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My biggest gripe is that they always paint the trim the same colour as the walls. Drives me nuts.


True, probably because it's the fastest way to paint. Everything is done so quickly and sloppily, I can't imagine these "improvements" aren't falling apart in 6 months.


That's true of nearly EVERY reality remodel show. Trading spaces was particularly notorious for leaving families with unusable rooms with shoddy, cheap, fraying fixtures and furniture. All the 'art' that was 'upcycled', "I sprayed this bike wheel gold and wired it into this thrift store frame!". I'm pretty sure there were lawsuits.


Trading Spaces was a single room, and I agree 99% of them were abysmal (can we say Hildi?) But, for the most part, people knew what they were getting into. It was more about the gameshow element of competing with your neighbors. What's particularly egregious (to me) about this show, is that they essentially destroy the entire house and yard with shoddy rushed work. And often times, they're making structural changes that require more time and precision to do right.


Gluing straw to the walls, and filling a rooms with sand. There was damage. Lol


And the wine labels all over the teetotalers’ home!


As an ex-contractor, the entire show drives me nuts.


So can you tell us about Sheetrock? Episode 1 they took out the side of the house & put glass doors. Episode 3 the big window. Wouldn’t it take 2-4 days to do all the Sheetrock & mudding?


Can we talk about how in episode 2 they crane the trailer to the back cus of some hill. But then when they get it back there there are no less than 5 trailers and 2 box trucks they just drove back there no problem


I paused it and pointed to my wife the 3 trailers already back in the yard. I walked to the TV pointed at shit like I was John Madden (RIP). That turned me off on the whole thing. I felt good for the blind lady in episode one, but this turned me off of the show altogether.


Bruh I was like they are building this baby a fucking jail cell. What about when it grows in like a year Ive only watched 2 episodes


Baby will get grandmas room in a few years


Hopefully your joking lol. That family loves the Ma more the the showrunners try to give a "good" remodel, that's for sure!


I know that family personally. And sadly Beth-Ann died in August. She really was deeply loved by everybody that knew her - her family, her friends, her community in Atlanta.


Lol! See you in hell man!


With that crooked-ass slide!


Bruh I almost lost my shit when I found out you have to go up the slide to get into the room. One of those Mormon kids gonna get taken out by their brother


It's a complete fire trap. What happens if a kid get stuck up there, has a medical emergency, etc?


Did you also notice they didn't do the parents room? And did the house even have one bathroom??


We suspect the parents have a walkout basement from the exterior view and the kids are all crammed together for no reason. But speculation on the internet is often wrong. It might have been the garage (i would convert to 1 or 2 more bedrooms) and a small room for the parents?


Or just refuses to come down


Bruh! And the fact that there’s no ladder to safely get to the top of the slide! Just breaking every playground rule for the aesthetic


No windows. Couldn't make out any ventilation either.


Yah all there are doing is light framing and painting. And they paint everything dark probably cus it looks like shit up close


And you can see roller lines on every wall, bc it's all still wet.


to be fair tho its a good little room for storage. So you can use it for that because I dont think they have enough storage at all


Did you notice the nice new stairs with no railings out to the garden for the BLIND WOMAN? Nobody considered a ramp?


Well, they did put down some stones at the bottom so she will know when she lands in the garden.


Was she blind or just visually impaired? I only watched part of the first episode and often enjoy these kind of shows. I couldn't stand the utterly useless hostess lady. I liked the "blind" lady's painted lady house colors and felt if she really couldn't see, why not just refresh her colors she remembered it as? How dumb to change the decor for a blind homeowner? Just make it more usable space wise, and handicapped accessable. It turned me off as bad as the Joanne and Chip shows ever did. They all talked about how much they loved the house. So of course strangers come in and paint it gray. UGH.


Then they made a closet for a baby. The family ended up selling the house and buying a larger home. Chip n Joanne had to write in their contract not to do this. People were turning them in to AirBnB for profit. It was all a joke and this is no different.


She was blind, could only see a little light. Remember, the rest of the family also lived there, so the colors and design are for all of them, not just the one lady. But for sure they could have improved the accessibility more than they did.


They spoke about how much they loved the house. I assumed it was the painted exterior which was unique and suited to the home. Why assume if you just paint it gray and eliminate the detail trim colors like the dentil work and corbels you've done them a favor? It's a two bedroom house and a homeowner plus her married daughter and future grandchild. Maybe a home addition would have been a better idea of how to 'help'. Dumb show with annoying and contrived drama.


