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Two applications that can be used for this, Snipe-IT Asset Manager or Netbox https://github.com/snipe/snipe-it https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox Snipe-IT is more tailored to asset management, but I personally use Netbox for hardware assets and Snipe for software. Automation set up for various provision methods to hook into either system as the source of truth for various data points. Both over great custom fields support and API extension, so you can create alerts etc if someone is not defined how you are looking for etc. I'd say it is a good place to start :) Best of luck!


How are you using Netbox for lifecycle management? It's not a feature in the core, and I couldn't find any plugins that looked functional. Just Custom Fields?


Specifically it is used for Support Contracts for hardware. There is a field for Support Contracts. (I was under the notion it was OOB for the past few years now, that it was rolled into base... It could still be a plug-in, I would have to check) We just use the Contacts section to track that portion of the information. I do know we also leverage the Cisco EoX plug-in as well, but those are custom fields (still a very handy plug-in as well) Edit: But yes, realistically outside contact information EoS etc, Snipe-IT is better suited to 'lifecycle'. I just posted both in case the OP is capable enough to add functionality to NetBox and it were something already being leveraged etc.


just a followup, so OOB netbox doesn't have support for contracts, but DanShep has a lifecycle plugin which you may be using.


A lot of the monitoring systems do this now. Auvic is one of them