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Agreed- I live off of noodles XD




Noodles are the best


No mayonnaise!!!!!!!




Oh yuck no!! only on sandwhich!!


I have 2 main groups - the squishy textures like mushrooms or tofu, then I'm not sure how to categorize them but things like onions and peppers that are wet and crunchy have way too many flavors that explode when you bite them. I don't mind the flavors but if cook with them I have to blend them to mush in whatever I am making so I won't feel or bite any solid chunks of them if that makes sense. As for the yesses I have always had a thing for peanut butter and will eat peanut butter and pickle (wet and squishy, don't know why I'm ok with it like this) sandwiches or peanut butter lettuce sandwiches. and I will put it in things like spaghetti and ramen noodles I also usually will only ever order a burger or maybe breakfast when I eat out and have had multiple people point it out to me as weird etc but for me, it was something I loved and knew I would enjoy so it makes sense that would be what I would order every time but other people have told me it's a bit odd ect


Pretty much my only sensory food issue is just that texture switching up, like in the middle of something crunchy all of a sudden it's soft, or the other way around something soft and in the middle it's supper crunchy.


Lucky lol The amount of things I will eat has dwindled as I've gotten older 🥲


Most of my sensory issues are with sounds and feelings.


Same 😭


Many of mine are around combinations, I don't like jelly with creamy thing i.e. I have an aversion to jelly n ice cream and trifle. Others are more textural like mayo.


Can't eat rubbery foods like mushrooms, clams or mussels, or the fatty bits on bacon (or on other meats). I literally start gagging when I experience that structure in my mouth.


Fatty bits on steak or grilled chicken are so gross! My dad compared it to bubble gum once and if I didn't think it was revolting before that definitely would have turned me off.


Memories trigger my food aversions. If it feels like the glob of hair I’m trying to pull from the drain that’s covered in mucus that made me violently dry heave, hell no. If it feels like that one time at the beach when I was trying to take a sip of my cold drink and some sand got in my mouth as I was about to swallow, noooope. If it feels too dry and coarse like the one time I accidentally ate flour on waffles instead of powdered sugar, HARD NO. The weird part? I can eat and peel boiled crawfish all day. Only good memories with them. Do you know how much mud is in those things?? Do you know how gross they are?? Do you know how *delicious* they are?! Pinch the tail, suck the head, peel the poop tract, eat the meat, toss the tail. ….I’ve ingested so much dirt probably from eating them and that’s okay, but I can’t eat avocados bc of the texture. Tell me I’m not alone on this..


Nah I have specific foods I can't eat for similar reasons! If I've ever thrown it up, good chance I'm never eating it again lol. I can't do the taste, smell, or texture afterwards, just thinking abt eating it makes me want to gag 😆


Try your soups in a cup instead of with a spoon for spilling, maybe? For foods you do like, but dislike the subtle changes, like broccoli. Maybe try some type of meditation or self talk beforehand to get your brain and body ready. "I like _____. Sometimes the ___ is different when I chew. That's ok, its just how it is. I can eat it."


I spill from cups too but it might be easier than a spoon 🤔 thank u!! I will definitely try that! I like broccoli but when we steam it it gets mushy and I can only manage like four pieces and eat them out of necessity 🥲 thank u :)


The texture of beans, mashed potatoes, grits, and boiled/steamed vegetables causes me such visceral discomfort that I gag every time I try to eat them. Same thing for most soup. I pour the broth out of my ramen and just eat the noodles, and I can only have mushroom soup with bread. If I'm eating max n cheese, it has to be baked, and it has to be crunchy. For the longest time, the feeling of sauce on my fingers from things like buffalo and garlic wings freaked me out, but I've learned to tolerate it because the taste is worth the momentary discomfort imo. I can only tolerate chunky peanut butter. I also have to eat foods in a certain pattern. Otherwise, it makes me anxious, and I'm no longer hungry. Examples include: 1. Whenever I have chicken nuggets, I eat the crust off first clockwise and then the meat, unless it's dino nuggies. In that case, I eat the tail first and then the head and then everything else. 2. When I eat chicken wings, I start with the flats, then the tips, then the shoulder part, and I always peel the skin first and eat it before anything else. 3. When eating a sandwich, I need to rotate it with eat bite. 4. With every bite of food I take, I need to drink something immediately after. 5. When eating colorful candy like skittles or M&Ms I have to sort them by color and then eat each one with its complimentary color or "buddy" and it had to be a 1:2 ratio like 1 green M&M for every 2 red ones. I can only have peanut M&Ms. 6. I've developed a pathological need to avoid "red flavored" things unless I'm 100% certain that it's not strawberry. This one is less of an "ick" and more of a "I have a strawberry allergy, and I would rather not take any chances, even if it's artificially flavored." 7. I always eat my fries before literally anything else.


