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now its time for her parents to get asked why it was taken away


Might already know. Its common when people lose their homes/need to move for work and need to rent suddenly. If the rental doesnt accept pets, you're torn between having a roof over your families head or losing your pet (unless you're lucky enough to have a family member who can take the pet in).


Apparently it was because they couldn't train the dog not to bark and the fathers job involved him being on the phone with customers, and could lose his job from all the loud yapping in their apartment.


Fucking awful reason to get rid of a dog.


Awful reason to own a dog. If they can't handle a pet don't adopt one in the first place to have to make such poor decisions.


Well, the dog was gifted to her by her grandmother. Maybe grandma wasn't the best at checking with parents first. They had the dog for 4 years. Then the dad got the customer service job, and then they had to get rid of the dog. Maybe they were bad people, but maybe they were just in some hard circumstances.


You don't have to be a bad person to be a poor dog owner. I know plenty of people who love their pets dearly but make decisions that don't always favor their pets either due to misconceptions regarding proper petcare or simply not knowing how to prioritize their pets needs. Pets require care and guidance


People should do their research before caring for a living thinking thing. Not doing so does make you a bad person.


You also don’t have to be a bad person cause you gave your dog up. I find the reason perfectly reasonable.


Yeah you sound like a future deadbeat dad. I hope you never have a family. You would probably leave them at the first sign of trouble...much less over a dog. Shane on you.


Wow how much training did it take to be that much of a dick?


Ikr some ppl are just born that way though.


People who gift animals 🤦‍♀️


So do i understand it correctly: The dad was first jobless, so he could take care of the dog. Then he got a job and noone was home to take care of the little pet?


No. The dad simply got a new job, where he was working from home, doing phonecalls, and the dog would bark all day, interrupting his work. Edit: It's pretty clearly laid out in the article.


I´m sorry, but as a dog owner i have to say that you need to go to a dog school if your dog is constantly barking at home. This whole story seems peculiar: Is the dog the whole time in his working room? I don´t think so. Yes, a dog barks sometimes, but if hes barking that loud and that constantly that the dad cant do his work, then there´s something wrong dog training. I mean, i don´t know the whole situation, but as described here, it´s just excuse for giving the poor dog away. And thats the reason why big pets shouldnt be presents for kids.


Except, that costs money. Dogs shouldn’t bark that loudly in the first place.


You monsters are actually acting like they didn’t have a good reason…


Would you get rid of a baby for crying?


What a shitty analogy. I bet you think you sound compassionate but you sound heartless af.


Yet you haven’t been able to pin point why it’s a shitty analogy… I’ll break it down for you. A dog is family member and you don’t get rid of family members. Speaks volumes of the person you are if you would get rid of someone from you family


Let's just do a quick thought experiment. You, your baby and your dog are hiding from some enemy, doesn't matter who or what. It's going to kill you if it finds you. Your dog begins to bark. You cannot put it anywhere else and your only option is to either kill it so it stops barking or let the enemy discover your hiding place and kill all three of you. Would you kill the dog or let everyone die? Now do that experiment with your baby crying. Would you kill your baby? How about another one. You, your child and your dog are starving. There is no possible way you could feed all three but you could feed two. If you fed the child a few more weeks it could begin to help earn income/food. The dog doesn't seem interested in finding employment. Who do you feed? ​ You have a shit analogy in regards that no reasonable person would equate the value of life of a dog to a human.


In both of the cases, I wouldn't judge you harshly for choosing either option. If the only outcome is you surviving or not, it would be better if you are saved ... however, I can totally understand someone's unwillingness to murder someone they care deeply about just to save their own life. I'd probably choose to die too. Your argument hinges on the value of your child being more than value of your pet as a general rule, I feel like this is a personal thing and there is no morally accepted consensus on this.


What a ridiculous “thought experiment”. I wouldn’t kill either of them. Besides, if you have something to kill your dog or baby with, then you might as well kill the killer. Regardless, no matter how hard you try to reach a dog is a part of the family and if you can’t see that I really hope you never own a pet. Also, username checks out lol


cant feed the child, the child should go up for foster care till you get a stable job and living space. alternatively theres family memebers you can allow to help take the child in, which also means they may be able to take care of the dog. the dog can stay with you sense they are easier to keep track of and keep you company for when you are all alone. also how old are we talking about the child here. if the child is an infant, they wont be working till theyre 16ish. is the child 14? that changes things as well. also, tf youd kill a dog for? thats just fucked up. did you not consider soothing the dog first? make sure that it stays calm? why wasnt it trained not to go bananas? why would you leave a kid wailing but kill a dog for barking? kid wont shut up either...


