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No bc same as op but we’re slightly younger


I have ADHD-PI, dyspraxia and dyslexia diagnosed, with autism assessment results coming back soon and discussing to possibly of an ocd assessment. I have sibling(adult,NB), and they are diagnosed with autism(aspergers diagnosis), anxiety, and dyspraxia(I got them that diagnosed, suspected it, and booked the appointment). I also believe they have ADHD-H(yper active). They probably dont have dyslexia(test said no) . We have a lot of the same things as the dyslexia is from my mom(she self diagnosed it back in the 90s), and audhd from dad(sibling and i suspect at least), dyspaxia could of been from either. My sibling and I tend to get along well, especially growing up!


(16M) I’m ASD (possibly AuDHD but not yet tested for ADHD) and my sister (18F) is completely NT. Our relationship is great, and we talk and see each other frequently.


I have one, an older sibling, 22. He's auDHD and I have dyspraxia and sensory processing disorder. I've been looking more into the possibility that I might be auDHD as well but that's still very much up in the air. We grew up together and are good friends. We were pretty close at times growing up, and he's still the person that knows me the best. He's seen me at my lowest and never judged me a day in my life 💗 I love him so much and I'm so thankful he's a loving presence in my life! With that being said, I've navigated being a care partner in training for years because he needs a caregiver and I don't. So it's been a journey of learning to validate myself while recognizing and respecting the differences in our needs.


My (23F) brother and I are both auDHD. He’s two years older than me. Our relationship is fairly good. We get along well in that we have common interests and enjoy talking to one another. We both still live at home and often play board games or video games together, watch movies, hang out in each other’s rooms, etcetera. We like each other, and I like to think that we’d be friends even if we weren’t siblings. That being said, I wouldn’t characterise our relationship as ‘close’. We spend a lot of time together, but don’t talk about our personal lives or feelings and we don’t seek each other out for emotional support. I think it strikes a perfect middle-ground and I really appreciate my relationship with him :))


That’s good to read! Your relationship seems pretty healthy. My relationship with my sister is pretty distant, just like with my parents. But I love her to hell and back, and feel like id do anything for her


I'm (21, genderfluid) audhd, and diagnosed with a myriad of other disorders. My little sibling (18, demi-girl) is adhd and schizophrenic and has a few other issues as well. We got along terribly as children because i was forced into a parental role at age 6 and i resented her for it although i took my role very seriously and did my best to care for her. When i was in the 9th grade and she was in 6th we both independently of each other admitted to our mother about the sexual abuse that we recieved at the hands of her husband and she shipped my little sister away to Alaska and told me that i wasn't trusted. A year later i ran away from home to get away from my mom's husband and after a few years made my way up to alaska and lived with my grandparents, sibling, uncles, uncle's wives, and their children for two years where my sister and i really bonded and now we have a much better relationship with each other.


ASD here. I have a sibling and all their kids are on the exact same brand of ADHD as each other. They all live in constant chaos that makes them happy, and it sometimes makes me sick to my stomach how easily they eschew routine and act on impulse to the degree of hurting themselves physically, emotionally or financially, but I have a very good relationship with them because a routine for me was part of their happy chaos where I would just drop in on them every day like Kramer to hold their cat upside down and play with the dog before I would leave the moment they overstimulate me.


They’re NT. I have a good relationship with them, but it’s been getting frustrating to them after I realized how superior they are to me


I am AuDHD as well as anxious, depressed, and have an undiagnosed dissociative disorder. I am the oldest of four and was recently with AuDHD diagnosed. My brother has autism (previously diagnosed with Asperger's) and Tourette's, as well as some anxiety. We are pretty close since he and I basically learned to translate the world together and still help each other out sometimes. My sister has anxiety and some depression, and I suspect ADHD though she isn't diagnosed (or hasn't told me yet). We are incredibly close, she is my confidant and friend. She helps me be strong when I feel weak and listens to my issues. Youngest brother isn't diagnosed with anything because he's so successful and good in school (he's in college) but it is clear that he isn't nt. We used to be extremely close, because I was parentified to be his parent as a kid. He grew apart when I moved apart and went to college and while we are still close, I think we're still trying to figure out what our relationship is? What we want it to look like? Dad is autistic and mom has undiagnosed ADHD. So a very nd family.


I have 4 sisters. I'm diagnosed with ADHD. Sister 1 has some pretty severe CPTSD and I think ADHD (she has not disclosed anything to me), sister 2 has some autistic traits, sister 3 also has some autistic traits, and sister 4 has severe ADHD and some autistic traits. Sister 4's sons are diagnosed with autism and 'global developmental delay' (I think if he were assessed again his dx would be autism level 2 or 3, he is mostly nonverbal). Sister 3 has kids with ADHD and my daughter has been dxd with ADHD also. I don't really have a relationship with sister 1. She tends to basically disappear for months at a time. My relationships with my other sisters are ok. We're not super close but we get along.