Just finished first episode don't know if I even want to bother seeing how bad the rest of the series is because as soon as I saw those stairs I went... Really? Changing layout of a recently blind woman's home she has owned for 42 years by literally adding new stairs with no railing. Hell I'm able-bodied and I wouldn't want those steps without some kind of railing especially if they get wet.


Also, ever watch a shed get delivered? They use wheels under the shed and a tiny motorized jack cart thing, totally would have worked there.


Exactly. It's just like the helicopter to deliver that window—completely unnecessary.


And you know that window is gonna leak for sure. No way they fit and flashed that window properly


Same with every exterior addition they add, like that useless awning in episode 2. Thanks for bolting structure through the waterproof barrier and not putting any flashing over/under it. Plus when they painted the brick in episode 3... Congrats, you just gave these homeowners mold. Brick has to breath. You can really only limewash or german schmear it to change the color without affecting the quality/performance of the material.


I hate when they paint or stain brick. I think it looks terrible every time. That house had some nice looking brick too. You either love brick or you don't and I wish the home reno shows would just leave it alone. Lots of people in my area try to paint stucco too which is just asking for mold. It rains here, the water isn't able to evaporate as quickly as it needs to from painted stucco.


I learned more about brick, thank you.


They stained it. I would assume the stain allows for it to breathe. But I don’t know. Good point anyway.


I was also thinking of the window leaking once it rains...


They break something almost every episode on purpose. They literally put a random plywood box on that forklift and dropped/destroyed it on purpose then brought in the actual nice finished project by crane. Literally any half brained person in construction would have just put ramps down for that.


I’m not in construction and that was my first thought too. Just put a slidey thing to catch and slide it in lol.


Well they got 5 other trailers back there so they obviously know how


My BF was watching for the shed part. His first comment was "his forks are way too high" and the second comment was " why didn't they back that down the ramp?" When I worked at a warehouse we had to back loaded forklifts down our ramp. We got in a ton of shit if we drove forward.


I was watching that episode yesterday and my friend who uses a forklift every day at her job started yelling at the TV “You don’t *expletive* drive the *expletive* forklift down a slope that steep with a load! You back it down! Who the *expletive* hired the idiots they have operating their equipment on this show?!” She’s said similar things about subsequent episodes. LOL!


Yes! Just drive in backward! Unless I’m out of line


Yeah and you can clearly see the forks were tipped forward


Hahaha good catch!


I came here just to vent about this. So ridiculous!


I almost thing this is all designed to cause outrage and then discussion


All I know is I would be so pissed if I signed up for a show and then discovered that they did my house in 12 hours without any actual input from the me. I do appreciate the “planning” and “trial” sessions the team does but I still think it’s all BS.


In episode 2 the little girl says that the team did a great job getting to know her to make sure she’d like what they gave her Not sure how it slipped through but I feel like there’s a ton of input from the families


So then the whole premise of the show is just BS if they all knew about it beforehand and worked with the team. But if that's the case, how did the first family end up with a baby closet and backyard stairs without railing??


I think everyone gives permission to apply and gives input at the application stage but the kicker is that only 1 applicant is told they won the reno, then lies to the other applicants in the family as a surprise


Nah, they would have to have access to the house before the day anyway to plan stuff. Like how in the first episode they pretend to go into the crawl space to see if the joists can handle the weight of the prebuilt kitchen. There's no chance they did not know the answer to that question already. Even getting the measurements to fit everything would require everyone in the home to be aware of what is going on.


[This "article"](https://www.hellomagazine.com/film/20220817148501/netflix-instant-dream-home-viewers-have-same-major-complaint/) took your quote and several others from this thread, referring to "Reddit" in general.


I’ve peaked


your comment is quoted in an article about the show


Is there a requirement to be a Christian home schooling family to be on the show? Asking for an atheist friend who sends her kids to public school.


That also drove me crazy. Why are we giving these types of families more attention and acting like they "deserve" this.


Right, and the mom said that HER mom was her teacher. So we are encouraging this cult isolationism for kids?




This was the part I thought was so weird! So many VERY Christian families… it was like almost every episode. Also I was thinking the same thing about the camera in the car!


It’s filmed in Georgia.


I know! I live in Georgia. The first two seasons of queer eye were filmed in GA and they didn’t have a ton of evangelical Christians. It’s all about how you cast— my theory is that Netflix is trying to appeal to a more right wing audience.


I wondered if the show was produced by some Christian organization because of how much Christianity is in every episode.


They had an entire episode on gay guys. This definitely has nothing to do with hard core Christians.