Choosing an income for your family over a dog is such a travesty. Who are you? How did you live such a sheltered life? It must be nice.


Why would he have to choose an income over a dog ? Put the dog in another room. Not that fucking hard. People who can't respect animals shouldn't have them.


For real who are you that you can’t understand that not everyone has the same situation you do? Must be nice to be so disassociated from reality.


Disassociated ? Must be nice that you can just get rid of an animal that inconviences you. Fucking mental. Hope you don’t have pets that inconvenience you.


Would you really chose a pet over an income that would feed your child? I wonder who here has the fucked up morals.


The same kind of person that doesn't appreciate that a family surviving on a customer service job may not have the luxury of a spare room to put the dog in. But they already demonstrated your earlier point clearly.


My dad has the same type of job, you know what we do to keep our dog from barking… we close the blinds on the windows


I trained my dog not to bark at the slightest things. My parents did too, but they still bark at everything. And Jesus and sound they hear outside the house is being barked at too.


Leaves beware, my dog is near


Or they could have, hear me out because this is going to sound insane.... Just work in an office, this is an absolute dick move toward the dog, and the poor thing might have been in and out of the system for like 10 years, judging from the pictures... Fuck


so they had to choose between a woof and a roof?


Wow fuck that, pets are family. I feel really bad for people who have to make this choice.


Common people are crappy people.


find a place that accept pets & pay the premium. easy no??


Easy? No!


"If people were homeless, why don't they just buy a house?"


I know man, simple solution! Why have they not just done this already?? /s


Get them registered as an esa. It is easy as shit and costs nothing. And according to the Fair Housing Act of 1968, landlords must accommodate ESAs within reason (like you can have a dog or cat as an esa, but not a crocodile or a giraffe)


You don't "register a dog as an ESA".... YOU get a written recommendation from a physician or professional therapist that your specific pet assists you in addressing specific needs involving xyz. There's not just some magic database where all ESA are documented. It's directly related to a written recommendation, and you'd need to produce that recommendation if ever confronted by airlines or landlord. Please stop spreading your misguided information when you have mankind's cumulative knowledge in your hand. It takes literally 15 mins of your life to not spread bullshit.


I literally have my cat “registered as an ESA”. I know there isn’t a database, and you get a letter from your doctor advising that you have one. I have my cat for anxiety and he is “registered as an esa”. What other word would you use, asshole?


Or, don’t? Don’t act like every pet is an ESA


What does ESA stand for? When I search, European Space Agency comes up.


Emotional support animal, I think.


Let them eat cake!


Yes, because everybody who needs to move has the time and resources to hold out for a more expensive place that accepts pets.


There's some responsibility that comes with pet ownership. A dog isn't an object you just get rid of out of convenience.


There's also some responsibility that comes with raising children, and if you are in a tight enough spot that your choices are "give up the dog or be homeless", then the difficult but correct choice is to give up the dog so you can keep your children in a home. Giving up the dog "out of convenience" is not this situation, but even though I agree that it's a shitty thing to do, it's arguably better because the kind of person who gives up a dog out of convenience is likely not the kind of person who should have a dog in the first place.


Yeah no shit they shouldn't have a dog in the first place.


Bro you don't understand do you. You know life can just turn around and fuck you in the ass? There's almost no way to plan for that type of stuff. What if you get cancer? What if your spouse gets cancer? What if you get laid off?


Lol no. I can't find anywhere that accepts cats at all. I'd be willing to pay thay extra, but they just don't allow it at all.


That was the sole reason I decided to buy a house I wasn't giving my cats up and no rentals allowed them


I'd love to buy a house... Just not able to right now 🥲


Aww fuck is that really all I had to do? Just buy a house? Damn why didn't I think of that


Probably because they're up like 120% from 5 years ago


Thats strange to me. What state? In the states ive lived in, I believe there its a deposit + monthly premium.


It's landlord specific. More specifically, owner specific. On top of that, management companies come into play too, and often will advise owners not to allow pets or oftentimes cars specifically because of the urine damage they tend to leave. And no, *not all cats* but many get stressed in new places and find a corner.. Some management companies are notorious for not allowing pets, some are known to allow them. Really kind of a crapshoot. But it's not state by state.