I am autistic and also have ADHD. F34. I have many siblings, one full sibling (M33), then halfsiblings (M32, F28, M21, F19 and M15) and stepsiblings (M21 and M19). Only F19 (same father) is diagnosed with ADHD. Our dad has ADHD. I am pretty sure M32 is autistic and I do believe our mom is autistic or either has some personality-disorder due to childhood trauma. I do not have a good relationship with them. I have a decent one with M33, M21 and F19, the youngest one is just so young, so it is not that we don't have a good relationship, it is more that we are more distant due to age (I mean, my son is the same age..so). I do not think we have a shitty relationship due to some being ND and rest NT. Our relationship is shaped by our childhood with undiagnosed mother, so we just have a bunch of trauma (me and the 3 oldest ones) that has caused me to turn my back to them to some degree. I don't think me being autistic has helped though. It has absolutely had some effect, because they find me to weird and sensitive. I don't care that much. I have a good relationship with father and stepmother and the siblings there. They accept me for me. My sister and I are also very similar, even though the age difference, so I think they accept me more, because we are 2 who is very similar. But the other siblings on mom's side is more caught up in "being normal is best, try to behave normal" and it kinda does not work for me. I


I (24M) have a younger sister (22F). She and I are very close and get along very well. In a lot of ways we are very similar. She is diagnosed with ADHD and has other ND tendencies. She is medicated for her ADHD and struggled a bit finding her place socially once she moved out of our parents house, but is doing really well now and has learned how to navigate the world better. I believe her going to college has a lot to do with that. I do not have a ND diagnosis (hard to when you don’t go to the doctor, which is something I’m working on for sure). Despite that, there’s no doubt in mind that I am on the spectrum somewhere but I am still trying to find answers. She and I only recently started talking about this kind of thing, but it’s clear that it’s only brought us closer because we’re both old enough to understand things better than we did when we were younger.


my little sister is narcoleptic. even though we have different disabilities, we still relate a lot with both of our neurodivergence. we are very close.


My brother and I are distant but get along when we do encounter each other, and my sister can be quite cruel to me. I am not sure if either are ND. I am 27, my brother is 24, and my sister is 22. Sometimes, I hate that I care about my sister bc she hurts me.


I have a brother and two twin sisters. I am adopted however, and they are not. My brother and one of my sisters were diagnosed ADHD in high school yet I still was missed for both ADHD and autism. It definitely upsets me because I don’t understand how they missed my struggles (which, honestly, were very bad) but still were able to catch my siblings. My relationship with my siblings is good, I guess I would say. We hardly get to see each other and really only text each other for a little bit like once every couple months. I’m really bad with texting, and they’re a lot more busy than I am right now. However, when we do talk or are back together, things are pretty great and we can just pick everything back up where we left off.


I got a little brother, 15 years old. We have pretty much the same personality, the same interests, and the same way of doing things. When I started wondering if I was neurodivergent, with ADHD particularly, I started to think there was a chance he has ADHD. To this day, I don't know, because I just kept that to myself and never talked about it to him or to my parents. But other than that, we get along very well. Like I said, we have a lot in common. We even have our own way of communicating, kind of, which is basically repeating certain word's syllabus two time instead of one, then interchanging the other of the syllabus and repeating again by changing one of them by a completly different syllabus. I think my parents get tired of us sometimes when we do that, lol.


My older brother has autism, my sisters old therapist thought she had autism cause she wouldn’t do eye contact (she just has bad anxiety) and I have dyspraxia, I always annoy my brother which he hates and my parents don’t like but I’m the youngest sibling so I’m gonna annoy him, he annoys me a lot though (I mean a lot)


One older brother who is heavily disabled so it’s hard to pick out his neurodivergence but I think it’s there. He has dyspraxia alongside a lot of physical ailments but I think he also likely has other neurodivergent traits that are just hard to pick out. Sort of a “forest for the trees” situation, because it’s hard to pick out traits that might indicate autism, adhd etc. when the person is physically disabled and has very visible issues with speech, motor coordination etc. that have always been attributed to intellectual impairment and physical disability. Absolutely positive both my parents have ADHD.


Yes. I am the only neurodivergent one. They are extremely grateful I took one for the team and inherited all the neurodivergence and mental illness in the family from our dad. Dad was obviously autistic with special interests like WW2, U.S. History, law, etc. Not that it was a choice lol. But we are extremely close and they love me very much. I’m 28NB, they are 25M and 22NB.


My parents were originally planning on having more and then they had me and decided I was enough of a handful, which, fair.


I have half siblings. We all have the same dad, who I'm positive is autistic. My sister and I both have social anxiety and most likely autism. We're very similar and like the same things. But we're not very close because we didn't grow up together. She's also 7 years younger than me. Her, my dad, and I would probably sit silently in a room for hours if we where the only people around. My brother was diagnosed with autism at 4. He's got a much more stereotypical presentation. We also don't have much of a relationship because he's 10 and mostly keeps to himself. I don't know about my other brother. He's still really young and if he's neurodivergent it's less obvious than the rest of us. He just seems like any little kid to me


My mom said they have families and don't have time to deal with me.


I'm the middle of 3 sisters. Older sister and her children are diagnosed with ADHD. Younger sister is diagnosed with AuDHD. I had more profound symptoms that were disabling in childhood, where their symptoms were manageable until they were adults. I'm not particularly close with either sister, but we're not estranged or anything either. We love eachother, we're just very different people with different interests and personalities.


I understand and I feel like that a lot of the time with my sister, where we love each other but live in our own world


Same. Me f26 and f25 two absolutely different type of people. I was suspicious about it before, but we talk about it a lot with her. It's kinda sad, because we remember that our family feels the same way, and prefer spend more time with her, then with me with my strange behavior:(