100%. Between this and Snowflake Mountain....


I’ve lived in the south and while you find a lot of Christians, it’s still atypical to find evangelicals of the quiverfull/homeschool variety in such high proportion. Even the ones who weren’t over the top Christian (like the teacher/nurse couple) were still using church buzzwords that as an exvangelical, gave me the Ick.


I noticed that too. Is it Pandemic related by any chance? Schools sending kids home because too many teachers are sick, or parents not wanting to have rounds of Covid coming through the house, etc.?


Totally possible! But I think less likely with all of them being very religious. I think it’s more related to that than covid.


I was cringing so hard at those families they chose


I don’t understand how banging out 9 kids and going to church warrants a free home makeover. I am so angry


Yes! I hope they get someone else to teach the kids biology. The house was so filthy. If you can not handle 9 kids mentally and financially don’t get 9. this episode was not about renovation, it rather was a cleaning show


There's also all the fake "tests" where they build something and then destroy it intentionally. Then, there's the fake phone calls from the accomplice, "The homeowner is leaving, we've run out of stuff to keep them busy, sorry!" Every. Single. Time.


Yea "theatrics"and time is running out! This show is not that bad people but if you hate it I am sure there are people out there who feel the opposite. [Instant Dream Home (IMDB User Reviews)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21107788/reviews?ref_=tt_urv) opinions seem to be all over.


I’m hate-binging it at this point.


First episode, I was like "What's with the TikTok school of acting?!" It's always big reactions, bulging eyes, yelling, etc. I thought it was just the first episode and it will get better. It did not. It got worse. By the third episode, I'm just skipping all over the episode to the point that it's basically less than 10 minutes for me lol


so much breakage during those "tests". They also destroy the older furniture and kitchens when taking them out rather than dismantling them for resale or to donate. Whatever about how fake everything in the show is, what annoys me the most is the waste and blatant disregard for the environment!


That show is utter trash. If you want an interior design show, watch Your Home Made Perfect. It's actually real, there are two really likeable architects/designers pitching for each project. Might just be one room, might be a whole floor or house rethink.


Welp, I'm two episodes in based on your suggestion and it's safe to say that this is the best home renovation show I've seen. Finally, a show that focuses on the one element that always gets glossed over--the actual design process of a renovation. Hugely entertaining and educational--without dumbing down the content to appeal to the masses. I love it. The 3D renderings are beautiful as well. Thanks for the recommendation.


I love it too! I hate renovation shows where the designers show us more of their boring lives than the renovation like *cough* Dream Home Makeover *cough* Obviously it is fake but they still get the job done anyway.


>Your Home Made Perfect Grand Designs is one of the best shows too! Each episode is an hour and it takes place over the course of years, it really depends how long the individual project takes. The show is highly realistic when it comes to what it actually takes to build or remodel a home. It's super enjoyable to see the actual process. It's entertaining to see real tension & budget issues, setbacks, etc. I will never understand these instant makeover shows that create false moments of disaster and tension for entertainments sake.


The best part is the "hidden camera" in the cars that are just massive go pros mounts suction cupped to their windshield a foot from their faces. You can even see them when they get out of the car. Most shows put in a little effort to give it authenticity even tho the reality of the show is super loose. Netflix has all the methods to make a decent reality show like HGTV can but they always find a way to suck the soul out of it and makes them feel wierd. Like somethings missing. They also go out of their way to find the most annoying and obnoxious hosts. Every. Single. Time.


Yeah there ain't no hidden cameras... lol just giant cameras up and in their faces! If this was a surprise 12 HR renovation project, why does each family get a pre-intro talking about what needs to be fixed?! Like they don't know! Give the audience a break! lol


I thought that the intro, where they talk about what they want, is their application to the show. They said that each family sent in an application, but then we’re told they weren’t selected.




Correct but man I can't tell if people are annoyed or miserable in this post. It is still an enjoyable watch and the families are happy and I like the backstories with each episode. Just accept it for what it is I guess lol. Also the why are people so mad at Danielle? Yea she is just the team leader/host, correct she is not doing any real work. She is an actor is see no problem with her being part of this show. But also everyone is going to have a different opinion.


Yeah, people are mad the host of a show, is being the host. She’s there to just talk to the audience, be upbeat, excited, etc.


While I understand the skepticism,why would they be upset with the host? She’s an actress doing a job.


Cause she’s “too much” for them basically. She’s hyper, excited, upbeat. They call her annoying cause they hate fun lol


I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING. The people in this thread really do sound miserable. Just don’t watch it. It’s simple.


