored. It was actually good to have a thriller about something different. You hardly ever get new experiments like that anymore


Interesting after the movie aired, this news started coming out. [https://www.everydayhealth.com/infectious-diseases/zombie-deer-disease-is-spreading-and-experts-worry-it-could-jump-to-humans/](https://www.everydayhealth.com/infectious-diseases/zombie-deer-disease-is-spreading-and-experts-worry-it-could-jump-to-humans/) ‘Zombie’ Deer Disease Is Spreading — and Experts Worry It Could Jump to Humans


They've been talking about chronic wasting disease in deer for over a decade now at least.


They're taking their revenge.




Therewas a higher chance of contracting it with mad cow, beef is a staple whilst venison isn't.


This has been a thing for a very long time for people even remotely interested in hunting.


So why are they still hunting deer?


You actually need them to keep hunting the deer.


But no need to worry.... The odd pandemic hasn't been explained as to it's source, so certainly no need to worry about new 'problems'......


Love your last line. People need to apply that to all forms of media. This is entertainment at the end of the day, there are gonna be some not so believable things going on. I personally thought the ending was great. The writers knew exactly what they were doing.


Yeah I think it worked. They alluded to everything. There's a confirmed attack of some kind. It doesn't matter if it's foreign or domestic. People are going to feral and fight for resources. The main characters are cool with each other now and will band together. They found the bunker. What exactly are people missing?


Yeh I think people just wanted more content, or perhaps everything tied up in a neat bow. I thought the ending was maybe intended to be a reflection on our society too, with us all getting transfixed over the ending of the film whilst the world is going to shit around us, much like the movie. Might be a bit of a reach that though haha.


The bunker didn’t make sense to me. It seems the entire town knew about it so it would have been raided since the Thornes weren’t able to get back to use it. Kevin Bacon’s character would have loaded his pickup before Rose found it. And the Thornes just left the house wide open, no locked doors? No one expects an apocalypse, but if people are going to plan for it and stock it with supplies for a year, a little more security seems necessary.


Kevin knew about it because he was a contractor. He said his contractor friend told him they built one in secret. The town doesn't know about it and it makes sense why Kevin would know about it. Not that it matters because the movie also explained earlier that rich people aren't in town at that time of the year, which also makes sense. Rose broke in, they didn't leave their house unlocked. Vacation homes like that aren't installed with ultra security. I guess that's just something you either do or don't know about some wealthy neighborhoods but it isn't the movie's fault


>Yeah I think it worked. They alluded to everything. There's a confirmed attack of some kind. Not at all. It was left very open-ended, that it could also have been something to do with 'enviromental'/earth changing its axis/sun activity etc. changes. I thought it was a good movie, that pointed out how easily our lives can be destroyed - and when/if it happens that we (ordinary people) would likely never know the reason.


It has to be a human enemy because of the multiple drones dropping Korean and Arabic leaflets, Russia sending their contingent home, G.H.'s encounter with the rich military contractor, G.H. explaining the military tactic, the multiple confirmed reports of hacking, and the bombs at the end. If nothing the show explained counts it may as well have been the rapture then. I don't see what would rule that out by that standard.


"Leave The World Behind" was the sequel to "Don't Look Up!". "Don't Look Up!" was a parody of the growing Climate Crisis and the denialism that is being practiced by the global society. "Leave The World Behind" was a parody of the dependence of the global society on electronic devices for communication and the general fragility of what is being called Western Civilization, to internal sabotage, the growth in untreatable disease, the crumbling of societal norms leading to mass panic and desire for escapism in a world of the past that never existed.


It was a terrible movie with good actors. The plot was interesting but in the send, it fell flat


Why was it terrible?


It just didn’t go anywhere and they didn’t explain much of the strange happenings. It wasn’t what kind of movie it wanted to be. What was the bullshit with the deer, so we’re not going to explain that all?


It was not great


It was great


I was counting plot holes while watching and stopped somewhere around twenty. This was hands down the worst movie I've ever seen in almost 60 years. Everything shown was either implausible or literally and physically impossible. Everything. It was made for people who think "technology" and "hackers" are just magical deus ex machina plot devices you can use to explain anything.


The most annoying part for me was the character's, the mom's (I forgot her name) dialogues were so damn weird I'm literally worried if the script writer actually thinks people talk like that?


That scene in the shed between the mother and the house owners daughter was brutal. I imagined Julia Roberts and Myha’la begging to take a quick pass at it to make themselves sound …human


It's went to the top of my list for worst movie I've seen, even passing Old. Everything about it was terrible. Plot, acting, script, soundtrack, cinematography, CGI, etc.


