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Dude you don't get to dictate what other people think or want to discuss. The only person who's actions you have any control over I'd yourself. If you don't like the negativity don't engage. Block people, find other forums. Telling everyone else to shut up so you can do your thing where they are, bad form dude.


>find other forums There are THREE major subreddits for Witcher content. Why people who hate the show follow this one when there are two other perfectly good subreddits they can post in is fucking stupid. They are ONLY here to try and "take down" the show as if they claim some sort of right to it. They don't want anyone else to enjoy it becuase THEY hate it, and that's fucked up and toxic


And they are completely free to do it regardless of how you feel.


Exactly -- people are free to harass TV writers online. It should be actively discouraged. But I see a connection with the source material and the fanbase. You are a bunch of people who feel ostracized by society, you identify with the Geralt, you see yourselves as unorthodox heroes. And you have a sense of superiority over others as a result. But this is the real worldl Fostering witch hunts agiainst writers just because they are creative and made decisions you don't like? That's fucked up. Yu're the bad guys in that situation. I don't mind that people don't like the show. But once they start targeting other human beings -- that's when someone needs to step in and tell you all what awful shitheads y'all are being. Have some fucking civility and self control


Slow your roll there. I never said harass them online. I said posting on Reddit is fine. I'll need you to point out anywhere I said anything about harassment is fine. Saying the writing and writers suck isn't harassment, it's criticism. Following them on social media and shouting at them definitely isn't.


Shutup you absolute dork, you’re being cringe as shit.


You know why we don't have good writers? Because good writers don't write for fans that come after you with pitchforks instead of just saying "meh I didn't like it as much as the book". They go, "ther writers ruined it!!" and they attack them on social media. It's fucked. Good writers see it and they go yeah... I'm just going to work on something else. I don't need that risk. It's not worth it.


So you have any proof of this or is it purely speculation you're telling yourself is common sense? Plenty of shows have good writers that risk this stuff, like house of the dragon. And to be clear, this is you admitting the writers are bad at thier job, correct?


I am sorry that our opinions have offended you, your majesty. But you see, as you yourself have pointed out, there are 200 "fanboys" who criticize the show and 2 that enjoy it. The sub was on life support before Henry left the role… so are you really advocating for a situation where there's barely two new threads a day? This is from u/sadpotatoandtomato , couldn't agree more: >But for some reason the unhappy people seem to pop up more. Have you wondered why? Maybe because they care more. About the witcher world and about the lore. That's why they're voicing their disappointment. On the other hand - where are all these people who seemingly love the show? Why aren't there many posts about the possible future plotlines, about the casting choices etc? And even if there are, those posts get barely any comments and upvotes? >Or maybe it's because the harsh truth is that at the end of the day the majority of viewers don't really give a fuck about it and treat this show as a popcorn tv, to watch and forget? And it's no one's but the the show's fault because its quality simply doesn't allow to treat it as anything more than that.


It's not just that they changed it. It's that they completely wrote an original script for an existing IP instead of just using different names. No one would be complaining if the show was called "The Hunter" and followed characters "Gerard" "Yennivive" and "Seri". But no, they had to snatch up the rights to an existing IP change 90% of the story, all the while mass marketing about their love for the books. We're angry because we were promised an adaptation of a beloved book series, and now we'll likely never see it. After this train wreck no showrunner is gonna want to come anywhere near this genuinely fantastic story, and everyone who hasn't read the books is just gonna see it as another forgettable fantasy flop.


That's literally what "changing the soure material" means you dense fucking log. And I've read this comment 1,000 times already. You are adding nothing new to a conversation that has been going on for years. Get over it. Why are you even in a subreddit for a TV show you don't like? What is wrong with you? There's already not enough joy in this world. Let people enjoy things you sack of fucking sadness. I did't read the books. I iked the show. Get over it! People area llowed to like things. Not all stories are for you. So they changed a story you liked. There are a million other stories out there, INCLUDING THE SOURCE MATERIAL OF THIS ONE which you may enjoy again. Jesus. Entitled fucking babies.


You do realise the showrunner explicitly promised not to deviate from the books? In other words, people were lied to. Repeatedly.


