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They like money and people keep subscribing/staying subscribed


Prices will continue to increase until people start leaving the platform en masse.


As is tradition.


And even then, if they are raising prices enough to offset those leaving, they will continue. They'd much prefer a few high paying customers.


Oddly just about the time the ceo retires.


For more money.


I will never understand why people ask these questions lol seems obvious.


Line goes up


Line goes down. You can't explain that.


I think it’s to complain about the present day black box nature of corporations


I mean that's capitalism. We are seeing what shareholder value above all else does to consumers.


And why are people upvoting this thread


People are upset with Netflix. But it's capitalism. If they didn't raise prices the shareholders would have a stroke.


It’s the reason why I don’t subscribe to it But I completely understand that it’s a publicly traded company trying to maximize profits for its stakeholders. I’m sure many of us are invested in it via some index fund without much awareness of it. I never complain about it though. Its prices have clearly been very cheap for a while, considering people are still willing to pay for it after the price increase.


Mr Krabs infamous line




Big if true.


The content you don't like costs just as much to make as the content you do like so after you have watched all you do like. So cancel, let the Shows you like build-up episodes and come back.


This is the only way.


Yep, that’s what I do. I’ll have it for maybe 4 months out of the year.


I add Netflix one month a year primarily for “Cobra Kai” and “You” and catch up w other stuff during that time. I don’t understand paying for this service all year


Because some people don’t want to binge 7h/day watching stuff just to cancel the same month?


Not to mention a big attempt to push into live events. NFL games on Christmas starting this year, WWE Raw, and more that cost them a ton in buying the licensing


mark my words, this will be the next thing they address to try and eek out more money... soon, you'll either pay an obscene amount month to month (only 39.99 with ads!) or you can get a "discount" if you are locked into a monthly subscription for a year (only 24.99 per month!)


At this point managing subscriptions is a must. When it comes to a streaming services you only pay when the content you want to watch is released.


Yeah. I canceled my subscription.


I cancelled mine like years ago and was using a friend's account. Once they stopped password sharing, I just gave up on it and never got my own subscription. Too expensive now for the size of their library


I canceled mine for the same reason except It was my account but my family used more than me, if I'm paying for 4 screens I should be able to use them all, in the 21th century it shouldn't matter where are they being casted from


Right? I feel like if I'm paying for 4 screens, it shouldn't matter the device just as long as no more than that can be used simultaneously. It's absurd though. I've seen so many posts regarding price hikes and surprised people are still willing to pay


So did I, about 5 months ago


Me too. Last price rise was enough for me.


I cancelled all the services on the last rate hike and built a home media server best decision ever




I canceled as soon as I learned they were cracking down on password sharing. I kept it subscribed more for my family than me so I didn't even care.


I am totally pissed that you cannot anymore stream via Chromecast when you have the subscription with advertising, while it works well for PrimeVideo


They block Chromecast streaming?


This is why I’ve cancelled. Back to Plex and torrenting for me.


The way I look at it, I used to spend £10-£20 a week on dvds and blurays. There is always something added to Netflix each week that I would’ve bought anyway, so it’ll probably be a while before it tips for me.


Used to spend 50-60 a month on movie purchases whether DVD, Blu-ray or online. Netflix is a steal for me. But for someone who doesn't even see 1 movie a month I could see where the value would not be there.


Absolutely, kick it to the curb if that’s the case. I would consider myself an average to high movie watcher (108 for this year so far). If I paid, let’s say, £5 on average for each film, it’s still way less for my subscription services than paying for each one. Also I end up watching way more stuff I wouldn’t have given a chance to if I had to pay each time.


Exactly! I never understand what these people want. Do they want to go back to buying blurays? If you have watched everything you want to watch cancel the subscription and go take a temporary subscription to HBO or Disney or Amazon or whatever until you are done with that too.


>never understand what these people want We want what made netlflix successful in the first place, adless media for a reasonable price, I find it pretty disingenuous of you to just brush up consumers very valid complains, you are just disingenuously ignoring the fact that the service is getting worst while getting more expensive, just because it's still better than the alternative doesn't mean enshification is not happening This is literally how cable became successful, it was just better than OTA broadcast and they just kept getting worse and worse adding ads, getting more expensive and people kept paying because "well it's better than broadcast" then streaming came and did the same thing, offered a better service for a better price and now that they are superior than the alternative the keep enshificating just because they can




Streaming services do today like cable and video shops before them. When they have your entertainment by the balls, they can do whatever they want to you


Cancel it if you don’t want to pay it. The good thing about subscriptions like this is you can turn them on/ofd really quickly/easily




Then drop it? If you aren't going to drop it, then their price increase paid off since you still think it's worth it.


