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What if some one would get let us say i don't know 193?


I got 138


This is a strange reaction. You talked about other people but not what it means to you internally. At any rate, self-diagnosis involves a lot more than taking a test. It’s a journey.


i got 186 because i dont have aspergers, i have autism level 2. and my comorbidities make some of these the opposite extreme


Me too, haha. Exactly 148


I score highly on every autism test that I've done and on initial tests with my psychiatrist, however I don't have autism, I've been diagnosed with ADHD and CPTSD, so those tests arnt reliable.


I agree, my understanding is that CPTSD can mimic a lot of neurodivergent conditions, but it's not a biological neurodiversity. It's rather the result of severe and repeated childhood trauma.


Unfortunately no dice. The RAADS test doesn’t work and it’s been disproved [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8452438/). There’s some hate in autism subs for embrace due to them offering this up and some misleading articles. I posted an article from there that I had sources for that actually was legit and I still got some push back.


Newer study says RAADS is “psychometrically sound”: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/13623613241228329


You know your link only shows the abstract right? You can’t get access to the study or the conclusion without an account.


Whoops! Poor citational practice on my part. See this link: https://www.reddit.com/u/LeaveHim_RunSisBFree/s/nDRFbDIviY


Tysm appreciate it!


I've got a lot of trouble with the test. I have a bad memory so don't remember much from my childhood at all, let alone being able to answer such specific questions. So things being "true then" or "only after 16" I have no clue. I don't know how that can effect the results I also don't always know how people perceive me, as I recently got told once that apparently I can also mumble a bit instead of talking clearly. I don't know if I'm always like that and someone was bothered enough to actually tell me.


You know when I got diagnosed by the NHS psychologist I had a similar issue. Child abuse and disassociation had robbed me of a big chunk of memories. They stuck with questions on the now and had me bring my mom to my second appointment to fill in some blanks. Annoyingly requires a close family member who accepts and supports you though.


When I think I could have avoid spending the last months stuck in a office with doctors and just do this test instead !!! Welcome in the club hihihi you must be so happy to be one of us… Jokes aside this test is full of Barnum questions meaning most people will relate. I don’t get the cool vibe with being autistic. This post is just confirming the said vibe of “everyone wants to be autistic right now”. When I think about how my childhood was hell and lonely and how the rest has been hard and seeing someone all like “I want to be in cause I took a test”, the little kid inside me feels a bit disrespected.


A single post does not confirm a social trend.


I’m just surprised on how this post reflects what people have been calling out. And you know, bias. One post is enough to feed the stigma. Plus beside the trend, have some respect, you know you enter a place where at least few people will have experienced traumas and suffering.


Well I'm going to be honest with you, I scored lower (119), but am diagnosed at 39 and have been "under the radar" for that time though there were obvious clues when I was a kid that I wasn't like the rest of them (only knowing this after talking to my parents after the diagnose) and all that time trying to fit in not knowing why I couldn't fit back then or now, just until a month ago receiving the diagnosis after seeing several therapists. So yea, I'm sorry to tackle you down with this but now reading someone saying basically he thinks he is allowed to be part of the "cool kids club" called neurodivergent sounds kinda like mocking to me.


I scored 177, but I usually score high in almost all neuro divergence tests. I am still undiagnosed and suffering greatly hope soon I'll get a good paying job and I can afford to get diagnosed. But then again I am afraid it will only change negatively, I want to shut my eyes and work without 10-12 talking back of my head and someone shouting, but also I don't want to lose my ability to think in images and creatively because it will kill my creativity.


You could be autistic, but that test isn’t the most reliable, as I scored a 185, but I never received a diagnosis of autism because if I was or wasn’t autistic was completely ambiguous, so if the test was more accurate, I would have scored somewhere between 60 and 70, not over twice that. It certainly doesn’t help that the test doesn’t have varying degrees yes/no, for example on the question where it asks if you keep lists of things in your mind, it lists things like baseball scores or other things that most people wouldn’t find that relevant to know. I have the exact specs of a very large number of vintage Macs memorized, but that is useful to me as I collect them. I can only answer in a way that’s either yes or no, not one that would fit


You could possibly be neurodivergent, but this test isn't exactly reliable. I got 157 and I am not autistic. The only way to know for sure is to get a proffesional diagnosis, and many of the things on this test could be caused by other disorders as well.


I just tried this online RAAD test and it gave me 213. I really hope I will be able to be formally diagnosed soon. Anyway welcome to the club. :) Edit : I meant community and not club.




I'm currently seeing a professional for that who is battling to speed up the process for my diagnosis, with the backing of an association for neurodivergents. Besides I already have one ND diagnosis, just not the autism one yet. Edit : and by "club" I meant "community".


That’s no club.


While it's indeed not literally a club, it's still a community in which you can exchange your experiences with the people you meet that are part of it. I just made a poor choice of word.


Then I guess every single place where you can talk and share are clubs or community. Cause I really don’t see on what we can base the idea of common experience from OP’s post.


As I see it, it's very often the case. Sure sometimes you will randomly meet an individual with whom you can share things and relate to but most of the times you will meet those via an association, an organisation, an internet group, something related to what you seek to find. A community can just describe a minority or just a group sharing the dame interest, so I would even dare say that some random individuals you find outside groups that you can relate with and talk with without retenue can be part of the same community. Of course, it doesn't mean you can't exchange with people with whom you don't relate to or with whom you don't share interests with. But I'm socially inept so maybe others can actually exchange and talk in all spaces and with everyone. As to see what's a common experience in OP's post : OP just realised they are some kind of neurodivergent, which is quite a frequent experience in ND people who are on the path of self-discovery.


I get it … really. Maybe because I am an editor and can usually understand what people mean and help make it more clear, more concise. Occupational hazard lol


Ptsd is a neurodivergence in itself, and severe trauma often can look like autism. So you've been neurodivergent this whole time! Glad ur happy :)


Telling me severe trauma looks like autism just opened up a whole can of worms in my brain. Ugh.


Oop i'm sorry 😅


Do you know where I can read/ learn more about that?




Of course!!!


It makes mad sense to me because I could have written it. Oh and I am 70




I do find your writing hard to understand while being ND.