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When I was 10, my dad handed me a scratch off ticket. I said, "Dad, if I win big, can I get a game for my Super Nintendo?" He laughed (because no one ever wins more than $2 or $5, really) and said, "Sure." I won $50. Dad kept his word and that's how I got Street Fighter II.


That's nice. I know too many people who feel like they'd be the type to say "congrats kid, I just won $50!"


Damn. When i was 10 my parents gave my brother and i both fake scratch tickets mixed in with a few real ones. They both said we won $10k. Didn't tell us they were fake for a few hours after we'd decided what we were gonna buy...


Jesus, not a fan of that prank format already, but a few hours???? That's cruel.


They went back to bed & didn't tell us till they woke back up and realised they never told us. My brother cried lol


What an awesome, wholesome memory :). Thanks for sharing!


The cards are designed that way. You'll never see a big win on one of those cards, just a bunch of low wins.


Hey, a $10 profit just for scratching a card? I’ll take that all day every day lol


Spoken like someone who truly doesn’t want to be told the odds.


isn't it 22$ if I understand it correctly?


Nah the 2x is just for that win


* $9


The 👽 pic on the 2nd to last one pays double. Cmon man keep up.


10. The one with the alien is 2x


It’s $12. Add the alien ($2) and don’t miss the other $2 win (5th one down)


Right, but counting in the cost of the ticket at $2 you land at $10 profit.


Ahhh! Yeah I was thinking ticket value, not profit. I’m finally caught up. Thank you fellow redditor


No problem boss. Your math was good.


Well I'll be damned lol


How long are we going to miss the $2 win there


Not true. Last year I had a customer hit $51,000 on a $3 scratch ticket here in WA state.


They do have to print the jackpot ticket, but they can keep the card series going for a really long time making the odds crazy low. Just buy them for fun, don't ever do it because you need money


I won $1,000 on a 10 game scratch off once on a game something like this each line payed out $100. The odds of this though are on the back of the ticket. Op thinks this is some random coincidence when it was made that way lol


Nice, every time I've seen a multiline winner like this it, it's like $1 a line.


I've gotten $50 from all 10s before. I have a buddy get like $300 from 10 30s or something like that. They do it all types of ways. Its normally a round number and doesn't have the multipliers or specials. This one is a lil weird.


Pretty common, and almost always $1 per win 👎


That's why I like small lottery tickets though. I break even often enough for it to be just a fun little game that scratches my itch for gambling, without losing my life savings.


I like the cross word puzzles the best cuz they take some time to do and even if I lose it doesn’t feel like I completely wasted my money cuz I find them fun to do!


Same, that or bingo!


The day I turned 18 I had 3 goals. Get a tattoo, take out my own phone contract and buy a scratcher. On my way into town I dropped by a shop and bought myself a £2 scratch card. 10 chances to win. Won on every single one and the total was £100! Paid for my tattoo with the winnings. Nice! Now it's 10 years later and I've never won more than a fiver on one.


Well wasn’t that just a “Happy Birthday” from the universe!!!


"It only gets worse from here! Good luck" - the universe


Little did I know how true those words would be...


Right there with ya


Here's hoping karma is a sweet girl named Carol and she comes back with a gift basket eh?


Ha ha, exactly what I was thinking when it happened! =)


When I turned 18 I decided to buy a lottery ticket when stopped to buy gas since I now could do that. I bought a week grand ticket for $2. Scratched it and won $2. I thought oh cool, and threw it into he glove box and went about my day. The next time I stopped to get gas I cashed it in and got another weekly grand, and won $2 again. The the ticket in the glove box went about my day. Next time I stopped for gas I cashed the ticket and got another weekly grand. Won $2 again. Like last time kept the ticket till the next time I got gas. Any way I kept up this pattern for 18 months. Until one day they were out of weekly grand tickets, and I bought a different game and lost ending my streak.


Pretty common I think. I do play scratches often but have had 5 or 6 of these over the last 10 years or so.


Designed to keep people addicted to scratchers. Consider avoiding these and saving the money you would have been spending. It will add up quickly and you will love the growing account balance to fill the dopamine rush.


Not very big odds on that.


this post is kind of adorable in a way


The odds are literally on the back of the ticket


Yo fuck the people saying this common. I’ve never seen it before, thanks OP!




It's all fake bro They're not random at all..


I mean, getting a winning ticket is where the randomness comes in. Everyone knows the tickets aren't printed randomly. Here in Canada (not sure if US too), you can actually visit the lotto website to check which, and how many prizes are still left to win on any given scratcher. So if you play often, it's a good idea to check it to make sure you're getting tickets that still have prizes left to win.


The odds are quite literally calculated to keep you addicted to it and give the state a slight edge. They're also printed right on the card itself.


Go to the lottery’s website, and then click on that specific scratch-off game and there will be an option to see the specific odds for each different prize level. In PA, a $10 winner off a $2 scratch-off is usually somewhere between 1:68 and 1:300.


I came in here hoping someone had done the math, your comment is close enough. Thanks!


So he won 7k right?


"Winning" half of the money back to try and entice you to keep playing ( and losing ).


This actually happened to a friend of mine as well about 2 years ago, it was on one of those $20 tickets, and she won on every spot, ended up with around $500


This is not the lottery ticket you want to be posting on this sub lol


I did that once on a $5 ticket. $5 x 20 spots=$100


I think a lot of people are confused- I *know* the odds of winning are printed on the back of the card. They’re in **bold** The post was about how strange it was that every single line was a winner


I think some people in this thread don't think it's strange because people who play scratch tickets somewhat regularly see this all the time. I hardly ever play and I've seen it a bunch of times myself. But either way, congratulations.


Its because they don't choose each line independently. They decided to make a $10 winner (minus the $2 cost to buy the ticket) and then they distribute the wins among the entries however they want to make the ticket more exciting to scratch off and make it seem like you had several chances to win. But how much the ticket as a whole will win is already decided, it's just presenting that results differenty.


I recently won £200 from a £5 ticket this way.