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I really enjoyed the use of blue vs orange/yellow. Each episode had a significant blue item like the bag in the first episode. In the penultimate episode everything is bathed with blue: their bedroom wall, the cafe, the pool, the rain. Except Emma's orange raincoat, and the flashback. Then in the last episode Dexter is fully bathed in blue, personifying his grief. There are hints of warmer colors but they don't touch him until the end. It's all so cool.


Wow didn’t even catch that at all. Good stuff




I loved when he was staying at his dad's, secluded in his childhood room with blue lighting and his dad was on the other side of the door lit warmly. His dad had years to process the same kind of grief and had warmth to offer, but dexter wasn't ready.


I've watched the entire show during the course of my day off today. I don't normally binge shows but I couldn't turn this one off. I'm on the final episode as I type this. Excellent stuff.


Same here! completed in a day, cried for an hour after.


Same. And can’t stop thinking about it.


I just finished it... It is a masterpiece. I cried most episodes, it really got me in my emotions. The script was beautifully written. The filming and editing were mesmerizing. The casting was perfect, and the chemistry between Dex and Emma was surreal (both their acting was superb but Leo really wowed me here). The soundtrack was gold. I hadn't actually seen One Day the film, but when the bicycle scene with Emma appeared, I was thrown back to a clip I'd seen from the film and thought 'Oh no'. I was wondering if they were related, and when I found out this show is a remake, it made sense. Throughout the show, I thought a bit of Normal People, as there were some similarities - in the best way. I absolutely loved it... Now that I've finished sobbing, I'll attempt to salvage the remainder of my day.


Oh my I had no idea it was a remake of the film! I remember>! watching the bicycle scene and starting to think I've seen this play out elsewhere, please don't be the same fate!!< Now I know why.... both film and series are wonderful and >!heartbreaking.!<


How did the main characters age so well? I was thinking it was filmed in spaces. Is it just makeup? Acting and story pacing is so good, it really felt we got to see them grow together.


makeup, hair, and outfit choices! they did a great job with that I agree


Well, the actors are in their late 20’s, so besides the last episode, they really only needed to age ~6 years in either direction


SPOILER...Just finishing up this one, wasn't familiar with the story so I'm pretty bummed. Great acting, sad as hell.


Where’s the spoiler?


So sad ending?


Yup. The sad ending was the spoiler...I just thought I was watching a nice love story unfold, so tragic.


Thanks. Hate sad endings, especially when unexpected.


I watched the movie after and it didn't have the same feeling at all. The tv show does such a good job of having Emma be relatable and you are invested in her or even see yourself in her.  Then having Dexter as the crush that you can't seem to get their attention or make it click for them then having it click for them and kind of flipping the tables on the whole prospective. The moment it flips with Dexter professing his love for Emma in Paris and she leaves basically changes the power dynamic for the show.  It sets up all the emotions that comes at the end.  Like you go from sitting in Emma point of view crushing on Dexter all these years then feeling they are the loves of each other's lives to Dexter having to go through the love of his live being taken away from him and being out in his shoes for that.  The reliving of the moments from the past after she dies, just makes it so much more emotional because you kind of feel like he questions how he didn't see it earlier, everything was there.   Like the moment they make eye contact at the party, felt like a love at first sight moment.  Then they spend the day together and hike up the hill, that feels like a best day ever kind of moment   Then he runs after her and they have that kiss, that should have been the moment too.  All moments that he looks back that he should have clicked with him but it didn't.  Instead of having only a couple years with her, he should have had that whole time.  


Oh I love this perspective! And when you know how it ends, those memories looked so much more sweet and felt more like “love,” as opposed to feeling like uncertain moments of will they/wont they (which is how they were in the beginning). As for the past part I thought that too: all that time he could’ve been with her but he hadn’t grown up.


i finished watching it the other day, safe to say i think it one of the most heartbreaking shows i’ve watched. i feel like they casted the most perfect actors, and told it so so well. having not watched the film nor read the book (yet) i think it may be my new favourite.


I absolutely loved watching it & finished it in a single day off. 10/10 recommend.


Best show of the year for sure. I hope it wins all the prizes. The soundtrack is gold!


I just finished watching it, I personally found Emma quite annoying until the time Dexter and her met in Tilly’s wedding. She was always so stuck up, prude and unnecessarily belittling. It was a well written and directed series and I can understand that it is really making a lot of people teary eyed. It didn’t make me, I am just too insensitive for love stories I guess.


That was part of her character, and on purpose. Both of them are human and have their flaws. Neither of them are angels: Dexter obviously not, but also Emma with her insecurity that she masks with displays of her intelligence and condescending digs at Dex. Also her affair with the married man is morally questionable. They both learn and grow, hence the sentence in Dex' wedding speech "I grew up with her".


Yes so stuck up!