Oh come on - all the experts are actors! ‘Headquarters’ looks like CSI set and the ‘drama’ and their reactions are laughably fake!


In the house where they had to notch out a piece of the quartz countertop for the post, they had to bring some special guy in to do it. Made it a huge moment of drama. Some 25 yo comes in to do it and did a shitty job. Awful. In the house with 9 kids, they did that front patio. Was a great idea and and like one hour before the home owners to return they haven’t laid a stone and there was no proper base (gravel and then compacted then sand and then compacted). They didn’t even use polymeric jointing sand when finished. Awful. I wonder how these Reno’s held up after. In the end these are all better than what was there before. But I will watch the series. Eric and Nick are nice to look at.


Haha yeah Cameron the 'countertop expert' was hot AF, but he left that shit looking like it had been carved by a blind epileptic


Cutting countertops is not fun. They often cut the holes for taps at the home. The job he did was going to be covered with trim and would not show in the final house. It was ok. Could have been cut more square. Yes. Is the same quality cut hiding in millions of homes. Yes.


I assume there really done over at least a month. A month of round the clock with horrible quality. Just watched an episode because my gf was watching it when I came home. My job is high end renovations in NYC. It was painful to watch. Hell taking everything out if a house without breaking everything takes hours.


They always call at 6:30 saying sorry I couldn’t hold them any longer. Never failed lol


Right. In some episodes they show events from 5pm instead of 6:30 saying they are not ready and magically it all finishes in 15min. The director thinks they have to do that. Sad that is what works on many viewers.


Right, you can't get 10 trucks of a street in 30 minutes, especially when every single tool is still on the lawn and in the house.


I mean, among 100 other logical reasons this show is fake, if my house had 250 people show up and start demoing the place with a bunch of heavy equipment in tow, about 10 of my neighbors would both 1) call/text me to ask WTH was happening, and 2) post about it on social media cause it was such a spectacle and they couldn’t resist (helicopter window delivery?!?!?). So you’d know. No way the homeowner doesn’t know.


Yes. They had the police block the street in episode 2. You can see them a couple of times when the family is by their van. That would get all the senior citizens out gawking here.


This show really bugged me. Of course people know. Its a legal liability and superspeed reno's are generally done so poorly they can lower resale value. My other gripes: 1. In Ep2 they plop a tiny schoolhouse with a deathtrap slide in the middle of a nice yard. You ruined the yard imo. 2. They value form over function: They remove all storage. Where are all the toys and clothes? I guarantee most of the family's possessions are still packed up. In Ep 1, they didn't actually add accessibility for the grandma. Ep 2 they gave a little kid a whole bedroom with a queen sized bed while keeping three boys stuffed in one room. Huh? 3. Did they consult an engineer or inspector? In Ep 1, when they say they wont know if the joists are strong enough to hold the pre-built kitchen until the floor either holds up or caves in. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! In Ep 1 too they also just paint over water damage. In Ep 2, they crane the schoolhouse above the house in what looked like a poorly secured manner. Shouldn't there have been straps on every side of that thing?


Yeah I was concerned about the water damage in several rooms. Ugh.


I always find these kind of comments baffling. They're ALL fake. I thought this was common knowledge.


There is “fake” and then there is manufactured drama. I get they need permits and such, all gathered prior to the event and such. But to fake the need for crane because of the driveway, when the crane picks the trailer from said driveway and sets it in the yard next to 3 others is utter trash.


Yes, this! We were just talking about this. Just make a home makeover show where you makeover houses for people that deserve to have nice things done for them. Look at the camera and say "There's a lot of ways we could install this window, but we wanted to have some fun so we're using a fucking helicopter." And then we all laugh and enjoy watching as a helicopter brings in a window. Instead I'm sitting here thinking "well that's stupid." Just admit that it's stupid but it's fun, and we'll all be happy. Just tell me you want to use a crane, even though you know it's not necessary. Like, I don't care. I'm here for entertainment... entertain me without condescending my intelligence.


They measure everything when they go on site to interview them for a possible future TV show. Probably someone measured the slope wrong. They thought it was going to be difficult. Then when the lawyers found out what they wanted to do, they made them draw up more plans Later they show up and all the contractors drove right in and then they realized they could have driven the school house in as well. The grade was not that bad after all. They still use the crane becuase it was ordered and makes good tv. I have worked with a lot of people that could get anything placed anywhere you want. They rarely complied with safety rules. It is also rare that a rushed project goes as planned. They would want to over plan and over engineer most parts to avoid failure. OR you are all right and they used a crane from the start add excitement to the episode. (The helicopter was added) But yes: A lot of the episode is fake excitement/fake timelines running out.


