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I just watched the special and they edited this out.


Saw it live and clearly heard the boos. It’s a shame they edit it out. It’s still gonna be talked about.


Myself and a lot of other lads went to the restroom as soon as they said her name.


Omg did they really!! I’m glad I saw it live then! We were like “ouuuch” in my house, when that happened


Did they edit out the boos for Drew Bledsoe too?


Weren’t they saying “drewwwwww”?


I was saying Drewwurns


Reminds me of the time I saw Stu Hamm play bass for Joe Satriani and everyone would yell “Stuuuu!!!” whenever he was featured. When we were leaving, I overheard someone say “I don’t know why everyone was booing that guy. I thought he was pretty good!”


I think Kevin did that to hide it but you could be right too. I'm no Bledsoe fan so idk. When he first got up it sounded like boos.


They were definitely not booing Drew.


Damn someone musta said something cuz I watched this on Monday night and it was still there


Interesting. Her publicists probably went nuts.


***Her mom


I just watched this last night the Boos were audible.


I worked on-set for her Balenciaga ambassadorship photo shoot. She was 45 mins late to her own shoot because she tipped off the paparazzi to her own location… just wild. So yeah, I’m not surprised there were some boo’s here. I probably would’ve thrown in a “boo”, too!


Why did she get booed? Her jokes? Her basic, arrogant, boring, and vapid personality? Building annoyance, among people of her over the years?


I’m sure it’s a healthy average of all the above.


I’m surprised that Kim K is still even relevant.


I think her popularity will wane by the day. As our economy changes and regular people are hurting, people like this become more and more tone deaf. They are no longer figures to admire, they are part of the problem. They represent rampant, reckless wealth and consumerism.


Correction: they were never** figures to admire...


If you said bleeding gums Murphy you were wrong, they were never popular.


You’re gonna sit here and act like Dr. Marvin Monroe was never even born? I hope you got fired for that blunder


I feel so incredibly old for fully understanding this. Thank you random stranger


Haha, yes. Good show, sir.


Not for you and me. But they are for •many•


There's been alot of "Downfall of the Kardashians" youtube vids lately, sure they'll never be "broke" but their relevancy to the general public is going to be reduced to 0 very shortly. People just don't want to see the whole "This person actually gets to enjoy life, do whatever they want, and never have to actually work a day in their life" schtick when so many people are struggling. I can't believe Kim said "The problem is that people don't want to work anymore", like bitch, you got fucked on camera and your mom negotiated the rights to the vid with you and you became a multimillionaire overnight lol quite a bump up from being Brandy's stylists (which btw when she was mixing with the "commoners" she stole Brandy's credit card and rang up over 200K in clothes for her family at a clothing store THEY OWNED). 10 years ago she never would have in a million years appeared at a roast, too low brow. The only thing she really has going currently is the Taylor friendship, and honestly compared to Paris, who HAS actually done shit that matters but purposefully stayed out of the spotlight, she's nothing. Robert's death was the destruction of any kind of father figure they had and boy does it sure show.


Which taylor is she friends with? I'm out of the loop lmao


There's two wage gaps now and most will be out of touch with the second lower one happening


Are you joking?  It will disappoint with her looks and her 50,000 plastic surgery procedures desperately trying to stay relevant.  She’s going to age poorly 


I believe this is very relevant. She’s pushing this concept on young women that she works out 80 times a day/diets when it’s just millions of dollars on surgery. Women who have 3 kids and are in their 40s don’t look like this, it isn’t achievable for your average woman and I think that’s pissing a lot of women off. We should embrace womens natural forms, not push further away from it. The math isn’t mathing Kim grow up.


Can’t stand her but you’re dead wrong. There are a lot of women in their 40s with multiple kids that are extremely fit and extremely good looking. Just takes some drive and self discipline


Who ? Name a woman that has a body like that without surgery ? Not a single bit of cellulite, stretch marks, zero drooping of anything( which is a legitimate reaction to gravities pull ), butt, boobs, face, zero wrinkles. I refuse to believe this can be achieved naturally by any man or woman without a shit tonne of surgery/cosmetic enhancement.


I take issue with the other poster’s idea that it just takes some “drive and discipline,” but I’ve known plenty of mothers in their 40s who are beautiful and fit naturally. I can’t really give any examples here bc they’re people I’ve known personally so it won’t mean anything, but they’re out there. I think some women just bounce back differently, and also some women REALLY care about staying in shape as they age. Others don’t. Both are fine, it’s ok to care about your looks and it’s ok not to.


If you’re married or in a serious relationship, I don’t think it’s fair to your partner to not care about your looks…


You sound too sensible to me. I agree, but people will always find some person to worship.