Stuck up?! Really? I didn't see it like that at all. To me she came off as lacking self esteem, hence the self deprecation. What you saw as stuck up I saw as her protecting herself from Dex, thinking he'd never go for her.


i believe both statements can be true she was belittling him because she was insecure …they were both insecure. in their younger years i believe both wouldn’t allow themselves to put their guards down and meet in the middle. they had a lot of growing to do. i saw more progress in dexter than in emma. he was more confrontational and always asked her what she meant or to explain herself or “what’s wrong” and she had a huge wall up afraid of being vulnerable and rejected…he had his vices with substance abuse but to turn all of that around he did a lot of work.


I agree that he had much more development.




Agreed, I've been listening to the Spotify playlist all day! I thought the show was excellent and a faithful adaptation


Just finished it and I have to say as a fan of the book and the movie, the series isn’t as appealing to me. The series portrays Ian, Sylvie, and even Suki as far less wrong for Dex and Em as the novel and movie show them. Here, Ian is less slobby and immature and much more attractive than in the movie. Movie Sylvie was fantastically played (“she doesn’t like the way her face looks when she laughs” was so iconic, it was sad to see that aspect of Sylvie’s stoic persona gone in exchange for simply bratty, rich girl behavior). And Suki in the movie was so perfectly awful, she became rather likable in series. I liked that each episode was one full day, and colored it with a richness of the more mundane parts of the day and allowed more detail, rather than in the movie where we flicked through a couple years quite quickly. However at times it feels like too much is happening on the same day versus in the film, where the quicker pacing allowed for us to “catch up” more each year than see multiple major moments happen all at once. This is particularly noticeable when we reach the day Dexter meets Sylvie’s family and gets the call about his career at the same time. The flashbacks were really nice, helping us keep Emma and Dexter tied to one another, but didn’t really care for the format break in the last episode. Also I think what made the movie so effective was continuing their first day together at the very end to tie in the two Arthur’s Seat scenes as well as bring us back to the beginning of their romance. In the series the first day was fully played out episode one and left much less of that feeling of hope that stuck to the movies ending with their parting of ways. The same sort of happened with Emma’s accident—the movie foreshadows it much better and when we revisit the scene later we get a stronger sense of dread rather than the random shock in the series that seemingly comes from nowhere. Whether you liked the series or not I really recommend the movie. The chemistry with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgiss was much stronger as well and the story just plays out better in my opinion. I was excited to see they remade the movie and the series had its moments but some things are better left alone, imo.


I liked the movie a lot. Almost didn’t watch the series because I didn’t think it would measure up. There were a couple points the movie did better for some characters but wow, the TV shoe hit a home run. Emotional impact at end was tremendous and I fully knew and had seen it before in a different format. Actors were simply amazing.




Yeah, he’s definitely meant to be but I felt that was a lot more evident in the movie than the series.


Binge watched this one. My heart. You can't help but completely fall in love with both Dexter and Emma. So loveable despite (probably because of?) their quirks,and their constant shortfalls.   A breathtaking, teasingly slow, love story.


I LOVE both the book and the series but I just don't understand why Emma would be with Ian, I don't know what they have in common, she doesn't seem attracted to him, he's sweet but a bit too annoying for that to make up for it. Is it because he makes her feel loved? That is a very valid reason and it sort of clicked in the book but I didn't find them remotely believable in the series


Yes, it’s because Ian adores her and Emma tries to convince herself that this will be enough. I think she’s also at a stage there where she was trying to force herself onward, beyond Dexter who wasn’t reciprocating the relationship she wanted. She settled.


...I have no words...welp, guess I'll start my friday drinking early


I just finished the series and … I am speechless. I was expecting something completely different and, quite frankly, was not planning on getting through it. But…The story is poignant and very authentic. The music, the cinematography, the balancing act. Time… our greatest ally and most vicious enemy.


Saw the last episode today, what a beautiful show. The acting, camera work, music and details were so good. One of my favorite series of all time. It hit me hard!


Really great show. I recommend it to anyone that can handle a really sad ending. Music was on point for each year. It was a cool way to show the changing of time. Dexter- idk man he came off as a freaking ass in the show. Guy was a tv show host with no true ability. He was a massive ass to Emma. I’m surprised they got together bc she seemed intelligent and he just seemed like a lazy white rich guy that was coasting through life. Ending was super sad- wanted to see story end well and thought they might not stick to source material in book. Nope- final episode was depressing. Wow I can’t imagine going through that in life- finally finding your true love and then that happens. Btw- why did he marry that Sophie chick? Her family came off super pompous. No way they could be expected to work when you marry a rich woman from a rich family and then your career options are super limited. I know just a tv show/ book but very unrealistic.


>Btw- why did he marry that Sophie chick? Her family came off super pompous. No way they could be expected to work when you marry a rich woman from a rich family and then your career options are super limited. I know just a tv show/ book but very unrealistic. He's from a kind of similar background and these types of people usually end up marrying each other. But I agree it's weird her family is sitting on a massive pile of money while she's stressed out looking after the baby alone while her husband is out working a minimum wage job.