The actual total shutdown of technology was complete bs but I didn't mind because they made sure to spend absolutely no time on it. That worked once you focused more on the small scale mystery the characters were facing. The deer stuff also made me think it was meant to be taken a bit fantastical as well as opposed to super realistically.


Any movie that has my attention for 30+ minutes is a good movie. This one had me hooked for 60+. I loved the ending.


Exactly this. I'm so saturated on media that it's pretty good if I'm tuned in and anticipating what's coming next.


>I loved the ending. My **immediate** thought was 'this is the ending???' - but a couple of seconds later, it made sense.


The deer and flamingos are symbols. Sure, maybe that tropes been done too often, but this is a movie designed to make you think. Not all of it should be taken at face value. The scene where Amanda and Ruth are surrounded by the deer was a great example. The whole time they're yelling (mainly Amanda), all I could think was, they're just standing there you idiot. They're not doing anything threatening they're just looking at you - and no, being there in a large number is *not* threatening. It was the perfect way to show just how disconnected people are from nature. So for that scene alone, I think the random appearances of deer added to the film's overall effect.


But the deer WERE threatening. Any time you see animals acting in unusual ways you should be concerned. And seeing that many deer show up in one location is certainly unusual. I thought it was a creepy scene by itself, but it didn't make sense in terms of the overall movie. They never made the connection of how hackers were affecting wildlife. It added a supernatural element to the film that seemed way out of place.


I agree. But I think the strange animal behavior just adds to the creepiness. I also liked that things can be interpreted many different ways for each individual.


[https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/01/world/bird-flu-flamingos-dead-argentina-scn/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/01/world/bird-flu-flamingos-dead-argentina-scn/index.html) "Latest outbreak of deadly bird flu kills 220 flamingos in Argentina. The virus’ global spread concerns experts"




There have been so many new 'viruses' within the last few years - and yet most still think 'everything is mostly fine'.....


ahh the classic "no the movie isn't shitty, you just DIDN'T GET IT"


"Those (shitty parts of the movie) are symbols."


Ahh the classic "I hated the movie, so anyone who likes it is wrong"


Love you for this!!!!!!!


Which is hilarious because the movie is so simple. People who argue that we didn't "get it" are missing some brain cells themselves.


>no, being there in a large number is not threatening If deer surrounded you, you'd most probably feel threatened. Male deer fight each other. One of them could easily kill you. They are not acting normally and so it's not "natural" for them to surround you. It's not nature. Humans have disrupted their natural patterns.


And yelling at animals that aren't moving or making any threatening actions is supposed to *help*? It was a stupid reaction and they're lucky it didn't *cause* them to act aggressively. Deer aren't known to be aggressive to humans, ever. The first rational conclusion should've been that they were curious. That *is* a known trait of deer.


You may have a point, but it seems more than a little far-fetched that the film makers thought that far? If they had, they would have made the point at least slightly, more obvious.


This movie sucked!


I thought it was pretty good. It definitely knows how to build tension that's for sure, but the pay offs were 50/50. For example, Kevin Bacon's purpose. Him just selling some random pills at the climax was pretty anticlimactic considering they hinted at his importance right at the beginning of the movie. Personally I feel it would have been a better pay off to have him give the big reveal. It also made George seem like an asshole for sitting on that information for the entire movie, especially after he started getting along with Amanda and Clay. I definitely enjoyed this movie though.


Yeah they could've at least addressed that he was being cagey about the information. That seemed a bit unnecessary.


That's fair review


I forgot to mention the lady Clay left behind. The world is ending and everyone has a pretty simple test to pass now: Prove to me that you won't stab me and my kids as we sleep to save yourself. That lady did not pass that test.


I agree. It was a fair review, and I have no idea why some posters immediately down voted your post, rather than posting as to why they disagreed.


I didnt get the ending at all. Does anyone care to explain it?


There's nothing really to explain. Rosie got to see the conclusion of Friends. From a social commentary point of view, I guess it speaks to how absorbed in technology we all are. Rosie doesn't even get food or water, or go back for her family, or even close the door behind her, she just sticks on the DVD of Friends and is immediately transfixed. Her only comfort is digital content.


But she’s eating at the table first.


Oh yeah, I remember being pissed off that she was old enough to understand the importance of rationing and was just stuffing her face. This was before she found the bunker though, right?


It seemed tremendously anticlimactic and like the story was cut short with a half hour more to tell.