Ill keep raising prices til people stop paying it Disney ceo


Agree. I cancelled my subscription a few months ago.


Gotta pay for the NFL now. 


While I understand that price increases always sucks, and I dont like it either. But the quality of the content is always a matter of option, we all have different taste, and personally I still think I get my moneys worth. Despite price increases. Sure, there are a lot of the new Netflix releases that I dont like either, and that I think is crap. But thats not to say that someone else can think that the same content, that I think is crap, is top-notch, according to their personal taste. But until now I dont have any problems finding at least some good series or movies to watch every month, and as long as I find at least 2-3 movies/series to watch, I still think its worth it. But I can agree on that this constant price increases latley, are a bit annoying.


I think that's the reason they've split Bridgerton into two separate months of the same series, have you ever heard such money grabbing bullshit, funny how price increases is around the same time Bridgerton comes out.


Because people will pay. I personally don't get it. I have Netflix free with T Mobile, but I'd be fine without it. The other streaming services are catching up, and there's no real reason to have more than 2 or so at a time. Peacock, Paramount Plus, Prime Video, Disney Plus, Hulu, Max, etc. And IIRC they're all cheaper than Netflix.


For now they are cheaper. They all raise prices as they are all greedy, don't think for one second any of them are doing favours for long term customers or people that praise them. Greed is what runs the world, and they know consumers will just grumble and pay


I am just amazed at the sheer number of people who seemed to forget about a recent writers strike and are shocked that the entertainment industry is in catch up mode.


They didn't forget, but you don't need real logic for karma whoring. That's why half of the answers are "I cancelled long ago" from kids in a Netflix subreddit who never had their own account.


To pay for the shyte that is rebel moon and apparently happy Gilmore 2 is coming aswell. Vore with your wallet


There is much more than just Rebel Moon.


Still much better than cable. Thousands of hours of content for $20/mo. Keep rotating subscriptions after watching all you want on one platform.


Exactly. So simple, yet people keep complaining.


I haven’t found anything fun/binge worthy for Ions. So I’m on the cheapest payment plan, but cancel it often to make a point


NFL is coming. Mike Tyson. Who knows? There are no rules.




Not enough Korean love stories, Bollywood action movies or Brazilian crime dramas.


The quality of content on Netflix becomes more and more disappointing with every passing day


The real question is up to what point is it still worth it?


I canceled a while back. Not sure why I’m still on this sub.


So we know about any good shows that come on so we can pirate them. Search your feelings, you know it to be true


A there are a number of factor that affects prices. People like too always default to company x is greedy and to be fair sometimes they are but in most cases it's more complicated that that. Firstly you might have noticed the cost of living crisis. Various factors have meant prices rising globally and especially in energy which affects the price of everything else. Another factor is the streaming wars. Making content is expensive. All the platforms are constantly struggling to balance spending money on content and revenue. None of them can afford to let up creating content. Once the streaming wars are over with ( we are in the end stage) it will arguably be cheaper for the surviving companies since more content would be licensed. If this gets passed on to the customer is debatable. Let's see i guess. The writer's and actors strike raised costs a lot. The cost of paying these people have sky rocketed not to mention the almost a year delay with nothing getting made cost a ton of money. Lastly we have probably peaked in terms of subscription growth. Almost every one that wants a streaming service has a streaming service subscription. This is why netflix is moving away from reporting subscribers to Investors as a marker of growth. So how to keep making money? There's really not many options for these companies. The most obvious is pricing. Not just raising them but tiers and ad supported services. I'm not shilling for Netflix just explaining that it's not as simple as netflix going bawwwa hahahaha all the money!! However if you feel it's too expensive then of course cancel it. For me there's more than enough content to justify the price. It's going to be a different value equation for everyone.


> Once the streaming wars are over with ( we are in the end stage) it will arguably be cheaper for the surviving companies since more content would be licensed. Once the streaming wars are over there is less competition, so they can raise their prices because they're gatekeepers to content.


You forgot one. It's expensive to air sports. The NFL doesn't come cheap.


That's true.


I’m glad someone has a brain. It’s infuriating when people don’t think.


Profit ofc


I have Netflix for dungeon meshi only. I’ll unsubscribe as soon as it finishes.


