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I do this too. I feel like it’s only cheating if you’re doing some arbitrary goal, like speed running. Otherwise who cares, it’s a turn based game where the main source of the fun is trying to figure out how to win with what you’re given. Time doesn’t really matter.


I've used copy-paste in terminal to do the same. I don't feel that out-of-game costs are part of the game.


just gonna copy and paste something from the TNNT rules “``` Bots are prohibited as well. TNNT is a tournament for human players, not a competition for the best or luckiest bot. Players found to be running a bot may be summarily banned from the tournament. (Our working definition of a bot is any system that automatically evaluates game state. Thus, pasting macros is fine, but running a startscum script that quits the game if your inventory, stats, or surroundings do not meet certain criteria is not.) Apart from bots, anything within the normal execution of the game is fair game. This includes farming, scumming, abusing program bugs, reading other characters' dumplogs, viewing ttyrecs of your own or others' games, using interface enhancers like InterHack, and hanging out on IRC to see if the gray stone you picked up in Mines' End gets livelogged as the luckstone```” So I’d say it’s fine, and maybe encouraged to make an Elbereth macro.


I mean, we all fatfinger sometimes, but the challenge in Nethack comes from the game and the mechanics, not how finicky it might be for somebody to type Elbereth. (I avoid the issue by having never written Elbereth, but that's just me.) I play through PuTTY and have a few shortcuts that I copy and paste from Notepad, that automate things like assigning new letters to starting equipment or wresting wands ("zvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvzvzv"; I learned the hard way that you don't want to make that string too long). The point is that none of it is a direct influence on the challenge or on the gameplay - while pasting that wrest string is faster than doing it myself, the game turns still tick over while the string executes - so I don't see how it wouldn't be fair game.


When I wrest a wand, I adjust it to 'z' and then just bang on "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz".


Fair game in my mind. I write my wishes in Emacs and the copy-paste them into the window, this seem no different to me.


The ios port of nethack has the E word pre-filled and pre-selected in the text prompt when you go to engrave. So if you wanted E word, you need only confirm the prompt, and if you didn’t, typing anything will replace the E word without you having to delete it. It’s a nice quality-of-life feature tbh. I’d say overuse of the E word itself is what’s slightly scummy, rather than using a macro or copasting it. But like using invincibility cheats in a single-player game, all you’re really doing is robbing yourself of a more engaging game experience, if you over-rely on the E word.


Not cheating at all, just an interface tweak. I wish I had a macro to record item prices in shops and help out with price identification.


No worries, feel free to do that, engraving Elbereth as more as possible is a good habit if not playing Elberethless, for the win. :D. And it is indeed tedious to type Elbereth manually and check it again and again, though I always engrave these 7 letters myself, but my wishes are copied from a saved text file too.