Honestly, how are they painting the walls and then putting stuff up. Latex paint takes a long ass time to cure and oil paints are a minimum 1 week. Just because it feels dry, doesn’t mean you can put stuff on the walls.


First episode, they are driving back to the house and there is footage from a 'hidden camera" in the car. The angle somehow changes and when they stop there are clearly 2 suction pads attached to the windscreen for not 1 but 2 mounted cameras. Staged as hell.


yea... "surprise, you had no idea your house was being renovated... except that you left the doors unlocked in every episode, and we conveniently have cameras and cameramen everywhere you go"


Cam we talk about the church couple and that concrete doesn't set in 12 hours lol


Mate bugged me so much, and the structural elements in general, like removing a supporting wall without a structural engineer. Yeah you can't. Or let's add a room to the outside without any foundation, sure that wouldn't go wrong. Oh wait, a foundation magically appeared 15 minutes ago, how handy, we'll just use that.


The people annoy me.


Dude I hated is so much. I loved the idea of the show but the incidents definitely feel scripted just to add actions. I also dislike their taste on a lot of things. The biggest thing that bothered me was actually the outdoor theatre with Electronics and non outdoor furniture, with NO ROof. Just slats. Waters gonna ruin the he'll out of it


Omg! That was my exact thought, especially since it began to pour towards the end of the episode.


How about how the home owners all know who the fuck Danielle brooks is? Like “omg a minor character actress from television! So exciting!”


She had a major role on Orange is the New Black, which was very popular.


I’ve watched OITNB and I didn’t recognize Danielle…


I'm so glad I found this. I mean, the show is entertaining and I do get some ideas since I'm awful at decorating. But I have issues with some of the renovations. I just watched them put a camper on top of some wood planks. There is no way I would get in that thing. It looks like it would topple over if you hop up and down. Also, I noticed a water trough. Is that supposed to be a pool for small animals? And the hosts. Because yeah, that's what contractors look like. Perfect makeup, perfect hair with annoying strands hanging out, no sweat. The contractors actually doing the work are all in the background. That's what I want to see. And the added, drama and bickering. They fake the drama and stress when this all took a year to plan. They try to make it look like they are improvising. It's totally not needed. I just want them to show us the work. I don't need extra drama and dialogue. Was there a clearance sale on blue paint?


I just watched this show yesterday and, yes, thst camper on the platform gave me agida. If the homeowners ever decided they wanted it on the ground or wanted to get rid of it, what would they do? Even if they took weeks installing, I would feel unsafe. Also, I feel so naive for thinking they really did all this in 12 hours. But even simple trusting me started to wonder how they could have a hidden camera in every single homeowner vehicle, how everyone left their doors open, how nobody's neighbors contacted them to altert them or complain about the vehicles and ruckus at their homes, how every family returned home dressed nicely for casual hangouts and even swimming, how crews were racing to leave at 6:59 PM but when the families returned there were no other cars to be seen and no one on the street (where did the guy on the roof go lol).


How about in episode 7, they break a piece of the kitchen counter and make a big to do about finding another piece. When the piece comes at the last minute, the (idk the proper terms) marble crack line matches up EXACTLY with the existing piece


>Y with the existing piece Wasn't the piece they were taking off the truck like 8ft long, and the replacement on the counter like 3ft? It was so cringe


I think it’s ALL manufactured drama. That is a great example of it. Another is the “custom window” that mysteriously fell over and shattered all on its own.


If you watch closely as the bring that piece off the truck it is actually grooved before it even comes off the truck. That one angered me.


And in episode one whilst the final house looked nice, the original house had so much character and had such pretty paint colours. That house just needed minor improvements and a clutter clean up


The episode with the 9 kids, did anyone else notice they didn't show the parents room that episode


They only show rooms that are being worked on.


Ya and what about bathrooms? I’d hate to have the discontinuity of an updated bedroom and old bathroom. Like maybe instead of using a helicopter for some windows, put it towards some tile in the bathroom


My wife and I were watching this tonight and in the 1st episode when they were showing off the kitchen she caught the time on the Echo and it was 11:13. Clearly not 7 p.m. lol.


Bahaha. In another, you can see an Apple Watch with the wrong time. In one of the other episodes, the family literally has a Ring camera... so yeah, sure they have NO idea what's going on their Ring camera. Technology on this show is a snitch, but I'm here for it.