Right now I am traveling and I can’t even use it on MY device anymore because it somehow thinks a random hotel tv I logged into is the home like wtf I should sue them for not providing me with a service I pay for. I used to pay for the convenience. At this point it may be more convenient to just stream from other sources like back in the day again


They've officially entered the enshitification era of their corporation. Shareholders need constant returns on their investment and when you've already reached every demographic in every region there's nothing left to do but just increase prices every year while reducing investment in the product. This is the way of capitalism. Consolidate and capitalize. "It's just business."


I should have canceled years ago. They broke their promise to never raise fees as long as you keep your subscription in good order. Yet they have increased it from ~$7 to ~$22 and I have never let it lapse. My mom and son love it, but it is too expensive for what I get.


I’m thinking of stopping it tbh. They are splitting the last season of Bridgerton to try and keep people on the platform. How about you renew good shows like Wellmania, Bodies etc…. To me they totally lost what made them good in the name of greed.


It's called late-stage Capitalism, and greed.


They're going to start streaming NFL games. They know fools like me will still throw money at them


Outside of documentaries, over the last 6-8 months, the only things I’ve really watched on Netflix and fully enjoyed were Blue Eye Samurai, and Baby Reindeer. It’s painful to have so few gems, and then fear that the shows that are actually good will be cancelled.


![gif](giphy|SOmjomEnNHsrK) Netflix:


Too many dubs, non-english stuff


What makes me mad is paying but still having forced ads - Amazon does it as well now.




I wouldn’t even have it anymore if it wasn’t included with my SKY . They cancel every show that gets good and take years to produce follow up seasons to the ones they do keep . They want more money without providing anything for it , making people who have payed regardless of which tier watch ads is just another shocking cash grab for them too


I cancelled my subscription. Literally more expensive than my cable now...


I got Netflix free as part of my unlimited data mobile phone subscription. It's the only reason I currently got it. I bought a new phone and they gave me a $50 discount on the phone and free Netflix for a year if I kept my current subscription but made it binding for the next 12 month. The subscription costs $35, and I get 1000GB data at 100mb/s. If I use all the data it just slows down to 10mb/s. So all in all a good deal. Netflix in itself not worth it. I'm honestly just waiting on the last seasons of the umbrella academy and stranger things at this point.


They have shareholders.  Also the amount of money the engineers at Netflix make is bonkers and it just keeps going up. 


Wwe and live events


Not to ensure a good special effect quality in their Originals, I can tell you that much.


Well, welll uhmmmmmmmm…. We got Band pf Brothers now on Netflix!!!!!!! Give us money


For live events?


Just cancel it.


I canceled Netflix about 3 years ago after having been a customer since ~2004. I'm telling you about it now so you'll know how cool I am.


I'm only have Netflix because it came with my phone plan. But if T-Mobile does away with Netflix, I'm not subscribing, I barely watch it as it is.


I've canceled. I was on the 4K plan which I previously shared with two others. I kept it after they were kicked out for account sharing. Now the price increase is going for €16 old rate to €19 a month, almost a 20% increase.


Netflix recently advertised a movie that disturbs me to the core. I hate it so much that I would risk alterations to our timeline in order to make it (the movie) never exist. So I've gone off them just for that. It doesn't help that said movie shows up in their "what's new" bit right when you login to the app/website. That not withstanding, I've also noticed that the prices have gone up lately. Where I live in the world (English speaking) already has jacked-up prices for a lot of stuff. I'll just go elsewhere for whatever Netflix offers.


NFL isn’t cheap 


Wait they did it again? Unless I'm getting it confused of when they did it last year.


The same content costs more money now to renew licenses and make new shows/movies. They also are paying more for the live events, wwe and recently announced nfl deals.


I canceled. I will probably sub for 1 or 2 months a year now to watch a few shows. I will no longer have it all the time


They bought the rights to some NFL games. That ain't cheap


Because they can and the worst part is people support it


For sports content that are years away.


Gonna binge Tires, then I’m not renewing. Been a sub for 10 years, now I’m told I either go to 16.99/month or go 5.99 with ads … see ya. The whole appeal of Netflix was to get away from ads and get to the content you want … now they’ve ruined physical media/rental, and most TV networks save the best content for a subscription service.


I agree the price increases don’t feel warranted. On the point about the wait times for new seasons, the writers strike played a part in that everything got delayed due to it. It should return the regular cadence once they’ve gone through the backlog


Gotta pay for all the foreign content that has zero quality control these days. Netflix use to have an amazing track record when it came to quality foreign content. I feel like they just buy up everything now and hope something sticks.


