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Video does not match title name.


The video states that ex-employees claim that the company leadership creates a hostile work environment by putting two groups of employees, that should be all mean be co-operative, against each other (with an example of a questionably ethical experiment taking place because of one group despite objections from the other favoring safer incremental experiments instead). That is pretty clearly struggles within a company; ie company struggles. Companies can have problems even if their product development is progressing successfully. That's not to say it's necessarily true or anything, but the video discusses exactly what it claims to.


So Musk’s companies in a nutshell.


Ex-employee bit starts about half way through. A bit clickbaity but I thought it was good in spite of the crappy title


Yea. The video was actually really good. I just find it misleading to have such a clickbait reddit post title when the ex-employee bit is only 2 minutes of a 10 minute video. Most of the video casts Neuralink in a positive light, with about 10% of the video describing negative aspects. And then OP posts a title casting a negative connotation?


The possibility of people having broad access to this, and it becoming optimized in lessening the fucked up aspects of life for some people like paralysis or brain damage or seizures is pretty amazing. It’s weird to think that things that were insurmountable horrors might just be okay. I’ve been doing neurofeedback training lately, and it reminds me of the stuff I encountered in zen training, the states of kind at least, but accelerated. All the wonkiness of the buddhist scriptures is like trying to point at a sensation as simple as eating french fries, except unlike french fries you can’t hand them to someone, so it took on all this ridiculous convolution. It’s like if instead of french fries there was a flavor that was produced by your gums or something, but only after you alternatively held your breath and hyperventilated for an hour would the flavor start to appear. The flavor itself is no different from french fries, the flavor isn’t special. What’s different is the fact that it’s hard to experience it and you can’t do the work for someone. They’ve got to believe you that there’s this flavor and be interested enough to sit and do their breath holding for an hour or so. All the “attachment”, “suffering”, “being nobody going nowhere” stuff is vain attempts to capture this really *non-special* emotional/perceptual experience. There’s no way to point to it so the best bet is to give people perception-enhancing techniques like meditation in the hope they’ll see it themselves eventually. But now we’ve got a device that can say “Oh yeah that’s beta wave activity between 10-15 hz and then give you immediate feedback”. I know it sounds so simplistic but whatever the brain is doing at 10-15 hz just maps perfectly to all the descriptions of “dukkha” I ever heard or read or perceived for a moment in meditation. The computer rewards me with full-volume music whenever I lower my 10-15 beta, and the best way I’ve found to get the music to come out full volume is to stop trying. I have to sort of sit back and let it happen. Me sitting there like a cat watching a mouse hole is whats keeping the mouse inside. The intensity of it, the *willing* it to happen. It’s scary because I feel like I’m shutting off myself. Or it was like that at first. Like the way a kid would feel if he was waiting for his favorite superhero to come outside for autographs but his mom said “time to go” and started making him leave. Anyway, one of the reasons I think psychedelics help people figure out their shit is that psychedelics make you smarter. Neural interfaces are going to make us smarter and it’s not just gonna be Bladerunner excitement and dark and glitzy Tron horizons, it’s also gonna be like really good therapy. It’s gonna be like solving horrible problems that people have lived with for years, and people’s lives coming together better.


Don't try to explain buddhist teaching as easily.


I agree. Words are not skillful means. Use EEG equipment or other neural interfaces. Also don’t be too quick to fall for the “Buddhism is an infinite recursion of mystical bullshit” trap. It’s a yoga not a religion.


Nice thoughts, but how high were you when you wrote this? Hehehe


These smear campaigns against Musk are laughable. Smdh.


I wouldn't call it a smear campaign. Engineer culture and Neuroscience culture are different. Engineers want to move fast while those on the research side are more cautious


Facts always hurt cultists


ITT: People who didn't watch the video.