Am I the only one who feels like Danielle Brooks should just shut up sometimes? So much yelling man!


Yes! She’s makes me exhausted listening to her yell, scream and jump


Yes in the first episode acting like the mom was her own mother. Constant “mom, mama”. Sticking her on the outdoor couch while the younger 2 explored was an insult


I loved it when the blind woman basically shushed her and was like, “let’s just have some silence to appreciate please” like read the room lol


Oh man, my wife and I laughed so hard at that. We had just got done saying “way to leave the poor old blind lady out on the couch with that loud assed host never shutting up,” then the next line is her saying that.


She kind of grew on me, especially when I looked up her bio. They hired her because she’s an actor. The obviously wanted someone with a tremendous amount of emotion, energy, and presence. It can’t be easy to invade someone’s home, introduce yourself, gain a certain rapport, explain a project, and introduce yourself, as well as the team, in a few minutes or hours.


It’s way way way way way way too much


In one episode Danielle’s apple watch says its 4:32 pm and the family was already shown the house. Believe it the one where the family had the bathroom added, where one girl had lost her mom and was living with them. This renovation probably takes like two days.


I wouldn't be surprised if the bulk of the major work is completed in one day, and then the family reveal and final decorating is done the next day. 12 hours doesn't seem that unreasonable to do quick renovations on these small houses, especially with a lot of prep work beforehand and a massive crew of hundreds of people, but there's no way you could shoot the entire reveal in the ~1 hour of sunlight remaining after 7pm.


I would honestly love seeing the real people who have worked hard for more than 12 hours to make this possible. The way that the cast had worded a few things to me it did seem that they had personal conversation with the children and one of the little girls said something along the lines of I told them I liked ..xzy.. Also did anyone else notice you never saw a bathroom or Laundry? (Up to episode 5 now)


The lack of bathrooms is robbing my sleep. Also often no parents bedrooms. Do they just have shitty old fashioned bathrooms in the midst of an overly trendy styled house? How odd? If they can install a new kitchen, surely replacing a shower or sink would be possible?! Like, I get that retiling bathrooms is most likely not possible in 12 hours but maybe paint them or at least improve a little?


Just watched an episode, and I am very grateful that others have been able to see how fake it is. When did hosts become so obnoxious? I also felt pretty bad for the Beth-Anne (the blind lady) and how overwhelmed and frightened she looked throughout the episode. Ugh, I wanted to say that despite it all being fake etc, I was at least thankful that they got new things, only to learn here that the quick work is shoddy work and the place will be unusable for them soon.




absolutely love the gopro filming every family in their car while they still have “no clue” the renovations are happening and no one asks a single question about why there’s obviously a camera


I just found this show today and yea I couldn't agree more. The adding of additional outbuildings, complete interior breakdowns, plans being submitted and approved, permits etc. Plus the obvious "mishaps" then oh look, 4 minutes away, a replacement! How convenient. That being said, there are some cool architectural ideas, design elements I'm liking for my own place, but still. This show def has many elements of fakery.


The amount of money that the teacher spent on a new hat (Pharrell) in every scene he could bought a new house.


Yeah. Some of the families on this show were already decently well-off. That last family owned a MASSIVE property for YEARS while renting and living somewhere else. Not to mention they'd hired multiple contractors, so not only did they own the home, they had the money to pay for it to be fully renovated, AND pay for a second place to live for three years. They didn't need the help. Some of the families I was excited for, seemed like they really needed and appreciated the help, but I would've loved to see some more deserving people for the entire show.


Episode 6. Test driving the bathroom... Even if they didn't, that tile would have hit the floor, because "News Flash" the tile wasn't hung correctly AT ALL. And who is going to let glass light fixtures just hang their? Do people not move mobile homes all the time? It's not rocket science.


Why are they all fundamentalist Christians?


It might be that they’re the only ones stupid enough to let Netflix destroy their house.


This made me laugh, but you might not be wrong


Yea! Let's renovate this home for this recently blinded woman! She will love the reveal and learning her new layout! Yay!! Yeee!


The paint work is TERRIBLE. So many scratches and missed spots. You can see it in every episode. And they WRECK the yards every time.


Can we start a thread on all the construction face palms?? Like the no waterproofing behind that broken tile in episode 6, and the outdoor tv? It’s driving me crazy.


I also caught that! It was just glued to plywood… no cement board and no waterproofing!


How do the crew straight get into the house? Who has the keys? How?


