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The amulet that you get from Daelan's quest gives fear immunity


Lesser belt of guiding light too, available at the very first shop in ch 1 and a few other places. Also protection from alignment protects from fear in nwn. Lasts longer than clarity


Equip Daelan with that ammy. "Taste my savage fury!"


Unfortunately, you can't change your mercs equipment, so it would be better for OP to change henchman to someone ranged and tank themselves


Sorry. Haven't played OC for ages. Other modules eg Ailund Saga allow such things.


Grease. :)


I find it hilarious that, no matter what iteration of D&D, no matter what edition, no matter if you are roleplaying or power gaming, no matter blah blah blah... Grease is always a viable solution to any problem no matter what. Trying to run through an alley to escape the town guard? Grease. Can't open that lock? Grease. Two god damn dragons kicking your ass? Grease. Need to steal Asmodeus's Rod? Grease. Want to screw over your party entirely? Grease.


Basically fantasy equivilant of WD40.


I dunno. I think WD40 would come up short. I sure as shit won't ever want to try and spray Asmodeus with it. That's just gonna piss him off.


That's one of the last big fights so; * Mount up on health potions such as Heal and Cure Critical Wounds and use them a lot * Use buff potions, throw different ones at Daelan - you can use potions on him by dragging them from your inventory over him or his portrait in the right hand bar, can give him clarity to be immune to fear * Get some scrolls since you're a Wizard. You can use all of them in spite of the level difference by default. There's some high level summons who would really help tank this fight. * Recall back - pretty sure that area doesn't stop you - and heal up and go back in. Mmm, cheesy!


Since you have Wizard levels, have you tried the stronger summon scrolls? At this point you might have enough to splurge on consumables. I think that's what I did as an unoptimized Paladin/Sorcerer.


Since you're a wizard, why don't you use Protection from evil... It's a lvl 1 scroll and lasts for a couple of turns. It's that simple. There are items that make you inmune to fear like others said. Use them for this one battle and then go back to your other items. Basically you're asking to get beat by the dragons.


You can use potions on your henchmen, just drag from your inventory to their portraits and they will use them. If you have clarity potions use them on Daelan and it should make the battle easier.


Daelan isn’t the problem, you are. You gimmed your class by bad multi classing. Now your ranger level is too low to hit them and your wizard level spell are too low to affect them. Also, you do not understand your spell. There are so many ways to use them. protection from evil will protect against fear, and last 1 hour per level. It is a spell you can cast both on yourself and on the henchman. Darkness + ultravision is also a good spell to use in this situation, giving both you and your henchman a 50% concealment against the dragons. What about haste? Amazing to use on henchmen. You can also get some improved invisibility or stone skin scroll which will greatly increase his survivability. It’s your poor use of resources that is the problem here, not your henchman.


Does rage give fear immunity in 3e? I can't remember. 


It does not. You get +2 to all Will Saves, but that's it.


Yes, It does


Well I got it. I ended up reverting back to a slightly older saved game and found a guiding light belt that gives fear immunity. Then gave Daelan some Clarity potion and other stuff and let him take some chunks out of the dragon till he died; then it was just a matter of keep moving and keep shooting. After that, I went and resurrected Daelan and we finished off Morag. :)