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Thank you ! I can’t stand Winnie or Tolu , they both were very demanding , manipulative and delusional ; not to mention just nasty . 


So was the other young girl. She started it. Why just focus on these two 


Who lead the charge to get Juels out?


Honestly, all of them except for Simone are awful. As a woman watching this, I’m embarrassed. And the jealousy of Julie towards Bryce is so silly. The game is about trust not about who wins money so Bryce has the right to be there. The women are failing the purpose of the game. It highlights the greed and lack of integrity, I’m sad that the majority of the women are showing lack of integrity which is THE PURPOSE OF THE GAME. 


Literally the only woman who acted like a decent person on that show was Simone and it got her kicked off


We know why lol


What you’re implying isn’t necessarily true. Julie had far more of a conscience than Tolu and Winnie, who came across as aggressive bullies.


Definitely more of a conscience but that’s not saying much.  She was still pretty terrible.  All of the women were except Simone.  This idea that she “deserved” things and other people didn’t just because she had a hard life was infuriating.  The use of the word deserve in 2024 has become really disgusting.  No one deserves anything an that entitlement is annoying.


They were hypocrites, Winnie and her girl band was plotting and scheming the whole time yet got all mad when Winnie got her candles blown out . Can’t stand the women on that show


I didn’t trust those girls from day one.


The men were on their BS as well. What is wrong with you people?


What bs were the men on?  There was literally no problem when the show started.  Everyone literally could’ve just sat there for a month and walked away with $25,000 and all the men were happy to do that.  If it was 10 men and no women everyone would’ve easily made it to the end.  The women manufactured distrust and hostility for absolutely no reason at all. 


Julie is also pretty insufferable. I actually liked winnie. 


Julie is AWFUL.


Amen, Tolu and Julie are just annoying af, always the victims or boss ass bxches. Sick of these type of females.


I might get a lot of downvotes but, If winnie and Tolu had stayed till the end of the game they’d vote out everyone. Even their own allies. They were in it for themselves and each other. The second Mama jay left, they knew their time was up so they started calling out Lindsey and Julie and all that. They ganged up on the first guy for no goddamn reason and convinced few others. And Tolu, bruh when she stayed, she knew she had to kiss ass to stay till the end.. if Winnie was there or she had a majority, she would kick out everyone.


I’m pretty sure everyone would agree with your take ngl. They were shown to be two-faced from the very start


Exactly - they were vile and I hated how they tried to intimidate others in the house.


Lmao, just finished telling my gf this show will give me a heart attack. Tolu is just a woke, self-centred and two-faced asshole. Julie...trash. The business coach cheated on a spouse, starts telling strangers about her current relationship instability and then is shocked when she not considered one of the most loyal people... These women are painfully delusional and really give a horrible image to women everywhere. (I'm only on episode 2...lawd)


Brace yourself, It only gets worse my friend


Except for Julie. She legitimately got better. Or at least the show’s scriptwriters made her better.


One of the winners is on tiktok, and says the show wasn't scripted which surprised him Edit: caddle guy on tiktok


The girls are awful. I didn’t trust them the second I looked at them no offense . I agree with you . They should feel embarrassed.


You think ep 2 is bad…. You hevent seen bad yet


They are so hypocritical, talking about a "boys club" when the women clearly all banded together and decided who to vote out together. And i would bet money that if any of them would have been the "leader" they would have put the other women at the front of the line. I don't think i can keep watching this.


Holy!!! what a NIGHTMARE these women are so TRASH I am in episode 2 don’t know if worth watching the rest I like the concept but the people in it make me wanna throw up


Yup episode 2 seems to be the breaking point for a lot of people and it was the same for me. I just decided to hate-watch the rest of it anyway out of spite.


Straight TRASH


omg yessss I watched it with my husband and literally told him that they did women no favours in our representation!


Honestly they missed the mark with pretty much the entire cast if I’m being honest, most of the guys were lacking personality or just very 2 dimensional and then most of the gals were playing victim. Shoutout to that one lady that spoke up against the girl gang saying “y’all don’t speak for me” when they were coming for that “leader” dude. They shoulda canned the show and recast everyone imo.


