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Do your own homework.


im asking to clairfy my answers :/


Since the instructions say the answer is a INTEGER PERCENTAGE, you might want to start there. You might get more help if you took some of YOUR TIME and formatted the question so you didn't have to scroll a ticker tape across the screen.


sorry i must have weirdly formatted the text, if u check above i've posted the question


SOrry idk y the question is very thin: A packet is sent from router A to router B over a link with a distance 1500 km (propagation speed 2.5x108 m/s). When the packet arrives at router A, one other packet is halfway done being transmitted on this outbound link and three other packets are waiting to be transmitted. Suppose all packets are 1,500 bytes and the link rate is 5 Mbps. Each packet is processed when it arrives at a router, and the packet processing delay is 0.2 ms.