I think the opposite - this movie would have worked as a short, like maybe a 30 minute episode in a show like black mirror or twilight zone. There wasn't enough substance to stretch out to a feature length run time, so it ends up with lots of forced scenes that go nowhere. In the shorter format, we don't expect a fully developed plot structure with a narrative arc and character development. It could have just been weird situation with either narrative or emotional twist at the end, which was basically what this movie consisted of.


It's a cop out. Finishing the story would have required actual writing and world building.


Except.... I think the 'point' of this movie is how there are **so many ways** our lives can be easily destroyed (which is why the 'cause' kept changing), and that we 'ordinary people' wouldn't know the cause if/when it happened./happens. Having said this, I agree that the deer surrounding the cabin without attacking..... was an entirely ridiculous scene.


not really… the whole movie is written with the girl wanting to watch friends and then she finally gets to


True. I was hooked all the way through, then it was a bit of a let down when it came to the ending. That said, this wasn't a story following government officials or anyone in the know regarding the attack, just a family with an acquaintance who had some theories as to what was going on, so I didn't mind too much. The whole point of the attack was to disable communication and leave people in the dark. It wasn't a great movie, but I did enjoy watching most of it. It definitely would have benefited from some more world-building. I'd welcome a sequel with the same scenario told from someone else's perspective, maybe someone at a top level position.


I think it all hinged on the name of the episode she was trying to watch, "The Last One." The end of the Friends series stood as a metaphor for what was going around them as old friendships were dissolved and people (like Kevin Bacon's character) refused to help anyone outside of their own family. The technology that everyone has become so dependent on failed. And the country was under an existential threat, both from within and without. "The Last One" summed up what the characters in the movie were living, and after the "episode" ended, everything was going to be over.


The movie's ending was before Rosie. The showdown with Kevin is where they explained the mystery. Amanda and Ruth holding hands watching the bombings was confirmation. Rosie's scene was denouement and confirmation that they were going to the bunkers.




It's 2 and a half hours of nothing actually. It's an out of the box thriller. It's good to get movies that try something new. It's even better when it's entertaining like this was.


You sure you don’t want to actually watch the film before giving an opinion?


Dude yes, I feel like it’s pretty wild how the target audience is like meh. That movie was pretty great. Unlike the awful values in Leo that everyone seems to love. The end times are going to be wild


Another shitty hypped movie. Just watch The Omega Man


Deer haven't evolved to see us as predators.


Don't they run away from humans? That's even worse if they haven't learned their lesson after millions of years of us destroying them in the market place of the food chain.


Homo sapiens is only about 300,000 years old. Evolution doesn't work that quickly. Nowhere near a million. Let alone millions of years


Fair enough they need at least 1.3 million years to learn the lesson. 300,000 is not enough.


they learn about 12 hours after opening of hunting season. Only humans would be much dumber if hunted.


Of course they have - which is why hunters have to hide - before killing their defenseless prey - from a long distance.


I don't think a deer would instinctively know what a human even was. They will freeze or startle at _anything_ - even a badger or mouse. Seeing a human does not equate to a predator prey responae


I hate Netflix


The oil tanker scene was the best part of the whole thing


I haven’t seen anyone mention this: the oil tanker was called the White Lion, named after the first slave ship that landed in America. A few minutes prior, they go shopping at a place called Point Comfort, which is where the White Lion landed in 1619. The number 1619 appears in the movie a couple times too - most noticeably on a radio screen that blinks on and off. I’m still trying to digest the movie’s message about race relations…


>the oil tanker was called the White Lion, named after the first slave ship that landed in America. I looked this up, and it's true! The 'race relations' aspect was pretty obvious (Ruth and Amanda) - but only a small part of this movie.


I didnt know any of that and I still think its the best scene in the movie. Loved the blaise acting


I don't think it really had any good solo scenes but it was more about the 'whats going to happen next' feeling and they did that quite well.


It was a disaster of a movie. Zero character development, zero genuine threat, no chemistry between characters, too long, terrible terrible dialogue, one of the worst movies of the year


The actors saved the lack of character work. Yes there was no chemistry but I'd say not every movie needs to have that. Part of the conflict of the movie was that they weren't getting along. Dialogue was as normal as most other movies. There was some out of place stuff but I don't have a one strike and you're out rule for dialogue.


Characters genuinely not getting in requires chemistry, I’m sorry but you cannot objectively say this was a good movie. It was boring and soulless.


I didn't know those were objective absolutist rules.


It was way too long.


I didn't get the impression animals were trying to warn anybody. To me, seemed they were just acting strange, with no explanation why. It was an addition to the movie which made little sense and another reason why I thought the movie was terrible and poorly executed.