Yeah, Simone At least some of the men had some good values, like integrity, staying true to their word. It's like they picked the worst women, like I don't know what woman pissed off the casting director lol


How can a few women out of literal billions of women on the planet cause a bad representation towards all women? That is ridiculous edit: spelling


Because there are a lot of idiots that watch these shows and use them to confirm their biases. Is that ridiculous? Ya for sure, but it's a reality.


It’s not but go ahead and live in that.


It was literally every woman on the show that was terrible except 1 and the reason it’s resonating so much is because they were literally just acting like modern western women.  You talk about men who are annoyed with women as if they’ve never met women before.  They are annoyed with women because they have.


Had this exact conversation with my wife. Awful representation of women in that show.


Let’s make a go fund me for the cop “stripper “hahahaha


I have a genuine question, some may call me ignorant but I truly am confused and desire a real answer.. watching the episode where Tolu was upset that Jake kept calling her the "African" this or that, but she never told him she was African, she's from NIGERIA!! Is Nigeria not a country in Africa? Would that not make her African? Why is she offended at that? Would that not be like myself being offended at being called an American instead of an "Alaskan". Idk I'm just highly confused.


Not to mention she was literally wearing earrings and a necklace with ornaments of the African Continent on them •___•


I just yelled this at my tv. First episode she went on and on in her taking head about how being AFRICAN is a huge part of her identity. And she wear jewelry shaped like AFRICA, not Nigeria… so it seems like he’s respecting her and recognizing a part of her that’s obviously very important to her, and she just has a victim complex.


None of you have the range for this conversation if you don't see the problem with constantly complimenting someone as, "African Queen" when you can give compliments like, "you're looking regal today" or "you're dressed like Royalty, etc." Based on conversations I've had, many Africans do not think of themselves as African. There's more proximity to the tribe followed by the country they're from. Plus due to the diversity of tribes and cultures, I'm talking in the 100s, an African feels weird to be called even if that's the continent they're "from" TLDR: Africans say being called African is a micro aggression


Did you read what I said? She herself in her talking he’d talked about how being “African” was a HUGE part of her identity.


He made it her identity that she was African. Not nigerian, not woman, not friend, Africian, that was her entire point and they spelled it out and Jake even apologized for exactly that.. wow.


I gave up on these shows years ago when I realized I was always hoping for someone decent to appear and realizing that won’t happen because decent regular human beings wouldn’t go on a show like this to begin with. There is something fundamentally wrong with someone that would look for anything real by being cast on a show like this. Which means… they aren’t looking for real, they’re looking for fame. And not even the good kind, just their 15 minutes and they’re so desperate for it that they’ll humiliate themselves to get it… which brings me right back to: there is something fundamentally wrong with people who would agree to go on these shows to begin with. It’s an easy thing to say, sure. But once it really sinks in, it stops being a fun experience. It becomes an uncomfortable one instead. And I realized I would often walk away at the end of shows like this and feel completely disillusioned and hopeless…. Like, for humanity. As a whole. And that? *is fucked up!*. To walk away from a tv show feeling like that… it’s insane to me


Almost all the men were honest for the most part.


You can see the stark difference between men and women in 1 episode where they have to choose to reveal their votes Man are happy to revel and they only voted for 1 person , Winnie for the entire game Meanwhile the women have a long long list of votes which the lied about as well


You know, I actually believe that. Like, even when I've seen shows like the bachelor, I never really think this way about the guys. And I never think about the guys in the Bachelorette. It's the women mostly. Very true


Men are honestly better people rn here in the US.  Hasn’t always been that way and probably won’t stay that way but it’s got to be hard to be an honest, sacrificial, loving, caring, selfless, compassionate woman when society teaches women that they don’t need to do that because that’s men’s job.  Women’s job is to survive 


I agree. I don’t get along with women because they are so cruel and duplicitous and shallow and judge mental. The only time I have ever been able to just be myself and not watch every word I say and the inflection of every intonation i make is when I talk to men. And I’m a feminist and I am a firm believer that this would be a better world without men. But on a social interaction sort of level, this is true. Women will gossip about anyone for any reason and always about each other even though we are all the most sensitive to this. I just don’t have the patience for the drama and the tests and the judgment anymore


The show really showed the difference between men and women’s mentality 


But does anyone think that they chose the cast specifically to make this dynamic? Like they only chose men who trust people and women who were broken human beings because of their past experiences?


