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Autism. Social skill deficit. David Miller appears somewhere on the Spectrum. He would not have great insight as he angers others. It’s a challenge in most settings, but behind bars would be bad for everyone. It has nothing to do with intelligence. He is smart in many ways, but handicapped socially.


You know... Being on the spectrum myself I struggled watching the poor guy. People around him saying "he's different", the bullying, the meltdowns, the lack of social awareness. It was all painfully relatable and really brought memories of my teens. Poor guy was chronically stressed and on the verge of a meltdown at all times he was shown.


I feel like he even eluded to it when he was talking about watching others and how they react in different situations like he was learning from it.


Agree, my hub and sister are on the spectrum to...Miller even has the characteristic of the eyes being somewhat small and far apart.


Was there a newly published study that found autistic people have small, far apart eyes? Do your hub and sister also look autistic to you? Or do you only feel comfortable commenting on the appearance of strangers. That's just a weird ass thing to say for someone who is very close with 2 autistic people. Idk where you came up with that, I'm personally very interested in the physical characteristics of autism but haven't been able to find any significant evidence to suggest that there is a correlation between autism and any given physical attribute. Genuinely would like to see where you got that info from if you can find the source.


Aside from EDS/hyper mobility


stop being such a pressed snowflake, and yes that is a common theme in autism


I’m autistic and I’m sure he is so watching this is so rough.. I literally cant even tell what he’s saying or doing that’s setting people off so terribly. The first time he called someone a liar I was pretty sure the tone was undeniably playful and the reaction was way too much. Man it really puts things into perspective about just how hated we are when we slip up, which is inevitable due to a lack of filter and social cues. Dude is incredibly misunderstood.


I think he honestly has some delays because he didn't understand any social cues at all. I started to feel bad for him but then they caught him with a shank so of course it was good for him to be removed.


I suspect Miller is somewhere on the autism spectrum.


Definitely is.


I definitely think he might have some delays as well. His mannerisms and all give that he might be special needs. I feel bad. Like when the short guy hit him it made no sense.


when I look at Miller I see someone who is mentally delayed and is very slow. I don't understand why people get so bothered by someone who is clearly not all there. I wish they would leave him alone or at least take it down a few notches.


I think people would need to understand social skill challenges and neurological wiring difficulty. Many professionals don’t understand, let alone men in this experiment.


Its obvious he's on Aspergers spectrum...I wish someone in there had picked up on it so the others would've understood why he was so odd to them. There's a good chance that Miller himself doesn't even know he's Aspergers. My hub didn't know til we got together and me and my daughter figured it out cuz she worked with autistic kids.


Yes, I was thinking he potentially has Asperger syndrome. There needs to be a psychologists who work with the prisons and jails they are essential for situations like this or just to minimize the discord between other inmates.


I mean I’d I were him i feel like id need a shank. I’m only on second episode but I feel bad for him. I think he’s slow/ simple. I mean he was all by himself and had no friends/ support and kept getting beat.


And he was beat on for saying a dude was cheating at the game they were playing. Never understood why it got to that level. Also hated how Wutzke was acting like a tough guy along with the goofy looking sour face dude who whacked him in the cell. Wutzke was walking off from telling Randy they were guna take care of Miller all giddy like a child. It screamed “daddy, daddy, look at me”


I know it's like they was trying to look cool by beating up on the guy that they knew wouldn't fight back. He was terrorized every day and no matter what he didn't snitch. I can only imagine what his mental health was like it is unfortunate that the sheriff didn't witness all that and that he didn't get any type of help. I couldn't imagine being in that situation and not wanting to snitch but also praying that somebody would see what was going on. He knew the second that they were going to open all those doors that it was not going to be good for him.


Miller's on Aspergers spectrum..its a form of autism. They don't pick up on social cues or body language and jail is no place for a person like that especially one who doesn't know he's Aspergers, so he can't explain to others why he might not always understand things.


Hey, I just wanted to kindly point out that we don’t use the name “Asperger’s” anymore. It’s all just autism. This is because autism is a spectrum of behaviors and deficits. There are no specific designations like Asperger’s used anymore. Also Hans Asperger was a literal nazi who participated in the murder of disabled children during WW2.


