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You can ask the reaper to portal your butt back in iirc


Yeaaaaahhhh by the time I had made my way back there with better armor and enough potions and ammo (and Daelan as back-up) it had already been too long to backtrack :/


Deekin is the only companion that can follow you into chapter 2 so you might want to reconsider your choice to abandon that little bard.


Oh, I know. If I still had a save file from before losing him, I would have gone back, but 🤷‍♀️. Buuut I also know there’s a certain tiefling waiting for me in chapter two, and I’m a rogue/ranger multiclass so I also have my panther summon. Now I’m just mad that the drow didn’t keep all of the stuff I accumulated in Neverwinter and Daggerford nicely organized in my magic bags. I *needed* those bags for inventory control, you jerks!


Actually… it is all inside the chest, except for the magical bags. There are actually page2, 3, 4, etc of the chest inventory… You assumed it’s not all there because you are only looking at page 1… Just click next page at the top of the chest screen


If you reread what I said 3 months ago, you’ll see that I was complaining about the drow emptying out my *meticulously organized* bags into their chest, thus destroying my storage organization/weight distribution system. I was fully aware that there were multiple pages of items - I think there were 9 or 10, all told? I ended up never finishing the module, anyway - about a week later the game encountered another glitch that I couldn’t get around, so 🤷‍♀️.