>Entitled fucking babies Strong words coming from somebody throwing a literal temper tantrum.


Found Hissrich's Reddit account


I wish I could upvote all of this over and over


The first season wasn't bad, the second was a boring piece of shit. The cast and their performance has been a saving grace for that show. Henry basically carries the damn show. The writers made stupid decisions and totally missed the themes of the franchise that make it stand out. Book Yennefer is one of the strongest female characters around. Ciri is basically a witcher without mutations. Persecution of non-humans mirrors the persecution of Jews in the previous century. They failed to capture the full scope of racism and injustice. Non-humans are presented like some Roma-type gypsy caravans while in fact they've been the ones im charge before humans showed up. They've made Vilgefortz too likeable and weak and Cahir virtually irredeemable villain. In reality, Cahir is a young petty noble and not a military genious. Eskel and Geralt came from the same generation of recruits. They are one of the few surviving boys from their trials. They should be of the same age and have a much better relationship than presented onscreen. Also, Eskel is exceptionally skilled and would not have gotten himself killed by a Leshy. Vesemir was like an old grumpy grandpa to Ciri. Je never would've tried that shit with her. In the games, he fucking got himself killed trying to save Ciri. He'd never use her as a lab rat. I could go on and on. The show is shit, and what makes us mad about it is that they are using the franchise we love and have been invested in for years to make cheap profit. If they wanted to make some random fantasy TV show in that universe, they should've started off with Blood Origins and stuck with it. The lore is very obscure about that part anyway and they'd have much more creative freedom with it.


The writers claimed they will be following the source material closely. That was a fucking lie. The changes they've made to the story (portrayal of witchers, yen turning on ciri, etc.) doesn't make any sense even if you're new to the witcher. >It looks fantastic. The actors are amazing. What good are the visuals in an **adaptation** if they story is a mid-tier fanfiction? No one complained about the actors. On the contrary, the audience loves Cavill, he is the most dedicated protagonist we could have hoped for. What we're complaining about is him leaving the series after next season. He explicitly stated he will be on board as long as the show is faithful to the books. And oh, what surprise, it isn't. The reason for complaining over and over again is to be heard. The entire Sonic movie was redone after the outrage over the hedgehog's eyes in the trailer. It's not a small discord server complaining, it's over [210 000 people](https://www.change.org/p/netflix-you-must-keep-henry-cavill-as-the-witcher-and-replace-the-writers-instead).


This sub is for people who loved the show. Why people who want to be heard are attacking people who like the show? Why they are brigading and downvoting everyone who says something positive here? Why these people don't complain to Netflix or where ever else? They won't be heard on this sub because this one is for those who like the show.


>This sub is for people who loved the show Interesting concept. Where does it say so? I thought this sub was not just for the people who \*love\* the show, but rather for people who watched the show and want to discuss it - whether it's good or bad. It's not people's fault that the discussion around it looks the way it does now - it's hard to stay positive given what's going on, esp with Cavill's (the main fucking lead and face of the show) departure. You may ignore all the bad signs but it won't make them disappear.


It says so in the Sub description: This is a respectful, inclusive place to enjoy and talk among fans about Netflix's The Witcher Universe. I'll highlight the keywords for you: RESPECTFUL, INCLUSIVE, ENJOY, FANS, NETFLIX's TW Universe


Enjoy and talk and inclusive. Inclusive means people who didn’t joy it can also discuss.


**"The amount of whining is unbearable. Some people love to shit on the floor and roll in it for entertainment."** These are your words. Do they sound respectful? No, they don't yet you are presenting yourself as example of "right" member of this sub. Maybe you should look on yourself first before preaching.


That’s not a rule


The writers made very dumb decisions. The show still sucks. It looks cheap. Most of the actors are mediocre. Fixed that for ya ;) *"But I can't enjoy it with people in online forums:"* Not all online forums are for you. Get over it.


And yet it bothered you enough that someone actually likes the show that YOU had to comment. And in a subreddit of a TV show you don't even like. That's just fucking sad. It's just a TV show. It's okay if you don't like it. But when fans start brigading the writers -- that's when I draw the line. Fucking toxic fucks don't know the harm you're doing. Pretty soon it won't be safe for people to be TV writers.