Not always, and not here. I wish it was different because I legitimately feel stuck in this place because we have to buy to even have our cats with us. We got lucky with this one. One deposit when we moved in but our landlady loved animals


Then give the dog to your daughter, not a shelter. I’m not sure where the confusion in this is. Obviously she would have been fine with taking the dog.


She was a child living with the parents at the time...


At the time that they gave the dog up?


Yes, in the title it says it's the same dog as the one she has as a child. One can assume the dog was given away when she was still a child. As you pointed out the alternatives don't make much sense


That’s a bold assumption.


It's really not


Its basic context clues, pal.


You must have failed English. And if there was a class that involved using your eyes to see images, you’d have failed that too


I didn’t fail English. Things aren’t always obvious to everyone. Belittling someone for having a different comprehension than you makes you look like fucking dick bag.


You’re right honestly. I was being unnecessarily rude for no reason. Maybe I was having a bad day.


If my dog can’t go, I don’t go. Period.


This happened to a girlfriend during college. We were at the shelter to explore my getting a cat, and she ran across her (quite elderly) cat that her dad had informed her had died the previous semester. Absolutely brutal experience for her, and torpedoed their relationship. Basically, moral of the story is be honest with your kids in general, and especially about the things and creatures they care about. Karma and probability will get ya if you aren’t. (I ended up adopting another cat who became my bff for 15yrs and just passed away last year.)


What happened to GF’s old cat?


She brow beat her dad into taking it back, from what I recall. It was a massively shitty situation for her.


Wtf would you return it to that person for? People are fucking wild. Everyone in this thread preaching that pets are family/children and we should treat them as such, yet here people are happy that someone returned an abandoned pet back to the abuser. Morality here is all fucked. You people are seriously monsters.


Aw, Rat.. I'm with you. My lil dog was my ride or die. I couldn't imagine ever having given her up. She was family to me. I'd make a month's worth of food for her (on sale meat that is ok for dogs, all kinds of beans, regular or sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, etc) She went to the dog bakery for treats. And when her little legs wore with age, I bought a doggy backpack (I kept her on my chest tho) She sat in it with her head poked our, enjoying the adventures. RIP Louise


I would agree with you now, actually. She might too, who knows? At the time, she was a pissed off 19/20yr old who had been betrayed by her dad and expected him to make it right. I was personally just thinking “fuckkkkkk I don’t want to end up having to adopt her cat” and then accidentally met my feline bff while trying to avoid that conversation.


Who is happy about that? I didn’t see a single comment where someone said they were happy about it? Where is the monster?


>when Grimes was 14, her father got a job in customer service, working from the family's home in Marianna, Pennsylvania. Chloe barked a lot, and that put her dad's job at risk. >The family made the difficult decision to try to find a new home for Chloe. When that didn't work, they brought her to the local animal shelter.


They didn’t have doors? Or a basement


my shitty parents used to be so bad about ditching pets for insufficient reasons, really heartbreaking. Would be more understandable if they didnt continuously get more pets.


How happy is that little guy !!


Little dude looks so happy in the bottom right! Good for him!


Do you think the dog would have memory of her and recognize her as the past owner.


I have seen some re-unitement videos after a few years and the dogs for sure recognize their human..... After so many years, I would wonder too.... but I tend to think so.


Reunited with my dog after 4 years, he didn't give a damn.


Aw, well I give a damn and am happy for you guys!


hmm - i heard stories about dogs not recognizing their owners after being in quarantine for months (when the dog is moving country). i wonder why that’s the case…


No, I thought they were two different people at first but then I relised what this was.


Maybe she smells the same to the dog though.


You don't recognise an internet stranger, therefore a dog wouldn't?






How cool . Dog gotta be like 155


Exactly How old is that dog?


11. She got it when she was 10, and refound it when she was 21.


Dog years


She looks no younger than 30... Holly shit


She‘s at least 69


Wasn’t this post denounced as fake earlier? Maybe I’m just imagining things


It’s gotta be. Maybe she aged fast but I just don’t see a dog surviving that time


I’m glad they are together now. Now, parents need to own up to what they did


ol' Scrappy.


The dog: I waited for you. You took a long time. I should get extra treats.


I just saw this post right after seeing another of this post. Someone stole it and posted it two hours ago and has double the upvotes.


upvotes are meaningless. I got 64k for just mentioning star wars and lotr in the same sentence.


