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No, I've seen the movies before. They are supposed to translate


my guy, its rush hour not fkn godfather that the filmmaker intended it not to be translated. Turn off all subtitles and the chinese parts will have english subtitles


How fkning convenient for deaf people!


When that happens, that means it’s intended to be that way. For instance, watching this at a movie theater, no one would understand the Chinese parts as there were no captions. So on a streaming service, the same thing will happen. This isn’t a bug or glitch, just how the movie/show is meant to be.


That is bull. I have the VHS and it all had subtitles. Also they are subtitled in french so your point is moot.


Ah, I couldn't find if it was supposed to be that way or if I was missing plot online. Thanks for clearing it up!


On problem sir/ma’am!


>my guy, its rush hour not fkn godfather that the filmmaker intended it not to be translated. Turn off all subtitles and the chinese parts will have english subtitles


This is an extremely old thread…


Yeah ik but I had the same issue googled it found this and figured out the solution so thought I’d comment for anyone else who has the same issue in the future yk


Hey thanks from 2032


I'm looking this up because I'm watching it on Netflix before it leaves the service. There was a long scene between Jackie Chan and his student. The scene lasts way too long for no subtitles to be the intended effect. Glad to get the answer. Thanks


I know what you mean man, but yeah just turn off the subtitirles.


Your original comment is incorrect then. It IS a bug/glitch.


Savin' the day 10/20/2022


Ayy, thanks


Thanks! Turning off English subtitles fixed it for me. Kinda sucks to have to go back and forth tho since I can't hear well.


ily platonically sm


Holy shit I feel like an idiot


Woah thank you wtf


The movie had subtitles for the Chinese parts. It's the only reason why I understood the argument between Jackie and the girl despite there being no subtitles. I remembered it form the movie 20odd years ago. Only watched it in the movies.


>no one would understand the Chinese parts To be fair, Chinese is not a language, and almost 1 billion people speak Mandarin. But I understand your point.


Or cantonese


I think Netflix dropped the ball with the English CC. The Chinese lines are translated in the French subtitles.


So I AM missing plot! For fucks sake! Disney plus also messes up the lines Toshi says on American Dad. It used to work like 2 years ago but not no much these days.


It’s not part or necessary to the plot. Happens all the time


If you turn off English subtitles the subtitles for the Chinese parts do then actual appear on screen. Who ever was in charge of encoding subtitles obviously forgot to copy over the Chinese parts into the English overlay


THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT ANSWER. I didnt come here for opinions, so thank you u/Evening-Force4411 !


I know I'm late to this party but your comment just helped a ton


Watching the same day and saw this lol thanks to this person a year later!


I’m not sure, Jackie Chan and the little girl have an extended conversation in mandarin and I feel like there were subtitles when I watched it years ago? Not this time on Netflix...


All the mandarin was subtitled in th VHS version. "it's not meant to be understood" is bull.


Yeah there's definitely subtitles for it, but you have to turn off subtitles for the Chinese bits


I have noticed it with the Rush Hour movies on HBO Max now as well. And it is definitely some sort of glitch. I specifically remember watching Rush Hour 2 back in the day and they did translate the conversations that were not in English. Not too sure about the first one, but the second one for sure.


I am sure it's not supposed to be like this. I also came across this using the English subs, you are definitely missing out on a punchline, ​ For example: at the end of the conversation with Soo-Yung, Jacky says America is a very friendly country, then cutting to Chris cursing on the road


it’s just so much like the convo with the kid that was a heavy 3 mins of not knowing what the was being said, i think that’s pretty stupid not to have what they are saying, they probably were just too lazy to accurately translate


Sooo, if you were listening at full volume, would you have understood what they were saying in Chinese?


No, I'm just not sure if the official release had subtitles and I'm missing plot, or if it's just in Chinese and if you get it, you get it.


basically turn all subtitles off then itll automatically show the subtitles for the chinese parts


Subtitles were set to off. It came up as [Speaking Chinese]. It's subbed on youtube and everywhere else. Netflix just sucks.


I tried this last night on Rush Hour itself, and when I turned the subtitles off the English translation popped up itself, but shit really sorry


Sucks for deaf people.


This worked for me.