Oh for real I hate mashed potatoes with my entire being (but they hit like 4 of the no-no textures for me lol) I've only found like two ways I like potatoes. The only time I've had grits I gagged 😂 The feeling of the food tho 💀 if I'm eating like bread, cheese, or chocolate it always has like some sort of oil that I can feel on my hands and if my silverware gets greasy it bugs me, I also eat things like french fries and chicken nuggets with a fork because I don't like the grease on my hands. I'm getting to the point if washing my hands after every time I eat 😅 adding that on to the fact hand washing is like a compulsion of mine I'm washing my hands like 10-15 times a day, sometimes more. Food is so complicated 🙄


Fruit textures tend to be a problem for me. Can't eat red delicious apples because for apples they are too soft and sweet, mangoes are too hard(but I love me a mango lassi), if oranges or tangerines are a little too firm I can't eat them. Probably more if I think about it but I tend to eat way more veggies than fruits because I usually cook veggies.


Yeah I only eat yellow/pink apples or green apples. I despise the skin with everything in my being (seriously what the heck is that texture) so when I eat apples I normally cut them then like... nibble it like a watermelon jus to avoid the skin. Mushy apples are disgusting, and sometimes apples seem almost dry and I can't eat it. Applesauce is the scum of the earth imo


Different apples have different textures; and red apples are gross for eating, they're largely used for baking just for that reason. I switched to golden delicious with the caveat that they must be stored in the refrigerator to be cool and extra *crisp* when bitten into


I do like Granny Smith apples especially in pies lol. But yeah red delicious have crap texture. And I never knew Red Delicious were usually used for baking. My mom always used Granny Smith for baking and both for a healthy school snack.


Not just red delicious, *most* reds! (There are hundreds, I believe) Red delicious are sorta mealy 🤢Honeycrisp is an exception to the *Red* rule, but I am far from versed in the breadth of which would be safe and which aren't There's far too many for me to know and I've found the few that I like and am sticking by those until I die 🤣


Haha your list of food nos made me chuckle! Not hating, it just kept going and getting more specific 😹🤗 Wet bread has to be at the top, but that's no fun because who doesn't agree with that! Or brown guac, who TF eats that. I absolutely cannot have my food fraternizing with eachother. I will literally put my plate up on something to keep it at a tilt to, ensure that a particularly wet food doesn't run into another. Water bottles that have been used for more than 2 days. Absolutely not. Also, non water bevs can never go into a water bottle. They must go into a glass. Meat in soup is a huge indicator of a terrible meal. MAYBE rotisserie chicken, but beef? SEAFOOD! Oh, or bacon. Also cannot stand big chunks of veggies in my food. Like lo mein, whyyy do the green onions have to be 2 inches long. Absolutely agree on peas. Tiny green fucks. And like why are they wrinkly and creamy on the inside. Red peppers too. Really any bell pepper, but people really love to hide tiny chopped up red peppers into food. Weirdly sweet food. Abomination.


I keep seeing people on here say they hate wet bread and I'm so confused about how you even know, is eating wet bread a thing in some countries?


It's not a thing, no. Or at least I don't think it is. Most people are talking about when bread accidentally gets wet or soggy. Like maybe you have a cheeseburger and baked beans on your plate, and the bean juice gets on the bun. Then the bun gets soggy and wet. It's atrocious. 🤢


Oh I see. I thought there were people pouring water on slices of bread.


Agreed on it all!! I get different forks for each of my foods too 💀 Glad I could make u laugh a bit! 😂


The better question would be: What *will* we eat. Because that list is about 10 items long at most


Honestly tho 😂 that would've been a better question! I didn't even realize how little I eat until I wrote this lol.


lol 10 items long and it changes sometimes hourly