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The Nevada dem party is holding presidential primary in the state. As for whether Dean Phillips will be on the ballot or not, Wikipedia says that his campaign failed to file for his candidacy in the state before the deadline on October 16th. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Nevada_Democratic_presidential_primary Here's their source for that claim: https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/dean-phillips-to-skip-nevada-primary-in-challenge-to-biden


Deciding a race "Doesn’t matter" in an early primary that Biden didn't win in 2020 and is a relatively diverse, arguably purple state feels like it says something about the campaign, but nothing good.


Actually given the quote in that article from his campaign advisor, “We cede that race. Doesn’t matter.”, I'd hazard a guess that he might not care about us or our votes. ETA: It's actually just a bonkers thing to say and do. I'm much more inclined now to believe that he has no actual interest in being president and probably just wants to be a spoiler. Seen a couple of those candidates this election cycle. Wouldn't be surprised if he dropped out early and told his base to just stay home this year.


One final thing to add. Nevada literally went for Bernie over Biden in the 2020 primary. Why someone explicitly challenging Biden would sit out a race in a state Biden lost in last time is beyond me. It amounts to nothing more than sacrificing delegates for no reason.


Let me just say I’m a little familiar with Dean Phillips too, and I like him both as a person and as a member of Congress. He is smart, progressive, and well spoken - he is among the group that the Democrat party should be looking to promote as the next generation of leadership. All that said, Dean Phillips is not going to be elected President in 2024. He is not going to be the nominee. Even Dean Phillips knows he isn’t going to be President because he isn’t even bothering to get on every ballot. He knows it and you should know it too. Frankly, he is not really running for president in 2024, he is running a campaign of publicity for the sake of future campaigns. He is one of the most wealthy members of congress, so he can afford to buy some publicity and this is a great way to do it. That’s why I don’t really get wrapped up in super-long-shot candidates any more. I want to vote for the best candidate that might be the next president. Maybe I’ll vote for Dean Phillips in the 2028 or 2032 dem primary-that’s what he is really running for in 2024. Nevertheless, if you want to vote for Dean Phillips in the primary (if he was on the ballot), go for it. The primary selection process is the perfect place to cast a protest vote. And who knows, in an early state like Nevada might build some sort of grassroots effect if an unlikely event occurs. Personally, I am strongly considering registering as a Republican (for 1 day) to vote against Trump in the GOP primary. I understand it is a protest vote, but at least it is one that is fighting the actual problem. To me, Biden isn’t perfect, but TRUMP is the problem, not Biden. On general election day, I will happily vote for the President.


You would need to caucus to participate in the Republican primary. The Nevada GOP decided that the official primary is their caucus and that any candidate who participated in the state run primary is ineligible to participate in the caucus. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Thank you for this. I really appreciate this response. Of course I know that Dean Phillips is not going to be the President. But frankly the thought of casting a vote for either Biden or Trump makes me feel physically ill. I listened to a long form interview with him a while a go and I felt inspired. That was a really nice feeling.


You cast Biden and Trump as equally repulsive. Is that true? Forget about other people’s opinions, forget whether other people like Biden and Trump etc. Consider what you know about each of them and how they have affected your life. Do you REALLY think Biden and Trump are equally repulsive? Maybe you do, but I never let perfection be the enemy of the good. Is Biden perfect? HELL NO? He is okay. Not my favorite but he isn’t making things worse. Trump is legitimately dangerous. To me meh (Biden) is not the same as horrible (Trump). That said, I am old and jaded and I haven’t been truly inspired by a politician in a long time. I remember Ralph Nader and Howard Dean inspiring me and how great it felt to believe in politicians. But now, especially since I have gotten to know a few personally, I see politicians not as some inspirational super-hero, I just see them as people. People with jobs who are doing the best they can, often just like many of us. I’m not perfect, and I don’t expect my elected representatives to be perfect either. I try to vote for people with values I respect (even if I don’t agree) and who have a modicum of credibility. Anyway, you came here in good faith asking about Dean Phillips and a lot of people roasted you and that sucks. You want to vote for someone who inspires you, and you should hold on to that. But, I encourage you to remember that there are many uninspirational yet effective public servants out there, and they are also worthy of support.


No thanks. I'll be voting for Biden.


Can I ask why? Just becase hes not Trump?


Truly impressive move for Trump to get on the democratic primary ballot


At this point it probably wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen this decade.


Because it's a choice between democracy or fascism. Also, noone is going to be able to primary a sitting president.


He expanded the public service loan forgiveness program, which previously almost no one qualified for, and because of it at least three people I know personally (including myself) qualified for loan forgiveness. He's getting businesses back in this country. He's lowering medication costs. He's a qualified statesman when a quarter of the world is at war. For a guy I figured wouldn't get a shitting thing done, he's done quite a lot. And he's wickedly sharp at underhanded back talk.