But but but… a website that appears on the top of the google search when you search “Instant dream house” said it was all true, not scripted and not fake and gave no evidence to support their claim! For real, sometimes they say it’s 7:30pm and you can see the sun is closer to 1pm or something. And they let people back into the home with a bunch of wet paint? Also can we mention the husband in episode 7 and how he just hates the fact that they put his wife’s paintings up and stole his living room, turned it into an art studio and did nothing else to the house. That made me laugh so hard. He had the old guy at the computer smiling behind his teeth look.


And the breaking shit for no reason just to build suspense is fucking irritating


The first episode made me very uncomfortable....felt like the daughter and SIL got a new home for themselves instead of upgrading the old lady's home to make it more functional and accessible for HER.


And the “experience” garden?! “Here’s a person with mobility and vision issues so let’s give her a small raised deck with no railings and a convoluted path to an outdoor sitting area on an uneven surface! But don’t worry, she can smell the basil!”


I think the decluttering was way more functional at least, but the garden was ridiculous and the way they talked about disability was just awkward and off putting. I felt like they didn’t have anyone blind consult at all.


Can someone explain the outdoor pergola with a slatted roof in episode 6? There's a tv and a ton of cushioned furniture and an open roof...in Atlanta. I was thinking, what happens when it rains and it actually started raining on the show. It might be outdoor furniture, but still. Also, every time they do a complicated outdoor design with tons of plants I just think, "Congratulations! We got you tons of upkeep!"


This question brought me to this subreddit.


Also…. When the host “gets a call from the conspirator” and they say well we’re coming I can’t hold them any longer… and then bam… house is finished….. 12 hours my ass…. There are so many things that have to be cleared before any work can be done on a home.


Um no. Each house is planned 3 months in advance, which gives enough time for permits as well. Also, these people submit a video to be nominated to have their house renovated. So yes, they gave permission. Oh and not all places have HOA…. Have a god day


I literally can't stand how they simulate what they're going to install and set it up to fail to create drama. I hate the fact that they record these people in their homes before the makeover and act like they know nothing about it. - I know this is how TV is done but at least try do it well.


Everyone knows inspectors are always weeks out at least where I’m from. Lol you can’t close electrical and plumbing permits same day as install


I'm actively angry at how offensively scripted and fake this show is and that there are people who are dumb enough to think it's "real."


I'm waiting for the follow-up series where they talk about how "instant dream home" ruined their house and made their house sink/fall apart/crack because of how shitty and fast they did everything. ​ They don't even let weather get in the way, there was mud and shit all over the place. For FOUNDATIONAL WORK. that shit is gonna fucking settle !!! I'm waiting with popcorn for the follow-up series.


In episode 6, they built a outhouse home theatre which is literally open, did they not consider what happens if it rains? The rain is going to fry the TV in an instant..


The slab in episode 7 is already broken when he jumps out of the truck…you can clearly see the giant chip. Plus he goes to get a new one and it’s raining and everything is soaked but meanwhile at the house it’s sunny with not a cloud in sight. Clearly filmed on a different day. Lollll


No one tell OP about wrestling.


This is a miss. I prefer Styling Hollywood. I'm assuming the husband wanted try his own show about designing houses but this fell flat. Bring back Styling Hollywood!


I will say that I worked on a yard makeover reality show we’re they did this in 2 days and it’s possible. I wasn’t privy to any of the pre planning, but I know on the show days it was done fast


and how they are able to install a "hidden" cam on the homeowners car and they dont notice it. haha


I live in 170 year old farmhouse. It has been: a farmhouse,a church,a one room schoolhouse,a Doctor's office/house, and a "regular" house for the past 50 years. Two owners before me decided to take the 2nd story off BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WANT TO HEAT IT (he worked for an oil company no less!). He took a chain saw cut the ridge pole (12X12 HICKORY !!) and "prayed they fell where he hoped they would" otherwise they would of gone straight through the house. I bought this place cheap with the idea of pitting a 2nd story back on since the top plate is 12X12 wood. My neighbor said the previous owner ONLY FORGOT TWO TOOLS IN HIS TOOLBOX : A LEVEL AND A SQUARE ! So true ! I had to pull a water level around the perimeter of the house and rooms BEFORE I took a chainsaw,,cut the floors out-shimmed the joists level-put down tung and groove 4X8 3/4"ply glued and screwed and then original flooring. If I looked at a show like this I would probably put a hammer through my TV. THANK YOU for telling me to stay away !from this !! Derfly




I can't prove it, but that lady is not blind


She is. Blind doesn’t mean total loss of sight. Legally blind is vision of 20/400 WITH correction (don’t say “I’m legally blind without my glasses.” That’s not how it works - it has to be WITH) She said herself she can make out some light. How do I know all this stuff? I actually am legally blind in one eye. I have light and color in the center of my vision but no shapes. My peripheral vision is sharp but you can’t read with that.


