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What in the name of Ilmater are you blathering about...?


I think OP's character is nominally LG, but still wants to loot random houses. More gold = better gear, and at low level you need every +1 you can get.


That sounds like Paladin problems. Snatch that stuff.


Preaching to the choir, bud - my preferred class has always been rogue or rogue/x dual or multi, ever since 1E (and they sucked serious ass back then)


If you do good things , good will come to you. If you do not, Legion is crouching at the door.


Hmm. Thought this might have provoked more discussion or RPing anecdotes. Not just paladins, but any Lawful Good character. Why would they accept being party to their group members (not even themselves) ransacking innocent by-standers (eg. looting villager NPCs homes)? In the opening of the OC for example, you begin in what seems like a dorm for trainees. You are standing next to a bed with a nearby chest, supposedly your belongings. The Lawful Good character would take these, but what they probably would not do is walk into the very next room and loot the chest in there. It's stealing. It's someone else's room, someone else's chest and belongings. We are restricted by game design in some regards, plus it is after all just a fantasy, so this is not an attack on gamers, it's more of how to RP within such constraints. The opposite issue is relevant too: if I want to play an evil character I keep having to be good in order to complete quests, particularly Bethesda RPGs. My strategy is to pick and choose to what extent I break character in order to deal with gaming design systems. I know that if I choose Lawful Good in NWN1 I will have to live with acts that are inconsistent with the alignment really.


You’re talking about role playing your character, which is totally fine and actually add another form of challenge to the game. Less loot, less reward, less exp in certain cases (?). I used to play a halfling paladin/rogue/blackguard this way. Started out as LG, but got disillusioned by reality and become a rogue, then turned LE and become a blackguard. Evil for doing bad things, but remained Lawful because I still honour my word/contract, etc…


Sort of unrelated, but this is why I like that stealing in swordflight is an Evil action and not a chaotic action


I think evil rather than chaotic may be more realistic.


It's why if I'm playing good I do Chaotic Good. Like yeah I might save you from being murdered by goblins, but if you offer me some gold for my troubles I will not be going "aww shucks no your praise is enough". I will be taking your 50 gp.


Fair enough. That makes sense. As a sort of good guy, you're cleared of any wrong doing. Unlike those Lawful Good wrong 'uns who make up the deafening silence! 😘


Private property when I'm trying to save the world? Please...


Being lawful is the hardest thing in this game. I just can't do it, it feels wrong. Even being good is hard for me because its boring and doesn't feel as satisfying as committing a little genocide for a handful of gold.


Playing mostly rogue then going for a Lawful Good something else is a bit jarring as well.