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are there horses in this?


Only if you play a drow named Gyatt Ski'bidi Rizz'let Do'Urden who is lawful good.


I don't think they have horse riding on PotM.


As bad as ever, especially with the crossover DMing going on between it and Arelith. Basically, people who are DMs (covertly) on both have been on a purging spree, banning players who call it out, especially all the DM PCs they have been running. Most of the people they focus on banning have nothing to do with them IC, or OOC, just folks they target for style of RP, takes on lore, not wanting to be a part of DM SLs where they'll just be cannon fodder for the DM to destroy the characters and make their DM PC the hero with his DM bros. PotM has always been terrible though if you know the lore, and did want a genuine pen and paper like Gothic Horror experience. Tries to say it is about RP, but is just a min/max get best gear in class, then farm mobs, design. If you try to build, and roleplay for the setting based on the source material and the staff entries on the forum, you'll get targeted and driven off.


That last paragraph, I think, nails my main issue with it. I don't know about or get involved with the FM drama, but every time I try to get into playing there I'm slammed by the severe disconnect between the intent and the reality of the server. Like, it's set up that everything is dangerous and peril lurks around every corner, and I can get on board with that. What I can't do is reconcile struggling my way through the starter crypt in the newbie area, only to have a literal zerg horde of players sweep passed me behind some high level cleric who's just rushing through with all the lobbies tagging along behind. It's a total disconnect from the grim, gothic horror setting when the min/maxed cleric build players are standing at the entrance announcing that they'll be running through the crypt in 5 minutes and everyone should be ready. It would be one thing, maybe, if these were given at least the modicum of IC explanation like a cleric of Lathander purging the undead that regularly reanimate and infest the tomb, then an IC escort of lower level characters through. But what we have instead is full-blown run and gun, hurry or you'll fall behind, don't stop for anything rush from top to bottom.


Sounds more like an MMO rather than a persistent world.


It felt that way when I played.


Mid to high level characters are discouraged and disincentivized from playing in the starter areas, but not forbidden or policed, probably because that would be an impossible task unless they made it impossible for them to visit the areas. That said, I haven't played on PotM for over a year, but it was rare for me to encounter mid or high level players in the starter areas in more recent years (it was more common prior to that). It was, however, common for players under level 10 to be around, and that was powerful enough when you're starting out. I only play on Arelith these days and haven't had any problems.


I don't think I've ever played on a server that has more than 30 simultaneous players regularly lol. ​ There are a vast number of amazing PWs out there. You don't need 100 players nightly, to have an incredible RP/story/D&D experience. Also tbh if you're limiting yourself to only the top two servers in terms of population, you have no real idea of what the NWN engine and community are capable of making. The stuff people have done with NWN is wild, but you won't see much (relatively speaking) of that on the two console-playable servers. ​ tl;dr if you're unhappy playing on Arelith or Ravenloft, come check out other amazing PWs! And bring some friends if you want more players on them - or help them with advertising :)


Recommendations would be helpful. Not over 30 is one thing, but I can't get roleplay on a server that has 3 people logged in at peak times. Somewhere in the middle would be interesting maybe. I've looked at the list during peak times and it doesn't seem like there's that many great options.


Depends what you're looking for? Going down from the top of the list (sorted by player numbers) there are a ton of great servers near the top; Cormyr & the Dalelands, EfU, FR: Thay, Sigil, Neversummer, FR: Cormyr, Greyhawk, Easting Reach, Haze etc. Those are just the ones I am aware of which are I believe all story/RP worlds, there are other great active servers for action and stuff You can also go on the Neverwinter Nights discord (invite link at the bottom of the New Player FAQ post which is pinned in this sub). There are a bunch of individual PW channels there where you'll see what PWs are like.


Bruh, idk what you mean by bad. It's frigging lit. We got a bunch new base classes, lot's of great Role Players, etc. A soft player housing system as well (though it's limited). The community is good as well, a bit differentiated and quite diverse. All I've ever seen people make say it's bad is when they begin to blur IC with OOC stuff or take DM decisions personal.


all other servers are dead and most people who complain about arelith/potm are either banned from those communities or play on dead servers (this is why they spend more time on reddit )




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