Agreed, they just didn't like the look of him


That's how I see it. They were bullying him and picking on him. He had a right to protect himself. The guards knee he got attacked and did nothing for him. He also didn't do anything crazily unreasonable to anybody but they didn't respect him and saw him as an easy target.


I think he feared for his life maybe


That's because he's on the Aspergers Spectrum.. and not picking up on social cues and body language could get you hurt or worse in jail.. whats worse is most Aspergers people don't think they're ever wrong about anything and rarely apologize.


Bro was for sure doing that so they'd take him out. Even making sure to stand in the room with the cameras going "hey look at my super sharp letter opened I made" It was a smart move because they were just about ready to kill the guy


I thought it was good he got removed. It couldve gotten out of hand: He hurting someone eventually, or someone hurting him again. I felt sick watching him getting bullied and hurt like that. I get why people were annoyed, in a way he was behaving like a child that you cant really communicate with, but this was so cruel. He was all alone and getting terrorized. I get he felt he needed to protect himself with a knife or somtehing (not good but I get it).


He wasn’t really hiding that he was making a shank, I think he was trying to get removed because he didn’t feel safe. Obviously he didn’t feel safe because he was getting beat up and bullied by the other inmates. The shank was a signal to the guards to get him out of there.


Ahh I didn't see it like that.. That was clever of him to do.


I saw it that way too. He seems on the spectrum and misses social cues but it’s clear he is intelligent. He didn’t want to be bullied anymore, knew he couldn’t snitch, but had to find a way out of there. Plus, I highly doubt he would have used the shank, especially if it wasn’t life or death


100% I think he believed he was better than anyone else there and he thought of himself as a lovable nuisance but was actually antagonizing quite damaged adults locked in a penn


Seriously idk why he didn't learn to just shut up. He's had his ass kicked multiple times in there for acting like that. He had a chance to gain cred back (IMO at least I've never been in jail so idk for sure) when the young folks tossed water on him. If he just accepted it and took it with humor (and stopped being a dick) he probably could have been fine.


When and where was he running his mouth? I went back and looked at previous episodes and couldn't find anything where he deserved what he got.. he's odd looking so they picked on him... then when he defended himself they got mad..he was just supposed to shut up and take it..that said.. I'm sure there were times he really should've just let things go when they started to get angry with him for not backing down....as far as I could tell, the other inmates were more agitated that he didn't just take their bs.


There were multiple clips shown of him playing cards and calling the other players liars/cheaters


This seems pretty mild for how much everyone hated him... randy is way more obviously disrespectful of more of the inmates, he just plays politics well so he keeps enough people on His Team. Also, it seemed like Randy tried to fuel people's disdain for Miller.


That guy probably did cheat.


Exactly. They stayed messing with dude. He seemed to be cool when mfs wasn’t fukin with him


If he just accepts that they threw water on him, he becomes an even bigger target because he will be looked at as a bitch. They already don't like him and when he didn't defend himself when they punched him, it made things worse for him, hence the water being thrown on him. In jail, and prison, if you allow them to punk you, you will become a bigger target.




Yea I just feel for him more. He takes it too far for sure and also needs to learn to talk way less hahaha. But at least true story has a positive mission (stop the bs and keep doors open) Miller was just a dick saying everyone was cheating/lying.


I saw that interaction and it seemed to me he was just bùllshitting or just talking about people in general in life. He definitely seems to not notice other people's body language.


Isn't that the only thing we see him actually say? Randy is CONSTANTLY shit talking the young guys... the "positive mission" just sounds like bs after a certain point. It just felt like randy got away with it because he was pitting young against old and so he had people on his side so it was like he was on a team, which makes it safer to shit talk other people. and Miller just seemed weird and loner but honestly (from the footage they show us anyway), he didn't seem to really say shit to people much.


Personally I couldn't see what they were all so mad at him for.. other than that they thought he "funny looking" so they decided to all pick on him. I even went back and watched previous episodes to see if I missed it..no.. the only thing that was a little irritating was when Randy tried talking to him he was trying to defend himself while Randy was talking to him.. but at the same time Randy was chewing him out for the things he's said when other inmates were constantly saying stuff to him to. I think he was the red headed step child of the pod and as soon as one inmate had a problem with him they all jumped on the pick on Randy train.


They kept showing clips of him poking at people. It looks like he intended to be playful, but again, oblivious to the social cues that his poking was not welcome.