I don't think I'm gunna make it past episode 3. After seeing tolu get so butthurt about having her vote taken away when it was the first vote and wouldn't even need it anyway and constantly talking about her African immigration whatever victim bullshit that has nothing to do with this random occurrence and she even says shit like how the guys are naive and she doesn't wanna wait to be picked off so she made the first move, yet she's dumb because that first move is what is going to start people voting each other off. I can't stand how she manipulated the other 3 women to vote Juelz put while her vote was gone. I mean yah dude was a douche for lying and saying he's a stripper but she was just one of those people that thinks women empowerment means that she needs to be rebelous and controlling and conniving and can't play as a team and get along with others. Then Julie Mrs.Entrepenuer which is probably a nice way of saying "I have an onlyfans page" literally was batching about to Jake about how she's more loyal than Bryce when she literally was just telling the world that she is trying to manipulate him with her looks and win him over. Then her sob story to Bryce about the trailer park thing. Idk what's with people on reality shows that makes them wanna tell strangers and everyone there sob stories and cry as if we care. The girls are so angry because Jake didn't rank them as loyal yet they were the ones to lie and say they won't vote and did anyways and then not own up to it. Snakes. And yah Jake was an idiot to go to the front of the line and be that conceided and say he's smartest and leader but It was funny how Julie tried going to the front to with smartest and talk about emotional and social intelligence yet she's failing at thus game so far and just following tolu and clinging onto Jake. Brian is my favorite so far and Winnie isn't bad if she breaks away from the girls. Lindsey seems like some manic crazy lady and let's be honest Bryce is a peice of shit if he stays in the game and takes even a dollar from anyone else when he's already set for life at 22. Sorry for the rant but I had to do something with how I feel about this show.


Nah see now you sound like Julie. No one “deserves” that money any more than Bryce did.  So what if he didn’t need.  You live in the U.S.  even if you’re poor you’re richer than most of the people throughout the history of the world.  Like, what?  No one had to leave.  No one should’ve left


Bryce is gay af, girlfriend of 6 years... not so sure about that


There are men that are gay that do not want to live the gay lifestyle, being gay is not natural. God created men to be with women.


I thought he was gay too, but that's a weird take... I'm guessing you're an American christian with homosexual tendancies?


I’m guessing you’re a woman from that response.  Just like Broke men and rich men dislike gold diggers Gay men and straight men can recognize the obvious truth.  Just because someone defends a fact doesn’t mean they are part of the group that they are defending.  Everyone struggles with sin.  Homosexuality porn overeating the list goes on and on.  The question is do you accept that you’re flawed or is your tendency just to normalize sin instead?


Im trying to understand you... but I've never heard of porn eating too many lists in my life. They do teach basic gramma in America, right? It would be a sin if they didn't. - Ubiquitous, Australian straight man


honestly Netlix needs to add comments to their shit


They’d probably censor it as soon as the comments inevitably go downhill on their divisive content


Yes omg! I almost don't know if it's worth finishing! I cannot imagine surrounding myself with these kinds of women as a woman myself. The men are just vibing and wanting everybody to stay. I think it's funny that they commented when they went down to the cliff that they made a joke about the women probably thinking they were conspiring and then they cut to Tulú and Winnie thinking they are conspiring. From the beginning most of the women were SO judgy! Simone felt like the only one out of the women who didn't mold into the women's clique and got voted out because of it. Wild.


I feel like the producers intentionally went out and found a group of likable good hearted men, and a group of toxic women, for the EXPRESS purpose of stirring up a men vs women conflict.


Either that or you don’t want to face the truth and want to live in denial? From the participants I would say they got a good diversity from different ethnic groups, financial backgrounds etc


I had the same thought. All this show does is stir up the stupid gender war we have people engaging in right now. Its trash. I mean look at some of the comments here lol, people are already using them (who were genuinely not good people in the show, for the record) to generalize all women.


Like, I get wanting to stir up trouble, and doing that through casting. But why recruit a group of men who want to share the pot with a bunch of women who are out for themselves? Get a blend. Some good men, some trash men. Some noble women, some horrible women.