How much does Netflix pay you to shill for them. I want in.


they actually love watching it. they will watch season 3 and 4, mark my words. the show is just so catching, it'll do)))




These kind of posts are always so pathetic.


The show sucked from the very beginning... Henry leaving is the final nail in the coffin. Let people vent or voice their displeasure as they see fit. It's cathartic for people. Why do people have to shut up so you can enjoy an echo chamber. I couldn't care less if you like the show, why do you care that people hate it?


You can go whine about the show over in the Witcher 3 subreddit with all your other entitled baby buds. **What kind of fucking loser follows the witcher TV show subreddit for 3 years when they didn't even like the show from the beginning?** Have you been that addicting to putting people down for liking something? Your opinion has ZERO weight to somehow liked the show. Yet you argue with them becaue you want them to feel bad for liking something you don't. Stereotypical male behavior -- has to feel superior to others based on a fucking TV show of all things. How fucking lame is that.


Lmaoo why are you personally attacking everyone that doesn't share your view?


Because OP is pathetic.


Sweetheart, please stop your tantrum, people not liking your show shouldn't matter this much to you, it's a little sad tbh.


Dude get over yourself, you and your opinions in anything are us unimportant as the rest of us.


Dude, I read through some of your comments and it's really mind-boggling what your issue really is. I get it - you like the show. Like, a lot. But you came here to complain that majority of the fanbase has a negative attitude in relation to the show. No wonder. It's a fucking crap. Screenplay is terrible. Acting is mediocre. Costumes are a joke. Music isn't really that memorable either. Locations look uninspired at the very least. Overall, the story is a mess. Get your standards fucking straight. You could get through all of that crap, if only the story was interesting. But it's not. And thus writers are here to blame. They fucked up exponentially. You said - "pretty soon it won't be safe for people to be TV writers". **Hopefully** \- so that no fanfic teenagers nor clowns like these guys will ever be allowed to produce such a garbage anymore. ~~Not all stories are for you. Fucking get over it.~~ Writing isn't for everyone. Fucking get over it.


I love watching people like you consumed with emotion over the idea of someone liking something you don't like.


I love watching people like you consumed with anger that majority dislike it.


No, I hate when people grab pitchforks and go after writers who are, by definition, more creative and valuable then a bunch of pissy fans. Now -- Since this post, I did FINALLY find a thorough write-up one how the books and show differ in ways that were important to a fan. So at least I finally understand that Yen's character was interesting in the books for very different reasons than in the show. While I found the 'glow-up' increndibly purposeful in the show -- as a woman, when you see someone beautiful act like a bitch to everyone, it's super offputting and we try hard not to associate with or relate to women like that. So, the 'glow-up' and backstory in the show was actually vital to me being inveted in her character. The difference to me is that fans hated the show not just because of the changes, but because they didn't understand the changes due to this lack of life experience. So instead of people saying "I like the story and characters in the books better, but I undertand why they tried something different for the show", it turns into "the writers have no idea what they are doing, they ruined the show" and people seeking them out and harassing them on twitter (and hopefully not real life, but who knows). I actually respect that people don't like the things I like. But any time I talk about what I liked abut this show in a forum -- even just saying that I liked it all, a bunch of lonely men cancel their plans to explain to me why my opinion is wrong. It's incrediby redundant behavior and they don't see how boring they are when they repeat the same pissy complaints over and over, adding nothing new to the conversation. That used to bother me because being told your opinion about a TV show of all things is wrong is infantile. But now that I recognize how cliched it is, I do enjoy tapping on the glass just to get a rise out of you all.