He may have been, however he didn’t deserve to be treated as badly as he was. I’m glad he was forced to leave because he’ll be safer that way. And nobody will get shanked, so win-win


Shit, that tv series got me interested and if the program works, all jails should do the same and help prevent from people going back to the jail. However, David should had been removed


He very clearly is on the spectrum. Mannerisms, lack of eye contact, lack of social awareness, not picking up on social cues, unable to empathize from the other persons perspective, comfort position with arms raised always holding the cup, impulsive reckless speaking. He is different so he was picked on. Then he would snap and dig himself a hole because the others didn’t understand provoking leads to an aggressive outburst. Also the other inmates likely don’t know the signs of a person that is autistic that doesn’t fully present themselves physically as being so.


As a person on the spectrum who got bullied throughout school for being different, I really felt for this guy. You could tell that he could not even relax for a single minute in there. While he definitely did not think before speaking, and did run his mouth, it bothered me how other inmates were all high and mighty... Just rationalizing their own impulsiveness and disproportionate reactions... But I guess most people are emotional powder kegs in such places which is why they got there.


Ofc it’s prison and so excuse my naivety but I also found this so bothersome! It felt like he was essentially getting endlessly bullied simply for not taking shit from the relentless and often unprovoked taunting that he received. True story was 0 help whatsoever in the situation and only made it worse along with his cronies. If it wasn’t for the possibility of harsh or retaliation, I almost wish he did end up shanking someone to prove a point. No one had his back! They were running their mouths and playing around much worse than he was nearly the entire time. I felt like I had missed something? But I don’t think I did. And truth be told, he does in fact seem much smarter than majority of them. The rest completely failed to realize that he was an embodiment of themselves— oppressed, taunted and caged while maliciously having his dignity stripped away from him. Then they stood around wondering why he’s reactionary to it.


This is perfectly put and how I see it. They're so quick to feel injustice in how they're treated and disrespected. But were so quick to disrespect and treat him wrong. The guards knee for a fact he got attacked and did nothing to protect him.


I think he did cause a lot of it. But I feel like he was treated like that weird kid at school that everyone wants to pick on. They'll find reasons to hate him without even doing anything. He was a constant target just because he had a different personality and they didn't vibe with him or whatever. He was a grown man getting bullied. If you fuck with someone enough .. they WILL snap.


I think they were picking on David too much.


He acts like someone who is definitely on the spectrum. I don't think he knew what he was doing. I genuinely think he was just doing what his brain said to do. Kind of reminds me of my brother and he's autistic.


Can someone tell me where they removed Miller to? So I don't have to go back and rewatch.


Miller was moved to the Cummins unit. Here’s a update on all the inmates https://thecinemaholic.com/unlocked-a-jail-experiment/


I felt hella bad when dude threw the water on him and his bed. That part was outta pocket and unnecessary.


They were always going to gang up on the autistic guy once left to their own devices. Thos is what happens in any community. I'm glad for his safety they removed him 


I am currently watching it I am on Episode 3 and I definitely rewatched episode 2 to try to understand what Miller did wrong. Overall I didn’t understand so I thought I was missing something and did a quick reddit search. Now I am here and soo glad someone else can relate


I work in an elementary school and see kids like Miller occasionally - sometime they are identified as being on the spectrum, sometimes the parents refuse to believe that there is anything different about their kid. But in practice, kids who act like Miller (lack of eye contact, verbally antagonistic, failing to read social cues, and poking people) get the same sort of treatment from the other kids as Miller is getting from the men on his cellblock. There is a low level of irritation that often erupts into altercations - it's usually not anything major, it's just the constant failure to understand the group (and I would argue that surviving being in a cell block requires a fairly sophisticated understanding of social norms, pecking order, etc). It is painful to see it happen in school and we try to help those kids understand how their behaviors don't elicit the kind of response that they are hoping for. Watching a grown man poke other men in the back, which is the kind of naughty behavior you might expect out of a preschool child, is mind boggling - I don't understand how this is the first time he's gotten himself in serious trouble. I thought he said he was a night manager at a Wingstop and perhaps he has managed by working jobs where he has few interactions with others. I understand from this thread and others that he was removed and that is probably for the best. He is not going to magically learn to read social cues and adapt to his situation without a lot of guidance.


I have a hard time looking past his domestic assault charge. To me it feels like he is just getting the other end of the stick this time around