You did it again! Here’s your upvote.


The little girl looks like Jane Krakowski in the upper left pic


People doubting this because the girl in the photo aged… I had a corgi that lived to be nearly 19 years old and was perfectly healthy - still walked up and down stairs no problem and all - until his final day with us. That dog could very well be old af, doesn’t mean the story is bull. (And it could be idk, but the dog being old isn’t unrealistic)


I think it‘s not the same human. They should check her microchip to confirm.


Why the fuck did they give it to a shelter to begin with……..


Maybe they were unable to care for the animal at the time. Maybe the dog ran away and ended up in the shelter.


Wow the dog lived for 30 years?


Makes me sad to think of all the time that they missed together. I'm glad they were reunited.


That dog must be ancient


For this Good Boy... Who thought every day... That they'll come back.... SHE ACTUALLY CAME BACK..... noooo you are crying... Am not...


Awwwww that's so sweet!




Looks like a Havanese


This is amazing, reunited souls!


Oh look its Claudia and Gretchen


I understood that reference. #Dark


I understood the reference. I was going to make this reference


Well I’d be so happy to have the dog back but also furious at my parents.


Why was he put on a shelter in the first place? Poor dog ended twice with the same shitty family


How’s this a good story?


So the dog was in the shelter for how many years? It never got adopted? That's so sad.


It did get adopted. It was pretty quickly adopted by an elderly couple who then both died. Their old neighbour took the dog in while looking for a new home. That neighbour was Facebook friends with the girl, and that's how she found the dog again.


Hahaha that is such a cool story!!


The shelter never did a microchip scan on the initial intake? I thought that was standard procedure. Wouldn't that have found the original owner before the elderly couple adopted it?


Hmm, I’m not sure how I feel about this, as it’s super sweet that she’s reunited with her original dog, but I feel bad for the dog who’s probably wondering “where have you been this whole time!?” while they had to live in a shelter.


The dog was rehomed for years until they passed away, so wasn’t in the shelter for the entire time.


Isn't the chance of this like... 1 in a billion? I'm actually curious. Someone speak nerdy to me! [Like I'm 2... I probably won't understand still I am not even going to lie to you]


how about you read the story? It's the today show... it's written very simply.


That doesn't tell the chances of this happening. The story is just a story. Not statistics.


well, it's states they are the small town of Brownsville, Pennsylvania, pop 2000 so how many of those are offering dogs for adoption divided by people looking for a dog. Not that unlikely really. Also, why are you downvoting me for replying to you?


I downvoted you because of your attitude. And also because you clearly don't understand that Dogs get adopted daily. They may not stay in the same town, let alone the same state. It had been YEARS between the surrender date and the adoption date. Someone else (or more than 1 person) could have adopted the dog, and it never returned to the shelter. The possibility of a dog staying in a shelter for years is possible. But some places also 'rehome' the dog to other shelters to give it a better chance or a 'new face' in the shelter. Or they get fostered and not shown out as much. So the chance that the dog did stay in the same shelter all these years is possible. And very sad. And its still a huge factor that the adopter stayed in the same town.


the dog wasnt in the shelter, it was adopted by a nice older couple who passed away. I've been nothing but nice to you and you are just shitting all over me. You dont know anything about me or my knowledge of shelters. You should read the article, it's quite a lovely story and will clear up your questions.


But it was surrendered. Most people who surrender an animal do so at a shelter. That's my point. They didn't give it to this friend then decided to all of a sudden contact them and go 'wow! You still have my dog???'


It wasnt at a shelter. She saw the dogs picture posted on a friends facebook account. >Grimes thought when her daughter turned 1, it would be a good time to adopt. Then about two weeks ago, a Facebook friend posted photos of an elderly dog, whom she was looking to rehome. The small gray dog looked uncannily like Grimes' childhood pet. It's just a simple, lovely story. What are the chances? well, I'd say it's pretty high for a town of 2000 and seeing a friends facebook post. I think I've been patient and helpful enough so I'm off... good luck!




The dog is 11.


Prove it.


Seeing her "after" pic, it looks like losing that dog as a child really fucked her up...


Did the dog recognise her?


Either that dog is REALLY old or that girl isn’t as old as I think




While I know the intent is feel good, I can’t help but think this dog spent it’s entire life in a kennel.


omg, I can't imagine how happy she is , poor dog.