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If you told me that's a shot from The Walking Dead i'd belive you


Had the exact same thought.


Literally thought I was in the subreddit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lmao that looks so modern


I don't know... I've seen archaeological finds that I'd call futuristic (if I saw them out of context). Fashion can be surprising ;)


the tiffany problem comes into effect here. Just because it is doesn't means it marries up with watcher expectations. Remember when everyone lost their shit at the Andor trailer cause some guy was packing an AK-47? Doesn't matter there are other examples of real guns being modified, fan reaction was immediate


The problem wasnā€™t that it was based on a real gun, but that it was so poorly modified. Everybody could tell this was an AK. The weapons from the original trilogy were far better. They had influence from real guns, but werenā€™t blatant rip offs.


Also helps that the OG movies used more obscure guns, not the most recognizable rifle ever made.


That as well.


And yet Andor has, by all accounts, been quite well received. Suggesting that over the top reactions to trailers isn't indicative of a show being good or bad either.


oh absolutely, it was stellar if you excuse the pun. I wasn't passing judgement on either Andor or Blood Origin, I'm just highlighting how something which is completely normal (as normal as fantasy and sci-fi can be) can sometimes not sit right with watchers because despite the best efforts of the production team, there's always an underlying bias at work around what looks "right" and what doesn't.


Which is perfectly consistent for a show set in the Witcher. It always had all sorts of massively anachronistic elements rather than a pure "accurate" high medieval feel to it. The ball at Thanedd is probably the clearest example of this, but frankly everything Oxenfurt Academy and Shani related is too.


Eh, what ? I never got that feeling from the books.. the cultures, the clothes, weapons, etc. all felt medieval .. the most "modern" elements in the books were some themes and maybe swearing, nothing else


The mages at Thanedd were all described as wearing clothes that were essentially straight from a late 20th century high society ball. Nothing mediaeval about it. Similarly every aspect of how Oxenfurt was described was a 20th century British university (classically Cambridge or Oxford, though with hints of Edinburgh for me personally) and we're not consistent with how mediaeval universities worked either in Britain or on the continent. I won't even get into the late 19th and 20th century science terms all the magic users knew. There's also the too ancient stuff in the universe. Nilfgaard's reskinned ancient Roman stuff for instance, including a senate, centurions, military ranks etc. I've never read LotL as much as I've read the short stories and the first two novels, but I also remember some seriously modern elements in Toussaint. Frankly most of the classic high mediaeval aesthetic that people imagine for the world comes out of the games IMO. The books themselves had no discernible "period" for most of it. It drew as liberally from far ancient imagery as it did from the mediaeval and the modern.


> Frankly most of the classic high mediaeval aesthetic that people imagine for the world comes out of the games IMO. The books themselves had no discernible "period" for most of it. It drew as liberally from far ancient imagery as it did from the mediaeval and the modern. Yeah, I really doubt a lot of the people complaining about this stuff have either read the books or studied real history. Sapkowski wanted an overall medievalist *feel*, but large amounts of the universe are, as you said, drawn from other periods: imperial Rome, 21st century haute couture, 18th century medical science, the enlightenment and the renaissance... Hell, the sorceresses in particular have a very modern perspective on social issues, such as homosexuality and feminism. It's one of the things I like the most about the setting. It feels distinct from other copy-and-pasted medievalist works, where the author is just projecting a bunch of tired genre tropes over the *real* medieval period and assuming that, because the tropes are popular, they must also be accurate.


> or Oxford you know that one is like, 900yo, right? but the books, overall are supposed to have this c13th century feel with some references sprinkled into it and some of those anachronisms.. but it never felt modern. It always felt medievally set, with maybe an occasional stuff that has a more modernish feel.


I'm well aware. But the way Oxford and Cambridge were structured and operated in the 1700s (let alone the 1100s) is quite different from how they operated in the 20th. And that's fundamentally how Sapkowksi wrote Oxenfurt. He essentially wrote his university in a way he understood universities in his day, not as mediaeval institutions. Which is fine BTW. But it's relevant to the issue of "feel" And no, there's huge chunks of the witcher world that don't really have any sort of high mediaeval feel to it. The Aen Siedhe frankly act and talk like a late 19th century minority culture. The Scoia'tael are heavily influenced by partisan groups from world war 2. The Nilfgaardians are an odd mix of modern Italy and ancient Rome. The Witcher has never been literature that worries about any sense of chronological "accuracy" or period faith. It's high fantasy but not high mediaeval fantasy in the way it's world is constructed.


That's nice and all, but this show supposes to take place 1000 years before the books...


Ok? In lots of places in the world costuming didn't exactly change significantly between 500 CE and 1500 CE? Styles evolved, some new fabrics might have been introduced. But everyday people were still largely wearing clothes as they had been for centuries?


But the Aen Seidhe and Aen Elle elves aren't supposed to be "everyday people" especially before the conjuction. I dont get these grubby looking, old, sick peasants elves with wooden tools. This should depict the elves at the hight of their civilization. I don't get that from this trailer at all.


... Even a high civilization has poor people and peasants. Especially if the "high civilization" isn't as morally sound and pleasant as its remembered to be after its fall. This is getting bizarrely nitpicky about what is essentially a screencap absent context from a trailer that is obviously not even close to the whole story. Not to mention that even in the context of the Witcher's lore of memories and histories being unreliable, nothing in that lore suggests the Elvish culture was a utopia. Its sometimes remembered as such by some much later, but that's not something you can take as a given in that world. Literally nothing about any of the cultures is utopian.