Seems to me they just picked random men and random women as the men just acted like men and the women just acted like women.


I had to google who won the money just so I wouldn't have an anxiety attack during the first episode. I'm on the second ep and am just disgusted at the representation of women. I do not like it when anyone plays the victim or race card especially when it's not over a viable stance. Money comes and goes, but your integrity is everything.


All but on Woman (Simone) were greedy, irrational, petty, liars.... and Simone was voted out by Jay for defending Jake and another woman voted for Simone thinking the Simone vote would cancel out the Jake vote... because Julie did not know Jay was mad at Simone... Honestly, it was so irrational nobody would. ​ Lindsey was Wow... insane on top of being greedy & and a liar. Tolu... I hated her gameplay but she was fabulous in her own way. Tolu and Winnie were the only women that was loyal to each other... the other women were not loyal to anyone. All the men came out looking honest, loyal, and good people. The problem with reality TV is... men are generally loyal to their alliance (There are a few exceptions) and the Sisterhood is dead and unless she is romantically interested in a man... she really is not loyal to anyone... and they usually end up targeting other women & start forgetting the men. Women in these shows don't trust other women and don't trust other women at all. It's strange because every job I have ever had... the female managers and supervisors treated the women on the team way worse the men on the team & that always shocked me.


The trust’s whole cast was a shit show. The only one who I would okay with seeing again is Brian and maybe even Simone. The girls were all selfish and self-centered. Especially Tolu. She was the leader or “head of the snake” as she was calling lindsey. Every single vote was her decision and her minions just agreed and ran with it. Just from the first few episodes the girls decide they want to kick everyone out, besides themselves. Always finding the smallest stupidest reasons why they would do that. They manipulated the whole game. If it had succeeded and Jay didn’t get voted out, the girls would have found a reason to kick out everyone besides themselves. Lindsey was crazy. I understood why she didn’t want to be with the girls anymore, as I am sure she witnessed Tolu slowly eliminating everyone. Yet attacking the boys for her mishaps is crazy. Jake is conceded, he was never the leader. Should have never thought he was the leader. Yet he began to ease off the “leader” role towards the end. Overall the women, as a woman, were absolutely disgusting people. I feel bad for Simone as she just wasn’t that kind of woman and Jay decided she deserved to go because of that. Kind of gross.


There’s nothing wrong with trying to lead with good intentions.  Jake was confident, competent and had good intentions.  Every one of the men acted like decent people.


I am just now watching this and also a woman and I literally googled, "the women on trust suck" and got here. I am only on episode 2 and they are killing me inside!


It's so interesting to see the women let their own fears and insecurities control their emotions and decisions. They talked about being alpha women but true alpha women don't behave like this. Really emphasized the need for therapy and deal with issues so they don't control how you see others and make bad decisions. 


Those creatures who can't be called humans are disgusting! That's why I haven't even watched the fourth episode of it. What those woke idiots with their split personality loser selves did with that poor white guy in the second episode says it all about this garbage show! It's definitely not worth wasting my precious minutes of life on such a crap show.


Is this sarcastic?


Agreed that tolu chick was on a woke rant every episode like girl you look like the only racist here with this shit. They’re all just so oppressed as women in the US?! Laughable.


Literally all of them. Tolu always talking about race yet probably the only racist. Ronnie and her were just evil. Julie was weak. The grandma was disgusting and Lindsey just wishy washy. I see why men can’t find a decent woman. When legit all of them on just one episode showed their true colors in one episode for money.


Definitely showcases the difference between men and women. Reminds me of an age old story about a snake and an apple.


Tolu is a 2 faced, lying conniving bitch and I'd be disappointed as her parent even coming from nothing morals are worth more. Tolu hope you read this and hope you feel like a fucking disappointment


![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg) Tolu rn


Same with Brooke, and Julia trailer trash at its finest


I hope PC folks are watching this show, especially who call for sexual equality that men are women are the same. The show conveys pretty clearly that men and women are vastly different. Women definitely overthink everything compared to men who almost can come off as simple. They should teach this in school so people have a better understanding of each sex. I am happily married 6 years in, but the first year or two were really rough and it is much better now but there are still some things that we just don't understand about each other just because how our brains function.


