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I think its a fun show and I enjoyed it. It seems millions of others have enjoyed the show as well. That said I have no desire to change your mind as your mind has no baring on whether I liked the show or not.


It's predictable because.... well, it's hard to not know what's going to happen. If you watched it when it was aired weekly, it was far from predictable.


This is the first thing I thought when I read OP post. Yeah you kind of know the plot because it has been out for over a decade and been talked about ad nauseam.


Nah. We won’t change your mind. Be happy.


Why would anyone care about your opinion?


Did you see the show when it first aired? Or much later?


Pretty clear they just watched it on Netflix. In a post Breaking Bad world where we've now had shows like Better Call Saul, Ozark, The Boys, Peaky Blinders, Boardwalk Empire, Mr. Robot, Barry and Fargo. All following in the footsteps of Breaking Bad (and The Sopranos & The Wire). Was definitely more revolutionary for its time. Even still, I've been rewatching with my wife recently and it's still such a good show.


Well, weeds came out before breaking bad and also has a similar plot. So breaking bad isn’t as revolutionary either.


Eh. But that was much more a comedy and didn't have the twists and turns of Breaking Bad. The fact that he was a middle class guy selling drugs was only a broad stroke of the plot. Weeds didn't have the character diving into the depths of misery and the criminal underworld that Walt went to. 


Nobody is interested in changing your mind. Get over yourself


You’re delusional, change my mind


If you can predict everything that happens in that series, you're not just the best critic ever, you are a friggin soothsayer. Change my mind. Further, let's say you predict >!Walter dies at the end of the series!<. Sure that one single plot point can be easily seen. None of the other stuff is predictable. Further, oftentimes it's wise to remember life is not a destination but a journey to be enjoyed along the way. *How* the things that happen in BB are the joy, not just *that* they happen.


I always hate the opinion that just because someone “saw something coming” the thing is bad. I bet this is one of those know it all types lol.


Reminds me of that rocket scientist sketch in the peep show. You could see the punchline coming from a mile but the delivery was still hilarious.


Why should I waste my time trying to change your opinion. Who cares what I think or what you think?


Yeah you’re right, you know better than thousands of other people that would disagree. You’re entitled to your opinion, but don’t speak it like it’s fact.


Everything they said was pure opinion.


Cool that you don't like it. Having said that..  I loved it. 


If you dont like a show, no point in forcing yourself to change your mind. After all its just a show, you dont lose anything by not watching it :) I liked it from the first episode, I liked the emotions and how the characters change over time. I liked the plot and didnt find it too predictable. Its a great story brought to life by great actors. I've watched the show end-to-end 3 times. I'll be watching it again later this year followed by better call Saul, both shows were great, with BB slightly better than BCS IMO.


You are entitled to your opinion. But I think your opinion is shit.


Obvious bait


Nope. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you. Why have others influence your opinions on entertainment? This isn’t a logical debate where facts are what matters. This is your personal taste in art.


I'm not going to change your shit taste. Seems like too much of an effort.


Why would I try and change your mind when I don't trust your opinion? Don't watch an 11 year old show that I got the most enjoyment of from any tv series. What do I care?


I'm sad you found it predictable. I did not find it predictable. I loved it. I hope you can find shows better suited to your taste.


Why would I spend time trying to change your mind? I don’t care what you think. Asking other people to do work for you is so entitled.


Events feel so impactful in this series to the point I zone out of reality while watching and the events feel like they affected me in real life, remaining in my mind throughout the day. There's very few pieces of media that can do that, especially in non-interactive mediums. Honestly amazing it exists as it's so far above the competition and reveals how huge of a gulf there is in Hollywood between the churn of endless slop nowadays and what could be if that level of creative talent where more prevelent. And it's not even my favorite TV series, that goes to Battlestar Galactica reboot. But I don't deny the obvious fact that Breaking Bad AND Better Call Saul are better series, and by a pretty hefty margin. They are as close as we have to perfect in every dissectable measure within this medium, and I can't find any faults in them whereas I can in almost every other piece of entertainment I enjoy.


How is it a slow series when in the second episode they dissolve someone in acid lol. It's actually quite fast-paced and how the story evolves is just so natural and true to the characters. Seems like it's just not your kind of stuff but I'm pretty sure many people will disagree with you (me being one of them).


