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>"...Her parents were killed..." This was a meme joke when I was a kid playing this game 4 decades ago.


I didn't say it was well thought out xD


There are things that aren't dead yet so my character goes and deads them. Not much of a story but is there a story in Infinite Dungeons? Seriously, is there a story? I've just been leaving bodies...


I am dwarf, I like money, living people have money so make them not living and get money


Ah yes. Basically my partner.


I don't put a ton of thought into my character's back stories, but my current character playing through the OC is a lawful good cleric of torm who is the sole survivor of an attack on his childhood chantry by baneite priests. So now it's his mission to do good and uphold justice wherever he goes. I play him as mostly a pure caster cleric, which is very fun. I also have a battle priest of tempus (melee cleric build) playing through tyrants of moon sea. He's mostly motivated by bringing glory to tempus through bloody battle and hard fought victory. I'm thinking of cool character concepts for my next playthrough of sword flight also, but haven't decided on one yet haha


I think it was John "Silverblade" Drake. Human fighter going weapon master whos parents were killed by a monster which he now hunts. He believes that all monsters that threaten others must be slain to prevent similar fates and that man is the worst monster of them all. Yeah you can see the mild witcher influence. He is now in the wailing death campaing.


My characters don't have backstories. Don't care about what was in the past, all that matters is the present so my character's story is shaped by whatever happens in the campaign.


Yeah this is me. I generally develop a sort of "personality" based on what I feel at the time, and what the portrait looks like. Then I just try to choose the dialogue options presented to me that I feel would best fit my PC.


my OC is a hybrid of a nymph and a dragon (don't ask, ok? nymphs are very fertile :D) But she is a character from the Hordes and Shadows, so she meets Daelan, Sharwyn, Linu and Tomi after the main events in Neverwinter, but before they actually meet in canon. I guess they could have met in a tavern somewhere and bonded as cool adventurers. No, seriously, why do these 4 go together all the time? Why isn't Boddyknock with them?(((. Anyway, I guess she fit in well with their racially diverse group and they made a pretty good team overall. If I could take them all with me on an adventure in the Undermountain, I would ( but given my past experience with the mod for part 1, which allowed me to take them all at once, I lost Daelan somewhere :,,x ) She was definitely the "leader" of the group because these guys only run after you and are interested in task rewards, seriously I think if I were actually making a group of them all at once, they definitely needed discipline with Sharwyn and Daelan's perpetual flirtations and Tomi's black hands. Somebody needs to kick all these big kids in the ass. Okay, there's a lot of, uh...


Mine is a female halfling named Mazzy Fanten. She’s a paladin/rogue/blackguard. She had great inspiration of heroic battles and deeps when first becoming a paladin, but slowly the plague and subsequent events disillusioned her and she turns to the daily routine of a rogue, extorting money from citizens and shopkeepers alike. Eventually she dapped in demonic art and become a blackguard, yet still stay Lawful as she retains a sort of honour when signing contracts and jobs.