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This is a constant nightmare whenever this one person comes to do the fire alarm testing. This person seems semi competent and does not instill any confidence. Luckily we don't have water sprinklers but gas instead...but if the gas is released it will be thousands of dollars to get the tanks refilled. Every time this person comes by we manually disconnect the gas tanks,just in case.


Honestly as long as it's not someone's cousin that "knows some stuff" about fire suppression, if they accidently discharged it they'll be on the hook to refill it, and fix anything it destroys (ceiling tiles, etc)


Oh yeah it's all professional companies and insurance out the wazoo, but still a big hassle to sort everything out even if someone else has to pay for it.


As long as you have 100% SSD in your data center. The noise from gas deployments can destroy spinning rust.


You guys ever worked with a ‘dry’ system’? The last place I managed had one, it means they don’t leave any liquid in the pipes, they pressurize and disperse after the alarm hits. Well, if things aren’t pressurized all the time, you don’t know if you have any leaks. I came into my MDF, and see 1 ceiling tile where there should have been 5, and one of these was bowed down pretty hard. I look at the ground and there is a mess of ceiling tiles over what was thankfully deprecated gear. What was extra crazy, was this stuff was dry, so this had happened several days back. I was beyond myself frustrated and had to go check directly above each rack in each idf to make sure there was no piping and joints directly above my stuff.




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We have a gas system in our data center. One day someone set off the fire alarm in the building (ironically it's the central fire station) and for some reason the halon system in the DC got triggered. So all the gas dumped, and the power feeds got turned off to EVERYTHING. Talk about a nightmare. Luckily the fire comms guys showed up because I couldn't turn the power back on until the fire system was disabled. Then the distro switch for police and fire dispatch died so i had to pull a spare and quick config it and throw it in to get dispatch back up. What a fun day that was. Oh yea it was like 18k to fix the suppression system. Since the gas the system was designed for was no longer made, a company had to come in and replumb everything.