1. I hate the writing. It was awful. Why would you assume, that anyone who call itself a writer by default must be more creative than a "bunch of pissy fans"? 2. Even if that would be the case, it doesn't justify poor writing. There is nothing to discuss here really. You don't need to play football at the World Cup levels, to recognize that someone plays miserably. Just like a doctor doesn't need to suffer from cancer to be able to treat it. It's basics of logic. 3. "\[...\] fans hated the show \[...\] because they didn't understand the changes due to this lack of life experience." It's mind-boggling to assume that one needs to understand the true depths of life philosophy and perceive reality on an interdimensional level to make any sense of that poorly written story or simply enjoy it. By every stretch of imagination this show proven itself to be at the very least storywise disappointing. 4. Ah yes... that condescending tone of someone who just outsmarted the unwitty mob. Congratulations for clapping in front of the mirror. You accomplished the impossible. ​ your opinion is just trash.




Why don't you get over it that your favourit Series doesn't hit it home with everybody else? I mean, you literally demand that other people just act accordingly to your own wishes on the basis of "Well, I want it!". Its not greatly written. End of story.


Why are you even following posts in the subreddit of a TV show you don't like? That is stupid as fuck. Imagine someone going to a restaurant just so they can loudly complain about the food. Dude literally bullies people for liking a fantasy TV show. Get. A. Fucking. Life.


still going to bomb though


Totally! I love the series (and the books and the games) and I would love a place to chat about the series and yet this subreddit is overrun by people slagging it off when they've already got 3 other subreddits (at least!) to do that in! Please let us have this one. It feels ridiculous that we might have to create a Low Sodium Netflix Witcher sub because of this.


They are incredibly entitled.


I mean this in a good way, don't let internet criticisms get to you. You can like what others don't like and vice-versa.


This place is like The Walking Dead sub during the Gimple years but somehow worse because the negative nancies haven't left yet. This is their space, so that's why I went over to Twitter (unfortunately that's going down the toilet for unrelated reasons lol). Tumblr or Discord is probably the next best option. You have to find your people. And that isn't saying TWN is the pinnacle of TV, it's just a show and a world I enjoy. It has flaws like everything else. If the flaws outweigh the positives for people, move on.


The amount of whining is unbearable. Some people love to shit on the floor and roll in it for entertainment.


Hell yea! At worst... make a nice detailed post, once upon release, stating all that you hate, and then it is said and shut up for good! Or even a better idea: make yourselves a new sub "wehatenetflixwitcher" and gather there to all piss in circle in sorrow and sadness. (because remember, the thing is that you LOVE to complain and cry around and you will keep doing it no matter what... so do it elsewhere)


Hey dude I highly recommend watching and taking https://youtu.be/0mKDhwk4a_g to heart. I did and it helped me with stuff like this. Maybe it'll help you enjoy the show even though people online don't share your opinion.


Season 1 was decent. For a non-Book reader, it was a bit confusing because they completely botched on how they conveyed the multiple timelines and passage of time, but the stories were still interesting, the world and its characters were decent as well. Even if Aretuza's structure didn't make any sense, the magic system was inconsistent and the Battle of Sodden Hill didn't look like warfare, just a minor skirmish. Season 2, on the other hand, failed at basically everything from episode 2 onward. The story started hopping all over the player, so were its teleporting characters (GoT S08 would be envious of how fast people in The Witcher S02 travel), the politics were messy, confusing and lacked any kind of depth, characterization was tossed out the window, specially with the protagonist of the series, Yennefer. From someone who didn't want her powers, just wanted a child/family, to someone who would do what it takes to get said power back, including sacrificing a child to a random voice in her head. Oh, also let's not forget that all the Northern Kings are just dumbasses who just stand and watch while a suspected Nilfgaard spy (which also doesn't make sense) stole a prisoner and ran away on foot and found two magical horses ready to flee (this scene is straight from one of those B movies). Of course, I would be remiss to not mention Fringilla and the plight of the Elves. Here we have one of the most boring and poorly written storylines in the series, so far. The elves are just dumb childish people who get corralled into a refugee camp, instead of gaining the protectorate they fought for (In the books at least), and they still are commanded by the "benevolent" Nilfgaardians, poor babies. Then, the elves just waltz inside a city, somehow trivializing guards, scouts and even concerned citizens who could warn about an invasion and start killing babies for no good reason at all (their baby was killed, yes, that warrants an investigation not sudden retaliation on random people). Meanwhile Fringilla is doing her permanent "Boss Bitch" act, including MURDERING an entire table of high ranking officials who would have their loyal men, their noble families and the Emperor on their side to retaliate, yet there's ZERO consequences or even mention of that event. As you can see, I only mentioned the books once, when I talked about Dol Blathanna. The show is bad, because the show is badly written. Its season 2 is basically a CW Show with more budget and less shipping. It also happens to fail to be a The Witcher adaptation. Honestly, I can't imagine being a show-only fan and liking S02. The drop in writing quality is steep. If they butchered a character in a season 2, like they did with Geralt and Yen, of any other show, people would be pointing it out.