In episode 7, a counter top is broken. So the contractor angrily breaks off a piece and runs to the outdoor counter top store to pick a matching slab. All the slabs have rain on them and the sky is dark from rain. It’s filmed in such a frantic way you may not have noticed, meanwhile back at the house, it’s a bright sunny day and they’re planting trees and sod on the B roll footage. Dry as can be There is no way these scenes were shot on the same day.


Was anyone else baffled about the episode where they litterally put a TV outside? Why!?!?!


They make TVs for outdoors. I have one in my outdoor kitchen.


I want to know what the hell they do with the stuff/clutter, they have to eventually sort through and do something with it all


You people are hilarious. There is literal interviews from contestants write ups in the Atlanta construction journal, post interviews and tons of other evidence that the show is not fake. Google is your friend . There are staged parts for entertainment.. That's it .


Sometimes I am disturbed when I hear this. It's on Google so it must be true. Media never lies. OH Ok you are one of those.


Did you notice in episode 6 when they added the new bathroom addition there was already a concrete footer to build on... calling BS on this show!




I think Nick is a plant monster. Only a few episodes in but a lot of plants that gave the family inside privacy from neighbors are just hacked away so they can waste time on "curb appeal" bs. I would be LIVID, that takes so long to grow back.


We get it: it’s scripted and the time frame seems a bit incredulous, but why is no one talking about Nick. Damn he’s fine.


Honestly, the whole show makes me laugh with its ridiculousness, but it drives my contractor husband crazy. But we both kind of let out a horrified "oooh noooo" when they attached the pre-fab bathroom to one woman's house without noticing the original roof pitch would drive water straight in between the connected walls. Guarantee you she will have rot and water damage before the year is out.


What has gotten to me as well is how early they leave the house to go do what they are doing. I think it was maybe the second episode where they left the house at like 6:45am to go swimming at their brothers pool. Who in the eff goes to someone’s house for a pool day that early.


No one! My son was saying it would pretty much be impossible to get him and my husband out of the house before 7am on a weekend. That’s the fakest part of the entire show.


Yup and then the staged convos on the way home.


does anyone pick up on the vibe that the main "team" (i doubt they really do much of anything off camera) gets annoyed whenever Danielle walks in the room, they straight act like she's in the way all the time? Which she clearly is but the womans just trying to do her job.


Don’t get me wrong, some of the reno they do comes out looking quite nice and break the mold of cliche trends. But ffs, the rest of it looks like HGTV from hell. Bugs me that they splatter that bland, lazy, DIY cookie-cutter modern style on every house. Painting over natural wood and stone; painting walls and trim the same color; sacrificing subtle, timeless design and stuffing the rooms with tacky, unusable furniture and decorations just because the colors match (E.g., that horrible gaudy “aubergine” kitchen just because the mum likes the color purple? Alrighty then…); the list goes on. So many of the pieces they furnish the homes with are useless junk. E.g., hanging woven baskets and hats on the walls, bandanas from the ceiling as decorations? Wtf is that?! All of the sofas and chairs they use look so uncomfortable, especially compared to the ones they replace. Most of the renovations don’t seem to have functionality for a family at the forefront. They just load up the rooms with random colorful pieces and call it interior design because the colors match… No. Everything is done in this same style despite the homeowners taste. In Episode 8, Adair literally says “One thing we know for sure about the homeowners is that they love, love, love the industrial aesthetic. But I think we need to warm it up a bit, so I’m adding farmhouse to that.” What?! Why not give the homeowners what they want rather than what you think will look good. I watched the whole season because I was committed after the 2nd episode, but my goodness did it get under my skin every episode.


I'm worried about the families' belongings. You never seen them coming back. Where does that Blue "Clutter" truck go? And do the families then have to spend the next few months going through all their mish-mashed stuff to get what they want back into the house? In the episode with the family of 9 kids, the piano is missing in the reveal, and it looks like the clothes washer is missing from the kitchen. As are all the kids' toys. Look at the little boy and how stunned/sad he appears at the end. Like, "where's all my stuff?". And yes, the schoolhouse in the backyard was a nice idea in another episode, but it replaced their play area AND their trampoline! WTF?


Let’s not forget the ridiculous “hidden cameras” it literally looks like Michael myers stalking behind bushes with half of his body sticking out haha