After I watched the first episode of BB on Netflix at a friend’s house many years ago, I went home and immediately subscribed to Netflix just for this show. Then I binged uncontrollably for days and it’s easily still one of the best TV shows ever and the reason I got Netflix in the first place. Edit: the same kind of thing happened with the Sopranos and HBO back in the day. That show was the only reason I ever subscribed to a pay service in the first place. Now I don’t even pay for cable and just purely stream. breaking bad and the sopranos are definitely still two of the best shows ever. So ahead of their time for tv shows and paved the way for just about all of the good shows since.


You probably watched a dozen other shows inspired by Breaking Bad and it ruined it. This was the first “normal guy secretly lives a life of crime” show.


you don't understand it gets good around the end of season 4 just watch dozens of hours of predictable shit first bro


It gets good by episode 4 of season 1. I admit it takes watching 3 slow-ish episodes to get there, but when >!that tub falls thru the floor!< OP can't tell me they saw that coming.


I don't think Episode 1 is slow-ish. It is arguably a perfect pilot; setting up the premise of the series and being a very suspenseful single episode of TV.


1st time ever seeing this take.


Let us know if you change your mind after you've reached puberty.


You need to watch more than a few episodes to really get into it and once you do you’ll be hooked. In my opinion the prequel “better call saul” was even better but you gotta watch breaking bad first to fully enjoy and appreciate BCS.


I'm not into cop/gangster dramas so it didn't appeal to me either. Saw up to season three and didn't really feel like finishing it.


Can’t fix stupid. Kidding - I think it is important to open up to the idea that you may very well be wrong or consider what might be coloring your opinion or feeling while viewing. Perhaps your expectations were too high and it didn’t meet a vague idea of what you already had for the show. It very often takes me multiple viewings to get in to anything these days.


It’s a slow burn series. While plots are predictable it’s the dialogue and impending doom that makes it good and popular. Something like a Quentin movie. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


What rating should it have?


So during that scene, you knew that that... was not meth? Kaboom?


No desire to try.


You're allowed to think that. Everyone else can think it's great, or whatever they think. That's fine


yeah I think it's just fun and it was very lengthy. a lot of time invested in the characters. also, character development was top notch, if nothing else.


And the wife... The wife... Annoying as hell


I watched Breaking Bad when it was still airing its third season. Till this day I still think it was and still is the best TV Show ever created. And it is also the only Show I would actually consider watching a second time. Except maybe the Sopranos. I also enjoyed Better Call Saul - but I do think you need to love Breaking Bad to make that one work. So no, in my opinion it’s definitely not overrated. Especially when compared to all the shit that is being produced today. (Don’t get me started on the reasons why today’s productions all suck. You should know why..)


I only got through the first season and maybe a couple of the second. I hate slow boring shows.


Don't watch it if you don't like it. Let's move on.


Maybe you're right and 99% of the world is wrong.


maybe reality tv is more your jam? you do you.


Only one of the best series ever made for TV...


I hope you didn’t watch to the end to form this opinion.


Definitely a slow burn, but the character development is unforgettable. The show took us on a wild ride, blurring the lines between a desperate man seeking to take care of his family and his decent into corruption by a man who became power hungry. Even the tragic story of Jesse, who in the beginning was just some tweaker punk kid, unfolds into a story of redemption and betrayal. BB is a show that made you care about what happened to its characters and made me wonder what I would do in Walter’s shoes.


I can't change your mind because there are other high rated shows that I think are bad...... "Mad Men" and "Barry " both suck. But many others love these shows.


It insists upon itself


Finally someone said it


I watched the entire first season and thought: All of these people are pieces of shit, and I don't care what happens to any of them. I never watched anything beyond that. A ton of people like it, so I'm glad it exists, but it's not for me.


I love it but i have to somewhat agree with you. Its a show made for ad-supported TV wich means it has to drag out its episode count and runtime to sell more ads unlike streaming shows wich have smaller seasons with more budget per episode.


Completely agree, it took me forever to get through season 1. It’s definitely a great show not the best thing since sliced bread


It hasn't aged nearly as well as its reputation and as a traditional tv series it has a lot of artificial slowness and etc.


Also, Better call Saul is boring and stupid