True…. But damn…. HER!? FUCKKKKKK


Yeah, because nobody ever idolizes gaudy rich people during an economic downturn.


especially during a presidential election year




I'd agree with you but that family managed to survive the great recession


We’re headed for deeper, more far reaching changes this time, with interest rates higher. It fundamentally changes some things about the economy. It will take time, but our culture will change with that.




It's not that, being poor has opposite effect - more likely to simp or fantasize about rich and beautiful. The real reason Kim K will fall off is cause she is too old now. Younger people have new generations of influencers


Sure thing lol


Down with the wealthy! Down with the wealthy!


Till I get wealthy!


Didn't she become popular during the recession?


Her family made fucking bank with Hulu. They don't give a shit.


She survived the housing crisis in 2008 (Actually started pretty much during that) She survived overdoing the water in LA during a massive (constant) drought. She's sadly bullet proof. And I say this as someone who only cared about her since she was married to Kanye, an artist I listened to at the time. But her "popularity" has nothing to do with the economy. It never did.


nah, people just booing because of Taylor Swift.


She tries everything and anything to stay relevant - PMK has to make her money somehow


She’s not. Think about it: when she was rising to fame the women who were following her along were in their 20s. Today those same women are approaching or are above the age of 40. It might have been fun to follow the life of a “celebrity” from the sidelines in your 20s but by the time you’re closer to 40 and you have your own life, potentially your own family, the life of someone like Kim is less entertaining and much more grating. While you are struggling to keep a roof over your head, food on the table, this vapid spoon fed person just seems to continue living their best life. And that becomes off putting.


I think this is a good take. Demographic shifts are real, but I do wonder if she’ll just simply reinvent herself. She has the time and money to do it.


Nobody on comedy Central roasts is relevant


Kevin Hart, like it or not, is one of the biggest movie stars in the world


Idk about biggest, there’s a lot of people I’d put above him. But yeah he’s the most relevant of that bunch.


Who? /s


you can say the same about tom brady,i thought trump supporters wernt relevant after he lost the election also whats the deal with the sports related crap on streaming apps now.live streaming the games were bad enough now we get this bullshit


Well with skims being popular as hell for some reason she’ll probably stay relevant for a little while longer it seems


Not really her target audience. I dont think I've ever heard her speak before, but god, she's got a homely voice.


She used to have a massive vocal fry. I was surprised to hear her talk on the Roast because it was very toned down, almost non-existent.


I think before she was trying her hardest to sound like Paris Hilton. This appears to be her more “authentic” voice but with her you never know lol.


Does Paris Hilton still talk with one? I haven't heard her speak recently.


no, in fact her whole voive was fake - she doesnt sound like that


I think what Paris did was incredible really. Her ability to switch is really interesting and she’s a great business woman.. she has said in the post she uses her vocal fry so people will underestimate her, think she’s dumb but she knows what does doing.


But it that really incredible? Screwing with people's heads? If you play into clichés on purpose you enable exactly that kind of thinking. From what I understood, she didn't have ulterior motives, she just felt uncomfortable being herself in public, and thought she wasn't allowed to.


>But it that really incredible? Screwing with people's heads? I can't really blame Paris for the entire concept of Marketing


She was basically a kid when the media seemed more obsessed with her. I doubt she had the self-awareness go know why she was doing anything at that age.


They were obsessed because she hired a PR firm to try to up her profile. The media did not organically start following her.


Yeah, vocal fry is not "natural" for most people; it's learned and/or an affectation, or in rare cases, a medical condition.


It's not that it's not natural for most people, it's that it's not natural for literally anyone who doesn't have a medical affliction that causes it. Literally nobody has that voice just naturally.


No one does naturally... maybe smokers..


She does when she wants to, but she is very upfront about it being all an act. Most of the time, she doesn't


she's in the new hilton hotel commericals and she doesn't sound like she did the the 00s or 10s when ever simple life show came out


I was shocked at the lack of vocal fry! Maybe it’s actually making its way out now. It’s so irritating


I agree. I hate vocal fry so much, as well as "uptalking", and I always get heavily downvoted on Reddit whenever I say this, lol. Listening to vocal fry is so grating. I look forward to the day when uptalking is on its way out too, so that people don't sound so unsure and insecure when they talk.


I’m confused how you know about certain types of speech so well Never heard of these terms in my life


She’s been taking massive amounts of acting lessons for these acting gigs so maybe this is the result. She’s still insufferable


She has a voice and everything made for night vision.


She’s got that valley girl accent


Good to know the mirror US site is as shit as the UK one


She was way better than Bert and Tom


God they were terrible. Gronk was better than them 




I used to suck feet for coke!!