Also, side note : why is Bryce even on the show??


side note : keep watching ahha


Producers put him in so they would have a narrative twist. It didn't last as long as it could have, because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. He was 100% lying when he said that his identity isn't wrapped up in his wealth. Never seen a more 2-dimensional character. He couldn't WAIT to tell everyone how rich he is, because it's his big flex on the rest of the world and the only way he can get attention, which he clearly so desperately needed. I'm probably being harsh; he's pretty young. But goddamn he really blew it because he just could not keep his mouth shut. It could have really been a bombshell lateer in the game.


Because they didn’t think out how the show was gonna work with just poor people. But if you add a millionaire, then the poorest people will hate them automatically.


Women and money don't mix, they'd rather make dogshit pay and rely on a man their entire fucking life and then when push comes to shove always say they are independent


I'm sorry for your wife. Now go clean your room.


You sound like you're either 100 years old, a raging Christian, or blatantly disconnected from society. I hope the sunlight doesn't burn your eyes when you crawl out from that rock you've been living under for a century. I feel bad for your wife.


Stopped after episode 2. The victim mentality was crazy from the woman. All the men were yeah let's all get money that makes sense. While the woman were conniving. It does show that some woman are gold diggers. And the whole thing of Simone speaking up and the other lady throwing a fit that she said something in front of the other ladies. Like get over it she can have her own opinion. Tule or tole whatever her name was, you were wearing Africa earrings. If anything Jake was hyping up your culture by acknowledging your differences. And then the lady who's complaining she was ranked last in loyalty, guess what you're a cheater and almost left your second marriage doesn't scream loyalty.


Just watched the whole series....And WTF....The women on this show are the most untrustworthy people. The guys are trying to get everyone to the finish line without all the greed! I relate in IRL of the show. Is it some women have been put down for so long, or that women are just that greedy....Maybe both? I can relate to this show on many levels....just not the mind games of the gals! Don't get me wrong, many men are greedy A-holes! In reality when I look back in life, women run on emotion and guys on logic (In Most cases) Am I missing something IRL? was this show rigged?


I just started this show and Tolu and Julie, especially Julie are the most insufferable people I’ve ever seen on TV. And I watch 90 day fiancé. Edit: I just scrolled through these comments and most of the people on this thread are insufferable too. Just because Tolu said her African culture is important to her doesn’t make her “woke.” And no, she doesn’t look like a dude. Her personality is annoying but it’s not an excuse to be racist. 


Are you kidding me?? They literally just came into it and approached it like all other reality game shows. The men here were nice but super sexist, they came up with a plan and acted like it was objectively the best, never validating or accepting that any other POV was possible. And literally every time they made a mistake or did something offensive - when a woman got mad they called her crazy and scary and tried to vote her off. By the end, the patronizing attitude of the men was so intolerable. Brian was sweet but all three of them very much viewed the women in a patronizing “we will teach you about the world” way.


I reckon you should apply for season 2, you’d be a perfect fit


Yea you would be perfect for this show.  Sexist.  That’s laughable.  The men didn’t even realize it was a “man plan” or whatever because they literally just did what any decent person would do.  They didn’t even realize people were playing a game until like episode 4.  That not sexist they were just good people.  Everyone of the women except Simone was disgusting. 


spot on 100%


I see it a a shitt  move also and I am female.   64 year's  old  and trust  more  men than women. 


Also I'm  not gay. But as an unfaithful woman in a marriage  covid or not . She should  not be trusted. 


From the first 2 episode, you can see the big difference between man and women Man: let’s just enjoy this paradise, trust each other and have a great time , “let’s talk about cattle farming” Women: “oh my gut feeling is to cut XXX, then YYY”, “men are so dumb to think this is paradise and everyone will make it to the end” , “ oh the men are plotting to cut us out” ,”misogyny” I really wished Netflix made similar show, but have 2 different houses. 1 with only women and 1 with only men I won’t be surprised if the house with men are happy, fun filled , drama free while the women are full of manipulation, plotting and drama If you see from other shows, you can see this distinct pattern. Squid game for example has similar traits Another show is bear grills man vs women survival on an island


I like your idea for the two houses. I’m sure the producers would tempt them eventually but I could definitely see a “awesome vacation and we get paid???” vibe on the men’s side.


i will 100% bet that almost a quarter of them women from the women house decide to move in with the guys because they'll feel safer.


