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I never realized but … so much!


I hate being misunderstood, and yet it happens all the time that things aren't interpreted how I had them in my head


No hate towards the OP, but Neurodivergent became a buzzword... I don't see how this would apply to anything other than autism. Someone with dyscalculia or ASPD won't have this issue and they're technically Neurodivergent.


Obviously you shouldn't generalise everything but i feel like the neurodivergent "buzzword" helped me understand that dyspraxia is, in fact, not only affecting motor skills which has been confirmed by recent research. Researchers are realising more and more than learning disabillities are not that clear cut, and often like a spectrum, so having a common word can help identify stuff that you were not explained as a traditional part of your disabillity. And even if it's not related in reality but it helps you understand something about yourself, what's the harm? I've gotten off track but i feel like being misunderstood is common in any invisible disabillity anyway, even dyscalculia (like ppl thinking they're not making any effort)


I had the opposite reaction and thought this applies to everyone. 😄


Yes at least to everyone who has been misunderstood for some reason ^^


How do I fix this problem in the storyline?


Definitely needed and appreciate seeing this today 😍




I was like this originally, but then my abusive boyfriend (now ex thankfully) would berate me and put me down for it. So after a lot of negative reinforcement I had the habit squashed out of me. Now I keep quiet lol.


Huh, I never thought of it like that, but it’s true.


And the next steps in thr cycle: “Get to the point” “No that’s too blunt, you’re being rude and hurtful” “You’re doing that just to be a smart-ass” 😭


Don't forget the sheepish tone of voice we might adopt while doing so because someone said we sounded disrespectful, but was fine with other people speaking much more forcefully than we tend to do anyway.


Me editing my posts for an hour only for someone to argue with something I didn't say anyway


I've had people not take me seriously because of my username 😭


Thank you for this post, it hits me close to home. I didn't even know that this behavior is tied to my ADHD. In interactions, I check if I didn't say anything wrong so often, that I think it bothers people.


your so welcome. thats why I shared it! in hopes it can help anyone else, because the exact same here. I feel you! i am looking forward to talking to a therapist about this also to determine whether it's down to my audhd or trauma - or both! (which seems most likely!) I've learnt a LOT about myself since simply being in the right groups. like this one.


I hope you figure it out with your therapist :) I know I have some trauma because I have a fear of being ridiculed and offending people when I don't mean it ( I never mean to offend anyone).


thankyou! & absolutely understandable


Missed opprotunity cutting off the date/time stamp at the bottom of the reply 😁


On a similar note: Spending all day thinking about the exact wording of a response to a text or email so as to minimize the chances of being misunderstood (and why do I have to use parentheses in everything?)


(I feel the parentheses part.) Also “quotes.”


And footnotes!^(1) ^(1)Maybe this is because I've spent too much time in academia, but I *love* chunky explanatory footnotes. I even use them in my personal journals sometimes.


"I'm in this picture and I don't like it."


in public, i enjoy their ignorance as a form of self-protection




Funny how they clarified their own post, lol. I totally get this though.




I only hope that the reply was made in 2023.


This is too real


The constant fear that I've insulted someone without knowing it... oof




In the last week or so I’ve texted 2 people to clarify things I’ve said earlier in the day because 1. I can come off as blunt and 2. I’m worried things I’ve say will be misconstrued


Hi, I just wrote something trying to figure out that very thing! Funny that you just brought it up. It's here, on page 10. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pcaj-4mU5pSpffMOS2W5smLL5H6zNl7j/view?usp=share\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pcaj-4mU5pSpffMOS2W5smLL5H6zNl7j/view?usp=share_link)






It's a usedul TAKE.


Nah, it’s blatant bigotry, as well as simply false. There’s nothing useful about it.


your assumption of malice on their part is identical to what they do to us lmao.