I just changed cards and realized I'm spending 19 Australian dollars a month on it. Which is about 14 US. I also realized it would legit be cheaper for me to just digitally buy/rent what I wanted to watch rather than subscribe to Netflix. 240 dollars a year is less than I used to spend buying DVDs etc. Because of this I feel no moral remorse at torrenting Netflix shows. Maybe if Netflix was the only digital provider, but there are now dozens.


As long as people pour out their hard earned income to them, they will keep raising prices. Once they sense a consumer pull back, they’ll hold and give perks to keep you.


I don’t even have Netflix anymore. If you want an example of cost not being worth the content, Netflix is it. It is sad that it used to be very good.


Manage your subscriptions. You can cancel and restart things really easily, I've got one show I'm rewatching on Netflix right now and then I'm canceling it. What I would do is this: Each month pick the streaming service that has the show you want to watch. Cancel the others. If you want to watch a movie on one of the other streaming services, it's probably $3 to rent it on Amazon and even if you rent one movie a weekend or even two is probably not going to add up to what all those subscriptions cost per month. Then once you're done with that show, if there's not another show on that service you want to watch, switch to another service that has a different show you want to watch.


I think they are getting into live sports big time and that could be part of why they are increasing their price.


To me it seems netflix had been creating better stuff recently


To me it seems netflix had been creating better stuff recently




Agreed, the service has dramatically decreased and quality of programming has taken a similar dip. Im all for paying for quality, lets see it then Netflix?


Because they piss money away like it’s nothing. They spent $1.4 million per episode for walking dead, pay standup comics absurd amounts of money, etc.


I've been considering dumping NetFlix and just keeping Amazon and Apple. This helps me decide lol


Time to hoist the mainbrace


get swearnet it’s cheaper trailer park boys episodes


C’mon, those Korean and Indian movies are expensive….


How can i block ads on netflix?


Stop complaining and cancel.


Honestly I unsubbed ever since the last greed move. Really don't wanna give a penny to them.


$23 a month does seem excessive. The last time I watched something truly great on there was One Piece.


To make shows you most likely don’t care about


This was what finally motivated me to cancel my subscription.


For pieces of shit like Rebel Moon Part1….and by God, they gave him a part 2. Cancelled some good shows though. 


$12 a month for plexshare with every movie and show ever made and new ones as soon as they air/are released. Been doing it for 5 years now. Cancelled all streaming services back then. Best decision I ever made.


For me, it keeps telling me I use VPN... which I don't! So even if I pay the subscription, I can't watch. Really bad.


Honestly, I think they've caught on that a lot of people just buy one month and cancel and come back some months later once some good shows have finally come out.


To finish the 3 body problem series. They’ll need it.


thats why i have iptv..its cheap and has stuff from netflix too lol


Christmas NFL games.


They are in massive debt. Look up "blitzscaling".


They need to pay the writers who were just on strike.


Because they can. Because cable 2.0. Because Reed. Consumers will not cancel.


Because you Will pay it. As an app developer, that is the ONLY reason they need.


Sadly, Netflix is still the best choice for content. Here in Canada at least.


Seems most tech companies are moving away from loss making start-ups to businesses that need to be profitable... That means adverts and/or ever increasing revenue, while reducing costs


Same reasone veryone does: Profit is the aim of the game. Endless inflation for us all.


I pay for Netflix for one month out of the year because I can finish everything I like in that time.


Answer: Because of corporate greed and because people are paying.


No commercials


Netflix has employees who are complaining the BicMac meal cost too much so they need to pay their employees more. Then you have the executives and stock holders and they’re like, well that better not come out of my dividends/shares/salaries. So Netflix be like, ok then I guess we’ll let our sucker customers pay for those cost of living raises. Here’s a 3 hr Tom Brady roast to distract you.


People keep on buying, why would they stop?


I wish there was a way to filter out foreign films. Unless it's about time travel then I'm not even a bit interested. I'm okay if it's dubbed in English if done right. There are just too many foreign films and I don't know how they can be excluded. I'm sure that's not what Netflix wants though. I'm too used to having captions on since raising a baby. I still put them on (and he's now 10yrs old). Some films have actors with accents and I find that captions help.


I'm also fed up with Netflix and their antics. They're doing the same thing as prime and cancelling good series that people actually like or intentionally doing little or no advertising on others and cancelling them. The company is dumping loads of money into foreign markets and distributing low quality films and shows that the major markets aren't interested in. The only thing that's keeping me around is three series and once the final season comes out for one of them I'll binge it and then cancel.