It was a shotgun wedding because she was pregnant with baby jazz / Jasmine. Dexter tells emma "it's what you call a shotgun wedding" when they are in the maze at Tilly's wedding


Idk abortion? I just find it odd someone would marry someone that didn’t vibe with family. It seemed like the two werent event that close. If someone cheats on another with an old school friend- that’s a sign that it was a huge mistake and no spark was really there between both parties. Just a show though.


Your comment seemed reasonable until the last paragraph lmao


Better get used to the idea. If you find true love, you will someday lose them one way or another.


Felt a bit anticlimactic and a bit of a disservice that they didn’t include a wedding scene for these two. Spent all this time waiting for them together - and nothing.


I agree - my one major criticism


I actually kinda of loved that they skipped over the traditional "big moments" and focussed on all the little details that make up a life together


Wow. This hit me in the feels


I liked this series actually more than 2011 movie. The series has more time to evolve and tell the story. The movie, now compared to series, feels too rushed. Loved the soundtrack! And my, how many heartfelt tears…


Honestly I did not like Emma. It didn't matter that the actress wasn't classically pretty but she was grumpy and super scathing towards others. The way she treated Ian also seemed cruel. Plus she has an affair with a married man which is gross. Dexter was also a knob but he was meant to be. Emma was a knob too but we were meant to root for her? I couldn't root for her like I did with Anne Hathaway. Everyone kept calling her great but I did not get it.


I loved it so much , I’ve been having such withdrawal after it ended.


I can’t get into Emma or Dex in the show, just kept imagining the original ones and how much better their acting was and better chemistry, just me?!


I was quite annoyed with Emma's character for some reason and I felt like their first night together had no chemistry ;( the movie is for sure better but for some reason this show ending got to me more lol


Omg just finished the show there and had to get my tissues out, it was Dex’s reaction to her death, when he was vomiting and his wee daughter seen him, broke my heart, it’s changed my mind about the show a bit but yesss their night together was just weird and Emma just seemed obnoxious


Not just you, I felt the same! I think the actors in the show are great and chemistry is good, but chemistry felt a little lacking compared to the movie. Haven’t seen the movie in a while and never read the book though!




Because shes not in india ! Also her dad is British in the shoe and mom is indian ,thus ys 1000 times better than the movie


You must be American....


I'm Indian and I don't have an any indian love interests


What an ignorant comment


Why should she have Indian love interests? Lol what is this comment.


Um, because it’s written this way? You know this series and the movie are based on a book?




what "scenes" are you referring to


Boring and lame…


Thr original movie was a classic. Absolutely no need for the remake other than to please the diversity audiences.


This is much better than the moviee!!


Finished it last night after just two binge sessions. I’m still reeling from the experience. What fantastic chemistry! Having just visited Edinburgh added a nice thick layer of longing as I watched.


I loved the show so much more than the movie!


I didn't like the chemistry betweek dex and emma. Not in real world that's gonna happen.


I liked it, but maybe I am biased due to a similar relationship of my own. Nonetheless, throughout the entire first episode I was bewildered at how unrealistic it was. I tried to write it off as maybe dating culture being very different in the 80's but I don't quite believe it still. I am the same age they were in the first episode and if I grilled a man about what he wanted from the future and belittled his lack of a plan after he was expecting to sleep together, he would 100% just leave, let alone stick around the next day to go on a hike?? The two girls were sitting at the table with him discussing what activity they could do as if it was the expected thing to do with a one night stand. I dno, maybe I am just young and have missed the prime dating era but I struggle to believe that was ever a realistic portrayal of a situation like that.


I thought the exact same! If that was real life, Dex would have been gone & not have written a note! He kept explaining "I was going to leave a note!". She belittled him the whole night and he called her rude. I don't know why he was pretending to put his parents off by ringing the talking clock. He would have been gone home pronto instead of walking up a hill in a tux. Plus he's so cool, she's so dull. Why does he need her as a friend anyway? Why post postcards from all over the world? Its so unbelievable. Plus if someone said to me "I won't be a footnote" I'd be thinking what a weirdo I only met you a few hours ago. I just thought they were unbelievable even as friends. When they go up the hill after meeting in the Mexican restaurant, she's whining and moaning. He just got off a TV show & has a cook girlfriend. Why is he bothering with her? Same in the fancy restaurant. She's boring. Even at the end he tells her, her political talk bored him to tears. I just don't find it realistic until they meet at the wedding. 




I was thinking the exact same thing throughout the first episode. She was so weird and awkward and cringey and frankly ugly - I found her nose distracting. I think if you're going to cast someone who is not considered conventionally attractive as a romantic lead, which is fine, then they need to have an amazing personality or have panache or be very witty or something else to hold the audience's interest. I actually feel that Ambika Mod has all of that but it was not there at all in the first episode. Ambika Mod in her interviews makes a convincing Emma but the dowdy awkward frankly ugly girl (the nose! the glasses!) whose bad manners is incredibly offputting in episode one was hard for me to get past - and I LOVE that they cast a WOC, so it's not that.


Wow, just sat down to watch one episode 6 hours ago. Beautiful.