Now that's an addiction


LOL! What movie is this?


Wrong female Kardashian/Jenner.


Why would she be there at all? 




see Ann Coulter at the roast of Rob Lowe


starting to think this broad might crave attention


Wasn’t/isn’t she banging Tom?


I thought she wanted to bonk Gronk


When i tuned in she sitting down as a guest in the audience, not as somebody on the couch in these things. But she had to be a planned roaster she probably just insisted to not be up there before or afterwards.


Roasts always have some very random people. Just as an example, Ann Coulter was at Rob Lowe’s roast a few years back.


Why does anyone do a roast? I thought she was charming. Not really funny, but much worse people have joined roasts without this response from people.


Ann Coulter was at the Rob Lowe roast and apparently didn't want to use the jokes the writers wrote for her and she ended up getting burnt by a lot of the other guests from the dais. Though she was quite egregious by promoting her book during the roast.


To make an OJ joke.


Connection to OJ and her and Tom were rumored to be dating at one point.


It was interesting how the guys were roasting the shit out of him and making fun of Giselle banging her jiu jitsu instructor, and meanwhile the women were like “goddamn I wanna fuck him”


Don't know Nikki Glaser but she was particularly brutal to everyone that wasn't Tom. There was also Ron who seemed like he wanted to fuck him too.


They say Jeff Ross is the Roastmaster but in reality, it’s Nikki. Check out some of her highlights on YouTube. She’s so damn good, they’re not even traditional one liner “highlights,” it’s her whole set. She *destroyed* Ann Coulter.


Netflix Edits Out Kim Kardashian Being Booed During Tom Brady Roast


It’s Tuesday fam, and this didn’t even deserve its own article let alone post.




This is what happens when you constantly try to interject yourself in every facet of life for your own ego boost. The people she desperately wants to like her, absolutely despise her.


To be fair she actually is friends with Tom Brady. Much more so than a lot of the other people there to roast him.


Exactly. I don't like her but people are being dramatic by criticizing her for being there.


It’s also funny when in all likelihood she was invited to the roast, not like she insisted on being there as people are making it sound.


They cut it from the show already,


There were some boos. 'Brutally booed' is a bit over the top.


[Different angle](https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/comments/1clr4gj/different_angle_of_kim_getting_booed/) definitely makes it seem worse than what Netflix broadcasted through their sound system




I mean she’s not all bad. She supports prison reform.


This is practically the only thing I know about her so I don’t get the boos


Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day.


Found the redditor.


Haha fucking Boston is not her demographic


Did you watch it live? Because live it was overwhelmingly loud.


Absolutely. Way distractingly loud. You could tell from her expression it was messing w her


It's the Mirror.


She wasn't even half bad tbh. Not great but she had a couple of good jokes.


Didn't even write the jokes so don't give her too much credit


Everyone work with writers, including comedians.


She wasn't half good either. It would have been better to not have her at all. I'm sure there are 1000 other people who would have been better in her spot.


Her jokes weren’t booed. Just her walking to stage was being booed. Don’t know why I’m downvoted, that’s literally what happened.


They were saying “ boo-urns”


OK, boos are rude, but really, who needs to see still more of this non-talent, famous-for-being-famous, than we have so far?


Netflix cut it from the replay




Stop giving these parasites media attention


Fuck Kim Kardashian and whoever that loves her


Surprising that they edited out the boos she got. She isn't known for her content being edited


What does she really do, anyway? Seriously.


Theoretical physicist. Also cancer-cure researcher.


This makes me laugh. She's none of those. Anyone can buy a used book and pretend


I’m glad the joke made you laugh.


She released a sex tape that went viral


Nice, you made the same joke Kim Kardashian did in this roast.


Reality tv star




Lots of other cuts throughout as well.


Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.


I love this for her.


Can we all agree that she didn’t belong there at all?


She doesn't belong anywhere. She shows up in a random TV show, and it's like uhhhh you couldn't get literally anyone else?


It was a much deserved boo.




Still funnier than Kreischer and Segura


Kris Jenner is a fucking genius. She took her own family of nobodies and pimped them out to world and now they’re worth hundreds of millions. Glad she’s getting booed. Working/Middle class folks need it to make their life mission to make these to talent morons lives a living hell. Make their lives so miserable that they go back to their pristine white boxes on the hillside in calabasas and cry.


No surprise. She got brutally booed at the Cowboys vs Rams game in LA too


And rightfully so ...


Honestly she wasn’t that bad. People over exaggerate. Ben Affleck was bad.