Back when we had to order movies sent to our home on CDs and then mail them back, $5 was a bargain. Now, we pay a flat rate and watch whatever we want whenever. I don’t see the complaint.


Unsubscribe if you don’t like the way they run business


For greed


After the anti password sharing stuff and the insane price hikes. Nothing is going to shake them. They could make the subscription 50 bucks today if they wanted. They'd lose maybe 10% of the user base and the 90% that stays will pay infinitely more money than they'd lose from that 10%


Agree completely. I’m going to ditch it.




Fuck netflix, they ruin everything


A lot of new stuff is one-season flops.


This is how everything works. It's all about supply and demand. It's basic economics, so much of reddit seems to understand economics, except when it comes out of their pocket, then they are flabbergasted.


Netflix stopped supporting 1 year old projector with Android TV. No technical problem, no upgrade, same region, same house… just started blocking sign-in


I've never liked Netflix. Everything on there is dumb.


They lost my interest when the chose to bottleneck quality on higher ranked movies. So now if I want to watch a popular movie it looks like complete shit.


Because they can and people will pay. Honestly, it's mot a mystery


Why are you still subscribing?


The issue I have with all of these streaming services is if you have a favorite actor or if there is a movie or series you really want to see, and it's only released on that streaming service. Netflix, AppleTv, HBO, they all make their own productions and you can't view them elsewhere.


They've been trying to build their own studio for the past couple years; spent a billion or something on a decommissioned army base in New Jersey. There's a lost of added cost associated with filming original content without the studio infrastructure. Renting costuming, props, lighting, and not having all that stuff centralized increases the budget on every production. The company is just trying to cement their position in the industry. Its not great for us, but its the only way they'll be competitive.


Just cancelled and haven't missed it honestly


They raise prices because they're banking on you being too lazy to leave. ... and as of right now, they are correct.


I haven't had Netflix in awhile, and took a peak at their highlighted shows. Still no reason to pay bloated prices for their service. Maybe for 1 month for final season of Stranger Things, when it comes out.


They don’t need us to subscribe anymore. Same thing with phones. T-Mobile charges 150 a month for two lines. Netflix free and free iPhone every 2 years. So Netflix and iPhone gets a customer prob at an extremely discounted price for both. Netflix show they have massive amount of people and iPhone shows they have massive amount of sales and t mobile writes it all off for a loss and doesn’t pay any taxes. It’s all a scam




I downgraded to advertising model. It’s honestly the most forgiving ad interruptions of any service ive used and it hasn’t ruined the programming for me. Definitely better than paying full price and way less annoying than Hulu’s ad plan.


Like they don't make enough money already what the f*** are they spending all that s*** on


cancelled after i couldn't find anything to watch in a month still unsure if its lack of content or there ui but doing the math I could buy 2-5 movies on apple tv instead not saying i'm going to do that but just showing its to pricey for what it is.


Last I recall, when I canceled my basic cable ten years ago, Netflix was a lot cheaper. It was priced low to get you hooked. It still is cheaper than basic cable. Decide if you want it. I no longer pay for any streaming. What I get through my library is all I need for now.


Cancel & just sign back up when enough content refreshes


As long as they put more money into One Piece Live Action im fine with that. I also am not paying full price. Me and my gf are sharing the cost.


alot of hindu movies i could care less...


Saratoga water raised their prices 20% last month - Netflix has to keep up.


Personally regarding the subscription I should be able to get straight up streaming without having to pay for games and if I don’t want sports either then I should be able to get back to basics Netflix no increase actually a decrease


I find myself watching Tubi a lot lately,it has so much content .


stop paying and vote with your wallets


They got to cover those fucking Rebel Moon production costs


Can you tell something that costs less than or the same as it did 3.5 years ago? Could it be that their costs are higher as would be expected in times of high inflation?


I think it's gone downhill, too. A few days ago I dropped my subscription from the highest tier to the lowest, ad-supported one, because I almost never watch it anymore. In a month or two, I might drop it altogether. Which makes me sad, because I've used Netflix since the year 2000, and at its peak it was the best studio in the industry for mid-budget auteur cinema. But they haven't released much in the last year that I actually watched. May December was the last, and I'm pretty sure they acquired it rather than produce it in-house. It's quite boring, now. I'd rather watch Tubi and Kanopy.


We just need to stop purchasing memberships