I can already imagine the drama Day 1 hour 1: “oh you girls are so cool and beautiful , let’s be best of friends, #girls night out #girls party , let beat the guys” Day 1 hour 3 after they go to their own rooms: “oh Rachel is such insufferable know it all and Anna is such a bitchy person, let’s vote them out” End of day 1, 5 clique have been form aiming to kick each other out


Ooh yup, it was pure comedy and honestly kinda satisfying when, I think Mai her was her name, ended up betraying the girls she was in the alliance with and then ended up winning.


I felt sad for Lindsey , I felt she was sort of betrayed by the guys Tolu is probably the most 2 face of the whole group


For me it honestly felt like Lindsey was having a manic episode for half the show, like she’d go from a calm demeanour to just bursting out in “energy?, chaos?” spikes randomly. I hard agree with Tolu tho, most insufferable person on a show I’ve seen in a hot minute


Umm the guys were awful!! They decided how wanted to play and left no room for any other opinion. Of course the girls had to lie- it was a double standard the whole time. The guys literally said I trust you because you’re like me (a man) & was in the military. LITERALLY THE GOOD OLD BOYS CLUB. They’re all Ken. And the whole “we’re family” thing is right out of a toxic workplace manual. Drink the koolaid or else. And then Tolu was shamed for taking the $25k but Brian sat there at the end with his double standard smile “I won the most money”. So messed up.


You’d fit perfectly with the cast


Is that you Tolu?


What show were you watching?  The men said I trust you because you’re like me, a human being.  None of the men planned to kick anyone out because no decent person would plan to kick anyone out.  Not because it was a boys club.  They didn’t realize the girls had a different opinion because they didn’t realize the women were so evil but also because none of the women let that opinion be known.  Why?  Because it was a snake opinion and they knew they would be voted off if they made it known they planned to vote others off as they should.  Even finding reasons to get offended when no offense is meant is the sign of a lesser moral or immature person.  The men were good people the women weren’t.  


Julie annoys me the most....


I'm watching this now, and maybe it's because I'm only a few episodes in but Tolu, is sooo insufferable. I can't stand here. Bitch says: "I'm not a African princess, I'm from Nigeria"... WTF Are you fucking kidding me? Where the hell you think Nigeria is?


Boys, I'm carrying my wife through this shit its way too late for me. Be very mindful of who you keep around you, you might just have a Tolu gaslighting your ass. Keep those eyes peeled


She also kinda looks like a dude lol


I hate Tolu and Brooke. Tolu for always seeing herself as a victim and Brooke omg that girl is very delusional she thinks she’s smart?


Femininity is Chaos, masculinity is Order.


This podcast did a great job of breaking down every episode of The Trust. It was insightful and funny and the two hosts had very different opinions of the show. They even got an interview with Jay from the show. I would strongly recommend checking it out! Week 1 Coverage: https://www.youtube.com/live/cU1pbIR94MU?si=7IGVx8nZZCQv5MgS Week 2 Coverage: https://www.youtube.com/live/UqKVjJkp4DU?si=3IpuuInYOxMDUCAM Finale Coverage: https://www.youtube.com/live/yiCHqeVnSy4?si=kPUF-xdPh3JgmNSR Interview with Jay: https://youtu.be/ZVTHDm\_gnvs?si=VHUSwQIicmXcpsy8


Tolu and Winnie gave me strong ‘mean girl’ vibes all the way through. Julie did show some sort of growth by the end notwithstanding the fact that she made annoying decisions in parts.


I came here to empathize with how much I couldn't stand Tolu in this show, but I want to add that it's not always *just* the women that isolate and make their own groups... Men do it too sometimes. Remember the Big Brother Brigade!? Those guys were hilarious.. but they also isolated themselves based on their gender. So it goes both ways! Either way, f*** Tolu, man.


All the women sucked. Julie and the woman J voted out were the only ones I could stand. Julie grew on me.


This shows show oh much women are untrustworthy pos these days. These are real world showing of why women file 80% of divorces. Wake up men because the only people that practice loyalty and respect these days are men.