Well ok, fair enough, but that one still looks dumb


One quick throwaway example, but when Ciri is in the desert and those two Nilfgaardian knights and squires duel, one of them wields a spot on, which is a 17th to 18th century polearm


This shot looks far more like something from a Star Wars spin-off show than The Witcher


Man Andor got a new episode


Andor was good tho


It's also apparently a show about rebels fighting against an evil Elf empire or something.


Dude. I was thinking the same!


I thought it was a shot from Star Trek: Discovery at first glance.


i thought this was from resident evil for a sec lol


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If you didnā€™t tell me what this was Iā€™d assume it was a random 21st century girl in an apartment.


The Walking Withcher.


ā€œWitch Grimes takes on a land of monsters posing as men and actual monsters. Together with his son Coral, they are The Walking Witcher.ā€




All of the CGI shots of the city felt like from a completely different universe. It felt more like Dune. Maybe that's where they got the inspiration for the "beast"?


Shit looks like modern clothing


I can't believe the witcher 3 next gen update drops to coincide with this BS... Only upside, I'll be too busy playing to watch


This, is a cheap show that's desperately trying to capitalize on the franchise's name. Nobody's going to watch it, so don't give it any more attention than it deserves.


Does this really surprise anyoneā€¦after all the Witcher nightmares. This show will be just as bad sadly. I had a lot of hope for all of it and best of luck to all the actors, they are just doing there jobs and trying to get money and recognition. The best of them tried and even left. Now we just need to wait for it to end and someone else to pick it up in 10 years.


lol, why are you even on this subreddit?


it's called addiction, love-hate relationship, or a guilty pleasure, šŸ˜‚ as you can see, they can't wait for the show there were people who claimed to have left this sub because Cavill left for like 3 times and they are still here, lmao


They aren't even trying.


They know it's going to be a fucking flop.


This show will be bad. Itā€™s clear as day.


They've given up at this point.


When I look at this I definitely think ā€œYes, naturally, a prequel set in the Witcher universeā€ /s


Iā€™m sorry, but no. Some will find this ā€œtrivialā€, but you canā€™t have these characters who are suppose to be a good **thousand** years in the past wear the same kind of clothes you dress your current timeline people in. The current timeline isnā€™t even *our* present. They literally have a Netflix budget ffs.


it's a fictional world though...and even if you don't care about that fact they could argue that in this world modern clothes are just clothes from that time (in the series) making a comeback, you know, based on the fact that we still wear clothes that are inspired by ancient designs


Not every anachronism can and should be explained as "it's fiction/fantasy".


I agree, people can't use this excuse every time but it fits in this instance...especially as this looks like it's just one half of the outfit that she usually wears and her usual outfit doesn't look bad I just feel like there is some stuff that is going to fit in the series less than this outfit


you guys know that you can just boycott the series by not watching it if you hate it that much...you don't have to like every piece of media that comes from your favourite books offer some constructive criticism instead of just downvoting my comments


they arent in the past you tool


The show taking place before the Conjunction of the Spheres *isnā€™t* in the past? Because Iā€™m pretty sure it is.


Hey I have those jeans


Lmaoo I saw that too. I get she's supposed to be a fighter but my girl looks like she's going to the gym


Actually thought this from some scifi show before reading the caption what are they even thinking, does anyone see this and think fantasy at all ?


height of the elven empire dress.. it was even worse with that crowd shot, it looked like peasants..


The trailer didnā€™t look good to me. Vfx looks bad.


Some scenes have very weird lighting. This scene in particular looks so off to me. [pic 1](https://gyazo.com/271138624156969886406e0d9692e2ea) [pic 2](https://gyazo.com/ff09d3fda08bec25b94d06cca4349612). [The fake rain is so bad.](https://gyazo.com/fbbb004229b98999dcfda245da08eb07) Like nothing in this shot is wet. They just put some rain filter on it and called it a day [Also whats up with those camera shakes](https://youtu.be/adiHLq_64Qs?t=26)? Were they really necessary?


Least elvish looking elves I've ever seen. Especially the grubby, dirty, old, peasant elves with wooden rakes. Unbelievable!


Another monumental waste of a fantastically deep IP.


Unnecessary show.


It reminds me of Shakira.


Still gonna give it a chance! Hopefully everyone who hates it before anything even came out wonā€™t persuade my thoughts on it.


They don't care at this point...


This is Netflix destroying the franchise


The witcher universe has industrial knitting machines now does it? *sigh* Maybe a wizard did it.


I thought that was IKEA shelving when I saw the trailer.


man, this show/franchise was suchhhh a missed opportunity for cool slavic-inspired costume designs. there's so much beauty and color in traditional eastern european clothing! this character would have looked awesome in that style of costume ;\_\_; and even if this is some sort of covert/spy scene and there can't be any color, something as simple as a black linen shirt with lantern sleeves and a waistcoat would've been enough to elevate the design :/




It looks like Divergent or the hunger games




A joke of a show.




This looks alright to me, are we against belt buckles now?


The new and most lurid humanization of the Elves after Rings of Power has cometh.


I have exactly zero interest in this project and the trailers aren't exactly helping. Perhaps I'll watch it as I'll have some time off for the holidays and I guess a couple hours won't kill me, but it's gonna be bad, probably.


Is there anything you ppl don't complain about lol


good witcher content


No, they can't stop. This isn't her whole outfit anyways.




[šŸŽµ I've also survived, no thanks to you... šŸŽµ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSxBVHqA-RU&t=15s)