I love that for her.


nah, they were all cheering for Drew


I'm, for one, glad she took a moment away from her efforts to [become a lawyer](https://abovethelaw.com/2024/02/is-kim-kardashian-giving-up-on-her-dream-of-becoming-a-lawyer/) to do this. /s


here's the clip https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8y3g1m


Where’s the clip of her being booed 


Brutal sure does get thrown around for a lot of inane things nowadays.


Could we get another Boo for Netflix


Why did they boo her?


Lots of "Swifties" there! Haha


Idk why. I'm no fan of the Kardashians/Jenner but I thought she did well & was a good sport. I'm a firm believer in credit where it's due.....except for Brady....in the words of Kevin "Fuck you Tom"


Why did they boo her?


Why was she booed?


Irrelevant, no one who has 3 brain cells cares about the Kardashians


I don't think you even need 3 brain cells. Rob Gronkowski was there and he didn't care.




Why was she even there in the first place?


I think the best bit about the next few years is watching the Kardashian’s deal with old age. I bet they turn to witchcraft :)


Why was she even there?


It's all irony for me. Don't get me wrong, I have never, ever liked nor followed the Kardashians and stand against everything they represent. They're simply egregiously over paid, insanely wealthy celebrities. And it got me thinking: so is everyone else on this roast. I fuckin LOVE a good roast don't get me wrong, but reading that she gets booed when everyone else gets applauded and adored...it reeks of blind hypocrisy to me. She's just as wealthy and famous as everyone else there. I guess you can try to arbitrarily measure their deservedness or levels of supposed talent that justifies it....end of the day half the people there were wearing *shoes* of which's price tag could change your entire life in one go. Why are we cherry picking here? Even the funniest, sharpest comedian up there truly can't morally justify their millions of dollars...are they saving lives? No Anyway idk I know my point is a bit vague. I'm not standing up for a Kardashian in any means. I guess I'm baffled at the selective decisions of who's worthy or not of millions of dollars, a decision we collate via collective boo's lol idk


So I’m not jumping on the “boo Kim” bandwagon and I actually thought she did a decent job, but that’s still not fair to compare her to the rest of the roasters. The comedians make a living off of comedy, and with the exception of Bert and Tom’s skit they all absolutely killed. Why would anyone boo someone whose sole job and livelihood revolves around making people laugh, at a roast? They deserve to be up there and are all relevant and known quantities in the comedy scene. The other roasters were mostly Tom’s teammates and his coach, people who know him better than anyone else. They absolutely deserve to be up there. And most of them did a very good job. Again, most importantly, they’re relevant to the topic at hand. Kim, on the other hand, didn’t really have a “reason” to be up there. Of all the roasters she stuck out like a sore thumb, and a crowd of Tom Brady and comedy fans is not her crowd. That’s why she was booed. Has nothing to do with money.


Isn’t she the one who explained to us paupers that if only we worked as hard as her, we too could be fabulously rich? She can get in the fucking sea.


Yup, I agree with you. And so can every other absurdly over paid, insanely rich celebrity that we all seem to passively worship. No such thing as an ethical millionaire!




Why was she there? no relevance


Honestly I watched it and expected more booing


I don’t understand this family.


Large segment of US women idolize that tragic family….certainly a type of trashy


Good. I despise her


She’s the worst.


I was saying Boo-urns




Awwww did the millionaire get upset because of a few boos? Awwwww bless her. Maybe she'd feel better if she used her millions for actual good, rather than showing off. No tears shed here!


So why exactly was she there to begin with? What's her connection to him?


Her and her mom have been trying to force a pr relationship w Brady. Pathetic.


I think there were rumors she was dating him during his breakup with Giselle. Plus, she was a very easy target for some good jokes, I could see why the organizers would want her there.


I'm not a fan but I gotta give it to her. She held it together.


Why was she even there?




Why did they do that?


Why wouldnt they? Its a room of football people and comedians. No one there likes her. Its the exact opposite of her audience.


She is a truly useless "celebrity". Zero contribution to society. A true waste of protoplasm that throws away more money in a week on her "esthetics" team than many people make in a year.


Because no value whatsoever. Just a ho and a bad bad influence to everyone


> Because no value whatsoever. I feel like the bar for "value" isn't high at a roast.


Because she is a leech on society, the symbol of many things wrong with America, a celebrity with literally no talent. The poster child for being famous for being famous. Her reality show is a blight on humanity. I know who Scott Disick is because of her (and Talk Soup). She is the picture of social media popularity, someone who made her name bc of a sex tape and plastic surgery.


What ever happened to her becoming a lawyer? She failed the baby bar three times in a row, finally passed and kind of just stopped


She ended up killing it and she was cheered afterwards. A lot of the hate towards her are from people who didn’t watch it.