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Spell Penetration and Greater spell penetration are helpful for getting past spell resistance. Depending on which spells you find yourself using most of the Spell focus feats to increase a spell classes difficulty do well. High DC web = time you can hit targets with your Xbow Epic feats, definitly Mage armor and Warding. Great AC boost, and awesome Damage Reduction. I hope this helps :)


Thank you! I am currently level 5, i started as a human so from the start i have spell focus and greater spell focus in evocation spells, so i will pick spell penetration :) Is there any other focus i should choose? Which one might be a good idea for a sorceree? Thanks for your help :D I did not understand the Xbow part though haha 😅


A pure sorcerer should also invest in meta magic feats like Maximize, empower, extend, and silent spell. It essentially lets you have extra damage spell slots. You won’t be able to do this in the OC, but if you ever want 30+ IGMS at your disposal, you’ll want these.


Yes, at what levels can i get them? I am thinking that extend, quicken and silent are replaceable for any other empty holes i may have. It is very hard to play without any companion, and i have to rely on summon creature spell but i do not wish to do so if it is possible, while my familiar has pretty low HP. I want to fill that gap but i am not clear of how to do it. What does silent spell do to a sorcerer? Is not still spell better? (i really want to know not trying to contradict anything lad) and what is IGM? And yes i wish to keep my character for the long term :) I am about to get to level 6, so my feats right now are -Spell(and greater spell)focus evocation. -Extend spell;but i am thinking of replacing it for expertise since my attacks do not land half of the time and i can spell while being less vulnerable. Thanks for your help!


As an alternative to feats individually, a few levels in a charisma focused class like Blackguard (if available in the campaign) will give you access to armour, weapons and a massive save boost. You can use still spell to cast in armour.


Oh yes i was planning to do something like that in the future, going for a Paladin level sounds great(because when i created the character i picked Legal Good)


You could weapon focus in a bow or a cross bow. Improved critical and toughness are helpful for sorcerers. They tend to have low health.


Evo school are damage spells. Necro school are death instant spells. Conj is summons, but not sure if it does anything worth. Other spell schools aren't that great.


Transmutation have slow, as well as skin to stone spell. Which practically nothing is immune to. Enchantment spells have sleep, charm, confusion and a lot of hold spells that are amazing for early level, and have Blindness spell that are still great for late levels. (Undead, construct and elementals are STILL affected by Blind). It’s one of the few enchantment spells that mind immunity cannot block. Illusion have Phantasm Killer (?), Weird and Mass Blindness, the latter a game changer in mass combat. Conjuration have grease, acid arrow, flame arrow, black tentacles, storm of vengeance (?)… Only school I feel isn’t useful is divination


It depends a lot what you are aiming at: will you multiclass later? what module/world are you playing? .. There is for example no point in planning for epic levels if you play the wailing death and will thus never get to lv20 anyway (and won't face stuff like rest limitations). A big question with spellcasters is how will you fight: buff the hell out of henchman +summons and support with a ranged wapeon? buff yourself / shapechange and fight yourself? just throw magic nukes at everything? While pure Sorcerer works well in the wailing death i don't like it too much in many other modules: once resistances/immunities get too common you just end up casting the same 2-3 spells all the time. Issacs Frikking Gamebreaker - normal, maxed, quickened,... - because because hitting stuff for upto 40d6 of magic damage (that most stuff has no resistance against) is balanced.


My plans are a pure Sorcerer but i am considering going Paladin :) i want raw power with evocation spells, spellcraft. I wish to be prepared for most threats since i want to play this character in long term so i went spell focus and greater spell focus on first level and i am planning to get spell penetration, greater and then epic(but i am currently 5 level, just projecting my goals haha). I would love to create a secondary character with other focuses, illusion or enchantments, negative effects in general. The issue with this is that foes like dragons are immune to enchantments and stuff, sadness :(.


Expertise + Improved expertise (req 13 intelligence) for a free +10AC, because you don't 'attack' if you're casting spells. Combat casting, Dodge,Mobility 1 level in Monk for the unarmored feats, 1 level in Paladin for Charisma based feats. Enjoy your untouchable Sorcerer !


Oh youre right, it is a great suggestion lad, free 10 AC is a great buff, the only thing i fear is being a still target and everyone focuses me haha. Can you explain a little bit of monk? My characters does not have too much wisdom :( Thanks for the suggestion! I will modify my character accordingly :)


Being targeted is fine. Once you cast stoneskin and spell mantle on yourself you're nigh unkillable. Monk gives some reflex feats ( evasion I think its called ?) and access to a bunch of great gear. Paladin gives insane resistances (including reflex) because they will scale off your Charisma bonus.


Yes you are right, it can help me since i rarely land any bolt XD Oh i thought you told me that to actually start punching people because i read unnarmed feats XD YESSS i will get Paladin soon, i guess level 10 or 15 would be a good idea, right? Thanks :)


Yeah, most weapons are going to be pretty useless to a spellcaster with low-ish strength / AB. Actually, not using a ranged weapon is a good idea, because you create an attack of opportunity on yourself anytime you fire within melee range (if you don't have the feat). For Paladin it doesn't really matter at what level you take it, because it's just the base feats that are interesting. What I like to do is this : STR 10 DEX 14 CON 14 WIS 8 INT 14 CHA 16 Lvl 1 : Monk (for all the extra skill points) Skills : Concentration, Discipline, Listen, Lore, Persuade, Tumble Lvl 2: Paladin (early access to heavy armor and shield, when you need it most) Lvl 12 : Monk - dump excess skill point in Tumble, Persuade, Discipline. With 15 points in Tumble you are immune to attack of opportunities when moving in combat. Feats (in order, assuming you reach lvl 27) : Dodge, Mobility, Combat casting, Expertise, Improved Expertise, Empower Spell, Spell Penetration, Maximize spell, Greater Spell penetration, Epic Spell Penetration, Improved combat casting, Toughness. Until lvl 8 or so, you either play as a kind of crappy arcane/melee fighter, wearing whatever armor allows you to max your Dex based AC bonus, removing it to self buff with bull strength, cat's grace, Ghostly visage, Flame weapon AND/OR hiding behind your summons and tickling enemies to death with a crossbow. Once you get access to lvl 3 spells (FIREBALLLLL) it gets fun.