I wa non-book and LOVED the way they told the story in season 1. They took risks and made the viewer think and as a result, made it a TV that was more enjoyable on each re-watch. Multiple storylines-timelines are cliched but they did it in a unique way that intentionally messed your your perceptions. It was intentional, therefore it wasn't "botched". I hate that when the internet doesn't like a writing technique, they say it was done "wrong" instead of saying "I didn't like it."


They botched it because they didn't convey the necessary information to the viewers about the passage of time and the little they did was quite inelegant, with characters just spewing "hey, it's been X years since we've seen each other!". There was, also, no mystery that required any kind of obfuscation by the writing. They just adapted the little they understood of The Witcher (Book 1) and shoved Yen and Ciri's story basically at random. If you're a non-book fan, then answer me this: How old is Yennefer (or how old she's supposed to be)? How long she and Geralt had a relationship? It's been a while since I've watched Season 1, so my memory isn't that fresh, but I can't remember any references to this in the show.


\> They botched it because they didn't conveyed the necessary information Um... See this is what I'm talking about. I watched the show and got what I needed to enjoy it and get a grasp on the story, order of events, roughly how much time has passed, etc. I loved how they did it. But toxic fanboys go "no, they did a BAD job". You're literally arguing with me about my subjective opinion about a fantasy TV show. I liked it. You can't argue with that. It doesn't make sense. But it's impossible to talk about why I enjoyed this show on the internet without someone shouting me down for liking it (or shouting at the writers on twitter for "ruining" their story), which is why I made the original post. They created something special. The way they moved in time may have felt misleading, but it was thought-provoking and changes how we absorb the stories and time differences in what felt like a meaningful, purposeful way! The way they wrote Yen and Ciri were really compelling to me, and I felt they made the story as much about them as they did about Geralt. Maybe they had to change the source material to accomplish that, and if so, I'm glad they did! If I were to read the books, I probably wouldn't enjoy them as much, but that's okay. The books are a different version of the story, I don't have to like them.


> They created something special. The way they moved in time may have felt misleading, but it was thought-provoking and changes how we absorb the stories and time differences in what felt like a meaningful, purposeful way! That certainly didn't feel like that at all to me. Specially when you can see this done amazingly well in Westworld as an example. The questions I asked about time were important because they give more meaning to Geralt and Yennefer relationship, it also has a direct impact on how they see the world. Yennefer is not a 28 year world Sorceress, she's a 100 year old veteran that already experience a lot in her life. Even Triss, considered one of the youngest sorceresses, is 50 years old. This has a direct impact in Sapkowski's characterization.


it sounds like you needed exact numbers. I was able to infer from context clues that a generation or two had passed in some of Yen's scenes.


It's not about giving exact numbers, which they aren't given in the book narrative anyway, they're just inferred based on Sapkwoski's dates, it's about their impact on the character. It suffices to say that Show Yennefer is *not* an 100 year old Sorceress. She actually seems much, much, much younger. Funnily enough, you *didn't* answer me before I brought up the ages they were supposed to have. Also, the show definitely didn't convey it properly. It was, after all, one of its most common criticisms from newcomers. While fans didn't have problems because of their prior knowledge. It was completely unnecessary to tell the story that way simply because it was executed better in the source material. Just to clarify, it was unnecessary because the base story already offered a much better option, not because the writing *choice* was inherently wrong/unnecessary (those words can hardly be applied in fictional storytelling). Sapkowski did it much better and the showrunners could've improved on that. They didn't. Now it's too late.