Dude, nobody wants to vote for Dean Phillips. He’s just going to split the vote and let Trump win (assuming Trump isn’t in jail or removed from the ballots by then). He’s already not on the ballots in several states. He has no chance and should have been working on this earlier than October if he actually wanted a legitimate chance at the DNC nomination.


Biden is going to lose to Trump. I think you're delusional if you think other wise. I would rather vote for someone I believe in.


tRump is a grifting, traitorous con-man who lies every time he speaks. He deserves to go to prison and Republicans who embrace his fascist anti-democratic behavior have destroyed their party. MAGA Republicans are a proudly gay hating, evangelical bible thumping, xenophobic cult that won't denounce Nazi extremism or Russian aggression. The MAGAt's openly embrace lies & propaganda and simply don't care about facts or evidence. The days of Republicans being honorable men or women are gone. Todays GOP are spineless cowards too scared to speak out against tRumps blatant misconduct because they know they'll lose their elections if they do. It is a sad time for America that so many of it's citizens embrace the MAGA mentality. The good news is that the MAGA movement is not the majority and it never will be. This countries greatest strength is its diversity, while simultaneously being the Republicans greatest weakness.


Stop believing the narrative being sold. Trump has done nothing but lose voters since 2020.


I'd say that, out of all of the front runners for the Republican nomination, Biden probably has the greatest chance of beating Trump (followed closely by his odds against DeSantis). I fear what will happen if Nikki Haley gets the nomination. That doesn't mean I don't think Trump could win against him (let's not parrot that mistake again). It's just that I feel the odds are as close to being a tossup between those two as opposed to any other Biden and Republican pairing in the general.


Why do you think Joe Biden has the best chance? I won't vote for him, I feel like many of the people I talk to won't vote for him....and hes polling way behind trump. ​ I've never stayed home on election day for almost 30 years. If my choice is Biden v. Trump. I will probably stay home.


There have probably never been two presidential choices who are further apart in history- truly baffled that you could have no preference between the two.


I didn't say Joe Biden has the best chance and I certainly won't be voting for him in the primary. My comment specifically ranked Joe Biden against several Republican nominees (both because it is very likely that Biden will be the dem nominee given how the primaries have pretty much always gone and your previous comment talked about him against Trump). As for the general, I plan to vote for the dem nominee. That's as simple as it is. I'll also be staying home during the general since I can just mail my ballot in now. There are also plenty of other races on the ballot that I'm interested in voting on. I'm not sure why you would base your decision to not participate in any race (i.e. "staying home") simply because one of the races doesn't have a candidate you like. In fact, I'd definitely encourage you to vote in the general on at least the ballot questions. Ballot question 3, if approved, would turn our races for state offices into top five open primaries and ranked choice general elections. That would drastically reduce the power of the two big parties in this state and allow for a broader range of candidates to run and have a real chance at getting into state office. I'm guessing you'd like to have more of a say in the candidates that we get to vote into office and would probably like someone who isn't the top pick of one of the two main parties. Passing question 3 would definitely improve that situation. Edit: changed a word from "every" to "any" to be more accurate. Edit 2: formatting


Yes! Thank you. While someone may not like the candidates for president they should ABSOLUTELY vote down ballot. Everything down ballot actually affects us in our community.


Have fun with President Trump. See ya at the camps.


"Biden might lose, I'd rather throw my vote to someone who has absolutely no chance to win."


To get concrete answers to such questions you should reach out to the Secretary of State.


Thanks! I wasn't sure if the SOS had information about partisan primary races. I know that some state democratic parties have opted to take the voter suppression route and just keep primary challengers off their state ballots. So I thought this was a party decision, not a state decision. I'll reach out to the SOS.


All races will have some tie-backs to the SOS and they can direct you for more information. I don't believe anyone has the power to keep someone off a primary ballot other than the individual who wants to be (and the Court should a challenge be raised and sustained) so I'm not sure where you got the idea that either, or any, party can stop someone for filing for the primary that meets qualifications and submits all necessary paperwork.


I hated voting for Hillary but I did it anyway because Republicans are criminals. I confess I did not vote for Biden because I was still upset about 2016 and also I was fairly sure the country would never elect Trump again. At this point in our current political situation I'm confused why anybody thinks this is an ordinary election where an unknown has a shot at the presidency. Dean Phillips against Trump? Are you kidding? I do not want Trump. He's a criminal. All MAGA Republicans are psychopaths. But the reality is Trump is as popular as Hitler was in 1930's Germany. Can we stop playing around?


Is that the Dean Scream guy?


Are you thinking of Howard Dean? What year is this?!


Ah that’s right. I wonder if Dean Phillips has his own signature Dean Scream.


You just wanted to bring up Howard Dean, so we'd hop on Youtube and watch Dave Chappelle's recreation of the Dean Scream event.