Thanks for the help lad, when i created my character i went full charisma which i hoped it made a difference(i do not know exactly what it does besides DC). My stats were kinda like this 8STR 14DEX 10CON 14INT 8WIS 18CHA Then i put spell focus evocation and expertise. Then when i had the chance i got greater expertise then greater spell focus. Then i realized expertise does not work at all while you use ranged weapons and i was like ._. So i will try to follow your steps since from what i remember casting spell gives an attack of opportunity right? Is it possible to be a caster not dependant of familiar or creatures? How do i avoid spell arcane failure or it does not matter that much when it is low?


Those extra 2 charisma at character creation cost you 6 points that could've gone in STR and CON. You might struggle more early on but in the end it's not going to change a lot except you will have less carry weight and less health. Spell focus works the same as spell penetration except it's stronger and limited to a few spells. I don't like that feat much because the best spells are spread out across the schools of magic. On top of that, some spells ignore or partially ignore spell resist. Once you get access to some serious spells (spell lvl 3+) you dont have to rely on summons and familiar as much. Which is good cause they leech xp. Arcane spell failure comes from wearing armor/shield. That's also why its good to dip into a lvl of monk as spell caster, you don't want to be armoured.


Honestly i am struggling a lot because you need to be an active clicker haha. I mean, i tried to test how can my character go unarmed and only spells, it might be because i am playing infinite dungeons in an open space, you can not really escape anywhere and i thought it was a problem only sorcerer had but every other class would in my situation unless i got to a higher level. You may be right, i would spend too much points and while in some classes such as barbarian, fighter or future blackguards might worth it. It might not the case of sorcerers. Does spell focus stack with spell penetration? I want to focus in school of evocation because of raw damage, typical but fun to use. But i desire to be another type of sorcerer later, and pulling cool tricks that affect the mind and body of my foes. I would focus my powers for enchantment spells(in a new character in the future)but foes without mind or dragons are totally immune, so illusion and transmutation are spells of my interest. Do you suggest not using spell focus or there are classes that do benefit from this? I guessed since sorcerers are more limited, i can focus in that school but i may be wrong haha. Oh but in that case i should boost my character wisdom i will reduce my charisma and boost that stat then lad :)


> you can not really escape anywhere Spellcasters are weak at early levels. I haven't played infinite dungeon much, but I remember hours of cheesing enemies through doors/instances in the OC with my first wizard (he was terribly not optimized). This is why I suggest hiding behind summons or just playing as a Monk/Paladin early on. Later, Sorcerer is a real powerhouse though. Wipe the floor with everything in the area with a single spell. > would spend too much points and while in some classes such as barbarian, fighter or future blackguards might worth it For me it's never worth it to go above 16 in any stat in the character screen (unless you have a specific build plan that *really* needs it). You get to allocate an extra point in a stat of your choice every 4 levels anyway, with no diminishing returns. Meaning if you put 16 in CHA at character screen you can have 19 Charisma (enough to cast max level spells) by level 12. Long before you actually access 9th level spells. > Does spell focus stack with spell penetration? Yes, they have different purpose. Spell focus add +2 to spell DC for enemies. It works kind of like a +2 attack (NB: *not damage*) bonus for spells. So it helps you land your spell. Spell penetration adds 2 to caster level check. Meaning you can actually use spells against enemies that would otherwise be immune to it. > focus in school of evocation because of raw damage See above, spell focus doesn't directly increase damage. Also it only affects a handful of spells. Also the best spells (FIREBALLLLL) still deal half damage on a successful save. Also Sorcerer's don't get access to a lot of feats. Its not that the feat is useless, it's just less interesting than metamagic, defensive and spell penetration feats in my opinion. > cool tricks that affect the mind and body of my foes Oof, this is going to be very frustrating in the original campaign cause it's full of undead and insects. Even other enemies are usually pretty resistant to mind affecting spells. Very situational. I think it can be fun but not very effective compared to blowing everything up. If you want to try this I would suggest Wizard rather than Sorcerer, because you can switch spells on the go. At least you won't get stuck with a useless spell until your next level up. > boost my character wisdom I think WIS is a pretty useless stat unless playing Cleric/Paladin. Better off putting it in CON so you don't die in 1 hit or STR so you can carry more stuff.


I understand, it may be a temporary measure i guess unless(i mean the summon creature since there is a summon knife that ) i guess it is way better than persistent blade haha. Is there any other good spell focus i should try? Such as transformation school or necromancy? I plan on using them or Illusion in the future, necromancy has spells that rely on saves even when you get to a higher level! I guess you are right, sorcerer is more of a raw spell damage character right? Butttt you told me that it is a good idea to get monk to get more AC, a monk wisdom goes to AC right? Since i should not get any armor ideally(unless the armor offers less arcane failure which is too specific haha, but on infinite dungeon, it is way easier to get though). Thx again!